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How To Use Terminable In A Sentence

  • Light pains in my chest, the indeterminable gurgle in my stomach, a swaying before my eyes. Books in 2009, #5
  • He must have been very drunk, for at last the heavy sleep gripped him with the suddenness of a magic spell, and the last word lengthened itself into an interminable, noisy, in-drawn snore. Youth And Two Other Stories
  • Puerisque ',' Marcus Aurelius ',' The Unveiling of Lhassa '-- but the list is rather interminable. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • Survey, those of the Pallaballa range as mica schist and quartz; those of the Sierra del Cristal as “probably schistose grit, but not definitely determinable by inspection,” and Travels in West Africa
  • It was in the public forums, the interminable meetings that became routine, when attention wavered and respect dimmed. Times, Sunday Times
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  • There was the usual interminable discussion about it at half time and afterwards.
  • If, to give an unlikely scenario, there had been no take-over and the shares had been delisted but continued to trade in the over-the-counter market, the conversion right would still have a value determinable in the market place.
  • But there has, in the past, been some niggles, such as the often interminable hassle of getting money for goods and services out of some Arab nations.
  • matters determinable by law
  • The fact of the matter was that her brain was reeling about, punch-drunk after the twelve-round contest of this interminable day. LAST SHOT
  • When he questions this he realizes that the "four-year commitment" made by the institution was really four one-year contracts -- terminable at will by the school. Warren K. Zola: Off Pitch: What Glee Can Teach Us About College Athletics
  • It's these tiniest details - the uneasy click of indeterminable percussion, the distant half-heard rumble of thunder from a distance - that make this music so worth hearing.
  • However, being multi-vocular is not the same as being an archipelago of hermetically sealed cries; history provides the difference between Babel (the interminable inability to communicate one's suffering and one's love, faith, and hopes) and a possible common future. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • Actually she had little real fear of that happening; it was like running a subroutine, easily terminable. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • The pro-life representatives make a distinction between the lives lost to direct abortion, and the "hardly determinable number of victims" of "diverse contraceptives capable of killing human beings in their first days of life," such as intrauterine devices (IUDs), the "morning after" pill, systemic use contraceptive pills, injectable or subdermal implants, and the chemical abortifacient drug misoprostol. Pro-Life With Christ
  • The statutory meaning of notice to quit covers a notice exercising a break clause and clearly contemplates that a fixed term tenancy determinable by such a notice is still a ‘term of years certain’.
  • an interminable sermon
  • I would class this a speculative fiction anyway, but there we start in interminable process of labelling, and lets not have that pointless discussion here. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville « I Can’t Stop Reading!
  • Nichols, dressed in crisp white shirt and blue power tie, spoke in confiding and confident terms about the injustice of White House correspondents 'dinner seating arrangements, the need for "newsy" background meetings and early-morning gaggles, the disrespect shown toward the press by interminable delays. White House reporters see the other side while campaigning for board spots
  • All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
  • After church, everyone simply resumed to their lives, their lives of interminable evildoing; just as if nothing happened.
  • All the efforts going into fuel cells, hybrids and zero-emission vehicles are only going to yield clean-burning cars that crawl along in interminable traffic jams.
  • After an interminable wait, the comeback is under way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe ‘le garcon’ could get round to helping to “fix the dodgy starter sparkly, change the torch batteries and to seeing to whatever neeeds seeing to stop the fuses tripping in the fusebox” instead of boring you silly with his never ending monologues about his interminable poker games? Words of wisdom
  • Sally Jesse here and a White House news conference there, broadcast by C-SPAN in its interminable entirety.
  • Since then, it's been pretty quiet - a silence broken only by the glurp associated with necking rollmop herrings, followed by interminable choruses of ‘Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen, Salty Old Queen of the Sea.’
  • It bores me to write the words, but that's the nature of this interminable week.
  • They faced interminable legal hassles if they wanted to claim compensation.
  • Seemingly interminable rallies are marked by players pounding the ball at one another in games that go hours at a time.
  • The idea that our home may be demolished is undeniably upsetting, but the even greater threat is the possibility that this process could bog down in an interminable morass of political and bureaucratic indecision, with no clear answers at all. Argh!
  • But even if I referred to a table for example, whether I were talking about a figure in a book or an item of furniture would only be determinable from the context and not solely from my use of the word itself.
  • I slept badly that night: long, indeterminable periods of uneasy wakefulness interspaced with dreams.
  • While waiting in interminable lines, the masses oohed. Tom Doctoroff: Shanghai's World Expo: The Curtain Falls
  • I have remarked in the beginning of the foregoing letter that there is a twofold condition of determinableness and a twofold condition of determination. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • There are no such things as ‘true’ objectively determinable works of art. Sunday Salon: “What Good are the Arts” by John Carey: Some musings Part 2
  • During that interminable slo-mo edit of England's World Cup qualification the river of molten sentimentality was so ickily glutinous you'd have thought we'd already won the bloody thing. Frederick william jackson
  • No, it's not the frustrating obstacle course of shoe removal, sweeps and patdowns, oppressive crowds, interminable queues, perspiratory delays and airplane food (or lack of it) that makes every trip a challenge. Yolanda Reid Chassiakos: Fear of Flying: Ruminating on Air Travel
  • Alternatively, whether or not the contract is for a fixed term, it might be expressed to be terminable only after a long notice period, thus enhancing the director's claim for payment in lieu of notice.
  • How can the Creator of eternity come up with something terminable, inconsistent and out-dated?
  • Unlike the run-up to the general election, which has seemed interminable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why, they took him down to the cock-pit, as they called the midshipmen's berth on the lower deck, where we're going now," replied the Captain, leading the way down the companion and an interminable series of other ladders afterwards, as if they were descending to the kelson, the space getting all the narrower and darker as they went down. Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
  • Kids only enjoy this nonsense because adults don't understand it and any parent who pretends to have it sussed deserves the weeks of sulks, slammed doors and interminable sighing that will inevitably follow.
  • It seemed like only 4 interminable songs to me, though the program says 21 before the entracte, and 5 after. Wench77 Diary Entry
  • This conveyance appears to be a longwinded fee simple determinable, which are generally valid and enforceable. Saltzman looking for easy way out on Paulson stadiums? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I HAVE remarked in the beginning of the foregoing letter that there is a twofold condition of determinableness and a twofold condition of determination. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XXI.
  • Here, I am not interested in the technical issues because they lead to interminable and irresolvable arguments.
  • She meandered through an interminable speech ranging through topics from sick children and warfare to the superficiality of film.
  • It may be no more than a licence determinable at any time, or a tenancy at will.
  • And as seemingly indeterminable day, dwindled to a close, Work Camp 10760 L
  • The interminable jazz improvisations have been jettisoned.
  • Most people are likely tired of the interminable debate over outsourcing.
  • It is incompatible with the notion of a fixed term appointment that it is terminable at pleasure.
  • Obviously their hiring standards plummeted to indeterminable lows when he joined it: Pennock on postmodernism in ID creationism - The Panda's Thumb
  • The difference between anxiety and fear is that we fear a particular and determinable being, whereas anxiety lacks a determinable object.
  • It was the interminable non-story about some guy's grad night woes that finally blew my patience out the back door.
  • The wait seemed interminable, and slowly she nodded off to sleep.
  • Susan's expression went indeterminable, then she wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing, took it off and walked over to Emily, giving her a big compassionate hug.
  • It was rushed out without consultation and there has been precious little since, despite the interminable wait for these revised plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that the expression is commonly used in speaking of a terminable estate does not avoid the necessity for the inquiry whether there is any person of whose interest that essential condition can be predicated.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • It was now long after nightfall, yet the interminable forest through which he journeyed was lit with a wan glimmer having no point of diffusion, for in its mysterious lumination nothing cast a shadow.
  • As de Gaulle began to disentangle his nation from the interminable drain of money, resources and blood that was the Algerian war, Le Pen began his first serious flirtation with the extreme right.
  • The Dodd-Frank law is so vaguely written that, as former top Fed lawyer Michael Bleier points out, 'the overall economic and financial circumstances in which a hypothetical failure will occur are not determinable, even where many aspects of a firm's structure and operations are': Without knowing what caused the distress leading to the 'failure', it will be difficult for a firm to establish that its resolution plan will actually prevent further distress. Are 'Systemically Important' Institutions Too Big To Fail?
  • I anticipated interminable delays in taking our orders but I was wrong.
  • Sextus may agree with Pyrrho that such debates are interminable, but they have an important role in later Pyrrhonist practice nonetheless. Picnic
  • A reminder to all — insurance involves sharing financial risk based on objectively determinable factors. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
  • Most people are more afraid of being caught in interminable suffering during the dying process than they are of death itself.
  • I was relieved when the interminable service was over, and the solemn signing the register with witnesses was announced.
  • Sufficient original contacts between lithologies can be locally observed such that the original stratigraphie succession is determinable with reasonable confidence.
  • Later his name appears in the papers, he is forced to move house because of death threats and he can't find work due to an interminable police inquiry.
  • Monies were due by a determinable date without demand.
  • For several seemingly interminable seconds no one moved as the coolly brooding glance subjected her to a flagrantly masculine appraisal.
  • It was an interruption of his concentration upon the interminable playing of dominoes, or cards, or throwing dice.
  • But towards the end, the film caves in to its inner musical anorak, and we are lost in seemingly interminable squabbles about arcane musical details. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, any one determinable is a literal summum genus not subsumable under any higher genus; and the absolute determinate is a literal infima species under which no other determinate is subsumable. Determinates vs. Determinables
  • The storm truly is deterministic (an event causally determined by prior events) in that the hurricane winds really were the consequence of a beating butterfly wing, but indeterminable because in practice the cause can never be discerned. Jeff Schweitzer: Myths of Wall Street, the Sequel: Fat Finger Fandango
  • Show up early, because no matter what time you go, there will be an interminable wait.
  • an unpredictable (or indeterminable) future
  • It continually baffles me why anyone with such an obvious interest in weblog usability would continually hector their poor readers with the kind of interminable prose that you do.
  • Then he held on to the podium for what seemed an interminable amount of time. Christianity Today
  • And the terrible, interminable pressure of politics is one of the most moving thing about the opera.
  • First, my temper was tried by the almost interminable journey, in the noisy and comfortless vehicle which they call a cab, from the river-wharf to the west-end of London, where Marmaduke lives. Little Novels
  • Her eyes were focussed on an indeterminable spot somewhere to the right of her.
  • Thus we only arrive at reality by limitation, at the positive, at a real position, by negation or exclusion; to determination, by the suppression of our free determinableness. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XIX.
  • The abrading strain of stifling your speech, emotions and actions could easily make life seem interminable or, at a minimum, genuinely impoverished. Book Review: The Appointment by Herta Müller « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • Finally, it's vital "me-time": it's impossible for Edison to say, but I'd be surprised if he didn't feel this? that (I would guess) part of the hell of being trapped underground for weeks on end would be the hell of being trapped with the same group of people day in, day out, for interminable hours. Edison Peña's marathon of endurance
  • In his attempt to explicate the determinate-determinable relation, he uses the notion of predicate entailment.
  • For fans of City, it has been an interminable wait. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or those interminable songs delivered with an earnest warble to three chords on a guitar that warned a complacent world that ‘the new times are a-comin’.
  • To defer that tax until you die, you could divide the trust into two—one a $2 million trust and the other a $3 million trust—and make what is called a "qualified terminable interest property" election, Mr. Cundiff says. Survivors' Biggest Mistakes
  • Actually she had little real fear of that happening; it was like running a subroutine, easily terminable. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • How can the prospect of an interminable, multiscreen video excite you? Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean if something is "profoundly and disturbingly evident" why is the hour "indeterminable"? Archive 2007-04-01
  • Throughout Part III, he distinguishes the ‘occurrent’ from the ‘continuant’ and often discusses change, cause, and continuants with reference to determinates of determinables.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • For the investments that have a readily determinable market price, the auditor can check the market value by using various market listings that show the last bid price of stocks and bonds and government obligations.
  • Just in the same manner the aesthetic determinableness comes in contact with the mere want of determination in a single point, by both excluding every distinct determined existence, by thus being in all other points nothing and all, and hence by being infinitely different. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • Sir Leicester has no objection to an interminable chancey suit.
  • Unless we view them dialectically, the events of history - the violent chaos of battle, agonies of martyrdom, interminable failures of individual intellect and will - appear to be no more than a ‘slaughter bench’ of human hopes.
  • The trouble with the meals, however, was not only that we were all kept at a very high strain of alertness and attention, singularly inconducive to the enjoyment of food or to the sober business of digestion, but that they were of such interminable length. An Adventure with a Genius
  • For generations it was understood that a beneficium was a purely personal contract entered into under the strict conceptions of the Roman law, and, if no term were mentioned, terminable at the latest at the death of the grantor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • I get more intolerant and downright bored with this interminable, stomach-churning rubbish every year.
  • I agree with #3 – this rivals in obviousness the idea of using 1-click to buy something online, which resulted in interminable squabbling and litigation about who thought of such an obvious thing first. — Google’s Search Goes Out to Sea - Bits Blog -
  • Perhaps being war babies had given them interminable patience, fortitude and resilience.
  • And reality tonight was another interminable broadcast by Goebbels.
  • They've been lobbying Congress for years to crack down on the airlines, to stop what some call tarmac hostage-taking, to punish airlines that punish passengers with interminable delays on the tarmac. -
  • We rush down the glacier solving its intricacies by interminable weaving, creeping over tenuous bridges, snowplowing desperately below the shrouded rock.
  • Michael, full grown, mature, was so merry-hearted an individual that he found all delight in interminable romps with Scraps. CHAPTER XI
  • During the interminable reviews, restructures, re-organisations and re-engineering it is invariably the manual workers who pay for the latest management fad.
  • The period of thanksgiving after Mass seemed interminable. Seminary Boy
  • After a while these interminable lists acquire a certain ghoulish fascination, prompting a host of other questions.
  • After interminable hours of shippy asynchronous dirty dancing, dinner is called, and we blunder down to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Richard Bangs: Mind Sex with Strangers
  • Sir Leicester has no objection to an interminable chancey suit.
  • I know that the Fon tribe are inclined to construct interminable systems of analogies between events or between people.
  • We watched an interminable documentary on rice production.
  • In this manner, it was argued that at the core of economic perseity, are non-predeterminable institutional innovations that act as channels of policy/regulatory circumvention. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • None of which was made better by that infuriating custom, whereby the waiter, after delivering the plates, stands and describes what you are about to eat in sonorous and interminable phrases. The Smartest Hotel in the World
  • Illinois and a handful of other states let couples put the amount subject only to state estate tax—the second bucket—into what is called a "qualified terminable interest property" trust, which provides a surviving spouse with income, and sometimes principal, while delaying estate tax until after the survivor dies. Does Your Trust Need a Tune-Up?
  • The films are slow with no tension or real intrigue to bridge the interminable passages where nothing happens.
  • They had spent three interminable days in Barcelona, a polyglot crew united by no more than a vague common belief in democracy. THE WHITE DOVE
  • As I crossed the interminable length of floor that separated me from the door I could feel that contemptuous smile rowelling my shrinking vertebræ. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-02-04
  • Ropey dialogue and hammy acting abound, and Zombie seems in no hurry to wind up the proceedings as the film starts to feel interminable.
  • If the costs are to be capitalized, then the next issue is to determine the asset's determinable useful life, if any.
  • Via this unbounded body, we encounter flows and vibrations and pulsations and undulations and strange sounds and indeterminable sights.
  • We're eating burgers, pizzas, kebabs, sweeties, pies, crisps and assorted pre-packaged pap of indeterminable origin.
  • This used to be one of my favorite blogs; increasingly, it seems to have been taken over by one or more of those humorless, argumentative kids that could always be counted on to engage in interminable, pointless arguments with teachers in high school and college (not Harvard). The Volokh Conspiracy » The William F. Buckley Clause of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
  • Or is it a triple CD packed full of interminable electronic bleeps and whooshes, both inaccessible and incomprehensible?
  • Actually she had little real fear of that happening; it was like running a subroutine, easily terminable. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • A young person of undeterminable gender propped themselves up against the bar whilst trying to inject something into a wasted arm with a trembling hand.
  • The road to extinction may be of indeterminable length, but the final destination of that road is not in doubt.
  • My first task was to deck it with lights, I had treated us to a new set this year, I spent an interminable length of time unraveling the wire, and placing them in just the right spot on the tree only to turn them on and discover half would not light.
  • She was always at work, unresting, unhasting, and, although weary and worn with the interminable delay, neither she nor any member of the committee left any honorable means untried in order to secure what was so vitally necessary to the very existence of this board during the exposition. Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • We had to listen to another of his interminable stories of his days as a soldier.
  • According to the company's annual report released last week, Duignan has a service contract that is terminable by the company on payment of three years remuneration.
  • In emphasizing the objectively determinable market value, Bueckner ignores the value of the dogs as companions and as beloved pets.
  • A contract may have terms which provide that it will go for five years provided that it is terminable by six months notice.
  • The room was of indeterminable size, and directly in front of him lay an altar, looking as if it were fifty feet away-regardless, he was able to reach it in three steps.
  • Although, it was hard to tell, on a day when social status appeared to be determinable purely by the size of your sunglasses.
  • Instead, Greif sleepwalks a cast of second-tier talent through a lackluster, interminable script, all the while lending a dreary visual style to the film that makes it look like this week's damsel-in-distress sudser on the USA Network.
  • Unlike us critics, you won't have to stick around for what seems like an interminable two hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today he employs various Max / MSP patches to construct interminable tracks of grid-like tub beatings.
  • We had decided to treat ourselves to one last night of romantic excess before knuckling down to interminable schedules of hellish revision. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Upon discovering it was empty the group moved on, passing portraits and tapestries far too grimy to be determinable.
  • terminable employees
  • The former is only a want of determination—it is without limits, because it is without reality; but the latter, the æsthetic determinableness, has no limits, because it unites all reality. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XXI.
  • Clean shaven and bald, save for a jet black goatee upon his chin, his age was nearly indeterminable.
  • The former is only a want of determination -- it is without limits, because it is without reality; but the latter, the aesthetic determinableness, has no limits, because it unites all reality. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • Here, then, for six interminable years, one of the acutest brains in Europe had to interest itself in fraying ipecacuanha and mixing black draughts behind an apothecary's counter. Henrik Ibsen
  • The soft-core version included Raj revivalism, the cult of Merchant Ivory and interminable documentaries, coffee-table books, fashion accessories.
  • The drive home from the office at rush hour consists of interminable shifting, idling, shifting, idling, the studied interplay of gears, the running up of the tach and hearing the engine whine with pure metal glee…
  • Housing sales and prices continue their interminable swoon, which is a serious drag on the overall economy and likely to remain through 2012. Jerry Jasinowski: A Summer Global Slowdown
  • They faced interminable legal hassles if they wanted to claim compensation.
  • It is all so peaceful and soothing; as peaceful and as soothing as the land through which you are gliding when once you have left behind smoky London and its interminable environs; for now you are in a land that was finished and plenished five hundred years ago and since then has not been altered in any material aspect whatsoever. Europe Revised
  • Away from the interminable platform speeches, there was the intrigue and the machinations that could make party conferences interesting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Displacements are for the most part not determinable, although some faults displace dykes by distances of up to 20 m.
  • Alice Kettilby was a substantial woman of an indeterminable age, warm and wholesome and yielding as a fresh steaming slice. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • The Josef Stalin Museum itself is enormous, winding through interminable corridors over two floors.
  • Now I am no longer obliged to read the interminable pages devoted in the sports sections to football. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then I pulled myself together and smartly switched allegiance, ditching the snug velvet tux for the interminable woollen scarf. Times, Sunday Times
  • But even more fundamentally, he believed that nature exists independent of the experimenter, and the motions of particles are precisely determinable.
  • In Mattheus v Doego a contract's continuation was determinable by the entry of Spain, Portugal and Greece to the Community.
  • That which, in the previous state of determinableness, was only an empty potency becomes now an active force, and receives contents; but at the same time, as an active force it receives a limit, after having been, as a simple power, unlimited. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XIX.
  • In any case where a residential contract is determinable by notice given by either party to the other, a notice so given shall be of no effect unless it is given not less than 4 weeks before the date on which it is to take effect.
  • The language of the grant was conditional, but not durational, so what we have is a fee simple subject to condition subsequent, and not a fee simple determinable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Mojave Cross Decision (Salazar v. Buono) Handed Down
  • They will be involved in interminable and boring investigations or interrogations Underserved Gaming Genres 1: Cop Fiction « Geek Related
  • The dark corridor made the distances indeterminable.
  • Exterminable seems to be used here in the sense of 'illimitable' (N. E. The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — Volume 3
  • No more of Dante's deformed creatures braised on sulfurous coals, just interminable meaninglessness.
  • We had been painfully clambering over interminable hills and rocks for days together, and when we suddenly came upon this astonishing piece of rockless plain, every man drove the spurs into his horse and sped away with a velocity he could surely enjoy to the utmost, but could never hope to comprehend in Syria. The Innocents Abroad
  • The journey to wartime Buchenwald has been described as an interminable winter train trip, prisoners shoved so tightly into a wooden cattle car that their skin froze to the person next to them, turning the unfortunate passengers into one giant, barely squirming block of ice. The Lampshade
  • I can almost hear the furious grinding of teeth, the growls of seething rage and the sound of knives being sharpened as people prepare to tell me in almost interminable detail why I'm oh-so-very wrong.
  • And the only upside is that when the interminable wait is over, you are given the keys to the fastest car in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was doubtless in order to relieve this saccharine and "mellisonant" monotony that he thought fit to intersperse these interminable droppings of natural or artificial perfume with others of the rankest and most intolerable odour: but a diet of alternate sweetmeats and emetics is for the average of eaters and drinkers no less unpalatable than unwholesome. The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2
  • What noun sums up the inescapable bore who buttonholes you to make a pitch or unload on you an interminable tale of woe?
  • She's spent her whole life in interminable branding meetings, learning about image control. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, it never occurred to me even once in my life that I would ever work in any job where I was not terminable at will and I never have.
  • Maybe instead produce an interminable, twanging, overlong, repetitive, inaccessible and frankly irredeemable apology for a solo album.
  • Is the provider/landlord agreement a license or a lease, and is it terminable by the building owner?
  • To meet the expenses of the great wars on which he was constantly engaged he had to impose taxation which, even if levied by more regular methods, was almost as crushing as the unregulated spoliation under the Mamelukes, and gradually his Mudirs and Mamours and Omdehs had to have recourse to the same methods as the revenue-farmers in the Mameluke days to screw the last piastre out of the helpless fellaheen, whilst recruitment for the armies which demanded incessant reinforcements became an even worse terror than the kurbash of the tax collector and the interminable corvées. The Egyptian Problem
  • It is not as if anything pleasant happens at the end of the interminable wait. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had spent an abominable night in Rouen in a small hotel near the station where a procession of nightmares had been punctuated by the noise of trains arriving and leaving with a crashing and whistling and an escape of steam and smoke which, after a week's noctambulism in Paris, turned my night into a period of acute and apparently interminable agony. NPR Topics: News
  • Cleaning normal size okra is time-consuming; cleaning okra so much smaller seemed as if it would be interminable. Archive 2007-10-01
  • It was a day where the sky was not quite blue, but more a shade of indeterminable grey, with few clouds scattered around like cotton wool stuck on a painting.
  • Every scene made me cringe as he mugged for the camera and offered those interminable witty retorts with that knowing gleam in his eye.
  • I live on a barren desart, which, wide and interminable, brings forth neither fruit or flower; in the midst is a solitary rock, to which thou, Perdita, art chained, and thou seest the dreary level stretch far away. I.8
  • Try to consider this, the next time you are stuck at an airport or in an interminable meeting, or want to fling your textbook across the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typical film is an overblown piece of melodrama with a dash of Greek tragedy thrown in that runs on at interminable length. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those limits are what makes the granting of extra constitutional powers acceptable and less likely to result in interminable tyranny. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Wilshere's jaws chewed over the meat in his mouth, interminable as cud. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Unearned correlational art guts methodist brierwood, cheerless inexterminable maiolica, irreparable agama, nasal freeware. Rational Review
  • At times, the delays for relatives and victims have seemed interminable.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • It seemed that somehow, amidst the reminiscing, the laughs, and an indeterminable amount of liquor, he and Jessie had fallen asleep.
  • It was an interruption of his concentration upon the interminable playing of dominoes, or cards, or throwing dice.
  • We rush down the glacier solving its intricacies by interminable weaving, creeping over tenuous bridges, snowplowing desperately below the shrouded rock.
  • The great majority of councillors' time is devoted to the interminable squabbling amongst Nimby neighbours about development applications.
  • Our tour of the town begins with an interminable drive through recently closed shipyards and abandoned industrial factories lining the harbour.
  • There are so many wonders to behold, but your gaze will perhaps first be drawn up to the ceiling, which offers a singular treasure: an herbarium, depicting 578 acribically exact and botanically determinable plants, mostly medicinal, but also decorative plants, painted between 1614 and 1617, when the new nave was vaulted by Lazaro Agostino after a devastating fire in 1610. Catholic Bamberg: St. Michael's Abbey
  • The green chambers of my interminable palace were deserted - emptiness succeeding emptiness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Yet here he was, dressed in formal tails and a silky white waistcoat and neckcloth, prepared to endure what could only be an interminable evening, all because Keira Hannigan had aggravated him once again. The Year of Living Scandalously

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