How To Use Teratology In A Sentence
It is also forging links with medically oriented areas of developmental biology such as teratology and endocrine disruption.
Genomics is unlikely to be of use in teratology studies because of the rapid rate of change in the developing organism.
Chief FDA Scientist, Dr. Thomas Xavier Collins, investigated two mice teratology (birth defects) studies.
FDA HID RESEARCH THAT DAMNED ASPARTAME: Fatal studies should have blocked NutraSweet approval
The data come from the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), a North American registry of university-based pregnancy risk counseling services.
New evidence from molecular neurobiology to teratology should make us revise the way we think of adulthood and legal age.
Times, Sunday Times
I decide to put the question to Ken Jones, the doctor who defined fetal alcohol syndrome more than thirty-five years ago, and who is now chief of the teratology division in the department of pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego.
Safety:Belli is the only company in the world to perform teratology screening of our ingredients to help guard against birth defects.
Today, as Blumberg describes, teratology as a science has come to mean the study of congenital malformations.
Sanctuary And The Real Science of Abnormals
Teratology as a guide to the solution of morphological problems has been especially disparaged in contrast with organogeny, but unfairly so.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
She claims to be a student of teratology, which she explains as the science of monsters.
Sanctuary And The Real Science of Abnormals
What the word teratogenic means (teratology is the study of abnormalities in physical development).
Interesting stuff from Interesting « One Size Fits One
New evidence from molecular neurobiology to teratology should make us revise the way we think of adulthood and legal age.
Times, Sunday Times
Rejecting the notion that freaks were sports of nature, Saint - Hilaire argued that teratology (the medical study of congenital monstrosity) should link normal and abnormal development.
In addition, the trainee will see patients who have questions regarding prenatal diagnosis and teratology.
Clinical Genetics Service
MOOS: He finally coughed out the word teratology (ph) correctly, a spelling bee sure can sting.
CNN Transcript Jun 1, 2007
Now, in his recently published book Freaks of Nature: What Anomalies Tell Us about Development and Evolution, Mark S. Blumberg takes us on a tour of real-life teratology, and how understanding abnormalities is casting new light on the relationship between the genetic and non-genetic forces that shape us all.
Sanctuary And The Real Science of Abnormals
Lahzars and calendars are very much working against such norms, and teratology (monster-hunting) is probably one of the few areas where a woman can achieve as much notoriety as a man (if she was not born with status already).
The WritingYA Weblog: Winter Blog Blast Tour, Day Two: D.M. Cornish