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How To Use Tenured In A Sentence

  • Everyone knows that tenured professors hold a lot more job security than untenured ones.
  • He gave up a tenured professorship in the animal science department.
  • At 35, Professor Woodstock was tenured and promoted to the rank of associate professor at a large research university.
  • This blogger claims to be an untenured professor at a school that likes to think of itself as a top ten law school.
  • Well, I am a biblical scholar - complete with tenured academic post - and I think your analysis is convincing.
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  • That not-unique pattern points to the inadequacy of much current nomenclature about part-time or adjunct faculty versus tenured professors.
  • Thus, the reappointment contract provides nontenured faculty with no expectation of continued service after the annual contract's expiration.
  • It is taking a toll has taken a toll in health and joy of living - in both junior untenured faculty members and senior Full Professors.
  • Seems that despite the popular propaganda perpetuated by the corporate media that the academy is a bastion for 'tenured radicals' is nowhere near the reality. La Profesora Abstraida
  • She was the first woman to be granted a full tenured professorship in a clinical department at the medical school.
  • Although we are untenured, professional-track faculty like myself have insider status and some security.
  • My college tenured several professors who instilled in students a sharp guilt about reading newspapers.
  • Is it the thought of prizes, a tenured teaching position, the long-shot of commercial success and critical adoration?
  • He's a highly regarded member of the faculty, fully tenured, the author of a definitive textbook. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Their salaries and benefits often approach those of probationary and tenured faculty members, although they do not match them.
  • Scientists with tenured faculty positions and NSF grants ridiculed these visions, noting that their fundamental improbability made them an absurd projection of what the future holds.
  • Consider what dilution might occur in amicus work if it were to be more mercenary in an untenured world. Balkinization
  • Those members of the endangered species known as tenured professors and a select number of adjuncts or wage slaves, the ones who are doing what they think is right, regardless of current trends, let me say this: Good for you. Rambling Man (redacted)
  • I accepted and became the first Jew to hold a tenured position in the mathematics department.
  • Compounding this dejection, untenured lecturers are discovering the practical meanings of what most of the US labor force already knows about the practicalities of at-will termination.
  • Many openly stated that they would not hire or support the candidacy of an out-of-the-closet scientific creationist for a tenured position in academia.
  • About 38 percent of the nation's instructors are now part-timers, a category of nontenured itinerants. What To Chop
  • The university would like an untenured professor to assume certain responsibilities (such as teaching a course or taking over some administrative duties).
  • In a comprehensive canvassing of court decisions based on teacher evaluation for compe tency, I found that the defendant districts prevailed in more than a 3-to-1 ratio, and that there was no significant difference between the outcomes for nontenured as compared to tenured teachers. The myth of teacher tenure
  • A mother bemoaned the layoff of the untenured special ed teacher who had taught her autistic child.
  • They hire more temporary adjuncts instead of permanent, tenured staff.
  • While it is too early to predict long-term churn profiles, the first Vonage World customer groups are churning at a rate less than half that of similarly tenured customers added in the months prior to the World launch. Undefined
  • And would I say too much if I wonder about the ire that has been directed towards our nation's tenured teachers, with those dislocated by capitalism spitefully seeking to dislocate those given some protection from its excesses? Haroon Moghul: Finding Meaning In The Death Of A Teacher
  • As an untenured assistant professor, he kept his focus on human intelligence research even when other, more prestigious fields seemed to offer better chances of professional success.
  • He is an untenured associate professor at Central Connecticut State University.
  • I grant that there are ambiguities here, but tenured faculty positions are not uncuttable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Professor Volokh, Was Your Job Saved by the Stimulus?
  • The system also hamstrings younger untenured professors, making them fearful of taking intellectual risks and causing them to write in jargon aimed only at those in their narrow subdiscipline: Thus in economics, people have "utility functions" instead of needs and wants. Tenure trouble?
  • According to a survey by the University of California, Los Angeles, one-third of the tenured professoriate is now over the age of fifty-five.
  • a tenured professor
  • Is it the thought of prizes, a tenured teaching position, the long-shot of commercial success and critical adoration?
  • Professors traditionally try to find tenured positions at universities.
  • Not so for the small-minded largely tenured bullies that make up the professionally sensitive and always aggrieve advocacy wing of the NCA. Balloon Juice » 2004 » November
  • To assume that a faculty member was denied tenure because of race or gender is as irresponsible as assuming that he or she was tenured on the basis of skin color rather than achievement.
  • He's a highly regarded member of the faculty, fully tenured, the author of a definitive textbook. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • SYKES: The people who got the maddest were the practitioners, the academic gurus, the tenured professors who felt that I was challenging the dearest values of it. A Nation of Victims: The Decay of the American Character
  • While some law schools have chosen to engage their library directors in tenured positions, there is no reasonable connection between the quality of the law library and the terms and conditions of employment of the director. How 'Bout Them Deans?! Dadburn their fool hides!
  • Tenured composition faculty, even when they are receptive to postminimalist students, are unlikely to have much depth in minimalism and postminimalism. Sequenza21/
  • Tenured women in science are twice as likely as tenured men to be single, and more tenured women remain single in the social sciences and humanities, as well.
  • He was tenured in 1970 and promoted to full professor in 1974.
  • What if a lecturer could be tenured as a lecturer, according to a set of criteria that pertained specifically to that work?
  • But by not extending the contracts of nontenured faculty or by phasing out tenured positions over time, universities could seriously cut labor costs. Time to Make Professors Teach
  • Thus, the real protection for the tenured professor, so far as dismissal is concerned, depends far more upon the procedures available to him, than upon any sub - stantive definition of the term academic freedom. ACADEMIC FREEDOM
  • Although even tenured professors can be influenced by the economic and psychological pressures of student evaluations, untenured instructors and adjuncts who work on yearly contracts are the most vulnerable.
  • Publication success is often a key factor in deciding whether an academic wins research grants or is offered a tenured post at a university.
  • She was tenured after she published her book
  • We found out that Rocky Delgadillo had 'tenured' all the executive positions, so it actually wasn't until a couple of days before Nuch's inauguration that a actually knew I had a job! Mayor Sam Interview: David Berger
  • It is assumed that graduates contribute more than undergraduates to the intellectual vitality and research output of tenured academic staff, and thus to the overall standing of the university.
  • Consequently, untenured assistant professors would follow the lead of their heads of departments and would show low interest in historical research.
  • He's a highly regarded member of the faculty, fully tenured, the author of a definitive textbook. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Streamlining should include lengthening the probationary period, elevating the standard for moving from nontenured to tenured status, and integrating a growth model of student achievement as a proportional, not primary, piece of the evaluation system. The myth of teacher tenure
  • Hey, who are Americans going to listen to - an untenured professor located somewhere in flyover country, or the guy who won the popular vote for President in 2000?
  • Even stranger, a common thread among "tenured" professors? Stimulus package is 'anti-religious,' Huckabee says | RELIGION Blog |
  • She got the job, for which she was overqualified, because only she was willing to accept an untenured post.
  • Although even tenured professors can be influenced by the economic and psychological pressures of student evaluations, untenured instructors and adjuncts who work on yearly contracts are the most vulnerable.
  • A tenured University Professor at Northeastern Illinois University, author, esteemed community leader, and forerunning advocate for Latino educational leaders, Gil-Garcia is a three time Fulbright scholar and an internationally acclaimed professional. Esther J. Cepeda: Chicago Latino List 2009: Ten Who Are Making a Big Difference For us All
  • The question is, did they know about his views before they tenured him?
  • Ann, how many of your peers move to nontenured positions? Apocalyptic politics.
  • Fortunately, it came out okay, I was promoted and tenured the next year and nothing was ever said about this incident again.
  • In December the president moved to dismiss a tenured professor.
  • President George Philip's order "would erase all courses in these disciplines from the curriculum of the university and result in the termination of 20 full-time teaching positions, 14 of which are held by tenured professors," the letter says. A state university retreats from language study
  • The word 'senior' is in disfavor; the folks at AARP often use the term 'grown-up' to refer to our most tenured citizens. Archive 2007-09-09
  • My college tenured several professors who instilled in students a sharp guilt about reading newspapers.
  • Current research in the liberal arts (the portfolio the English or sociology prof is tenured on) increasingly has almost no relevance to the general public or applicability to teaching or even scholarly merit. Notable
  • Some states, however, give nontenured teachers minimal procedural rights.
  • Kay, a tenured professor, frequently declares her love for Russell.
  • That not-unique pattern points to the inadequacy of much current nomenclature about part-time or adjunct faculty versus tenured professors.
  • A mother bemoaned the layoff of the untenured special ed teacher who had taught her autistic child.
  • But there are seven male to every one female tenured academic psychologist, and women heads of department are in single figures.
  • As an untenured professor, it is important that my colleagues know that I take my work inside and outside of the classroom seriously.
  • She was the first woman to be granted a full tenured professorship in a clinical department at the medical school.
  • He was tenured, respected and highly paid, but when he lived in the Ukraine, he had to get in food lines like everybody else and wait two or three hours for bread.
  • Ken Mack [an African-American] was given a position as an assistant professor, and he became tenured faculty during the deanship of Elena Kagan. Cynthia Gordy: Holding Court: Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree on Elena Kagan
  • One faculty colleague said in response to this, ‘Can anybody on earth have less reason to fear than a tenured Harvard professor?’
  • Particularly notable is the open announcement that s/he would "gaslight" my predecessor to the bitter end, and explicitly telling untentured faculty that if s/he did not do EXACTLY as the bully said, said untenured faculty member would not be receiving tenure. Wired Campus
  • The relief available to a tenured teacher whose termination is reversed on appeal is limited to back pay and reinstatement.
  • Also, as a "tenured" "radical" how much concern have you given to the gap between what adjunct faculty and tenured faculty are paid? Universities, Awake! or, the Crisis of Higher Education
  • Professorial titles are commonly awarded even to nonteaching clinicians, although usually without involving tenured or probationary appointments.
  • They are tenured, they can't fire them, they also have to work with them.
  • Via Glenn, I discover one more thing to worry about as an untenured professor.
  • In 1976, Clarke was given an untenured assistant lectureship.
  • However, there is the political and social reality of untenured teachers that must be considered.
  • Why should parents fund the moral decivilization of their children at the hands of tenured antinomians?
  • Tenured faculty were facing retirement without the assurance that new generations of tenured academic citizens would take their places.
  • Some nontenured lecturers earn less than $100 for each student they instruct. Putting a Price on Professors
  • Starting with the simply weird, consider the notion that: "The system also hamstrings younger untenured professors, making them fearful of taking intellectual risks and causing them to write in jargon aimed only at those in their narrow subdiscipline: Thus in economics, people have" utility functions "instead of needs and wants. Tenure trouble?
  • He's a highly regarded member of the faculty, fully tenured, the author of a definitive textbook. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Suppose you do eventually obtain a permanent job, perhaps a tenured professorship.
  • When I was a young untenured professor of philosophy, I once received a visit from a colleague from the Comparative Literature Department, an eminent and fashionable literary theorist, who wanted some help from me.
  • Williams is currently deputy chancellor and a tenured professor of English and comparative literature.
  • So unless the entire University of California were closed, tenured faculty have uncuttable jobs, subject to termination for good cause. The Volokh Conspiracy » Professor Volokh, Was Your Job Saved by the Stimulus?
  • There's something delicious in Alfredo the adjunct arguing that adjuncts' contributions generally don't compare to those of full-time faculty, while Shane the "tenured" "radical" argues that the modern university couldn't function without exploited adjunct labor. Universities, Awake! or, the Crisis of Higher Education
  • There are good P&T matters to report: More associate professors are talking about promotion, and we have more models for promotion in our nontenured full time ranks. Archive 2008-03-01
  • After two years at Warwick, she resigned her tenured post there and accepted an untenured post at the State University of New York at Stony Brook so that she could be close to him.
  • He and his newly tenured colleagues bring love of their work and students into the classroom and to their scholarship.
  • Thus tenuring Professor Arnold would have increased the number of tenured faculty, not changed the student-faculty ratio.
  • Better to stay in their safe tenured little patch of academia than risk saying something on urgent but controversial questions where their purported wisdom might help ordinary people wrestle with huge life-or-death decisions. How the End Begins
  • On the contrary, these universities must follow the trends set by the leading universities, whose tenured faculty members perform this vital work.
  • I will only mention one, from David Riesman, who told of a case at the University of Chicago where a nontenured person who refused to give names was not only not terminated, but was defended in court at university expense. McCarthyism at Harvard
  • Others have taken him much more seriously, notably his demand that public intellectuals - especially tenured and untenured professors - be held somehow accountable for their writings beyond the discipline they teach.
  • Neodarwinism has a full protection racket – lawyers, tenured gatekeepers, journalists, and "expert witnesses" – who battle tirelessly to prevent criticisms of its Absolute Truth [TM] from being voiced in compulsory education settings or published in the scientific press. A decent, popular article on intelligent design
  • In Prussia it was fairly easy to pass the first state examination to become a probationary jurist, but because the higher posts were occupied the lower ranks became clogged by untenured trainees who were unable to obtain promotion.
  • A survey of less tenured employees may show a higher percentage considering leaving the profession.
  • The older established professors from the school of business had told the younger, untenured and probationary and less established professor from the Faculty of Education that he lacked courage and it was getting in the way of the truth.
  • Well, Reality Check, what do you call it when younger/nontenured folk insistently direct an older female law professor to act more like their stereotype of an older female law professor? Pretty please.
  • Still, lifting some of the most egregious constraints--namely the thicket of protections for tenured teachers--in union contracts will likely do some good. Paras Bhayani: Epic Miscalculation Has Illinois Teachers Unions in the Crosshairs
  • Obviously I'll side with Trudie on a lot (most) issues in departmental meetings, but I'm not sure how much good that will do, either, given that we're both untenured and new to the department. Disorganization Station
  • Being tenured is irrelevant; federal law prevails over your contract rights. We Are Going to be E-Verified
  • Is pithy a good thing for an untenured professor?

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