How To Use Tenth part In A Sentence

  • The asper was a century before the time of which writes, the tenth part of a ducat; for the same tribute which the Byzantine writers state at 300,000 aspers the Ottomans state at 30,000 ducats, about 15000l Note, vol.p. 636. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
  • Hence it app€ars. tlwt in the United States they enjoy the bleffings of a free government and mild laws, of perfonal liberty, 'and protection of property, for nearly one tenth part of the fum which is paid in England for the pur - chafe of fimilar benefits, too generally without the attainment of them. An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • Treated by potassium ferricyanate it should not be colored blue, nor become turpid when diluted with one-tenth part of water and boiled. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • An omer was but the tenth part of an ephah (Exod.xvi. 36) and the one hundredth part of a chomer, or homer, and contained about six pints. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • That one neighbour do not cheat another in commerce (v. 10): You shall have just balances, in which to weigh both money and goods, a just ephah for dry measure of corn and flour, a just bath for the measure of liquids, wine, and oil; and the ephah and bath shall be one measure, the tenth part of a chomer, or cor, v. 11. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
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  • It was such blind scribes whom Jesus denounced for giving tithes, or a tenth part of the mint and anise and cummin, that is, of even the most insignificant of their garden herbs and forgetting mercy and justice and faith; in other words, keeping the letter of the written law but not living out the spirit of it. Hebrew Life and Times
  • a tenth part of the popularity of his more "scabrous" things, though itself is very far from prudish, and though it makes no appearance in some lists and collections of his work. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • In the araeostyle, for instance, if only a ninth or tenth part is given to the thickness, the column will look thin and mean, because the width of the intercolumniations is such that the air seems to eat away and diminish the thickness of such shafts. The Ten Books on Architecture

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