
How To Use Tentatively In A Sentence

  • Reaching out tentatively towards me, he fingered the pair of rings I always wore on a chain around my neck.
  • What the something might be, the sound soon explained; he was applying keys tentatively to a cupboard, a closet, and a scrutoire, in the hidden part of the room. Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • We laid out a third trench 3 m east of the second trench in order to further investigate the large central room of the northern series as well as to uncover its southern wall and part of the large central courtyard (tentatively identified as the palaestra of the complex). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Near the Theater Report 7
  • I heard a beautiful yet patternless noise that my mind tentatively identified as laughter.
  • My position, then, again tentatively, would be opposite that of Rolf Notes on 'Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites'
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  • She called his name tentatively, then repeated it more loudly. Gage Butler's Reckoning
  • She tentatively pulled her hands; the ropes were tight.
  • But now, as Kurt and I moved tentatively toward where Pam had buttonholed him, Murdoch seemed not only unaccompanied but alone.
  • In tandem with a reform of the modern Mass, already tentatively under way, the foundations could be laid for a return to dignified worship and reassertion of doctrine.
  • This paper at tentatively studies the theory of traveling bubble cavitation noise emitted from high-speed underwater self-navigator of Schiebe body.
  • Those meetings are tentatively scheduled for the end of June 2004 and include meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Chile begin tentatively but some brassy moves at the back seem to invigorate the frontman and he rewards us with some classy moves – cheered on by his fellow players. Pop World Cup 2010: Group H – Chile 1 Honduras 3 | FreakyTrigger
  • The lakeshore processes displayed through the formation of numerous bars, spits and tombolos within the lakes of this park are tentatively assigned provincial significance.
  • I expect that the gate will be secured and that I will have to contrive some way to get through it, but when I press my hand tentatively against one side of the iron scrollwork, hinges creak. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Tentatively, I ventured out, then realised that half the neighbourhood was standing around gawping.
  • Tentatively I set it down on the next step up, the stair felt and looked like a mattress would under foot but it held firm and took my weight.
  • She noticed a handwritten note on the table and tentatively picked it up. Times, Sunday Times
  • It probably hit a raw nerve in a country tentatively forging an independent identity and sensitive about its folklore. Times, Sunday Times
  • She spoke the word tentatively, as if testing it for its sound. Carolina Mist
  • Zlotin glared icily at him then stepped tentatively into the room, looking around him slowly. CODE BREAKER
  • It should not come as a surprise to learn that social signifiers play a major role in his new book, tentatively entitled “Sociable design. †He lives at jnd. org.
  • A pale blue-green mineral tentatively identified as rosasite occurs with the cerussite as botryoidal and stalactitic masses.
  • Dr.W. John Martin, chief of immunopathology at the University of Southern California, has tentatively linked the mysterious microbe to an equally enigmatic illness: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A Clue To Chronic Fatigue
  • Two more chimpanzee teeth were later found at the site, an upper incisor and a tooth tentatively identified as a molar.
  • The liberals deride him as a turncoat while the right tentatively seeks to claim him.
  • She turned toward the skull, which still glowed and pulsed on the floor, and was reaching a booted toe tentatively toward it, when the man who called himself Techotl sprang forward with aery. The Conan Chronicles
  • He tentatively kisses the woman, who reacts ambivalently.
  • One day I hope to talk of pragma — ideas held loosely and tentatively. Paradigm Assessment Schemata (Part 2)
  • As the teenagers tentatively waded into the brown muck, a skinny, worn-out alcoholic teetered over from his broken-down pickup.
  • I have a meeting (tentatively …” meeting” is a term used very lightly here in Nica, and thoughout Latin America …) with the FSD Country Director this afternoon to discuss the feasibility of these projects, so we’ll see. Revolution? « Wanderings
  • The two ill-assorted future allies tentatively shook hands with television thousands watching, and Red Millbrook thought the tingle that ran through him was due only to the excitement of the occasion. The Elvis Latte
  • Then, tentatively he stained the paper with a few strokes.
  • The great shingle bank is rather tentatively attached to the land in the north. Times, Sunday Times
  • The performance began tentatively but progressed to a rousing, very satisfying conclusion.
  • The next round of talks is tentatively scheduled to begin October 21st in Washington.
  • Tentatively identified by some experts as bounty from one of the wars that racked Middle England in the seventh and eighth centuries, they included sword pommels and dagger hilts, scabbard bosses and helmet cheekpieces, Christian crosses and figures of animals, eagles and fish. Starbulletin Headlines
  • Tentatively, the young Dylan began to explore more complex dualities and - I will argue - dramatize more compelling quarrels with himself.
  • We were tentatively booked as the middle act on a three-band cross-Canada tour.
  • The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
  • They spoke His name tentatively, as an experiment, and imitatively. Expositions of Holy Scripture: the Acts
  • Mr. Speaker," the legislative assistant from Rutledge 's office said tentatively. BALANCE OF POWER
  • It probably hit a raw nerve in a country tentatively forging an independent identity and sensitive about its folklore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some rappers tentatively repeated rehearsed lines, while others effortlessly freestyled.
  • we agreed tentatively on a dinner date
  • Others have tentatively suggested that the yarnwinder may allude to the spindle of the Three Fates, and should thus be regarded as a metonymic symbol of death - a classical counterpart to the cross.
  • Tentatively, this study introduced simple and economical Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and Impact Soil Tester (IST) for facilitating the investigation of subgrade and upgrading its quality.
  • We can tentatively draw two conclusions that bear on this larger debate.
  • So I've tentatively extrapolated that gamma, delta, iota, chi, and rho are *cemla (cf. gimel), *talta (cf. daleth), *eiata (cf. yod), *χei and *rusa (cf. resh). An online Etruscan Dictionary has arrived
  • Michelle smiled at him and tentatively shot a glance at Grace before replying.
  • Bag B held personal effects that included cosmetics, pepper spray, diaphragm, douche and an aspirin bottle that contained a yellow powder that preliminary toxicological examination has tentatively identified as clonidine, a blood pressure medication sometimes abused as a “knockout” pill. Three Stations : An Arkady Renko Novel
  • However, this view is obiter and tentatively expressed.
  • The sheets held by little pink fingers tentatively dipped down to reveal Marc's terrified face, then were drawn back up tight. CORMORANT
  • The vesiculated nerve profiles were tentatively classified on the basis of the fine structural appearances of their vesicular content.
  • I tentatively suggested that she might be happier working somewhere else.
  • George says the event has been tentatively scheduled for Friday Februrary 6 and will be committee's final fundraising effort.
  • He began circumspectly, prodding tentatively at the few balls he faced.
  • Doyle decided he was getting poor value from the scrappage of offcuts from the silver cutlery products and started tentatively investigating using the offcuts to make jewellery.
  • Fraser Island is rich in reptile fauna and harbors a large number of specialized sand dwelling reduced limb skinks including a possible new genus, tentatively known as the Fraser Island Skink. Fraser Island, Australia
  • The subject dinosaurs tentatively identified as members of Maiasaura certainly had a peculiar diet: their coprolites were composed mostly of "fragmented conifer wood". Archive 2008-12-01
  • Sanders perused the Apple iTune Store's, noted the absence of the term "licensing" in the End User License Agreement EULA, and tentatively pronounced ReDigi on "fairly solid legal ground. Ars Technica
  • The victim is offered restitution tentatively, with little confidence that it will be accepted - and finally with little confidence that correctives are possible.
  • He stared at him tentatively, dazed, then dropped back to the ground cross-legged.
  • The story that's stuck in my head is one that's tentatively called 'Don't panic' which is the title of the Coldplay song that was in my head when the idea occured to me Which in turn comes from a famous line in 'A hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. Archive 2005-02-01
  • Unillusioned but tentatively hopeful, it is a beautifully gauged conclusion to a novel of ambitious reach and triumphant accomplishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • She smiled tentatively at Caroline's compliment, but there was a slight air of dejection about her. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • He did not care to ascertain if she had replenished the lilacs in the tower room, and, at lunch, which was shared with three farm college students from Davis, he found himself forced to extemporize a busy afternoon for himself when Paula tentatively suggested that she would drive Graham up from Eldorado. CHAPTER XXV
  • Kayama, who has played a crucial role in the events, kneels at his low writing table in his Japanese robes and sings tentatively.
  • The great shingle bank is rather tentatively attached to the land in the north. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper tentatively identifies two lineaments and a fault that may relate to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the pre-Paradox Formation basement beneath Upheaval Dome.
  • He tentatively floated the idea with one of the senior fitters a few months ago but met with fierce resistance and parked the idea.
  • Ironically, drawing so tightly, so tentatively, helped my painting to be free.
  • Hypotheses, suppositions tentatively accepted, help the therapist to focus on what seems most relevant at that moment.
  • Althought I will say this about the worry of whether the content of Nocrates 'and Socrates' beliefs is indentical: I think they are the same, though I make that claim somewhat tentatively; I've not thought much about that point until now. An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
  • ‘It is very hard to gain the trust of a dragon,’ Ghoma said tentatively, steepling his fingers.
  • I tentatively suggested that she might be happier working somewhere else.
  • CNN's John King, the first team in there, along with photojournalist Dave Ross (ph), the best in the business there in Everglades City, giving you a sense of what appears to be a bullet dodged, which is we say that very tentatively because we still have yet to really assess the damage in the wake of Wilma. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2005
  • She noticed a handwritten note on the table and tentatively picked it up. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had sort of tentatively put feelers out in that direction - I think it is something that, done carefully, could help, as long as I'm dealing with my issues on an emotional level also.
  • So I've tentatively extrapolated that gamma, delta, iota, chi, and rho are *cemla (cf. gimel), *talta (cf. daleth), *eiata (cf. yod), *χei and *rusa (cf. resh). An online Etruscan Dictionary has arrived
  • There was the witch hazel I had asked for, boneset and comfrey for tea, and something I tentatively identified as cherry bark. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The 22 billion dollars of unexpended balances tentatively indicated as of June 30, 1947, comprise both unobligated authorizations and unliquidated obligations. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Tentatively, he reached out to take her hand.
  • Presumably “nattier” refers to the family of French painters of the ancien régime, and on that basis one might tentatively assign it to the category of pink, but this is by no means an obvious choice, because judging from their airy palette, “nattier” might equally qualify as pale blue or yellow. Further thoughts about “Pavlova”
  • It has been somewhat tentatively identified as a primary hypogene mineral in several deposits.
  • Sessions are tentatively scheduled for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • That coating has been tentatively identified as aragonite.
  • Carter approached his gang tentatively, his face sweaty from all the running.
  • People about the book, tentatively titled unchartered terriTORI ETonline - Breaking News
  • The boy smiled tentatively, directing his gaze in Kyle's direction, and moved to walk past the man.
  • He said: 'A usable amount of an illegal narcotic tentatively identified as cocaine was recovered. The Sun
  • The great shingle bank is rather tentatively attached to the land in the north. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wrote a plugin that does that, which I am tentatively calling “titler” until something better comes along. No Title
  • Worn out by looking after this miserable and ungrateful old man, she tentatively takes to drawing as an outlet for her depression.
  • He spoke the name tentatively, as though seeking a memory on the edge of consciousness. Sharpe's Devil
  • Local collectors had tentatively identified it as willemite or smithsonite, based perhaps on the occurrence of botryoidal blue hemimorphite at the same locality.
  • Clemens began the game tentatively thanks to a strained leg muscle suffered in his last start.
  • Smiling tentatively at him , she said. Good afternoon, Deputy.
  • I tentatively support legislative enactment of same-sex marriage - but only when the legislature is constitutionally authorized to do this.
  • A comparable soil and silt horizon with charcoal flecks was tentatively identified east of the road in Townsend Close.
  • This analysis indicated that, tentatively, increased stem elongation was accompanied by a promotion of cutin monomer hydroxylation.
  • The moody-looking guy approached Tori rather tentatively, closing the gap till he was a mere foot from her, before drawling in a voice that reeked of liquor, ‘Are you Tori Roberts?’
  • He lay there, feeling very tender and protective, and put an arm rather tentatively around her.
  • More recently, marginal and non-marginal excisions on the leaves of a variety of ferns and cycadophytes have been described by Ash and tentatively attributed to lepidopterans, coleopterans, or other insects.
  • The art world tentatively accepted it as an original, and the lanx was sold at auction in 1992 for £100,000, before being donated to the British Museum. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Blyth is working on a book tentatively titled "Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea. Why Austerity Is 'A Nonsense': Mark Blyth (VIDEO)
  • Tentatively he traced a vertical stroke in the kiaat tabletop. Watershed
  • The series, tentatively titled So You Want to Run a Not-For-Profit Organization, will feature ten aspiring executives competing in grueling physical contests, ingesting unusual food-like items, and answering questions about section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Archive 2005-09-01
  • These can be tentatively related to their respective contexts: class in Britain versus American democracy; interest in the social whole versus individualism.
  • ‘Erm, I'm sorry, madam, but do you have a picture of what you want? ‘she asked tentatively.’
  • With visions of poisonous spiders and fanged monsters lurking in hollow trees creeping around in my brain, I tentatively put my hand into the hole.
  • Confronted in the lab with an infectious Latin merengue song, played at 116 or 124 beats per minute, Mathieu bounced tentatively and erratically as a multimedia addendum to the paper shows, representing Mathieu's movements with a dot. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • Trails of blue cigarette smoke would drift tentatively upward.
  • Just in the mountains?" the Cailleac tentatively agreed. The Woods Out Back
  • In an article that is to be followed by a book, Searle has tentatively added Free Will to his previous philosophy of mind, which was inexplicit but which seemed deterministic.
  • Seattle: RH Gil Meche tentatively is scheduled to pitch Monday in Tucson. - American League
  • A comparable soil and silt horizon with charcoal flecks was tentatively identified east of the road in Townsend Close.
  • After surviving several confident lbw appeals, Pagnis was undone by Sharma's cutter, as he tentatively pushed at a good-length ball and was rapped on the pads in front of off stump.
  • Bernard Vandaele (KULeuven) and by Kerim Altu (Istanbul University) supervised the northern excavations, first focusing on the space just north of the unexcavated structure we tentatively identified as a butchery (see introduction). Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Lower Agora Report 3
  • He searching the darkness with his eyes, reaching tentatively towards a mirror that no longer showed a reflection he recognized, and she pressed against the membrane from the other side, frozen in place. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » December : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • He heard footsteps on the steel stairway, then a shadow crossed his window and someone tapped tentatively on the jalousie. Rain Gods
  • Meyerhof now tentatively proposed that lactic acid formation supplied the energy for the continuous resynthesis of creatine phosphate at the moment of contraction. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Tentatively — Ivan much more reticently than the others — the four lab partners took turns probing the scrotum, gingerly testing on the cadaver the necessary but, as David Murphy had pointed out, socially uncomfortable technique each would be called upon to perform thousands of times in the future. Body of Knowledge
  • She knew nothing of their subterranean, furtive, twilight life, the limbo through which, with their obliterated humanity, they moved as so many unhouseled ghosts, or the aching hunger in those hands that reached, groping tentatively out of their emptiness to seek some hope or stay.
  • I decided I'd better put on my crampons over my boots to grip the snow better, then tentatively stepped out onto the steep slope.
  • So I've tentatively extrapolated that gamma, delta, iota, chi, and rho are *cemla (cf. gimel), *talta (cf. daleth), *eiata (cf. yod), *χei and *rusa (cf. resh). An online Etruscan Dictionary has arrived
  • The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
  • The dizzy spell passed, and he tentatively opened his eyes again.
  • The Ares rocket is tentatively scheduled to be in service by 2015 but an influential review of Nasa's human spaceflight programme has cast doubt on its future.
  • Its form is not constant during activity, for fingerlike processes called pseudopodia are pushed out tentatively in many directions to be followed as circumstances direct by the materials of the whole cell body. The Doctrine of Evolution Its Basis and Its Scope
  • But now that neopaganism has joined the ranks of approved campus religious groups, this is beginning to be a minority view, expressed tentatively for fear of giving offense.
  • I kind of patted her tentatively at first, but after a minute of the muted sobbing, I put down Scott's box and hugged her tightly. The Quickie
  • Perhaps, he suggested tentatively, they should send for Dr Band.
  • Tentatively, the conference is scheduled for September in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Tentatively we can say no to the activity of single cells and yes to that of assemblies.
  • In kicking off the season by claiming five straight victories without the loss of a goal, possibilities for United and Ferguson have begun to be reappraised tentatively.
  • It would sit waiting until a door opened to let someone in or out, and then miaow, but tentatively, like one who has had many rebuffs. ON CATS
  • As noted above, it closely resembles the syntype pygidium of E. acadicus, and is tentatively assigned to that species.
  • But rivals are now beginning the roll-out of their own next generation services - albeit more tentatively.
  • The composition of a Crucifixion cameo of similar date, here tentatively associated with Venice, may in theory have been borrowed from a mosaic or manuscript source, but not from a classical cameo.
  • In Dan's film, tentatively entitled How to Re-Establish a Vodka Empire, he similarly uses archive footage from the Russian revolution and the civil war, inserting himself and his wife into the footage to dramatise scenes from Maroussia's memoir, as well as some animation. Dan Edelstyn: My quest for the family spirit
  • Local collectors had tentatively identified it as willemite or smithsonite, based perhaps on the occurrence of botryoidal blue hemimorphite at the same locality.
  • We lined up along the edge like baby ducks, tentatively dipping our feet over the edge.
  • She noticed a handwritten note on the table and tentatively picked it up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The measures will be put into place at the next sitting of Parliament, tentatively scheduled for March.
  • More recent calculations by Simon Portegeis Zwart and Stephen McMillan tentatively suggest that there may be more black hole binaries in the Milky Way and other galaxies than earlier suspected, perhaps a thousand times more.
  • With the weathermen tentatively giving clement weather, it should be an enjoyable day for all.
  • In yesterday's post on disgust for voices and accents, I suggested tentatively that this topic had been missed both in the literature on disgust and the literature on sociolinguistics.
  • I tentatively suggested that she might be happier working somewhere else.
  • Many of the comprehensive, algorithm-based analyses place multituberculates within the crown group of living mammals, in some cases tentatively united with monotremes.
  • Eventually a virus with morphological and biochemical properties of certain myxoviruses was isolated and was tentatively placed in the paramyxovirus subgroup.
  • His first teacher is said to have been Cornelis Buys, identified tentatively with the Master of Alkmaar.
  • The great shingle bank is rather tentatively attached to the land in the north. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tentatively suggested that she might be happier working somewhere else.
  • Mr. Speaker," the legislative assistant from Rutledge 's office said tentatively. BALANCE OF POWER
  • She looked at the _riata_ and sniffed it disparagingly; she pawed some pebbles that were near me tentatively with her small hoof; she started back with a Robinson-Crusoe-like horror of my footprints in the wet gully, but my actual personal presence she ignored. Short Stories of Various Types
  • She walked towards him tentatively, sniffing the air, her cries echoing off the hard surfaces of the lab.
  • The three northerners conversed for a moment; then one of them called tentatively, "You fight? The Misenchanted Sword
  • By the end, as they tentatively step across the threshold, they are literally eating out of her hand. Times, Sunday Times

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