
How To Use Tensed In A Sentence

  • She tensed, hearing the strange noise again.
  • The large man tensed as his opponent threw the shuriken at him.
  • he got a phone call from his lawyer that tensed him up
  • The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.
  • He used to get quite tensed up and panicky about things, but that is all in the past now.
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  • Sam tensed, then relaxed, not responding, but not pulling back either.
  • She tensed up as she heard the explosion.
  • The girl's eyelids flinched, as though she was dreaming, and she tensed up momentarily before relaxing and falling into a true sleep.
  • She tensed as strong arms dragged her roughly from the vehicle, and deposited her on the freezing floor.
  • Ryan's whole body tensed up and his jokey, light-hearted aura dissipated in a second.
  • The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.
  • Unprepared, I tensed, then relaxed against him, reminding myself that this was acceptable now.
  • The fledgling landed, then began a careful advance toward the strange group, wings half open and muscles tensed for flight.
  • Furtig tensed, ready to face the inpour when the weight of those outside would break through. Breed to Come
  • Guy tensed the instant she moved, as though bracing himself for resistance.
  • Even though all that could be seen of him was his light brown cloak, black scarf and icy ebony hair, the people staring at him had their shoulders tensed in hostility.
  • the bodybuilder's neck muscles tensed
  • Viro cursed an oath, his fair eyes flashing, his muscles tensed.
  • The second I said it I kind of tensed and told myself I should be humoring him, that I was a sixty-four-year-old man with high blood pressure and worse cholesterol and he looked like a cruiserweight boxer. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • When Nikki rotated his ankle the opposite direction, he cringed and his whole body tensed.
  • He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.
  • But they were silent in amazement and expectation when they saw the mighty white ape wriggle upon the back of their king, and, with steel muscles tensed beneath the armpits of his antagonist, bear down mightily with his open palms upon the back of the thick bullneck, so that the king ape could but shriek in agony and flounder helplessly about upon the thick mat of jungle grass. The Beasts of Tarzan
  • His muscles flexed and tensed and for a moment, Lena thought that this is what the gods had made him for.
  • Muscles in the fox's neck and arms tensed while the caracal emitted a low, throaty snarl. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • She tensed on the threshold to the sitting - room, her eyes going instinctively and betrayingly to the Knole settee. Yesterday's Echoes
  • His body tensed but then relaxed as they both stepped though the portal.
  • Extending her arm to throw the device to Terrell, she saw a blade of nightfire tensed above her. Reap the Whirlwind
  • My hands tensed up into fists.
  • Katy's brow wrinkled and she tensed, preparing herself for the instructions coming.
  • Moreover, nouns express sorts of things, verbs and participles are tensed, pronouns are either demonstrative or relative.
  • He tensed up for a single second, and then relaxed, all his worries and pain leaving him.
  • At very high speed the muscle is highly tensed because of physiologic effects of certain types of muscle contraction.
  • The great literary critic and novelist George Steiner 1989, 181 writes that “all of us have experienced twilit, penumbral moods of diffuse attention and unresistant receptivity on the one hand, and of tensed, heightened focus on the other.” The Muse in the Machine
  • I must have tensed my body at the wrong time; my ribs were in agony.
  • In the most recent retreat I attended, I became tensed up inside from trying to relax.
  • Then his expression tensed with the realization of what Flinx was telling him. The End of the Matter
  • An underlying slight twitch of muscles as she tensed, then sighed and those muscles went completely lax as she sagged against me and snugged her head a bit closer.
  • I tensed every muscle in my body in apprehension.
  • After soaping up completely, he scrubbed some shampoo through his hair, then stood under the spray, letting the soap rinse off slowly as the heat eased his tensed muscles.
  • I tensed up, pleading silently that no one was going to break out in a fight again.
  • The woman across the table was just as fearful, but kept herself under a mask-a mask of civilization hiding wild eyes, properness hiding tensed muscles, ready to spring.
  • He tensed his muscles for the leap.
  • A great importance is attached to relaxation techniques that might help a person tensed due to chronic stressful life style.
  • But not alone at this did they laugh, for at the moment of the snap and the turning over, Captain Duncan's unstrung nerves had exploded, causing him to jump as he tensed his whole body. CHAPTER VI
  • CHUCK WRIGHT, EYEWITNESS: I was standing next to the atrium, and all of the sudden I heard these loud noises, like pop, pop, pop in a row and I immediately, I kind of tensed up, and I thought, what is that? CNN Transcript Dec 6, 2007
  • She tensed and sprang up, drawing her two swords.
  • He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.
  • His superb muscles tensed, great shoulders hunched, haunches low.
  • Sinclaire tensed, and inhaled sharply, the fear registering in his ice coloured eyes for the first time.
  • He tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room
  • As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds.
  • She performs a solo of impossible postures, in which she acquits herself with aplomb, but which leaves the spectator's mind and muscles tensed to the point of spasm.
  • A muscle tensed a fraction in his jaw.
  • Everyone tensed up when they heard the loud growls coming from the creatures.
  • Everybody tensed up in anticipation of Louie's inevitable punishment, but then a wonderful thing happened. Charlie Carillo: On a Wing and a Prayer
  • When you are literally frozen in fear, your whole body is tensed and tight, and any movement feels scary and uncoordinated.
  • My whole body tensed: I felt as if I was going into rigor mortis. NIGHT SISTERS
  • My shoulders tensed instantaneously, terrified tremors running through me, goose bumps rising on my exposed flesh.
  • He picked up and his relaxed mood soon tensed, urgency in his voice as he nodded.
  • She watched his hand move over the gun and her body tensed up.
  • One minute, he was staring off into outer space with a dreamy smile on his face and a split second afterward, he was tensed up with a bleak, grim expression.
  • He tensed up again as he was confronted by the cold glares of his wife.
  • They both jumped, tensed, Gabriel with his habitual reaction to her, instantly masked. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • He tensed up again when he heard a man scream.
  • He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.
  • With all muscles tensed, his forearms pressed over his stomach under the blinding shock of the bullet tearing through his insides.
  • Every muscle in her body was tensed for the coming action.
  • He tensed up as he heard weapons fire coming from the area to his right.
  • I tensed up at the idea that I wouldn't make it in time to see Josh one last time.
  • I tensed up a little but he gave me a reassuring pat on the back.
  • She tensed, hearing the noise again.
  • His blood throbbed the throb of a deep drum; he tensed himself to strike.
  • They are so tensed up, they become near nervous wrecks.
  • She smiled at me, friendly, and I relaxed - then tensed slightly, because the door was closing behind me.
  • The Captain continuing to massage her tensed muscles and relaxation once again gave relief to the few lingering spasms.
  • The dog's rear tensed, muscles sheening through the short hair.
  • I tensed up and became afraid.
  • US presidential race hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton walked somberly into a press conference Tuesday and stood before microphones. Reporters tensed, sensing something big might be afoot.
  • This was the time when jaw and stomach muscles tensed awaiting enemy action either by flak or fighter.
  • He was still tensed, ready to move, his chest rising and falling with each breath.
  • Richmann tensed as the approaching engine noise reached a peak.
  • If you get too tensed up and let it get to you, that's counter-productive.
  • Guy tensed the instant she moved, as though bracing himself for resistance.
  • He waited for a reaction from her, watching as her back tensed and then loosen as her shoulders sagged.
  • Aaron tensed up when Giovanni gave him an almighty glower.
  • He immediately tensed up at the question.
  • Her face contorted into an animalistic snarl, her muscles tensed, her concentration rose to a new acme, her blood raced, her hair stood on end, and her teeth gnashed together.
  • I tensed up and squeezed her hand harder.
  • My fingers gripped the telephone receiver; my body tensed in a familiar effort to fight the rising emotion.
  • His expression tensed, lips held firmly shut over clenched teeth, then assumed a submissive position: head bowed, ears front and down, elbows out, and all fourteen fingers interlocked to show contrition. Quozl
  • She tensed, hearing the noise again.
  • He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.
  • My muscles were tensed and locked; every second longer in that position felt like a year.
  • Star tensed up in fear.
  • She had tensed up for a second, not sure what to do.
  • I tensed up, but he was talking about what dumb videos they had at the mall.
  • Suddenly he tensed, his sharp wolf ears picking out movement in the sand.
  • His shudders slowed and his body gradually untensed.
  • Philosophers trained in modern logic may accordingly feel that there is something either obscure or else superficial in the notion of irreducibly tensed predication.
  • He has banned infinitives as well as tensed verbs entirely from his writing, but he does exempt past participles from his linguistic Nuremberg Laws.
  • She tensed up as people stared and laughed.
  • The first seemed more likely, and all the muscles in my body tensed for a bad blow.
  • He tensed up when he saw her.
  • And my shoulders are all tensed up, sore, but I'm still listening, because her voice is getting real rhythmic and hypnotizing.
  • You always have some worry going through your mind, your muscles are always tensed.

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