How To Use Tenon In A Sentence

  • Most, but not all, of the closed handle backsaws appear to be tenon saws while most, but not all, of the open handle backsaws appear to be dovetail saws.
  • All members with the exception of the collar ties and wind braces are mortised and tenoned together with long tapered pins that secure the joints.
  • There are two main types - the mortise and tenon, and the dovetail.
  • For example, we have mitre halving in Fig. 34, a mitre bridle joint in Fig. 74, a tongued and grooved mitre in Fig. 116, mitred mortise and tenon joints in Figs. 148 and 159, a dowelled mitre frame in Fig. 202, and a mitred dovetail in Fig. 286. Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • Rafter pairs are joined directly to each joist by means of mortise and tenon joints.
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  • In the latter case the back strip may have a short barefaced blind tenon which is mortised into the upright, Fig. 278. Handwork in Wood
  • Laminated cores give the doors dimensional stability; the windows feature insulated glass and mortise-and-tenon sashes.
  • Delete or abrase the scribed mortise lines for the stiffening transoms on the side opposite the corner tenon. Chapter 7
  • On the day of the accident, when fitting earlier sections to the tower the crew had difficulty in aligning the tenons on the top of the tower with the mortices on the bottom of the new tower section.
  • Rotenone and pyrethrum don't work, even if applied more frequently.
  • The bars were jointed to the stiles and rails using a small mortise with a corresponding tenon in the bar.
  • Inspired by ideas that Fénelon would soon espouse in his treatise "De l'éducation des filles" (1687), Mme de Maintenon showed ingenious insight in developing a forward-looking and lasting pedagogical model. Louis XIV's Secret Wife
  • This positioner holds the spoke at a slight angle, so that the shoulder of the tenon will have the correct angle to provide the dish of the wheel.
  • By the mid 1800s, the heads of chrysanthemum flowers were used to obtain pyrethrum, and rotenone was extracted from the derris plant.
  • The projection is called the tenon, and the cavity the mortise. Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • A hard spray of water will knock some bugs off the plants and a dusting of a non-toxic substance called rotenone shuts off their breathing mechanism.
  • One piece of wood has tenons that fit into matching sockets drilled into another piece of wood.
  • Thousands of gallons of fish poison, called rotenone, were dumped in the canal around 8 p.m.
  • For example, even the adoption of a new gambrel roof system with stud walls and a truss roof did not wholly eliminate the old heavy timber mortise-and-tenon construction system.
  • It may have often been placed on her table when Maintenon was paying the penalty of her hard-earned greatness by the painful task of endeavouring -- as she acknowledged -- to amuse a man who was no longer amusable. The Idler in France
  • The ventral paratenon consists of fatty mesenteric-like areolar tissue that is rich in blood vessels that nourish the tendon.
  • The partitions at each side of the long drawers are made with five tenons that pierce the top of the case.
  • Madame de Maintenon's difficulty (and with fewer resources to meet it) of trying to amuse a man who was not amusable. Sylvia's Lovers — Complete
  • The added work of chiseling mortises and cutting tenons for the joined stretcher, rather than setting a turned stretcher into drilled holes, seems to suggest a decorative aspiration rather than a structural need.
  • Helping to compensate for this are the joined struts that are mortised and tenoned to both the joists and rafters, in effect converting each rafter-joist pair into what might be described as the most primitive form of truss.
  • The bars were jointed to the stiles and rails using a small mortise with a corresponding tenon in the bar.
  • By the mid 1800s, the heads of chrysanthemum flowers were used to obtain pyrethrum, and rotenone was extracted from the derris plant.
  • The steps in making the miter, mortise, rabbet, and tenon joints will be given in the second part of this article. DIY Woodworking: How to Make Wood Joints (Part 1)
  • Twice or thrice pinnate leaves, toothed like a tenon saw, with conspicuous veins ending in the notches, brand it as the beaver poison, otherwise known as the musquash root and spotted cowbane. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • He favors mortise-and-tenon joinery for his casework, frame-and-panel door construction, and dovetails at the front and back of each drawer.
  • The joined struts are mortised and tenoned to both the joists and rafters.
  • They employ hand-chiseled mortises and tenons.
  • Both the English and Dutch used heavy timbers to construct mortise and tenon frames.
  • Diploid clones insensitive to rotenone and sensitive to antimycin A + myxothiazol were selected.
  • He favors mortise-and-tenon joinery for his casework, frame-and-panel door construction, and dovetails at the front and back of each drawer.
  • Routine closure was performed with closure of the patellar peritenon in the patellar tendon group.
  • A thru single dovetail_, Fig. 267, is similar to a slip-joint except that instead of a tenon there is a dovetail. Handwork in Wood
  • Jefferson simplified the complicated joinery of mortises, tenons, and wooden keys by substituting laminated sections fabricated with an abundance of nails readily available from his plantation nail factory.
  • A good dusting of rotenone is effective, as is hand-picking, or giving the bush a good, hard shake.
  • This oil consists mainly of linalol, together with small quantities of methyl heptenone, geraniol, and d-terpineol. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • All members with the exception of the collar ties and wind braces are mortised and tenoned together with long tapered pins that secure the joints.
  • With their unique design this sleek chair is available in a variety of domestic and exotic hardwoods, and features double tapered laminations, and mortise and tenon joinery. Birdy Chair
  • Unpinned splat tenons have room to expand and contract within the mortise, avoiding splitting.
  • A tongue of this type acts as an extra tenon and prevents the joint from "lipping" (becoming uneven) on the face side. Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • A hole is bored lengthwise through the head to admit the tenon, which is fastened by a pin of hard wood, three-tenths of an inch in diameter, passing transversely through the head and tenon. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
  • The drawer rails inside the lower cabinets are tenoned to the case sides and partitions.
  • The joints would all be familiar to a carpenter - mortise and tenons, dovetails and wedges - but this was the traditional way in which iron structures were joined at the time.
  • We selected five compounds, genistein, metaproterenol, rotenone, p-anisidine and resorcinol, that had extensive genotoxicity and carcinogenicity data and tested them in the standard 7 day exposure SHE assay.
  • Browning claims eternity as the due of every man, however mean; and if Whitman feels his foothold 'tenon'd and mortised in granite', it is because he can 'laugh at dissolution' and knows 'the amplitude of time'. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • La reine y alloit souvent de Fontainebleau, et prenoit grand soin du bien-être du couvent; et Mad. de Maintenon après elle. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • When I got the paint off, I discovered dovetail and tenon construction from top to bottom.
  • cheeks" and the "shoulders" of the tenon are the parts abutting against the mortised piece. Handwork in Wood
  • For example, rotenone, an insecticide derived from a tropical root called derris, is as poisonous to humans as organophosphate chemical pesticides. Organic Gardener's Composting
  • Either a pegged tenon or a trunnel a peg at least one and one-half inches in diameter should position the rafter securely. BUILDING THE TIMBER FRAME HOUSE
  • Some cabinet doors are held tightly together with long tenons, while others have short tenons that have loosened over time.
  • Since the force on the right countershaft is downward, neither a tenon nor a handwheel is required.
  • The frame is completely made of wooden parts solidly linked by many mortises and tenons held together by a sophisticated system of brackets.
  • This product contained the active ingredients rotenone and dichlorvos - and dichlorvos, I later learned, is an organophosphate.
  • Tenons have room to expand and contract within the mortise, avoiding splitting.
  • The spindles are tenoned completely, then wedged into place.
  • You need a backsaw for cutting dovetails and tenons, and other small work.
  • All members are mortised and tenoned together with long tapered pins that secure the joints.
  • These rails are held together by mortise and tenon joints.
  • By the mid 1800s, the heads of chrysanthemum flowers were used to obtain pyrethrum, and rotenone was extracted from the derris plant.
  • Once the rotenone is extracted from the mature seeds, the remaining oil is a fine alternative to cottonseed, peanut, or soybean oil.
  • The poison, called rotenone, isn't scheduled to be dumped into the canal until after dark.
  • For rotenone is no post-war insect killer cooked up in a corporate lab, but a natural product, extracted from the derris plant, and a mainstay of organic farms and gardens.
  • Next, we polarized mitochondria with succinate in the presence of rotenone to examine the effects of proton pumping on the transient depolarizations.
  • The assembly of the garboards with the middle body of the keel is made by mortise-and-tenon joints.
  • A tusk tenon or shoulder tenon_, Fig. 267, is one in which the tenon proper is quite thin but is reinforced by a thicker shoulder called a "tusk. Handwork in Wood
  • Use insecticidal soap sprays or rotenone to kill this pest.
  • The spindles, made from oak, are spokeshaved and tenoned using various spokeshaves.
  • The side boards of the base end in two long tenons that are pinned into the molded feet.
  • We found the remains of five troughs made of wooden planks, connected by mortice and tenon joints.
  • Fig. 152 shows a tusk tenon furnished with a drawbore pin. Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • He directed his students to study fish poisons a decade or more before derris root went into mass production in the tropics as a source of rotenone, the most important biodegradable insecticide. One River
  • -- At Fig. 162 is seen the method of securing a tenon by drawbore pinning, employed when it is not convenient to obtain the necessary pressure by using a cramp. Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • Officials will spread a fish toxin called rotenone near Lockport, Ill., hoping to kill the carp. ABC News: ABCNews
  • Mark each mortise directly from the tenon which is to fit into it, taking care to have all the rails an equal distance from the floor. Mission Furniture How to Make It, Part 2
  • The table makes use of the Japanese mortice and tenon joint, which is an elaborate and exacting piece of carpentry.
  • Before removal of the enclosures the rotenone was detoxified using an equivalent concentration of potassium permanganate.
  • My joiners grumble when they are asked to make a projecting top with the mortice and tenon construction.
  • Instead, they still utilize the same construction techniques - mortises, tenons, floating panels, shiplaps and dovetails - used centuries ago in building fine antiques.
  • Found commonly in a number of wild plants, rotenone makes it impossible for the fish to use oxygen.
  • Twice or thrice pinnate leaves, toothed like a tenon saw, with conspicuous veins ending in the notches, brand it as the beaver poison, otherwise known as the musquash root and spotted cowbane. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • Instead of being a single piece of wood, this was in three separate joints linked with tenons and sockets.
  • Usually, joiners cut, carved, and painted all the stiles, rails and panels before putting them together with mortise and tenon joints secured by wooden pins.
  • Louis XIV had already given her pensions and gifts of money in appreciation for her care of his children, and in February of the next year he conferred upon her the title marquise de Maintenon. Louis XIV's Secret Wife
  • The artisans, profoundly influenced by the woodwork, create pillars with corbelling, showing tenon joints and exhibiting the style of wood carvers in their detailing.
  • Usually, joiners cut, carved, and painted all the stiles, rails and panels before putting them together with mortise and tenon joints.
  • This shows a simple French mortise and tenon joint with a pin inserted for strength.
  • Purlins are butted against the principal rafters in true south-eastern fashion, supported on long tenons taken through the principal.
  • -- Fig. 333 illustrates the method of mitreing the moulded portion of a door frame where the joint is dowelled, not tenoned. Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • STUB OR STUMP TENON (Fig. 128; also occasionally called a joggle tenon). Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • The deep side rails are tenoned into shallow legs.
  • Ted also pointed out that a plane with a rabbeted sole would not be suitable for cutting tenons for post and beam construction, as I suggested.
  • Instead, they employ hand-chiseled mortises and tenons, which are secured by wooden pegs that must be carved by hand.
  • As the structure of circular-arc tenon tooth blade develops towards the tendency of wide-chord large twist angle, dissymmetric flowing phenomenon will occur in the molding period.
  • A regular tenon provides all the strength the frame will need to stand up to time.
  • The exact location of this groove is obtained in a similar manner to that used in marking out tenons for drawbore pinning, Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
  • The fish poison, called rotenone, will be dumped into the canal just above the barrier on Dec. 3.
  • Each piece of furniture is built as if it were full size, with proper mortise and tenon joints rather than glue.
  • The Renaissance livened up considerably the severe lines of the Gothic chateaux of France, and though invariably the marks of the transition are visible to the expert eye it is also true, as in the case of Maintenon, that there is frequently a homogeneousness which is sufficiently pleasing to effectually cover up any discrepancies which might otherwise be apparent. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • The mortise is the cavity hollowed to fit the tenon, which is the end of the interlocking beam, shaped to fit smoothly into the mortise. Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
  • In this second and concluding part, the steps in making the four other types of wood joints (miter, mortise, rabbet, and tenon) are provided. DIY Woodworking: How to Make Wood Joints (Part 2)
  • The thin drawer blades were merely tenoned into the case walls.
  • With an octagonal cross section, the frame of the pagoda is completely made of wooden parts solidly linked by many mortises and tenons held together by a sophisticated system of brackets, in 54 different varieties.
  • Lay out the mortises in the legs, taking the measurements directly from the tenon which is to fit that mortise. Mission Furniture How to Make It, Part I
  • a tenon, which is fitted into a mortise that is dug through some growing tree, or other, of those which generally abound convenient to the tobacco house, something more than five feet above the platform. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • A toxin called rotenone would first exterminate non-native fish from the nine-mile creek section—an idea that rankles some local anglers—under a proposal by state and federal biologists. Flies, and Their Lawyers, Keep Rare Trout From Going Home
  • Purlins are butted against the principal rafters in true south-eastern fashion, supported on long tenons taken through the principal.
  • This works something like a hollow auger; it is used for cutting tenons on poles, shafts, whiffletrees, etc.
  • The large-bore spiral auger still denoted a mortise, tenon, and trenail mode of building in a wood-based technology; at the same time its near cousin, the wheelwright's reamer, suggested the reliance upon a transport dependent upon wooden hubs. Woodworking Tools 1600-1900
  • Rafter pairs are joined directly to each joist by means of mortise and tenon joints.
  • The crew had difficulty in aligning the tenons on the top of the tower with the mortices on the bottom.
  • There are two main types of joint- the mortise and tenon, and the dovetail.
  • Chief Petty Officer Robert Lanier of the U.S. Coast Guard said workers began dumping a fish toxin called rotenone into the canal about 8 p.m. and would continue the poisoning until some time Thursday morning. - News

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