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How To Use Tenement In A Sentence

  • This survey lists 170 burgages and 7 tenements, compared with the 160 ¾ burgages in the Red Book.
  • Tenements, rookeries, and cheap rooming districts exercised a huge symbolic power over the public imagination as centres of vice, squalor, drunkenness, traffic in sex and stolen goods, and general depravity.
  • He'd got up from the kitchen table and pedalled up the hill from the old tenement in Shuttle Place through the Darroch Council house scheme.
  • If the executors do not appear, but the claimant can prove by inquest that the testator bequeathed him the tenement, it shall be delivered to him.
  • I haven't forgotten my roots in Glasgow, with the dingy tenements and the grass full of dog dirt, and there are parts of Middlesbrough which look as if they belong to the Dark Ages.
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  • This tenement is new also because of the pedagogical organisation of the "Children's House". The Montessori Method
  • Now, a tenement is not a building that is stuck up in a ramshackle way on one of the streets in the lowest ward of the city. Problems of Population
  • He may have been casting around for a suitable site in 1331, when he bought up a quitclaim to a tenement on the north bank of Millfleet.
  • "Such," says an official report, "is the lack of houseroom in the city that any kind of tenement can be immediately crowded with lodgers, if there is space."
  • Nowadays, between scraps of undulating green parkland, there are stumps of surviving Victorian tenements.
  • At the three-hankie end of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," Francie Nolan and her kid brother look out from their tenement rooftop to the skyline of Manhattan. From Dinaw Mengestu, A 'How To' With Few Answers
  • It's also one of its most appealingly credible aspects, as is the gritty atmosphere: the subway scenes with their up-close-and-personal contacts with strangers, the cramped tenement that's home to one of the girls. The Rich, the Bad, the Vengeful
  • They had driven in past derelict factories, ruined tenement slums. THE GOLDEN LION
  • As to the kitchen and dining-room, I leave to your vivid imagination to picture their primitiveness, merely observing that nothing was ever more awkward and unworkmanlike than the whole tenement. The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52
  • Having a new high-rise next to a prewar tenement is the sort of great juxtaposition of past and present that keeps New York City interesting," she said. Council Aids West Side Housing
  • It was only the other day I read in the report of the Consumers’ League in my own city that “a benevolent institution, ” when found giving out clothing to be made in tenement houses that were not licensed, and taken to task for it, asked the agents of the League to “show some way in which the law could be evaded”; but it is just as well for that “benevolent institution” that name and address were wanting, or it might find its funds running short unaccountably. VII. Pietro and the Jew
  • The dearest book of my childhood, Betty Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, includes Francie's first period, but again, the novel's no upper: shortly after first blood Francie is assaulted by a pervert in a tenement hallway. Are You There God? It's Me, Monica
  • Some Negroes live harmoniously in the same tenements with Sicilians. A Renegade History of the United States
  • It was a day to make your spirit sink as Dundee shivered in the icy squalls of rain that repeatedly doused its pavements and tenements.
  • The writ which is called praecipe shall not for the future be issued to anyone, regarding any tenement whereby a freeman may lose his court. The Magna Carta
  • Most live in tenement buildings or cardboard cities. Christianity Today
  • They move into a tenement, the only place they can afford, and set about making a good life despite some serious setbacks.
  • During the many relief visits I paid that winter in tenement houses and miserable lodgings, I was constantly shadowed by a certain sense of shame that I should be comfortable in the midst of such distress. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is housed in one such building, at 97 Orchard Street.
  • Duncan, is a very pretty defensible sort of a tenement, and yet it is hardly such as a cavaliero of honour would expect to maintain his credit by holding out for many days. A Legend of Montrose
  • He lived next door to me just through the wall from my bedroom in his own wee 1-bedroomed tenement flat.
  • Finally they had arrived at a run down tenement that advertised rooms for cheap.
  • God had never been in the tenement -- _God had never been in the tenement_! The Island of Faith
  • In order to sever an appurtenant right from the dominant tenement and make it appurtenant to another dominant tenement, the owner of the servient tenement and the owner of the first dominant tenement must join in a deed of release and regrant.
  • During the dark years of the Depression he had acquired a number of very cheap warehouses, tenement blocks and old ironworks. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Most poor Hindu women had no inhibitions about working, whether they lived in slums or tenements.
  • The flat was on the first floor of a tenement block, and had a lovely front room.
  • Better, of course, if there were no hive-like city tenements at all, and if every family could give to its own children on its own premises enough of "happy play in grassy places. The Montessori Method
  • The wounded hibakusha in their tenements should rejoice, for Mallory Ringess would restore them to health. THE BROKEN GOD
  • At the moment I drew near he was having a long and involved argument with another controversialist touching on the sense of the word tabernacle as employed Scripturally, one holding it to mean the fleshly tenement of the soul and the other an actual place of worship. Europe Revised
  • The roadway is being used for obtaining access and egress to and from land outside the dominant tenement.
  • All tenements are located in North Kivu Province of the east-central Democratic Republic of the Congo and lie within in one of the world's principal gold and tin metallogenic provinces. Reuters: Press Release
  • He bought shirt-pins; wore a ring on his third finger; read poetry; bribed a cheap miniature-painter to perpetrate a faint resemblance to a youthful face, with a curtain over his head, six large books in the background, and an open country in the distance (this he called his portrait); 'went on' altogether in such an uproarious manner, that the three Miss Dounces went off on small pensions, he having made the tenement in Cursitor-street too warm to contain them; and in short, comported and demeaned himself in every respect like an unmitigated old Saracen, as he was. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • The friary was an old brick building wedged between boarded tenements. Underworld
  • Most live in tenement buildings or cardboard cities. Christianity Today
  • Not everyone could occupy the same space, and low-cost, unrestored tenements tarnished the neighbourhood image that gentrifiers wanted to project. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Rents were horrendous for urban dwellers, with entire families doubling up in crowded single room tenements.
  • As yet the streets were almost deserted, and so he couldn't resist driving by the tenement before making for the school.
  • The tenement close was a semi-private extension of the street.
  • A bar in the lobby is made from balusters, newel posts and door transoms from the original tenement staircase. For Sale: One Labor of Love
  • Residents in one tenement in Edinburgh's Polwarth area which is managed by the scheme said the initiative had helped resolve anxieties about major structural work.
  • If the images are to be believed the kind of guys slapping it on are bestubbled boxers in Wayne Rooney-style beanie hats, guys who wear visors and helmets, possibly preparatory to an important moon mission or some welding, and chaps jumping off tenement fire escapes after, one supposes, a bracing bout of unarmed combat with a cadre of desperate gangsters. Magical weekend in Cardiff is in a league of its own
  • Do you say you can proceed against Aboriginal native title claimants for trespass if they happen to wander across any part of your tenement?
  • The Portmanmoot, as it was known, held major sessions every second Thursday to hear pleas of the crown, pleas initiated by royal writ, and pleas relating to burgage tenements.
  • The flat was part of a refurbished block of tenements that belonged to a housing co-operative.
  • We may come from tenements and places with pit bings in them but we can storm any stage you want, the bigger the better.
  • I went to the tenement every afternoon," she admitted, "to the _tenement_. The Island of Faith
  • This particular nest of welfare grubbers is not located in a slum tenement, though it's no less addicted to the public handouts and is absolutely brassy in its demand for more.
  • He holds the tenement by a rent due to the maker of the recognizance.
  • His militia, the Army of the Mahdi, is running courts and jailing people in the basements of tenement buildings.
  • Outside now, sandstone tenements of night are shaped in drapes of Rembrandt's candlelight. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It was a basement flat in an Edinburgh tenement, with something of a history.
  • Once personal and environmental filth came to indicate an absence of morality, Boston's tenement districts seemed like cesspools of sin.
  • In some places (the so-called "scot and lot" boroughs) the suffrage was exercised by all rate-payers; in others, by the holders of particular tenements ( "burgage" franchise); in others (the "potwalloper" (p.  024) boroughs) by all citizens who had hearths of their own; in many, by the municipal corporation, or by the members of a guild, or even by neighboring landholders. The Governments of Europe
  • And by another statute made in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward, it is enacted, that no man shall be attached by any accusation, nor forejudged of life, or limb, nor his lands, tenements, goods nor chattels seized into the King's hands, against the form of the GREAT CHARTER and the LAW OF THE LAND; Journal of the Senate at an Extra Session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Convened Under the Proclamation of the Governor, March 10th, 1864.
  • It has been the practice in Ipswich from antiquity that no tenant of tenements in the town held by free burgage do homage or fealty for them to the property's chief lord.
  • Although Scotland's tenement flats are a well-loved part of urban culture, the upkeep of closes, roofs and other common areas can be a source of disastrous friction.
  • The term tenement at that time did not have the negative connotation that it has today.
  • The great photographer posed them in front of a row of tenement.
  • Art historians conclude that William de Brailes headed a workshop of manuscript artists based at his tenement in Catte Street.
  • In 2005, the Avalon supplanted two parking lots, as well as the Church of All Nations (which used to look out over pre-Whole Foods Houston Street) and a tenement building that was the former site of McGurk 's Suicide Hall, perhaps the most infamous dive bar in Bowery history. Diving Into Downtown Culture
  • The writ which is called praecipe shall not for the future be issued to any one, regarding any tenement whereby a freeman may lose his court. The Magna Carta
  • With some men, she gone, and her viduous mansion your heart to let, her successor, the new occupant, poking in all the drawers and corners, and cupboards of the tenement, finds her miniature and some of her dusty old letters hidden away somewhere, and says -- Was this the face he admired so? The Newcomes
  • But the other night comes a Highland quean of a lass, and she flashes, God kens what, out at the eastmost window of Mrs. MacPhail's house, that's the superior tenement. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • That when this now highly emendated tenement was brought to the best condition of excellence of which it was susceptible, the middleman landlord -- _va miseris agricolis! The Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish Famine Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • It was only the other day I read in the report of the Consumers’ League in my own city that “a benevolent institution, ” when found giving out clothing to be made in tenement houses that were not licensed, and taken to task for it, asked the agents of the League to “show some way in which the law could be evaded”; but it is just as well for that “benevolent institution” that name and address were wanting, or it might find its funds running short unaccountably. VII. Pietro and the Jew
  • Buying coal by the pailful in the great east side tenement district has always been the custom, and probably always will be.
  • You do not specify which floor your property is on within the tenement.
  • And by another statute made in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward, it is enacted, that no man shall be attached by any accusation, not forejudged of life, or limb, nor his lands, tenements, goods nor chattels seized into the King's hands, against the form of the GREAT CHARTER and the LAW OF THE Message of His Excellency Joseph E. Brown, to the Extra Session of the Legislature, Convened March 10th, 1864, Upon the Currency Act; Secret Sessions of Congress; The Late Conscription Act; The Unconstitionality of the Act Suspending the Privilege of the
  • Then flames burst from an upper window of the abandoned tenement a mile away across the river, reddening the low clouds.
  • Enjoying the company of my elders in the atmosphere of the Bengal Lounge with the unavoidable feeling of overall soreness throughout the body somewhat numbed by a combination of good food, a tiny bit of alcohol, good, comedic company, and an overall sense of accomplishment and contenement, PRICELESS. Slemondropp Diary Entry
  • Your tenement and job remind me of another young woman: Francie Noln in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn; she gets a job in a Manhattan newspaper clipping service and emancipates herself in the process! I scan 2 photographs from the 1970s.
  • The fire broke out in the lower floors of one of the seven-storey Cowgate tenements close to South Bridge, and went on to engulf buildings with a street frontage stretching almost 100 metres.
  • He used to escape the mean streets by going on to the rooftop of his tenement building to tend to them. The Sun
  • These apartments, under the best superintendence, cannot be made to afford proper accommodations for the inmates … and a portion of the rooms seemed more like those receptacles of crime, “to whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in,” than tenements prepared for the recipients of an awful visitation of Divine Providence, justly considered the worst “of all the ills that flesh is heir to.” The Mad Among Us
  • It becomes ever more nuancé, ever more modern, and the result is that it can no longer depict a tenement block or a refuse heap without transfiguring it.
  • Southern Gold has identified new high grade gold at the Gossan prosect within the Preak Khlong tenement at the Kratie South Project in Cambodia and has now completed exploration activities for the 2009‐2010 field season. KI Media
  • People whose lives, and those of their parents before them, have been spent in dingy tenements, and whose only garden is a rickety soap-box high up on a fire-escape, share this love, which must have a plant to tend, with those whose gardens cover acres and whose plants have been gathered from all the countries of the world. A Woman's Hardy Garden
  • With such simple means the earliest Christian artists evoked the light of the world, flickering in the surrounding darkness, casting a living, dancing shadow on the walls of a Roman tenement or catacomb.
  • A hugger-mugger horizontal tenement of ugly, awkward, moulded plastic bathroom fittings bobbing in cess.
  • My second "chiel" will take notes to the effect that while a friendly game of pinochle was in progress in the tenement rooms of Mrs. Andy Rolling Stones
  • Mary "the sixth part of one part of two tenements," the death of the second sister should have secured her the _fifth part_ of one part of two tenements, plus the fraction already inherited by the second from the first, or, more simply, the fifth part of two parts of two tenements. Shakespeare's Family
  • They had raided three gambling joints but had, curiously, left five much more prosperous ones untouched even though they were on the same floor of the same tenement and he could hear the click of mah-jong tiles and the cries of the fan-tan croupiers. Noble House
  • Second, an easement could not impose a positive obligation on the owner of the servient tenement. Times, Sunday Times
  • a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
  • It gave a curious dignity to the tall crumbling tenements, covering the squalor and ugliness with purifying whiteness.
  • A servitude right of access enures to the benefit of the dominant tenement and no other.
  • Traditional types and spaces: tenement blocks, streets and squares were to be reinterpreted in austere, unornamented buildings which, some thought, would acquire gentler qualities under the influences of use and time.
  • Scotland's tenement flats are a well-loved part of urban culture.
  • A definition of the word tenement in law is: Property, such as land, held by one person "leasing" it to another. The SCAM behind NAIS - "Our Land: Collateral for the National Debt"
  • Incomprehensibly twisting lanes of swarming tenements stood cheek by jowl beside the villas of the rich. THEBES OF THE HUNDRED GATES
  • When the middle child married, and he was the only one of the three to do so, he brought his bride to reside in the tenement above the Orchard Street tailor shop, where, tilting first to one side and then the other (they ambulated more erratically than Can o" Beans), the Cohens daily performed their crab dance of life. Skinny Legs and All
  • Polish capmaker, home in Stanton Street tenement, 76-80. The Battle with the Slum
  • In some places (the so-called "scot and lot" boroughs) the suffrage was exercised by all rate-payers; in others, by the holders of particular tenements ( "burgage" franchise); in others (the "potwalloper" (p.  024) boroughs) by all citizens who had hearths of their own; in many, by the municipal corporation, or by the members of a guild, or even by neighboring landholders. The Governments of Europe
  • More typical are photos of working people at play, as in Morris Engel's ground-level view of women bathers at Coney Island, or Max Yavno's full-frontal shot of men on a tenement stoop, a picture from the league-sponsored project "Harlem Document" 1936-1940. The Working Class Revealed
  • There are many thousand fireless hearth places in Dublin on the bitterest days of winter. 20,000 families live in one-room tenements.
  • From 1298, when Henry de Harenhale was appointed, the list of vicars is complete, but in a cartulary of the priory mention is made of Ralph de Sowe, vicar of Trinity, as giving a tenement in Well Street, for the celebration of his anniversary. The Churches of Coventry A Short History of the City & Its Medieval Remains
  • He spent his working life designing commercial premises, tenements and mansion houses.
  • He was like a roach, could melt into the cracked recesses of the tenements all around.
  • They lived in tenements and shanties of poor repair with wretched sanitary conditions.
  • Most tenements have a back entrance leading from the common close.
  • The beer garden is a concrete square out back, bordered by two brick walls and a grey stone tenement.
  • The property burdened by the easement (your yard) is the "servient" tenement or estate (i.e., the land that Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • City planners were leveling block after block of tenements.
  • The tenement labor, which is such an evil in many of our cities and one so impossible to deal with adequately by ordinary inspectorship provision, is not all there is to "home work. The Family and it's Members
  • Occasionally, the students from my urban environments seminar will send cards depicting cityscapes: tenement housing, a tangle of highways, a well-designed park.
  • The locality abounds in tenement houses, where the class of persons live of which the mob is composed, and into these buildings the mass of the rioters took refuge on the appearance of the soldiers. Illustrations of the Riots in New York
  • The idea was that industrialized, mass-produced housing could shelter all those wretched proletarians consigned to rat-infested tenements.
  • With some men, she gone, and her viduous mansion your heart to let, her successor, the new occupant, poking in all the drawers and corners, and cupboards of the tenement, finds her miniature and some of her dusty old letters hidden away somewhere, and says — Was this the face he admired so? The Newcomes
  • That the said customary tenants, and every of them, may cut down any old trees, called decayed pollard trees, standing or growing in or upon his customary tenement, and sell and dispose of the same, at his and their will and pleasure. John Keble's Parishes
  • Tenement labor was broadly decried as a form of sweated family labor.
  • In spite of the light drizzle, the crowd milling around a filthy mud tenement continued to swell.
  • the pervasiveness of the odor of cabbage in tenement hallways
  • Where the commandment does fall down is its lack of relevance to tenement life.
  • Chaucer was buried in the Abbey only because the year before he had gone to live in a tenement in the Abbey's precincts, perhaps as a reward for loyal service as a courtier and civil servant.
  • The same impulse led Puerto Ricans in New York to build casitas, small, brightly painted island-style houses, in vacant lots in the Bronx or Spanish Harlem to offset the surrounding slablike tenement buildings. Mambo On My Mind
  • This particular nest of welfare grubbers is not located in a slum tenement, though it's no less addicted to the public handouts and is absolutely brassy in its demand for more.
  • Her turn-of-the-century tenement foyer is the kitchen/bathtub/pantry area, revealing the cutting-edge and old-school tricks of her trade -- a sleek water ionizer, antioxidant-rich goji berries and whey protein. Tess Ghilaga: Go Upside Down, Not Under The Knife
  • A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground.
  • The great photographer posed them in front of a row of tenement.
  • By the mid-tenth century, a dense townscape of streets and tenements was taking shape.
  • She lived and worked night after night in stinking tenements and foetid shelters packed with unwashed humans.
  • The cottage was an unalluring, straight brick-built tenement, seeming as though intended to be one of a row which had never progressed beyond Number One. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • Many city dwellers live in slums and tenement buildings
  • The tenement blocks in which many Scots lived made washing clothes and bedding a particularly heavy chore for housewives. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • The hospital or almshouses stands on the high road from Wimborne to Blandford; the chapel joins one of the tenements occupied by the almsmen. Bell's Cathedrals: Wimbourne Minster and Christchurch Priory A Short History of Their Foundation and a Description of Their Buildings
  • A freeman shall not be amerced for a small offence, but only according to the degree of the offence; and for a great crime according to the heinousness of it, saving to him his contenement; [31] and after the same manner a merchant, saving to him his merchandise. Civil Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins
  • He used to escape the mean streets by going on to the rooftop of his tenement building to tend to them. The Sun
  • _Item_, the Custome ys in every of the sayd manors that if eny manner of person or persons be seased of eny manner of land or tenements, rents or premises of the yonger holdyng liying withyn eny of the seid manors or liberties in fee symple or in fe tayle, in demeane or in usu, and have divers sonnys by dyvers venters, viz. by dyvers wyvys, or women by divers men, and dye, that then the yonger son of them shall inherite the seid lands and tenements with other the premyses in fe symple as in fe tayle that so descendith in the seid yonger holdyng in demeane or in use, except ther be any other estate made & proved to the contrary by wryting & if the [y] have no yssue butt all doughters that then the seid inheritance [is] to be parted betwene theym except any lawful wryting or state made to the contrary after the custom. The Customs of Old England
  • Various diseases all too often swept through entire city blocks of tenements.
  • Mrs. Fry withdrew, and waiting for nightfall followed the woman: down a winding alley, past rows of rotting tenements, into a cellar below a ginshop. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • And when the tenement dwellers hymned the praises of ice cream on a blistering day, I knew I had fallen in love. London Theater Journal: Back to New York, Onstage at Least - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • In the tenements of the Bend - three, four, and five stories each - families and solitary lodgers, who paid five cents apiece for floor space, crowded together in airless cubicles.
  • He bought shirt – pins; wore a ring on his third finger; read poetry; bribed a cheap miniature – painter to perpetrate a faint resemblance to a youthful face, with a curtain over his head, six large books in the background, and an open country in the distance (this he called his portrait); ‘went on’ altogether in such an uproarious manner, that the three Miss Dounces went off on small pensions, he having made the tenement in Cursitor – street too warm to contain them; and in short, comported and demeaned himself in every respect like an unmitigated old Sketches by Boz
  • The Blue Highway - winds past the plantation barrelhouses of the Delta to the clubs and tenements of postwar Chicago.
  • Sooth to say, there is ne'er a buckhound in the county but he treateth him as a godchild, patting him on the head, soothing his velvety ear between thumb and forefinger, ejecting tick from tenement, calling him 'fine fellow,' Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk
  • Her implicit faith in others allows her to approach Mateo without fear, rather than to cower away from him like the other inhabitants of the tenement.
  • In spite of the light drizzle, the crowd milling around a filthy mud tenement continued to swell.
  • Instead of high rises, ministers want to encourage more tenement blocks and three and four-storey terraced houses. The Sun
  • a street of bedraggled tenements
  • Permission had not been granted by the owners of the servient tenement for them to park their vehicles.
  • But when I apply pressure nothing comes out and the flames grow even more ferocious, enveloping the room in what might be a derelict tenement.
  • He shot several exteriors from the roof of the Brooklyn tenement he lived in until he was 12. Jon Favreau's a comic-book hero with 'Iron Man' franchise
  • Those who condescend to visit these miserable tenements can testify that neither health nor decency can be preserved in them.
  • His portrait hung over the fireplace in every tenement room and whitewashed cabin.
  • The story centers on an ax-carrying gang terrorizing the lowly inhabitants of a tenement called Pig's Sty Alley.
  • In short, in Ireland the ownership is dual: the landlord is merely the lord of a quasi-copyhold manor, consisting of numerous small tenements held by quasi-copyholders who, so long as they pay what may be called the manorial rents, and fulfil the manorial conditions, regard themselves as independent owners of their holdings. Handbook of Home Rule Being articles on the Irish question
  • The cottage was situated immediately under a tall rock, which in some measure beetled over it, as if threatening to drop some detached fragment from its brow on the frail tenement beneath. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Much of this passed through the waterfront markets and industrial tenements of Dublin into the Irish interior.
  • Over the iron railings, the murky depths of the Cowgate slithered off towards the Grassmarket, encased on either side by dirty stone tenements that reeked of last night's beer.
  • He apparently rebelled again and was soon back on the streets, where he spent many a night in old tenement buildings and flophouses.
  • More recently Oscar winner and heroin enthusiast Bobby Driscoll was found dead in a New York tenement and River Phoenix collapsed after his last speedball outside a club in Los Angeles.
  • Carter Watson, independently wealthy, writes about social conditions, has "the ethical bee in his bonnet," is "a reformer of no mean pretension" and author of 27 cleverly written books on the slum-dwelling working classes such as If Christ Came to New Orleans, The Worked-Out Worker, Tenement Reform in Berlin, The Rural Slums of England, The Cave Man of Civilization. “Samuel! There was a rolling wonder in the sound. Ay, there was!”
  • These are kids who grew up in tenements, high rises, government housing or row houses.
  • The grantor intends to reserve rights over the tenement granted.
  • The cramped tenement homes with their drab, flocked wallpaper and overstuffed sofas, the black market sugar and washed-out floral aprons evoke a world so real you can almost smell the damp.
  • A Contract with God is a collection of four short stories, all set in tenement at 55 Dropsie Avenue, The Bronx, New York, somewhere in the 1930's. A Contract with God by Will Eisner (Plus more book giveaways and Trouble at the library)
  • Even in overcrowded tenements and illegal settlements, the densities are rarely too high to pose problems for the cost effective provision of infrastructure and services.
  • An occasional oil-lamp burned in the upper stories of the grim tenements, above black shop-fronts.

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