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How To Use Tendency In A Sentence

  • ( "Emblematic of this anticlerical mindset was the tendency to" laicize "the names of locations with two words of religious significance, by contracting them into one. Cristero Rebellion: part 1 - toward the abyss
  • Apparently some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.
  • This is not by any means the only instance of financial incompetence on the part of our various Scottish ancestors, nor indeed of the tendency to resort to violence, and those patterns offer surprisingly little reassurance from the genetic standpoint. Archive 2009-03-01
  • One of the problems with this kind of pricing is that it has a tendency to hammer the less profitable stores or chains, such as Borders. September « 2009 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • It was the force of global industry that cemented the worldwide tendency for driving on the right.
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  • Galilee with theriomorphic polytheism, that is, the tendency to embody the qualities of divinity in animal forms. The Ancient East
  • I notice a tendency to overcall when guys use a mouth call. Any tips for using a mouth call for turkies?
  • Neuropsychological evidence points towards our tendency to confabulate stories that we believe to be true in order to fit together disparate pieces of information.
  • Today there is a tendency for people to opt out of social activity.
  • But a redeeming tendency is emerging , too.
  • Against any tendency to naturalize evil, Julian sees evil as profoundly unnatural, unkind.
  • Music has always had a tendency to glance back over its shoulder at the past, but the last few years has seen an unabashed spate of revivalism, from 60s garage rock posturing to the soi-disant Electro Clash phenomenon.
  • Here Bentham clearly ascribes the felicific tendency to action tokens, and he equates an action's felicific tendency with the extent to which it promotes utility. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • Governments have a tendency not to solve problems, only to rearrange them. RONALD REAGAN 
  • The secretiveness and deceptiveness of the patients made the diagnosis difficult for those who were unaware of this tendency.
  • Bradshaw has a tendency to be over-zealous in his role as the Department of Health's attack dog, andthis wasn't the first time in the last year that the Minister has been somewhat economical with the truth. More Brownies from Bradshaw
  • First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The main problem with the exchange of information is that there's a tendency for people to become knowledgable without ever having experienced anything.
  • During the 1980s it came complete with its own Militant Tendency, soft left and right wing leadership.
  • Dairy products do have a tendency to induce the production of mucus and catarrh around the nose and throat.
  • But the fact remains that Wolf and the tendency Wolf represented made an inward-looking discipline possible and, ultimately, respectable.
  • It was not remotely greasy and any tendency towards blandness was countered by the saltiness of the feta, while the orange butter sauce saved the whole dish from becoming too dry.
  • With his refined boxing skills and blending in his tendency to slug it out, he can still entertain us with some great fights in the future.
  • This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
  • Supermarket trolleys are well-known for their irritating tendency to veer from the straight and narrow, apparently at their own whim.
  • The singer evinced one bad habit in the Mahler group, a tendency to scoop into opening phrases.
  • Neutering also decreases aggression and the tendency to chew.
  • These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.
  • But some accidents happen because of their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable.
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • To discipline him, rumours by highly placed security sources began circulating to the effect that certain members of his cabinet connected with the "deviationist tendency" would shortly be arrested. Ali Rahnema: Ayatollah Khamenei at Unprecedented Religio-Political Summits: The Hidden Imam's Infallible Representative
  • There has been a tendency in recent years to move to more uniformity among the various lectionaries.
  • Both criminal law and contract exhibit a tendency to convert such presumptions into irrebuttable rules of law.
  • The tendency in the past has been to restrict or cut down on plant proteins and increase animal protein in the diet.
  • We all have a tendency to rant when we try to lobby for our own linguistic hobbyhorses. Robert Hartwell Fiske strikes me as a prig and a bully « Motivated Grammar
  • The Toronto art-rockers have a tendency to go for the extreme, whether it is a lavishly orchestrated children's record or a rock opus telling the story of the Group
  • There's also a tendency I think to downplay, or forget, or make light of just how scurrilous and damaging a charge this was.
  • Not only should he be more concerned with ending the war, improving the economy and other issues instead of upheaving the whole political system, BUT he has a tendency to play the "blame game" (i.e. blaming and then denouncing his supporters when he or they get bad press OR stating that his words were taken out of context). Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • His work thus has the tendency to reproduce the elisions of the religious and political polemics of the sixteenth century while seeking to explain them.
  • Wrath and I are old friends, and I've come to accept his tendency toward tmesis as an endearing personality quirk. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Here, it will be seen, there appears to be a tendency for the ecbolic cycle to cover a period of about six weeks. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • Monkeys have a minor version of our tendency to use the left brain for listening carefully to rapid sound sequences.
  • Teamwork is considered to be unimportant, so the tendency to become more individualistic increases; moreover, tolerance toward peers decreases.
  • The subject is out of keeping with these letters, but unless some means can be found to reconcile colonial girls to service, I fear an evil is growing up in our midst which is likely to be even more baneful in its effects upon the community than the corresponding tendency to 'larrikinism' amongst colonial youths. Town Life in Australia
  • It seemed far-fetched to me: a typical example of the historian's tendency to magnify the importance of his speciality. TOY SHOP
  • Whilst encouraging an early love of activity and sports, do take care that your little one plays and exercises safely - that Arian tendency to act first and think about it later can have dangerous consequences.
  • The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
  • Independent researchers are supposed to provide a counterbalance, thwarting the drug industry's tendency to turn research studies into marketing grist.
  • In cerebritis, or inflammation of the interior of the brain, there is a tendency to softening and suppuration and the formation of abscesses. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • There is also a strong tendency to identify the court with absolute rule.
  • Others may decry competitions for their tendency to emphasize technique over artistry, conformity over originality.
  • Tuck stitch has a tendency to drop stitches and the tuck brushes are there to prevent this.
  • Palfreys, and notwithstanding a tendency in the male part of the family to jeer at him a little as "peaky" and bow-legged, he presently established his position as an accepted and frequent guest. Brother Jacob
  • The blinkered tendency to derive all-encompassing, universal answers has dumbed down semantic questions, eclipsed interpretative discussion and blinded scholarship to the ways in which context could cook up hermeneutic content.
  • The other main gripe of the research posse is the tendency of IT suppliers to over-egg the pudding.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis patients have some familial aggregation of disease is a certain degree of genetic tendency.
  • The child with a tendency toward food intolerances and environmental sensitivities often exhibits certain characteristics around the eyes, such as puffiness, dark circles, or creases below the eyes. Gentle Healing for Baby and Child
  • The professor has a tendency to showboat beafore his classes.
  • There may be a slight and normal masochistic tendency in most boys, and _perhaps_ the erogenic character of the buttocks has something to do with the development of affection. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • If not countermanded by personal courage or other organizational forces, this tendency becomes habitual and self-perpetuating.
  • In fact, sleep apnoea sufferers are so zonked out that they have an alarming tendency to fall asleep at the wheel. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have not permitted any wild creatures to escape despite another fallen trunk, but that is due to luck, and to the renewed tendency of the creatures to attack the lancers, rather than to attempt to escape beyond the deadland. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • What we certainly can see is a tendency towards synthesis and dynamic development, a typical feature of Minoan civilization.
  • But a redeeming tendency is emerging , too.
  • Another benefit of privatization, which I thought that Brad DeLong endorsed, is that it might constrain the political tendency to promise a free lunch. Social Security Arithmetic, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Even on the part of diligent players there will sometimes appear to be a tendency to sag from the high level of performance required. What Is This Business of Conducting?
  • First, it has no truck with the tendency towards gratuitous supersizing, which rightly worries dieticians and games teachers alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people may inherit a tendency to alcoholism.
  • They extended to religious observance and penance, or expiation, though in the later period there is a tendency to concentrate on what looks more today, in the west, like law.
  • Geczy's basic argument is that craft without an idea is simple formalism, a naïve tendency that can lead to all sorts of dark consequences.
  • She momentarily succumbs to the tendency to simplify irreducible complexities.
  • WITH Turkey vaunting itself as a model for the Arab world, the tendency is to see its 50-year-old goal of joining the European Union as dead.
  • An exaggerated sense of antiquarianism, anthopologism, confusion of roles between the ordained and the non-ordained, a limitless provision of space for experimentation -- and indeed, the tendency to look down upon some aspects of the development of the Liturgy in the second millennium -- were increasingly visible among certain liturgical schools. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • Her tendency to deconstruct and debase everything only points to the lack of substance that might be found in her own soul.
  • You have a horrible tendency to post charts and either not label them properly (usually the y-axis) or not state what each curve represents (in this case it happens to be fairly obvious, but you should still state it explicitly). Matthew Yglesias » Doubts About a Vehicle-Miles Traveled Tax
  • As the classical imagination rightly observed, we all have a tendency to privilege the contents of the ego in service to our security (this they called hybris) and a tendency to view the world through the colored lens granted us by fate (this they called the hamartia) and end by deceiving ourselves. California Literary Review
  • Not only has she been in great demand, but her youthful on-screen tendency to look pained and always on the verge of tears has been replaced by a saucy, aggressive, womanly tone.
  • What we certainly can see is a tendency towards synthesis and dynamic development, a typical feature of Minoan civilization.
  • But one deeply entrenched demon I would like to exorcise is my tendency to break into a cold sweat when dealing with things financial.
  • We are all familiar with rod-shaped magnets: they are described as 'dipolar', with a north pole and a south pole, and the tendency to attract each other's opposite poles and repel similar poles. - latest science and technology news stories
  • He attacked the lobby system of political reporting and the increased tendency for critics to hunt as a pack.
  • This is a tendency to dwell on what ruffly garment was worn, the precise glossy shade of a woman's hair, and so on.
  • They counteract the tendency in twenty-first century America towards biblical illiteracy. Christianity Today
  • Every student of physiology is familiar with what is termed automatic action, with the tendency of cells to repeat vibrations originally set up by purposive action; thus are formed what we term habits, and we unconsciously repeat motions which at first were done with thought. Death—and After?
  • There is also an increasing tendency to take cadets from the multitude of journalism courses, which focus on the skills which are easily picked on the job, rather than expanding the outlook and knowledge of graduates.
  • In this form it presumably could be maintained in a population against the tendency to swamping by intercrossing.
  • Thus the centrifugal tendency of seceders' nationalism was crucial.
  • Now I slur my words and mangle the language with the best of them, though people close to me do still tease me for my tendency towards pomposity.
  • He has a blazing fastball and a dynamic slider, but he must overcome the tendency to overthrow and cut down on his pitch counts.
  • The pressure and friction caused by forcing the curved pins into the straight hinges will resist the self-closing tendency of the door.
  • The waxwings' rather unusual speciality is supermarket car parks because of the owners' tendency to plant cotoneaster, pyracantha or non-native rowans that are heavy with red berries. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • A slight tendency towards "barracking" on the part of the crowd was quickly stifled, however, by a brilliant effort from James, who by means of all-round play built up an attractive break of Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-01-21
  • And many studies are flawed by the tendency of researchers to look for information that confirms their own beliefs.
  • The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision and strengthens our most fatal tendency- Archive 2006-01-01
  • The joint between the incus and stapes is likewise a cartilagenous joint, with a tendency to ossify in older humans.
  • Wield knew that if Ellie had a weakness, it was a tendency to be star-struck by fully paid-up luvvies. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • I believe Gadget wrote about the tendency of many “Police Officers” to do the bare minimum at the front line before trying to find a comfy doss job. If Carlsberg Made Justice Secretaries………… « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Osmotic potential is caused by the tendency of water to move so as to equalize solute concentration (salts, organics, anything that dissolves in water).
  • There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.
  • He had a tendency toward hero worship and often gushed embarrassingly in correspondence with his heroes.
  • History has an inbuilt tendency to repeat itself.
  • As to the "creolist hypothesis" concerning the relation of Gullah to other varieties of American Black English, my objection was primarily to Dillard's tendency to present it not as hypothesis but as established fact. Gullah
  • However, there is a tendency for European electorates to move to the right or left in a manner that may not be co-ordinated, but does produce clusters of conservative or Socialist governments at any one time.
  • But she was a severe censurer of pieces of a light or indecent turn, which had a tendency to corrupt the morals of youth, to convey polluted images, or to wound religion, whether in itself, or through the sides of its professors, and this, whoever were the authors, and how admirable soever the execution. Clarissa Harlowe
  • A more serious blemish with most modern poetry, is nimiety, the tendency to dilute the general effect by repetition.
  • When it comes to dealing with the delicate question,we have a tendency toward catastrophizing and awfulizing.
  • Science and Classical artistic life are good, and the contrary, such as today's popular cultures, are bad per se in respect to their tendency to cause populations to debase, even bestialize themselves, as fascists do, as the violent existentialists of 1968 did, that to the ruinous effects on the culture of the world as a whole, today. LaRouche's Latest
  • To fits of hypochondria and deep dejection he had, as he himself tells us, been subject from his earliest manhood, and he attributes to overtoil in boyhood this tendency which was probably a part of his natural temperament. Robert Burns
  • Each terrace is backed by north facing offices, where minimal solar gain reduces the tendency to overheat and the need for energy-hungry air conditioning. BEDZED: Beddington Zero Energy Development in London | Inhabitat
  • I have stressed, in the end, on prosperity but that should in no way be interpreted as a materialistic tendency.
  • In fact, it would have a tendency to sectionalize the party by which the change is made. The Facts of Reconstruction
  • As the sail is shifted to windward of the vessel, it causes an imbalance of forces commonly known as ‘lee helm’, which is the tendency of the vessel to turn away from the wind.
  • Mold Bookshop33 High Street, Mold, Flintshire CH7 1BQ, 01352 759879Among the usual modern fiction, classics and art books, there's a definite tendency at the Mold Bookshop toward travel, history and children's literature, reflecting the interests of owner Caroline Johnson. Independent bookshops in Wales
  • Both the Top Gear Tendency, which bangs on about obnoxious feminists, and the PC lobby which wants the commission to be a strident, boot-faced, politically correct thought police are now just hanging on at the fringes of public life. The Guardian World News
  • Modal geometries C and D appear to represent the tendency for these pioneers, i.e., slowly expanding, moderately to openly umbilicate, compressed shells, typified by Otoceras and Ophiceras.
  • The Yamaha also has an engine brake, but it had a tendency to freewheel down hills a bit.
  • The historical tendency of the unity of science movement is toward a unified science departmentalized into special sciences, and not toward a speculative juxtaposition of an autonomous philosophy and a group of scientific disciplines. Archive 2009-09-01
  • In this interpretation, people with low kidney qi retain water and have a tendency to bloat and gain weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe that the abolition of £5 notes from Britain's cash machines has contributed to our tendency to overspend.
  • The movie has a tendency to be talky, but that's because it's based on a play that Nelson wrote.
  • People often count change by grouping pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters, a tendency indicating that, without practice, working memory can deal with only one item at a time.
  • But if you put pressure on him, he's awful throwing outside the pocket and also has a tendency to get gun-shy, and he starts throwing off his back foot.
  • Composite cavity-filling materials today have a tendency to shrink and even leak over time as the polymer cracks due to the stresses and becomes more rigid as it sets.
  • The mildness of the climate seemed to have a tendency to melt away that frigidity which is a characteristic of people of the north, and the residents of the island were as frank, free, and hospitable as if they had never been out of the tropics. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • The tendency of bureaucrats to take a dim view of whistle-blowers is particularly marked in the military.
  • The California recall is symptomatic of an increasing tendency for politics to be dominated by short-termism.
  • He will not be sincere to the region, will not know its problems well, and will have a tendency to rule with an upper hand like his personal jagir - which basically gives him power over anyone else - to use and abuse as he likes without question. Karachi Metblogs
  • Fight the tendency by keeping your elbows loose and upper body relaxed.
  • The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency
  • The tendency over recent years has been to pursue with increasing sophistication a greater degree of particularity and precision.
  • And if you wear bifocals or trifocals, keep in mind that you may have a tendency to tilt your head backwards so that you can see through the lower portion of your glasses.
  • He complains that Muslims are wrongly accused of al-taqiyya whilst not appearing to realise that, for all his displays of moderateness, his own tendency towards al-taqqiya is writ large in this article. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • On each side of the mid-line are three to four singular imprints, showing a tendency to increase in length posteriorly.
  • The record shows a tendency to make a couple of kinds of particularly costly mistakes.
  • Such examination and subsequent awareness is not always easy because people have a tendency to be blind to their bias or ethnocentric perspectives.
  • Our tendency towards simultaneous self-pity and self-aggrandisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite his tendency to waffle on aimlessly, he does on occasion write things that are worth reading…
  • The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
  • When it comes to dealing with daily obstacles, people have a tendency toward catastrophizing.
  • The tendency to start forming another church ‘is one of the primary sins that besets radical Christian neophytes.’
  • The Restoration era showed a tendency to keep Catholics out of public offices.
  • The only drawbacks to the use of EGFP are a slight sensitivity to pH and a weak tendency to dimerize. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency
  • Leaving out of account the precocious movements of the sexual instinct to which I have already referred as colored by psychic algolagnia, I may say that somewhat later, from the age of puberty and onward, I had three or four love affairs, devoid of any algolagnic tendency, and considerably more developed on the psychic and emotional, than on the physical, side. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • Some people may inherit a tendency to alcoholism.
  • These counteract the tendency for the body to contract under its own gravitational pull.
  • I've always had a tendency to trip over words or mispronounce things that I can say perfectly well in my head.
  • One well-known quality of anti-depressants is their tendency to induce akathisia in a large number of patients, causing the kind of internal racing or restlessness that makes the meds impossible for some to take and, in some cases, can drive people to the edge of suicide. Furious Seasons
  • To deoxidation of the coloring matter by substances, which have a great tendency to become oxidised or peroxised; _e. g._ hydrogen, in the case of decolorisation by sulphuretted hydrogen, nascent hydrogen, and the protoxides of iron and tin, &c. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • The person prone to depression has a tendency to interpret events negatively.
  • These blooms have a very pronounced tendency to hang their heads.
  • It is supposed to save money and impose some market discipline on bureaucracy's natural tendency to swell.
  • She has a tendency to use quite clinical language - which masks deep emotions, but can make her look a bit of a cold fish on the page.
  • Leaving out of account the precocious movements of the sexual instinct to which I have already referred as colored by psychic algolagnia, I may say that somewhat later, from the age of puberty and onward, I had three or four love affairs, devoid of any algolagnic tendency, and considerably more developed on the psychic and emotional, than on the physical, side. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • In addition, Western culture has a powerful tendency to pull the senses outward, making the practice of pratyahara even more essential for those who want to develop spirituality in their lives. The Sivananda Companion To Meditation
  • Ramses opened his mouth to reply; Emerson, who knew his son's tendency toward unnecessary loquacity as well as I did, replied for him. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • She's one of those authors who has a tendency to overwrite.
  • In this time of government fiscal stress in the United States, we need to resist the tendency to disinvest in emergency capacity due to the low probability of utilization. Steven Cohen: Learning From Japan's Catastrophe
  • There is a tendency amongst patriots and pro-armed forces bloggers to see any opposition to Afghanistan as a bunch of conchy lefties whining about the brave boys and girls defending our country. [support out troops] get out of this political mire
  • The longer-term tendency may be for the joint boards to develop into fully fledged special purpose authorities.
  • Now, under the influence of Orphism, the tendency to reinstate the more sensuous aspects of painting grew stronger.
  • Obviously this sort of tendency leads a lot of people to the conclusion that you have to be really leery about urging ’something’ be done by the U.S. foreign policy establishment lest a certain militarist tendency capture that moral admonition for its own predictable purposes. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Genocide Prevention
  • Even without considering the historical tendency he describes, this illustrates the movement of mythoi displacing themselves, or being displaced, away from the original, mythic scene through a series of permutations layering on additional plausibility. Anime Nano!
  • And legitimacy is far more than the artifact of an observed tendency of people to obey institutional precepts; even the term precepts is conceptually slightly different from commands or orders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Paternalistic versus Therapeutic?
  • Probably the most obvious suspect behind our tendency to drop out of community affairs is pervasive busy-ness.
  • Women's apparent tendency to overpack has been linked to an inherent capacity to prepare for all eventualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • And she is not impressed by the tendency towards harsh criticism from users of the internet. The Sun
  • Transcription has the unfortunate tendency to make things seem simpler and more clear-cut than they really are.
  • Above all, the system is destructive of faith, having a tendency to substitute passive acquiescence for real conviction; and therefore I should not say that the excess of it was popery, but that it had once and actually those characters of evil which we sometimes express by the term popery, but which may be better signified by the term idolatry; a reverence for that which ought not to be reverenced, leading to a want of faith in that which is really deserving of all adoration and love. The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
  • Psychologists call this tendency to fill in nonexistent details confabulation. World Wide Mind
  • Our only bugbear was in tightening the straps, which have a tendency to get stuck and take a few goes. The Sun
  • Opposing this tendency is the covalent bond holding the HCl molecule together.
  • We need not go far to find how deeply rooted this tendency is and to what exaggerations it will sometimes lead. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As you push yourself to overcome inertia, you need to work against the tendency to feel discouraged and hopeless.
  • He knew hackers tended to be fully paid-up members of the paranoid tendency, but that didn't mean they were always wrong. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Brits have an unfortunate tendency to pour strong foreign lagers – Stella, even Leffe – into a pint jar for which they were not intended, and to get poisonously pie-eyed in the process. In praise of … the pint | Editorial
  • Among the Volunteers, the tendency was to ascribe their difficulties to personality deficiencies in the field staff.
  • The tendency to petalification is, moreover, greater among those plants which have their floral elements arranged in spiral series, than among those where the verticillate arrangement exists; and in any given flower, if the stamens are spirally arranged while the carpels are grouped in whorls, the former will be more liable to petalody than the latter, and _vice versâ_. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Her tendency to discover a touch of sadness had for the nonce disappeared.
  • Écossais of a very large and decided check pattern, his orange satin neckcloth, and his jean-boots, with tips of shiny leather, — these, with a gold embroidered cap, and a richly-gilt cane, or other varieties of ornament of a similar tendency Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • He has a tendency towards pretentiousness.
  • This tendency – which might be called a type of impersonation, a kind of camouflaging of the writer's authority and hence his responsibility – can be seen throughout Ishiguro's work, and goes hand in hand with his most persistent themes: the fear of disorganisation and abandonment; the psychical aftermath of childhood; and the relationship between the institutional and the personal through which these themes are frequently dramatised. Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • The general tendency among long-time employees, said the study, is not to think of leaving.
  • For the same reason the breed has a tendency to thievishness, even though they really are very teachable and very well know what is right and wrong.
  • You, for instance, have a tendency to capitalize 'Life,' as if in some kind of panentheistic sense of i+d. And Now For The Rest of the Story
  • There was a tendency to regard grant aid as being similar to social welfare benefits and payments.
  • So does she worry that with the diva voice there's a tendency for diva behaviour, too? The Sun
  • The results of most of them show a tendency for mental health professionals to overdiagnose women's depression and underdiagnose the disorder in men. Archive 2009-02-01
  • In order to isolate and exhibit the tendency toward rhythmization in regularly repeated motor reactions, one should examine series of similar movements made at different rates both as an accompaniment to Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Five per cent of all people inherit a genetic tendency to have high blood fats, which cancels out the female protective factor. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • This he did to good effect, even if his tendency to go to ground too easily was irritating.
  • Just as there’s a tendency to glorify technological progress, there’s a countertendency to expect the worst of every new tool or machine. Is Google Making Us Stupid?
  • There is no question that his pitches must further improve, because my guess is the right-hander has the tendency to hang his curveball.
  • The principle stress-bearing elements of the lung, which account for its tendency to recoil, are elastin and collagen fiber networks and surface tension.
  • There is a tendency within the medical profession and among patients to view consultants as almost godlike figures.
  • This tendency to repel every suggestion of inferiority is one of the surest signs of provincial habits; it is exactly the feeling with which the resident of the village resents what he calls the airs of the town, and that which the inland trader brings with him among those whom he terms the "dandies" of the sea-board. Recollections of Europe
  • I have a tendency toward being a bit of a nag to Chris, and I guess I put him in a temper.
  • I feel that parśu- is probably a later innovation, either because of a tendency to make it look more 'Indic', or as the above mentioned syncope. Battling the Indo-European axe

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