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How To Use Tenaciously In A Sentence

  • The Java kept the weather-gage tenaciously, forereaching a little, and whenever the __Constitution_ luffed up to close, [Footnote: Log of _Constitution_.] the former tried to rake her. The Naval War of 1812 Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans
  • The persistence of this sartorial custom beyond its natural lifespan—and in the American justice system of all places—is not merely a quirk of history but testament to the deep and tenaciously clubbish culture that still afflicts the highest levels and most intransigently closed circles of power. The new Solicitor General -- Elena Kagan -- is female, so the question is: What will she wear?
  • Its punch lies in its ironical, teasing, sceptical commonsensical way of subverting tenaciously held fallacies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.
  • This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics, is belied by citational evidencehealthy has been used to mean “healthful” since the 16th century. A statinator speaks | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
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  • Parliament has, however, attempted to cling tenaciously to its role in the scrutiny of the implementation of that policy.
  • Nevertheless, the modern law of contracts tenaciously clings to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
  • This bill would also just amp up the black market for fake IDs and increase criminal activity as desperate drug addicts tenaciously engage in bolder actions to satisfy their uncontrolled and irresistible cravings. Ask your doctor, and she may ask about you (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Governor Moore, inviting us to come to Montgomery, all thought of uniformity in dress was lost in the enthusiasm evoked by the knowledge that our services were accepted; and even after the hastily prepared uniforms were issued by the new Government my company clung tenaciously to "coonskin" head-dress, which made a striking contrast to the gray caps worn by the other companies. Reminiscences of the Civil War
  • What I take issue with is his championing the idea rhetorically, but not pursuing it tenaciously. D. Brad Wright: Why Won't Obama Lead on Reform?
  • Parliament has, however, attempted to cling tenaciously to its role in the scrutiny of the implementation of that policy.
  • In so far as art is always an embodiment of ideas and a realization of imaginative and utopian moments, it has a crucial function in tenaciously insisting on the materiality of actual bodies and their contexts.
  • He fought tenaciously for pure water, clean air, and the free use of condoms on the NHS.
  • Here is Mr. Shermer's final diagnostic of a wrong conspiracy theory: "The conspiracy theorist defends the conspiracy theory tenaciously to the point of refusing to consider alternative explanations for the events in question, rejecting all disconfirming evidence for his theory and blatantly seeking only confirmatory evidence to support what he has already determined to be the truth. Maybe We're All Conspiracy Theorists
  • Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority.
  • Beirut, Lebanon. Despite the uncertainty in the air and armed troops on the streets, the city clings tenaciously to its sybaritic appeal. Photo: AFP.
  • This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics, is belied by citational evidence — healthy has been used to mean “healthful” since the 16th century. The Volokh Conspiracy » Healthy/Healthful:
  • Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.
  • We are still clinging tenaciously to the latter at the expense of the former.
  • Nevertheless, the modern law of contracts tenaciously clings to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
  • This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
  • Nevertheless, the modern law of contracts tenaciously clings to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
  • Nevertheless, the modern law of contracts tenaciously clings to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
  • They were always careful not to saw away the branch upon which their own livelihood was precariously, if tenaciously, hanging.
  • In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job.
  • It was apparent the two children who had been harassing me tenaciously were merely puppets attached to a string with the other end in the grip of that woman.
  • Shaak Ti tenaciously continued to cling to life.
  • This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
  • That the likely Democratic Presidential candidate refuses to look at the facts on the ground is a measure of how tenaciously he and his party are committed to American impotence. Britain
  • Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.
  • The smoke seemed to cling tenaciously to Erul, as he hacked and coughed.
  • His conversion was much more gradual, taking root slowly but tenaciously in a nature avid for the life of faith.
  • They hold the gold so tenaciously that they are not amalgamable. An African Adventure
  • True, the greater portion of the Jews of Kief still held tenaciously to their prejudices, absolutely refusing to learn anything not taught at the _cheder_. Rabbi and Priest A Story
  • The Japanese garrison, which included two infantry battalions and naval detachments, resisted tenaciously and the islands were not declared secure until 18 May.
  • Those who remain cling tenaciously to what their forebears laid down, but retreat into the shade.

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