
How To Use Tenable In A Sentence

  • This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.
  • Washington jugeait "intenable" le blocus de l'enclave palestinienne qu'Israël a défendu cette semaine en tuant - Articles related to Pourquoi Obama et Sarkozy doivent s'investir au Proche-Orient
  • The author thought that the joint negligence principal offender theory can be established, and the negligence abettor or the negligence assist offender is untenable.
  • Will the book make his Jobs untenable? Times, Sunday Times
  • As competition from Asia increases and shareholders clamour for ever faster growth some regard the inward-looking nature of the family corporate setup as untenable.
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  • There is a class of persons (happily not quite so numerous as formerly) who think it enough if a person assents undoubtingly to what they think true, though he has no knowledge whatever of the grounds of the opinion, and could not make a tenable defence of it against the most superficial objections. On Liberty
  • You could be sitting there in absolutely untenable conditions, in water that is filled with disease and germs for months to come, walking through it, slogging through it.
  • Is the idea tenable that the Creator has no comprehension of what is manifested in creation? The Promulgation of Universal Peace
  • Their new album is surprisingly listenable.
  • This position is, I believe, no longer tenable.
  • My personal distaste for fey singers aside, British quartet the Buffseeds offer up a decent and quite listenable album.
  • A satellite radio subscription, offering every imaginable musical genre, lets you bypass the unlistenable hypermass music on nearly every radio station.
  • Hopping from heist to heist, with the fuzz getting ever closer, the rivalry that has flared escalates and the cracks in this already untenable threesome begin to widen.
  • Even a sensible idea or a fine principle is exaggerated to the point that it becomes preposterous and untenable.
  • Experimental music is a term that is intimidating, evoking unlistenable sonic chaos meant only for academics.
  • Assessing the available evidence about the life history of ‘The Recruited Collier,’ Roy Palmer concluded that Lloyd's ascription of it to Huxtable is untenable.
  • The facts simply do not make out a tenable cause of action against this defendant.
  • With the growth of anatomical knowledge, the literal hypothesis of the morbidly wandering womb became increasingly untenable.
  • His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign.
  • He came along and he questioned the chair-man's future and that it could be made untenable.
  • This is an untenable position to take and is fantasy politics.
  • In the future, the U.S. must fix goals which are tenable.
  • suggesting in a review of Neil Young's Le Noise that the fact that this record had already been dubbed "unlistenable" by one "august rock critic" might actually be a good sign - had a series of intriguing ramifications that reached beyond the cut and thrust of everyday pop debate. The Guardian World News
  • He was forced to climb down from his untenable position.
  • It is clear that the present situation is untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these papers, where he was largely concerned with general philosophical problems of time and space, he adopted a quixotic standpoint in his attempt to refute the theory as being logically untenable.
  • This CD is already a smash hit with the demographic of people who think they're smarter and more cultured than everybody else because they listen to unlistenable music that everybody else listens to.
  • It's symphonic pop style would normally make me change the channel if I were listening to the radio, but the Pink Floydesqe sound makes it listenable.
  • His plan to offer up the goddess Freia to the giants who built Valhalla is untenable from the start, as it would mean forcing the Gods to give up their eternal youth (her golden apples do a lot more than just keep the doctor away -- and remember, there was no Botox in 19th century Germany). Albert Imperato: My Takeaway From the Metropolitan Opera's New Rheingold
  • Czerny's music is eminently playable, predictable and listenable to in the same sort of way that Vivaldi's is eminently playable, predictable and listenable.
  • Such work by judges creates absolutely untenable working conditions for police officers.
  • Educating people that this is not the case is hardly hypocrisy, except perhaps to those who hold the intenable position that the two are inherently incompatible. Science versus science or religion versus religion - The Panda's Thumb
  • Look how untenable and damaging it is. Mothers who Leave
  • The king felt his position becoming untenable. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • All the land that was tenable was taken by former generations and not for sale.
  • Clearly this is an untenable situation from our point of view.
  • Second, by related profession tenable Bonding company for small and medium - sized enterprise guarantee.
  • So what are we going to do about this untenable situation? Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I would have had no objection to a homeopathist sharing the show,’ he says, ‘because it would have been even more convincing to the viewers that arguments of homeopathists against providing information are untenable.’
  • The slam-bang boredom created by these glorified grunge grunts is almost unlistenable.
  • The security constraint in Listing 1, for example, secures all URLs beginning with "/reports/" with a single role called reportEnabled, which can be mapped to multiple groups at deployment.
  • To run the risk of being dishonoured at my age is untenable.
  • They recognized that if they once conceded the moral principle, even in extreme cases, their legal position would become untenable.
  • His position would have become untenable; perhaps a good thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were in an untenable position and her lawyer didn't talk to Libby for a year.
  • Though there are glimmers of brilliance, quite frankly, too many of the songs are too mediocre to fulfill the potential of an intimate, listenable live album.
  • Though there would seem to be an element of truth in intuitionalism, since man, to be man at all, must be conceived as made for God and having that in him which points to the end or ideal of his being, still in its most extreme form it would not be difficult to show that this theory is untenable. Christianity and Ethics A Handbook of Christian Ethics
  • However, such an assumption is simply not tenable, for science and technology do not develop in a social vacuum.
  • In this context, ‘interesting’ means a recording is so unlistenable that it's enjoyable to listen to it.
  • Given that both constructions are tenable, I have not the least hesitation in preferring the latter.
  • It doesn't set out to break any boundaries but blends styles together into a very listenable mish-mash. The Sun
  • If at any time you feel your situation has become untenable, you should seek specialist insolvency advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the above reasons, to pin the attacks on Islam is untenable.
  • This weekend, as calls multiplied for him to step down, his position looked increasingly untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reason for its decline should be obvious: for most people the diet is simply untenable.
  • But now they have gone out on such precarious limbs their positions are clearly untenable.
  • I'm finding Classic FM highly listenable at the moment.
  • I set out to make a dance record which was listenable at home and in the club that was varied in its sounds and emotions. The Sun
  • He's been put in an untenable position and his future in the ruling coalition is being debated openly.
  • It's one of the most funky and listenable albums ever.
  • By the outbreak of World War I, moreover, battleship ordnance could once more outrange most of the guns of the shore defenses, with the plunging trajectory of naval shells making open-topped defensive works untenable.
  • The fights his father picked put him in an untenable position. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Such shallow and untenable reasoning lies at the heart of many sexist, racist and elitist dogmas.
  • Deng, as a result, had to argue his case, to move one step at a time, and sometimes to retreat from positions which opposition had made untenable.
  • He added: ‘With children playing Russian roulette with their lives it is no longer tenable to ignore volatile substance abuse.’
  • To run the risk of being dishonoured at my age is untenable.
  • The scholarships are tenable at Oxford University.
  • I believe that over time that policy is going to change, because it's simply not tenable.
  • The average person, a parent in particular, is being subjected to an untenable level of stress.
  • As Heidegger points out, the unknowability that informs this sense of inadequacy is only tenable if the existence of the Idea is not distinguished from our experience of nature: to say that the thing-in-itself is not knowable if it is an object is not to say that it is an object. Indifferent Freedom
  • I said as much and befriended Guy, whose musical tastes encompass a diverse medley of almost unlistenable music.
  • If at any time you feel your situation has become untenable, you should seek specialist insolvency advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • This view may have been more tenable in Durkheim's own time than it seems in ours, for in our own times what one might call the flimsiness of many occupational affiliations and of the related employments has become quite apparent.
  • The music had distorted, the words mumbled into an unlistenable mess.
  • Washington jugeait "intenable" le blocus de l'enclave palestinienne qu'Israël a défendu cette semaine en tuant neuf - Articles related to Pourquoi Obama et Sarkozy doivent s'investir au Proche-Orient
  • Nothing would be more easy than, by the ordinary principles of sound logic and common sense, to demonstrate the impossibility and expose the absurdity of the corpuscularian or mechanic system, or than to prove the intenable nature of any intermediate system. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • Brand Nubian's 1990 debut, "One for All," demonstrated that alternative hip-hop could be politically charged and highly listenable. Hip-Hop Heroes, Alt-Rockers and Some Dark Angels
  • The meeting unanimously agreed that the current situation at the hospital was untenable.
  • Pop music is designed to be as listenable to as many strangers as possible, and has an optimistic air of inclusivity about it, of not wanting to be categorized or held down in a sub-genre.
  • Over that same period, the cloud computing segment will undergo a culling process where cloud "haves" -- i.e., providers with strong or attractive visions -- vie to distinguish themselves from cloud "have-nots" (providers who haven't been able to effectively market their visions or whose visions simply aren't tenable). Enterprise Strategies
  • It would not be out of the question for any of this country's manufacturing plants to downscale activities and finally close shop were they to experience conditions that made continued manufacture untenable.
  • It's either some unlistenable Czech serialist, or some unknown Baroque clavichordist.
  • I found their grungy-emoish sound listenable, but unremarkable.
  • … if the concept of Davis and Walsh was tenable, the morphine antagonists nalorphine, naloxone, and so forth would antagonize short-term alcohol intoxication as they do specifically for morphine-like drugs.12 Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • The headteacher's position has now also become untenable. The Sun
  • Whether this attitude has been due to a sincere belief in the Allies 'professed ideals, or whether by the fixing of blame on an irresponsible official who has exceeded his authority, the French are being offered a loophole to retreat from an intenable position without "losing face," I don't know. Peking Dust
  • In many ways Emmy & Tim are the non-American answer to She & Him, the key difference being that their single isn't unlistenable horseshit and is, in fact, splendid. This week's new singles
  • The Boom Boom Satellites - Anthem this Tokyo based electro-pop duo has been around since the early 90's, and seemed to somehow fenagle their way into getting a large slice of the musical share for the movie (almost a third of the soundtrack) along the likes of the Basement Jaxx, T. Raumschmiere et al. the sound is familiar to anyone who's been near a radio tuned into rock station anytime in the last five years; plenty of echoed, synthy sounds that may conjure up aural images of Linkin Bizkit or anyone else from that clade of sound-alike angsty bands. so why bother, you ask? but soft, dear reader - keep in mind their work is in the "file under J-pop category," meaning it takes something familiar and annoying and somehow makes it both listenable and more interesting. Music (For Robots): February 2005 Archives
  • She was so disloyal to her deputy she made his position untenable.
  • In which case, all I know is to state and establish the 'tenable' group's place ( 'tenets') and attract whoever comes to stand on it. OpEdNews - Diary: Some Truth For A Change
  • Je dis ca mais j'suis sur que je vais etre intenable tellement j'aurai mal! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • [All these suggested doublets which I have obelized must be dismissed as untenable.] {25} We have in the same way double adoptions from the Greek, one direct, at least as regards the forms; one modified by its passage through some other language; thus, ‘adamant’ and ‘diamond’; English Past and Present
  • He concluded that the only tenable hypothesis for the horse's abilities was that the horse was telepathic.
  • It doesn't set out to break any boundaries but blends styles together into a very listenable mish-mash. The Sun
  • I think the station is amateurish, playing embarrassing music and is unlistenable.
  • He is now in an untenable situation. The Sun
  • But on this island, a small group of ambitious real estate agents can disrupt communities and tantalize foolish landlords into untenable positions with the snap of taloned fingers.
  • As there is nothing mystical or theological about confucianism, such a view is, indeed, quite tenable.
  • So it might be more a matter of identifying the particular kinds of unfavourable adjective that are most prone to subsequent reconsideration - "unlistenable" certainly springs to mind, perhaps because the gauntlet it throws down is so easy to pick up - and learning to keep an eye out for them. The Guardian World News
  • In some situations, this assumption may not be tenable.
  • The B-side is a series of preposterous grunts and shrieks that makes no sense whatsoever, and is barely listenable.
  • The government is now in an unholy mess, and in an untenable place.
  • If this does not happen, it could create an untenable situation and cause unjustifiable delays.
  • Will this highly listenable, 11-track collection do anything to change Cake from a cult band with a devoted audience to wise sages of idiosyncratic rock worthy of widespread attention and hosannas from the blogosphere? Album review: Cake, "Showroom of Compassion"
  • The Taoist theory of prolonging life by quietism and dispassionateness, by regulating one's breath, and using medicines is untenable. Lunheng
  • In other words, relying on the continued stupidity of central bankers is not the most tenable investment thesis.
  • In case you don't know this, and I sincerely hope you don't, Jesus Christ Superstar is a remarkably bad film with remarkably dated, unlistenable music.
  • It is listenable if you flip past some of the weirder pieces.
  • But with Auerbach the premise of the bust as substitution for the complete human form seems untenable.
  • In my view, these grounds of objection are not legally tenable.
  • Another common theme is the debunking of the fringe pseudosciences or other untenable positions.
  • The soundtrack is quite listenable though by itself…
  • And of course, Kenny always has this very listenable, croony style.
  • I set out to make a dance record which was listenable at home and in the club that was varied in its sounds and emotions. The Sun
  • Coming up with a tenable power-sharing agreement will be difficult and time-consuming.
  • It featured an excruciatingly unlistenable "modern" live violin solo, full of jagged ups and downs. Hugh Muir's Diary
  • Insiders have suggested that he is in an untenable position.
  • The reality is that he lost the confidence of the company, was attacked by leading artists and attracted a savage motion in the House of Commons which together made his position untenable.
  • His theory is no longer tenable in light of the recent discoveries.
  • It is thought that he had little choice but to go and that the report would have made his position untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.
  • Theorem 2 extends the application of Theorem 10.17 applied in Mathematics Analysis which is adopted as the textbook by East China Normal University and proves its converse proposition untenable.
  • His stance just let the issue grow more out of control and brought his own status at the helm of the Spanish team to an almost untenable position.
  • But Roy Blount Jr. the president of the Authors Guild, describing the Kindle voices as "quite listenable," has weighed in with concern that writers will be "assailed" by the new feature, because "Kindle 2 is not paying anyone for audio rights. The Kindle 2 audio-reading feature: Convenient, compromised, contentious
  • Oui vous ne savez pas mais il ne faut pas me mettre quelque chose de la marque KamKam entre les mains sinon je deviens intenable! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I see an untenable position when you lead from the middle. Christianity Today
  • Even the heaviest, most aggressive, anti-mainstream music artists of the time strove for melody and recognized the limitations of "listenable", rebelling from the Top 40 and appealing to outsider kids with high-pitched solos and vocals, reasonable amounts of distortion, loud drums, minor chords, and dissonant note and chord progressions. Cyberpunk
  • Also, the notion of inerrant scripture is, to me, untenable based on transcription and translation. Ed Gurowitz, Ph.D.: I'm Down with Jesus -- It's Christ That Gives Me Problems (Part 2)
  • I remember working with a guy who was just adamant that any MP3 file recorded at less than 224 Kbps was "unlistenable". Forum
  • He rejected it emotionally, but he did not advance a single tenable argument.
  • To the uninitiated, the sounds are very experimental, some might say unlistenable.
  • I therefore advised that the Valley campaign be terminated north of Staunton, and I be permitted to return, carrying out on the way my original instructions for desolating the Shenandoah country so as to make it untenable for permanent occupation by the Confederates. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • • After failing to win the GOP presidential nomination, Ron Paul will not run as a third-party candidate because that would put his son, Rand Paul, in an untenable position: Does the Republican senator from Kentucky support his father and effectively re-elect Mr. Obama, or back his party and defeat him? Political Predictions for 2012
  • I have not found that defense to be tenable.
  • And so "Collapse Into Now" is eminently listenable. Album review: R.E.M., "Collapse Into Now"
  • The latter hypothesis is tenable, for we theorise that if spontaneous generation still occurs on the earth, it is far more likely to occur in the form of simple organisms than of complicated organisms. THE HUMAN DRIFT
  • 50,000 Fall Fans Can't Be Wrong goes for the big, "listenable" numbers. 50,000 Fall Fans Can't Be Wrong - reviews page
  • The view that the earth is flat is no longer tenable.
  • As the fop contrived to dress his bailiffs in his livery and make them wait on his guests at table, so the chagrins which the bad heart gives off as bubbles, at once take form as ladies and gentlemen in the street, shopmen or bar-keepers in hotels, and threaten or insult whatever is threatenable and insultable in us. Essays — Second Series
  • Their new album is surprisingly listenable.
  • Once able to excite listeners into an exhilarating sort of exultation at the peak of their fury, the group even seemed cognizant of the fact that this sort of template is proving less tenable.
  • It is tenable to object to embryo research on ethical grounds.
  • The other reason I typically place Miles in my second tier is because he had long stretches of his career when his music was virtually unlistenable to me.
  • It just might be that a healthy respect for the nation’s constitutional past – or, better yet, a jettisoning of the Constitution and a return to the Articles of Confederation or something like them – will emerge as the realization sinks in that Soviet-style centralization is untenable. House Judiciary Panel Hearings on ‘Imperial Presidency’ « Blog
  • This does not make the research untenable, but it does call for a certain sensitivity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And it is this view that the new report makes untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • That may cease to be demographically tenable at some point, but the idea of having one member of a minority religious group on the bench both enhances the legitimacy of rulings on religious freedom cases and ensures that a certain perspective is present. Matthew Yglesias » Fallacies of Bestness
  • When the band is left out of the picture, the album is much more listenable, though one gets the distinct impression that much of the album was recorded on the fly.
  • The scandal put the President in an untenable position .
  • We tend to jump to untenable conclusions, swayed by popular impressions or simple emotions.
  • The situation we are now in is untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • What seems no longer tenable is the romantic, idealized idea of fatherhood once associated with “The Godfather,” where the passionate mutual devotion of fathers and sons seemed completely of a piece with the relentless pursuit of power and destruction of the enemy. They Keep Pulling Us Back In … |
  • It is disingenuous to pretend that any other analysis is tenable.
  • Bubble excesses, including over-consumption and maladjusted investment, have engendered an increasingly untenable trade position.
  • Even if we accept this, it is questionable how useful an analytical framework is which has an untenable base.
  • It completes a beautifully listenable, engaging piece that is original without trying too hard and goes beyond its creator to tell a remarkable story. Times, Sunday Times
  • If three people in four no longer support the government, isn't this an untenable situation?
  • The king felt his position becoming untenable. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • So the two women represent untenable solutions to being a woman in this violent, masculine environment.
  • The view that the earth is flat is no longer tenable.
  • Even if we accept this, it is questionable how useful an analytical framework is which has an untenable base.
  • A fractious relationship with some players and anxiety on the board combined to make his position untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • If shareholders had voted to reject the issue, his already shaky position would surely have become untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is absolutely absurd and untenable and, in our submission, a serious deficiency.
  • No doubt these reactions are due to my unfamiliarity - just as someone bred on Asian music might find western forms unlistenable.
  • And it was diagrammed in most unsavory strokes the manner in which a mere bug, "vibrated up" to untenable proportion and lacking the volition of a higher creature, must be paired with a human to become an effective hybrid; further, it recorded of towns laid waste by the man-bug hybrids. Perquampi
  • His stance just let the issue grow more out of control and brought his own status at the helm of the Spanish team to an almost untenable position.
  • Describing Chinese currency policy as not "tenable" and saying the country was now "too large" to base growth on exports, Geithner said reform was in both countries' interests. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It's just that the "reimagination" called for in the switch to the everything-is-free web model was untenable and involved gutting multimillion-dollar operations and giving up millions more of today's revenue on the chance that something would happen tomorrow. - Local News
  • It was unlistenable, as I remember it, but it sure scared the jeepers out of me as a youngster. William Shatner Reads Edgar Allan Poe
  • Still less is the notion tenable of any special improbability applying to this particular pretension. Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • It was plain his position as a Conservative had become untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in a globalized economy, old-fashioned isolationism just isn't tenable.
  • From the deep structure of transferred epithet, its internal language meaning can be tenable.
  • It was the Vietnam War which made Sihanouk's neutralism untenable, as Cambodia was used by Vietminh and Vietcong forces as a supply route from North to South Vietnam, and received its fair share of US carpet bombing in return.
  • Your level of enjoyment depends on how much you invest in the lyrics and metaphors - Saul's observations come flying at breakneck speeds and require undivided attention, rendering the album unlistenable as background music.
  • Your reporting skills were reduced to slobbering over companies and ‘entrepreneurs’ that were promoting untenable business models.
  • The badminton ace has won a three-year International Badminton Federation scholarship tenable in China.
  • Women voters would control a steady and permanent majority — making, say, discriminatory health-care measures such as the Stupak Amendment and the horrible dearth of child-care options for working mothers seem untenable. Matthew Yglesias » Senate “What Ifs”
  • Hostages on Algerian soil, micromanaged by the Polisario, is quickly becoming an untenable situation. Elizabeth Blackney: Truth in the Sahara: Refugees and Hostages
  • But now they have gone out on such precarious limbs their positions are clearly untenable.
  • Despite these fragmentations, the songs are consistent and consistently listenable.
  • The king felt his position becoming untenable. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • This is an eminently stageable and listenable piece.
  • The early stuff is mostly unlistenable.
  • However, it remains an unproven hypothesis and many of its facets have become untenable.
  • The old idea that this type of work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable.
  • Despite its remoteness, this risk is untenable.
  • I've got to find a more tenable compromise.
  • Closer investigation showed this idea to be untenable.
  • The belief in the dignity and nobility of man no longer seemed tenable to most intellectuals.
  • Set on Labor Day weekend in 1988, it seems content to poke fun at the clothes -- a cross between early MTV and Miami Vice (which was conceived as "MTV cops") -- and to package some of the more listenable (if inconsequential) music of the era around a joke-challenged romantic story. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Take Me Home Tonight
  • The liner notes say that this collection is as good as it's going to get, given the material they had to work with, but that still doesn't make the songs any more listenable.
  • But don't let that put you off; it's an entertaining and varied treat, leftfield music of the most listenable variety.
  • A fractious relationship with some players and anxiety on the board combined to make his position untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, this is post-industrial noise in the genre of the completely unlistenable Test Department.
  • But ooh, yes, what a pleasant surprise. Definitely weird and a teeny bit twisted - but also very listenable.
  • If shareholders had voted to reject the issue, his already shaky position would surely have become untenable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though perhaps justified in the past, this worry is no longer tenable.
  • His position is untenable one unless he means us to make a bonfire not just of Dilthey but Nietzsche and Heidegger too.

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