How To Use ten-fold In A Sentence
- Hence it appears, that Cyphers put on the Right - hand of whole Numbers, do increafe the Value of thofe Numbers in a decuple (or ten-fold) Proportion: The Complete Measurer: Or, The Whole Art of Measuring. In Two Parts. The First Part Teaching ...
- In the past five years demand for housekeepers and butlers has risen ten-fold in the UK.
- As this bravest and most honest of golfers made his way up the last fairway on the final day, he was greeted by applause that, had it been multiplied ten-fold, might have qualified as lukewarm.
- Once we made it out on the street (s), the traffic – and my white-knuckled grip on the edge of my seat – increased ten-fold. Kathmandu – FIrst Impressions » Dave Brosha Photography
- Each whole number increase (ie from 5.0 to 6.0) represents a ten-fold increase in amplitude (or about a 30-fold increase in energy). Ahora, encima de todo
- And when he chose to speak a harsh thought, it was ten-fold harsher than ordinarily, because it seemed to proceed out of such profundity of cogitation, because it was as prodigiously deliberate in its incubation as it was in its enunciation. CHAPTER XII
- I want him for their own pay a slap in the face of this ten-fold, a hundredfold, and even greater price.
- Spawns of phishing threats such as ´spear phishing´ - highly targeted and coordinated attacks at a specific organisation or individual designed to extract critical data - increased more than ten-fold since January of this year alone. IT & Security Portal» IT-Observer
- The feeling you get from helping someone else is awesome and is returned to you ten-fold.
- If tomorrow we multiplied our effort to educate the next generation ten-fold, we should but begin our bounden duty. DARKWATER