How To Use Ten commandments In A Sentence
The Ten Commandments served as an introduction to the other commandments.
He has another excellent post fisking the commonly heard argument that the Ten Commandments are the basis of the US legal system.
The ten commandments of managing won't ensure that you'll always get and retain the best people.
The ten commandments are the moral covenant of the Old Testament, the beatitudes the moral covenant of the New.
It's interesting that the Ten Commandments tell us what we shalt "not" do; the Eightfold Path offers positive guidance.
Perry Garfinkel: An Appeal For Mindful Speaking
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It's like the eightfold path, the twelve steps, the ten commandments.
To decorate his courtroom he brought his Ten Commandments plaques from home.
To be sure, the church transposed the key of the Ten Commandments in terms of the Christ event.
Nevertheless, he argued strongly in defense of the Mosaic origin of this primary list of Ten Commandments.
The Old Testament contains codified moral laws, such as those we find summarised in the Ten Commandments.
Nor are the commentators agreed whether they were cut out of a kind of lote-tree in paradise called al Sedra, or whether they were chrysolites, emeralds, rubies or common stone. 1 But they say that they were each ten or twelve cubits long; for they suppose that not only the ten commandments but the whole law was written thereon: and some add that the letters were cut quite through the tables, so that they might be read on both sides2-which is a fable of the Jews.
The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
Preach the Ten Commandments in all their stern and uncompromising 'shalts' and 'shalt-nots,'" cries one.
Love to the Uttermost Expositions of John XIII.-XXI.
He came to deny the accounts of Creation, Noah's Flood, and the supernatural origin of the Ten Commandments.
Keeping the Sabbath was originally one of the Ten Commandments because it kept aside time to honour the Creator.
The best part of the book in my opinion, which should have been greatly expanded, is the debating advice given as "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF PARTISAN WARFARE" (title capitalized, of course).
Review of "How to Win a fight with a Conservative" by Daniel Kurtzman
In fact, many Christians argue that secular display of the Ten Commandments places them in an improper context and trivializes the important role those teachings play in our lives.
Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus.
Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.
Ten Commandments are scary words. They chase us to Jesus.
Of the use of the jussive future in prohibition we have a conspicuous example in the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20: 13-17: Dt. 5: 17-21) - Ou moicheuseis, Ou klepseis ktl.
A Grammar of Septuagint Greek
Some laws may be fixed in stone, like the Ten Commandments - unchanging.
The Jews were called to reject polytheism and worship the one God, the Creator, whose will is revealed in the Torah, which comprises the first five books of the Bible (also known as the Pentateuch) and which contains the Ten Commandments.
Matters of morality, like the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, are not negotiable.
According to the ancient biblical account, the sacred Ark—an ornate box made of shittimwood and coated with gold—contained the original Ten Commandments, the tablets that God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai as the ancient Israelites wandered the desert in search of the Promised Land.
In 1266 he returned to Paris, where his friars were under attack both from conservatives in the Theology faculty and from radicals in Arts. Bonaventure began a series of writings devoted primarily to moral matters: Collations on the Ten Commandments (Collationes de decem praeceptis), Lent of
Yes, the Law of Moses is not all neatness and bullet points one you get past the Ten Commandments.
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It recognizes the Ten Commandments as eternal law and the Old Testament as Holy Writ.
The questions at issue in the administrative hearing are whether an adult teacher in the course of his classroom behavior (a) willfully or neglectfully injured a child, (b) was insubordinate toward the administration, (c) violated the guidelnes for his behavior in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and/or (d) violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment in his display of religious items and posters, including multiple instances of the Ten Commandments, in his classroom.
Freshwater: Playing fast and loose with the truth - The Panda's Thumb
Th real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this:
GOP congressman will not seek re-election after affair revealed
The Art Bulletin, 85/1 (2003): 114 – 36; Veldman, Ilja M. “The Old Testament as a moral code: Old Testament stories as exempla of the Ten Commandments.”
Art: Representation of Biblical Women.
The Decalogue is the classical name of the Ten Commandments.
The False Idol of Unfettered Capitalism
Ten Commandments are scary words. They chase us to Jesus.
Nowhere in the Ten Commandments, or anywhere else in the bible for that matter, do you find anything even close to the concept of human beings having unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
This violates the Establishment Clause, because the tablets allude to the Ten Commandments and thus endorse religion.
Although the Ten Commandments are of cardinal importance, all the commandments were given by God and are essential to Judaism.
I call a misbehaving young woman, and the hold of the whole family on me is so much weakened by her late conduct, that it wouldn't take a speech as long as the ten commandments to send me off to the river, leaving you and your traps, your Ark and your children, your man servants and your maid servants, your oxen and your asses, to fight this battle with the
The Deerslayer
Many of my generation were brought up with a moral code based on the ten commandments, which impressed a watermark in us so deep that it underpins all our lives.
At the bottom of the monument, below the Ten Commandments, there are two small Stars of David and also two Greek letters, chi and rho, superimposed over each other to represent the name Christ.
The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
The story told is that when King Solomon started to build his famous temple in Jerusalem, he entrusted the holy tabernacle that housed the Ten Commandments to his son, Menelik I, for safekeeping.
Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.
As these lines make clear, the poem is a bitingly satirical attack on those who profess to respect the Ten Commandments, but in fact betray their spirit at every point.
I would be surprised if I went through all the prayers and there was no mention, direct or indirect, of the Ten Commandments or a couple of them.
Moses is clutching under his right arm what must be the twin tablets of stone upon which he inscribed the Ten Commandments.
She was a famous housewife, ruling her little tsardom magnificently; she knew the ways, the vices and the virtues of mankind as they are set out in the Ten Commandments and the
The Precipice
A mother pointed out to her daughter the sampler embroidered with the Ten Commandments, although the girl seemed more interested in thimbles.
In this sense morality can vary from person to person and while the same can be said for Christians, there are basic tenets that all Christians believe, and in most faiths in general with the exception of some oddballs, and that is, the ten commandments or equivalent, especially in regards to killing, raping, stealing, etc. in which hopefully abstinence is reinforced by the belief in an after life and the accountability of bad behaviour.
Child Abuse Alert
The five precepts are the nearest rules to the Ten Commandments.
Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.
What Pryor demonstrated in the Ten Commandments controversy is that he is not a partisan nor an ideologue.