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How To Use Temporal In A Sentence

  • This piece serves as a substantial conjurer of what we might term the castrati-c imagination through its vivid representation of the materiality of sound as music, and one that locates this sound visually in a manner that does not oppose it to its evanescence, its temporality. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • He presented with a 24 hour history of right-sided chest pain which seemed to be temporally related to a recent bout of coughing.
  • The superior temporal gyrus is subdivided into two or more obliquely running, short, transverse temporal gyri.
  • Upper genital tract infection associated with intrauterine contraceptive devices is temporally linked to the insertion of the device.
  • Cross-correlation coefficients computed from comparisons of sonograms reflect differences in the spectral and temporal characteristics of the call, as well as differences in signal-to-noise ratio.
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  • The physical realm is the realm of contingent, temporal, concrete and fuzzy particulars.
  • Turtles were considered to be living anapsids although there was a significant temporal gap between the last anapsid reptile fossil and the first turtle fossil. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • The fused parietals form the posterior two-thirds of the sagittal crest, expanding posteriorly to form a flattened, sculpted deck behind the supratemporal fenestrae adjacent to the squamosals.
  • Only when an influence is exerted, whether immediately or through a third party, from one upon another has society come into existence in place of a mere spatial juxtaposition or temporal contemporaneousness or succession of individuals. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can). AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim
  • All three criteria must thus be met in close temporal proximity.
  • The neutral stability curves and the character parameters are given, including the temporal and spatial growth rate, the critical wave number, the maximum wave number and the wave celerity.
  • The era Gill refers to as ‘colonial’ has both a more extended temporal continuity and a more contingent nature.
  • The start of a new year provides a convenient frame for temporal measurement.
  • Objective To assess the value of ictal video-electroencephalography monitoring (IVEEG) in presurgical evaluation for medically intractable nonlesional temporal lobe epilepsy(TLE).
  • Sir Nathaniel, will you hear an extemporal epitaph on the death of the deer? and, to humour the ignorant, I have call’d the deer the princess killed, a pricket. Act IV. Scene II. Love’s Labour’s Lost
  • This phenomenon is locally called "calima" or "calina," and dust levels in the air become temporally high. Canary Islands dry woodlands and forests
  • For example, an interest in the context sensitivity of realization in philosophy of mind (Wilson 2004, ch. 6) invokes issues pertaining to the context objection, individuation, temporality (especially causation versus constitution), and intrinsicality. Reductionism in Biology
  • These terms are made coextensive with the temporal span of Maisie's childhood; as the preface puts it, ‘she wonders… to the end-the death of her childhood’.
  • When we pass energy through the chroniton particles it generates chronotron radiation, and its temporal spectrum— Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • The two supratemporal fenestrae begin to close, getting smaller, sometimes asymmetrically.
  • The underlying field/space is universal (absolute on some level) whereas the particular, individuated processing dynamic determines how such space is perceived as having relative locality and temporality. A Materialist Red Herring
  • The capability to manipulate high-frequency acoustic phonon generation in both temporal and spatial domains should flourish the field of nanoultrasonics.
  • [12] The brain structure, the hippocampus lies under the medial temporal lobe, It is sometimes grouped together with other structures such as the denate gyrus creating what is known as the hippocampal formation. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Here, because the second sentence contains no verb to orient it in time and may plausibly be attributed to either the narrator or the character, it acts as a sort of atemporal link between the voices of narrator and character.
  • His pastels reflect hours of layering colour over colour and read with the intimacy of a book; they are sensual pieces as compared to his more temporal watercolours.
  • On the eternalist view of creation, God creates the universe as a temporally ordered B-series, according to which every event in that universe is, tenselessly, either before, after or simultaneous with every other event in the universe. Eternity
  • Many great minds have invested hours, years, careers and lifetimes debating whether God is within time (temporal), above and beyond time -- timeless (atemporal) -- or on God's own time (omnitemporal). Lavaille Lavette: God And Time: The Now We Live
  • Temporal and spatial changes in bubble densities were highly heterogeneous, suggesting strong variability in factors affecting the gas ebullition.
  • Part of the posterior rhinal fissure is always present in the 'incisura temporalis,' and sometimes, especially in some of the non-European races, the whole of the posterior rhinal fissure is retained in that typical form which we find in the anthropoid apes. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • When he returned home, he laid the five leaves in a box and locking it, gave the key to his wife (who then showed big with child), and said to her, Know that my decease is at hand and that the time draweth nigh for my translation from this abode temporal to the home which is eternal. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Regional and temporal variation in bending moments and power production have also been predicted to occur during steady undulatory swimming in fish.
  • He controls the time, a little in the manner of the mentally ill, of psychotics who live in an entirely subjective temporality. Ballardian » ‘Le passé composé de J. G. Ballard’: JGB on Empire of the Sun
  • The danger could never finally be set aside because it lies in the nature of Christianity itself, in the eternal tension between its temporal and its sacral self-interpretation.
  • It would help to ascertain the temporal relationship between the inscriptions on the reverse and the quota list on the obverse.
  • Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order.
  • On the other hand, the temporal value of the unit which appears as the result of subjective rhythmization undergoes a progressive decrease in absolute magnitude as the rate of succession among the undifferentiated stimuli is accelerated. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • However, as the temporal fenestra expands to ludicrous proportions in the cynodonts, the skull table is reduced to a saggital crest formed by the parietal.
  • Testing of these models requires that the spatial and temporal distribution of strain and vorticity domains be mapped out across the slab.
  • MRI reveals relative atrophy of the frontal lobes and the anterior temporal lobes.
  • As spacing between casimir plates formed by cavities in Rayney nickel gets smaller the vacuum fluctuations and therefore any matter diffused therough them twist on the time axis trading spatial parameters for temporal but maintaining the same quadric volume. Worldchanging: Bright Green
  • The Church found abundant recompense for the loss of temporal authority in the rediscovery of its spiritual primacy.
  • I had to have an operation on a fracture of my temporal lobe. Times, Sunday Times
  • A temporal profile needs to be contributed by a finite verb, as in I walked into the garden, We drove towards the sea.
  • The one burial of an adult in an extramural pit cannot be temporally related to the house despite its proximal location.
  • To verify the properties of the concurrent and reactive systems based on the theorem proving approach, an axiomatization is formulized for the first order projection temporal logic (FPTL).
  • This would facilitate the calculation of peristaltic velocity and the speed of contractility of gut smooth muscle with high temporal resolution.
  • Similar tumors may arise from neighboring areas, including the jugular bulb, the middle ear, and the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
  • The incomplete squamosals also slope laterally and ventrally away from the parietals, slightly depressing posterior margin of the supratemporal fenestrae.
  • Soil matric potential, leaf potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation.
  • II, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4), the antero-temporal sulcus (scissure parallele) so characteristic of the ape's brain, is as well, if not better developed than the fissure of Rolando, and is much more marked than the proper frontal sulci. Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes
  • Temporal programs reflecting the 24 h cycle of day and night are expressed by most organisms from microscopic cyanobacteria to macroscopic humans.
  • There are marked temporal interruptions and ellipses between the episodes; there are edits but they are kept to a minimum.
  • Such joints are found between the epiphyses and bodies of long bones, between the occipital and the sphenoid at, and for some years after, birth, and between the petrous portion of the temporal and the jugular process of the occipital. III. Syndesmology. 3. Classification of Joints
  • By nature they are eternal and incorruptible, but Eriugena also thinks of individual created things as located spatially and temporally.
  • She was found to have bilateral temporal field deficits and was referred for a neurological opinion.
  • The second, which Craig terms the kalām argument, holds that an infinite temporal regress is impossible because an actual infinite is impossible. Cosmological Argument
  • Place: -- the temporal mood of the Oversoul, playing through that particular facet of the dodecahedron, which is Greece. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • However, I don’t think either his jewish background or extratemporal standing (SJ’s GS13 Liberal Democrat Federal Employee Best Friend notwithstanding) would stand in the way of his succeeding to the presidency in a crisis. Cheeseburger Gothic » And now, Gentlemen, down to business.
  • In some languages, it is obligatory to specify more unusual types of temporal and aspectual relations.
  • With the interlink once again in hand, my artificial transwarp program should work- I only await a temporal polestar that will allow me to reopen the gateway that brought me here.
  • In early Islamic history the Shia were a political faction that supported Ali, son-in-law of the prophet Mohammed, who was the fourth caliph, the temporal and spiritual ruler of the Muslim world.
  • The Church and democracy had fought a war for temporal power, the Church had lost, and the antagonism lingered.
  • They helped him begin his spiritual and temporal education.
  • Their loyalty was to God; they could not swear allegiance to any temporal state.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Internal Dem memo faults party message'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'memo is sharply critical of Republican policies but also suggests a neurological explanation for Republican message success: By using emotional appeals and warning of dire threats, Republicans can trigger neurons called "amygdalae" in the temporal lobe, which is the seat of the "fight or flight" response in the brain.' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Internal Dem memo faults party message
  • They identified three brain regions in which grey matter density was greatest in those with the most Facebook friends, but was not linked to the number of real-world friends they had: the superior temporal sulcus and the middle temporal gyrus, which have previously been associated with the ability to perceive social cues from facial expressions, and the entorhinal cortex, which is linked to memory for things like faces and names. Facebook friend tally is associated with differences in brain structure
  • The temporalis, located in the temporal fossa of the skull, opens and closes the jaw, as does the masseter. Muscles Part 2
  • Then he dissolves to an almost identical angle, again of himself in profile, carrying the lines he is speaking over the dissolve in mid-sentence to indicate temporal continuity.
  • There are thirty-two segments devoted to a particular muscle, such as temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii and so on.
  • First used to indicate the process of alienation of Church property to the state, it soon came to be applied to the loss of temporal power by the Church.
  • Paulicians, that pity for their speculative errors, which modern times might think had been well purchased by the extent of the temporal services of these unfortunate sectaries. Count Robert of Paris
  • Objective To avoid or reduce the resulted scalp scar, alopecia, operation trauma and the length of recovery and other complains in the traditional frontotemporal-face lifting.
  • The jaw-bone, in few cases, is completely dislocated, for the zygomatic process formed from the upper jaw-bone (malar?) and the bone behind the ear (temporal?) shuts up the heads of the under jaw, being above the one (condyloid process?), and below the other On The Articulations
  • The petrosquamous suture of the temporal bone sometimes persists.
  • In five hours, the neurosurgeons removed the remaining tumour, my right hippocampus, and right temporal lobe.
  • The symbol of a beast considered merely _as a beast_, could not, in the nature of the case, signify anything more than a temporal kingdom or political empire. The Last Reformation
  • The second, third, and fourth sentences are without verbs and hence have no temporal location.
  • In fact only preliminary efforts have been made to make models with a temporal scale of 1 decade (not 5 years), and while they show some interesting results they still have many issues to be worked out (chiefly their ability to hindcast). Anthropogenic Climate Change In Serious Doubt « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • A new sense of temporality gave human consciousness a decisive role in the shaping of history.
  • It was quite possible that a general theory of temporality was an illusory goal. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • Varied with a few whitish cross bands; last series of scales and beneath whitish ventral shield black in front; subcaudal plates, one-rowed; throat scaly; chin shields two pairs; eyes lateral, pupil round; front pair of frontal plates short; nostrils lateral, in two small shields, loreal shields none; one large anterior, and two moderate posterior ocular shields; lower temporal shield in the labial ones. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • All everyone wants is pleasure, money, affluence - no matter how mundane or how temporal it is.
  • Despite its modest size and the irregular temporal, spatial, and ethnic distribution of the cases, the sample represents more than 70% of spousal murders that occurred in the viceroyalty at the time.
  • The charity which we should thus bear to ourselves is the model of that which we owe to our neighbour, whom we are to love _as ourselves_, not with the same intensity, but with the same quality of love, wishing him the good, human and divine, temporal and eternal, which we wish for ourselves, though not so earnestly as we wish it for ourselves. Moral Philosophy
  • The mutakallimÅ«m, theologians who used reason and argumentation to support their revealed Islamic beliefs, developed the temporal version of the argument from the impossibility of an infinite regress, known as the kalām argument. Cosmological Argument
  • I had mesial temporal sclerosis and lived more than 27 years of my life with seizures. Mail Call
  • A temporal syllogism consists of sentences whose copulas involve temporal ampliation. The Statue of a Writer
  • He adds a characteristically aw-shucks postscript: ‘I have no way of justifying what I do, no temporal defence at all.’
  • This is consistent with the notion of heterotypic continuity, whereby the symptomatic expression of an underlying, temporally stable pathology differs over the course of development.
  • Lying causes activity in the frontal part of the brain, including the medial inferior and pre-central areas, as well as the hippocampus and middle temporal regions and the limbic areas.
  • If God is the only real cause of spatio-temporal phenomena, he is the only real cause of ‘thoughts’ or ‘perceptions.’
  • Omnipotent fantasy may also dissolve a variety of conceptual boundaries that obstruct intimacy by eliding them with the dissolving boundary between pain and pleasure-boundaries of temporality, gender, or generation, for instance.
  • It is evident that the 3-D spatiotemporal sampling grid contains more information than 2-D still-frame sampling grid.
  • The posterior cingulate cortex and superior temporal sulcus were larger in people who identified themselves as having many characteristics associated with agreeableness. SCIENCE NEWS
  • There are probably more such relations, e.g. temporal precedence and betterness. Tropes
  • Developmental changes in epidermis and fat body are delayed to the same extent, thus maintaining proper temporal spacing of events required for successful exuviation.
  • Recognizing temporal aspects of reductionism alongside other representational issues like intrinsicality, which are not captured by a focus on mereology alone, supplements the evidential base for an argument in favor of talking about different kinds of reductionism rather than in terms of one unified account of reduction or overarching dichotomies of “reductionism” versus Reductionism in Biology
  • The headache may be generalized, but it is more commonly unilateral and localized to the temporal area.
  • The temporal responsiveness of insect olfactory organs is truly remarkable.
  • Sister John's headaches are epileptic in nature, temporal-lobe seizures, and are caused by an operable menangioma above her right ear.
  • After pre-operative embolisation, the tumour was resected from the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae, sphenoid sinus, nasopharynx, nasal cavity and maxillary antrum.
  • As we saw in section 3.4, the Second Analogy of Experience, if true, guarantees both the objectivity and the universal diachronic or temporally successive causal necessitation of objects of experience and all of their parts under natural laws. Kant's Theory of Judgment
  • Such common grounds are difficult or impossible to define by using methods such as LDV or hot wire anemometry that do not address the global Lagrangian or the temporal nature of complex flows.
  • Our model assumes that populations evolve with temporal variation in outcrossing rates with no genetic drift, no selection (particularly no heterotic selection), and with the random mating of outcrossing gametes.
  • Since discussion threads are linked to individual news items or essays, discussions are quite limited temporally.
  • The ear is supplied by the greater auricular, lesser occipital, and auriculotemporal nerves, and the mastoid branches of the lesser occipital nerve.
  • The new sciences - uniformitarian geology, nebular astronomy, and evolutionary biology - were rooted in a temporal methodology, as was evolutionary social science.
  • The hospital's CAT scanner showed that two jagged pieces of Herring's skull had been driven deep into the left temporal lobe of her brain.
  • The second major group of reptiles, the synapsids, have only a single temporal opening.
  • The procedure is usually performed to correct the ptosis of the eyebrow and lateral canthus, to eliminate the temporal and glabellar wrinkles as well etc.
  • The priming effect in temporal order perception is a phenomenon in which a primed stimulus was judged as appearing before an unprimed stimulus.
  • It is also possible that the seriation does not accurately reflect the temporal duration of zone decorations or that the radiocarbon dates from Bluegrass do not accurately reflect the span of occupation of the site.
  • Temporal bone fractures can cause unilateral sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.
  • Through the research all above, the paper summarizes all works which have been done, and presents the prospects of the Spatio-temporal dynamic visualization.
  • More specific questions might relate to taphonomic conditions, identification and temporal assessment of disconformities, or the nature of specific anthropogenic sediments.
  • Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
  • The rhythms of the text are as much spatial as temporal. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Patients with temporal lobe seizures sometimes have intense mystical and religious experiences.
  • Ye have large and airy apprehensions of temporal things, which ye call needful, and ye cannot behold eternal things. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • This is all the more so because the temporal setting of the film is the 1970s, a decade fraught with problems related to moral decadence.
  • The capitate processes are small and visible through the supratemporal fenestrae dorsally, fitting within fossae in the postorbitals.
  • In the paper “A new species of taipan (Elapidae: Oxyuranus) from central Australia”, researchers P. Doughty, B. Maryan, S.C. Donnellan and M.N. Hutchinson (in Zootaxa 1422: 45-58: 2007) described Oxyuranus temporalis. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The Internet yields both seeming temporal instantaneity and spatial compression.
  • Consequently, in the intentional mode, there is a complex relationship between causal direction and temporal order.
  • It would not be safe to assume that the synapsid temporal fenestra is strictly homologous to the lower temporal fenestra of diapsids.
  • Una ar putea argumenta că există teme atemporale în 300 şi acestea sunt ceea ce este important, la fel ca în Stăpânul Inelelor. »2007» martie
  • The areas most affected were the superior temporal, anterior insula, and orbitofrontal cortices.
  • There is a temporal asymmetry in causability because everything causable is in the future. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • - – As of current, hypergraphia is understood to be triggered by changes in brainwave activity in the temporal lobe. Eight Diseases that Give You Super Human Powers | Impact Lab
  • She attempted in these works to capture the rhythmic, temporal chants of the Ladakh monastery.
  • Is there more than a temporal relation between the Persian wars and the change?
  • Formed port to run the diversity of spatiotemporal union type from this.
  • A mandibular condyle is the knobbed ending of the lower jaw; it joins the lower jaw to the temporal bone of the skull on both sides of the head at the temporomandibular joint.
  • Behind the temporal regions, note the two wide and deep grooves which outline the petrous parts of the temporal bones.
  • Bring a bunch of broad spectrum antibiotics when you set off to satisfy your need for procreation and extratemporal lust; -) Ask MetaFilter
  • In summary, we report that the allele distribution of the ldh-A gene in Pacific swordfish is homogeneous among temporal samples within-regions but that significant differences exist among pooled regional samples from the NCPO (Hawaii-multiple years), the north-eastern Pacific Ocean (NEPO: Mexico and Ecuador-multiple years), the south-eastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO: off Chile), and the SWP O (Australia). Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
  • Assist me, some extemporal god of rhyme, for I am sure I shall turn sonnet. Love’s Labour ’s Lost
  • The findings of colchicine toxicity can be divided into three temporal states. 3 The first state, lasting from two to 24 hours post-ingestion, is notable for abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea with volume depletion. Colchicine Poisoning
  • Just imagine the hippocampus playing back a partial spatiotemporal pattern to the cortex-maybe a fragment of something from the previous week.
  • The effect of which supplication was that the temporall landes devoutely given, and disordinately spent by religious and other spirituall persons, should be seased into the Kyngs hands, sithence the same might suffice to maintayne to the honor of the King and defence of the realme fifteene Erles, fifteene C. The Battaile of Agincourt
  • The net has created a world where communication is unconstrained by geographical, temporal or political borders.
  • The couples in the piece make an experience and a temporal transformation occurs.
  • It would be possible to work through the classification describing how each kind of loop maps into different spatial and temporal orderings.
  • One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.
  • English has plenty of adjectives for modifying the temporal properties of nouns, including ‘former’, ‘recent’, and ‘forthcoming’.
  • The phenotypic analysis of fru mutant embryos along with fru's temporal and spatial expression pattern suggests that the fru gene functions during axonal outgrowth.
  • They pay likewise subsidies with the temporalty, but in such sort that if these pay after four shillings for land, the clergy contribute commonly after six shillings of the pound, so that of a benefice of twenty pounds by the year the incumbent thinketh himself well acquitted if, all ordinary payments being discharged, he may reserve thirteen pounds six shillings eightpence towards his own sustentation or maintenance of his family. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • To date, fisheries literature has suggested three approaches to this problem: the use of regionally specific climate projections that can be coupled directly to knowledge of the physiological limits of the species; the use of empirical relationships relating local climate (weather) to measurements of species or stock dynamics (e.g., abundance, size, growth rate, fecundity) and comparison of population success temporally (e.g., from a period of climatically variable years) or spatially (e.g., locales representing the extremes of variation in weather conditions such as latitudinal clines); and the use of current distributional data and known or inferred thermal preferences to shift ecological residency zones into geographic positions that reflect probable future climate regimes. Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
  • A "pop-up shop": this increasingly ubiquitous and, ergo, increasingly annoying trend suggests in its name temporality, spontaneity, coolness, a fun little shopping excursion that The Guardian World News
  • He has lost confidence in the narrative thread, in the continuity of temporal sequence.
  • The themes of spatiality and temporality are strongly reiterated in the festival.
  • As the infection spreads in the temporal bone, it may extend into the cranium and result in cranial nerve palsies.
  • Moving back to the morphology of the rorqual lower jaw, a tall, well-developed coronoid process – way larger than that of any other mysticete – projects from each jaw bone and forms the attachment site for a tendinous part of the temporalis muscle, termed the frontomandibular stay. From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • There are thirty-two segments devoted to a particular muscle, such as temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii and so on.
  • These gyri are termed the opercula of the insula; they are separated from each other by the three rami of the lateral fissure, and are named the orbital, frontal, frontoparietal, and temporal opercula. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • A longitudinal design was employed to examine the temporal relationships between variables, and to assess how changes in the biosocial variables are associated with levels of disordered eating and exercise dependence over time.
  • Simplistic analyses of changes in vegetation cover probably confused natural temporal variability with long-term degradation.
  • On the oblique plane parallel to the horizon segment, the intratemporal facial nerve was completely disclosed.
  • Lateral processes for the postorbitals are short, and a broad sutural contact with the laterosphenoid occurs within the supratemporal space.
  • Specific accumulation regimes and modes of regulation are typically constructed in specific social spaces and spatio-temporal matrices.
  • There is a temporal asymmetry in causability because everything causable is in the future. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.
  • And since the clergy alone could rightly confer these, it was natural that they should claim the right to bestow ecclesiastical offices, including the lands ( "temporalities") attached to them, upon whomsoever they pleased without consulting any layman whatever. An Introduction to the History of Western Europe
  • But while spiritual power rests in Geneva, temporal power resides in the capitals.
  • However, cases with porencephaly, global atrophy or delayed myelination of unilateral temporal lobe on MRI were more related to HIE.
  • My attention has also been directed to a deficiency in the above-cited statement which for the sake of clearness described any conceivable separation between the two phases of autoerotism and object love as a temporal separation. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • Conclusion Subtemporal decompression cannot reduce the areas of infarcts and mortality, nor improve neurological function and promote quality of survivor.
  • He remoued the archbishops see from Canturburie vnto Lichfield, thereby to aduance his kingdome of Mercia, as well in dignitie & preheminence of spirituall power as temporall. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England
  • When Moses, the servant with the watchword, "I AM THAT I AM," presented himself to the Shemitic and {42} Japhetic races, he was everywhere received and acknowledged by them as their leader, in opposition to both the temporal and theological power of the Magi and of Pharaoh. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • Temporal representations of the CS, the US, the interstimulus interval (ISI) and intertrial interval (ITI) (see also Sutton and Barto, 1981), Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • They are largely unguided by spiritual mentors (the Church of England) or temporal ones (the trade unions of old perhaps).
  • The temporal license of epic and of the pursuit of seasonability was not an option in the courts.
  • It was a world-penance for a world to see, and paltry indeed it made appear that earlier penance, barefooted in the snow, of an emperor to a pope for daring to squabble over temporal power. Goliah
  • It is in such details that one's sense of temporal and spatial distance and detachment is overwhelmed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Death is only a power over us because we are in temporal state of existence. Must Watch: Bill Maher's Religulous Trailer! «
  • DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics. ScreenTalk
  • Large urban populations also entailed increasing social complexity, creating inequalities of wealth and access to basic resources. 6 Temporal trends in precontact Central Mexico, with its long history as the center of Mesoamerican civilization, seem to support this hypothesis. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Discrete damage to the brain, especially to parts of the interior surface of the temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, can also cause profound anterograde amnesia.
  • The rhythms of the text are as much spatial as temporal. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The wayside grocer met their temporal needs – clarified butter ladled from the earthenware pot, into Dwarki's brass lota, with a liberal supply of red kunkun. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • What's surprising about this analysis is that it suggests that built in to common sense concepts of memory is a reliance on the existence of some kind of ˜memory trace™ as a continuous bridge across the temporal gap, causally connecting past and present. Memory
  • We investigated temporal changes in the genetic structure of human populations during the past 2,500 years.
  • The infection may extend to the cartilaginous skeleton of the ear canal and through Santorini's fissures to reach the temporal bone, causing osteitis.
  • If we deny ourselves in anything, that our hearts stand strongly for, because it hinders us in holy courses, God will be sure to recompense us in spiritual things abundantly, yea, and in temporal things many times.
  • Its liturgy should and must represent an exit from temporality and political issues and enter touch elements of eternity: this is where all its art and furnishings and music must point. A Plea for Sacred Music on the Fourth of July
  • But even for someone who accepts a theory of temporal parts, coinciding objects can still present a problem.
  • God is atemporal in that for him everything is simultaneous, there being no past, present, or future.
  • A second computed tomographic scan showed effacement of the temporal sulci and gyri, which was believed to be secondary to cerebral edema.
  • Cellular calcium dynamics are subject to stringent spatio-temporal control, especially in excitable cells.
  • What emerges is a compelling and often uplifting study, the spatial and temporal boundaries of which extend far beyond Britain between the wars. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This quest finds its most popular political expression in the image of the oba, the temporal and spiritual head of a given community and a personification of its corporate existence.
  • Touching the temporal lobe can give a deep feeling of guilt. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • The orbital plate and that part of the sphenoid which is found in the temporal fossa, as well as the lateral pterygoid plate, are ossified in membrane (Fawcett) 34. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • Apparently to this end, the local and temporal co-ordinates of the narrative are established with a demonstrative exactitude.
  • In a way, we are faced here with something like yet another reworking of the Husserlian analysis of temporality, and of the tension retention-protension that characterizes it: with the significant difference that time is no longer so much constituted for and by a consciousness, or even by an ex-sistence, as it is temporalized from out of the twofold horizon of the event of being. Enowning
  • Examination revealed yellow to dark-brown, hairless, verrucous and micronodular lesions on the right temporal area of her scalp.
  • Still, such people are base indeed; they fornicate against thee, for they love the transitory mockeries of temporal things and the filthy gain which begrimes the hand that grabs it; they embrace the fleeting world and scorn thee, who abidest and invitest us to return to thee and who pardonest the prostituted human soul when it does return to thee. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • The temporal aspects of stigma receptivity and pollen longevity were investigated in relation to protandry (the occurrence of anther dehiscence prior to stigma receptivity) and breeding system.
  • The introit for the first Sunday in Advent, Ad te levavi, was usually one of the most elaborately decorated as this introit opened the Temporale and hence the gradual proper. 99 None of the graduals of German Dominican women were decorated with miniatures, only decorated or historiated initials. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany

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