How To Use Tempest In A Sentence

  • Running parallel to this tempestuous relationship is the whirlwind romance between weathergirl Hero, played by Billie Piper, and sports presenter Claude.
  • For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.
  • News of the unusual discovery is stirring up a tempest among scientists, who are studying the storm to find out how it formed.
  • There wasn't any thunder or lightning, just rain, but it was quite a tempest nonetheless.
  • With Maureen and Jane it seemed improbable, but every now and then I caught myself wondering if the tempestuous Alessandra felt even a slight tendresse. Why Women Still Don't Get It
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  • Defy the tempest & the storm deride is not in the original nor is it good. ποθος [19] is hardly fierce desire — & all such expressions of ram-cat raptures are bad. by the by she a dark lanthern might have deprived us of this poem. your storm is very good — zounds I sweat at the bare idea of the Letter 138
  • And shipmen see this and beware that they be not overset unwarily with tempest and with storms. A WMAM too tired for catchy titles
  • I felt that Marjorie might overdo it: also that Conky, who loved the sound of his voice, might be tempted to soothe the old man with intempestive gusts of song. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, April 12, 1916
  • It will be a difficult task as the ship has become overloaded, capricious and the ocean is tempestuous.
  • Spiritus quoque aeris et mali genii aliquando se tempestatibus ingerunt, et menti humanae se latenter insinuant, eamque vexant, exagitant, et ut fluctus marini, humanum corpus ventis agitatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He sang in choirs, played at balls and weddings and baptisms, made "arrangements" for anybody who would employ him, and in short drudged very much as Wagner did at the outset of his tempestuous career. Joseph Haydn
  • One forlorn fragment of dollanity had belonged to Jo and, having led a tempestuous life, was left a wreck in the rag bag, from which dreary poorhouse it was rescued by Beth and taken to her refuge.
  • There are celebratory songs, such as in the wedding masques in As You Like It and The Tempest, and there are the more solemn dirges and laments of Cymbeline and Much Ado About Nothing.
  • Can we take the recent bargain sale of hard-bound editions at hugely reduced rates as a signal heralding the impending tempest befalling the book market?
  • Though celebrated for her work on Disney's hugely successful "Lion King" musical and on films such as "Frida" and "The Tempest," Ms. Taymor has also frequently been described as a micromanager, accused of devoting all her attention to the details of a production while turning a blind eye to budget. 'Spidey' Director's Role Is Cut
  • Sobrij quoque sunt, quapropter et longo tempore viuunt: et si quis ab eorum moribus degenerat, proscribitur perpetuò sine mora, omnibus nulla posita differentia personarum, vnde et in iusto Dei iudicio, quòd naturalem exercere iustitiam contendunt, Elementa eis naturaliter obsequuntur, et rarò eos tangit tempestas, aut fames, pestilentia aut gladius. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • In the night came "a terrible tempest," which scattered the duke's ships "one from another, so that two of them were not in compagnie together in one place;" and when the tempest had done its work, it passed away; and the gales were fair, and the heaven was clear, when, the next day, the earl "halsed up the sayles," and came in sight of Dartmouth. The Last of the Barons — Volume 10
  • Maidens with water-jars on their heads which might have been dug up at Pompeii; priests with broad hats and huge cloaks; sailors with blue shirts and red girdles; urchins who almost instinctively cry for a "soldo" and break into the Tarantella if you look at them; quiet, grave, farmer-peasants with the Phrygian cap; coral-fishers fresh from the African coast with tales of storm and tempest and the Madonna's help -- make up group after group of Caprese life as one looks idly on, a life not specially truthful perhaps or moral or high-minded, but sunny and pleasant and pretty enough, and harmonizing in its own genial way with the sunshine and beauty around. Stray Studies from England and Italy
  • Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be afflicted Revelations of Divine Love
  • Let the sky rain potatoes; let it thunder to the tune of 'Greensleeves'; hail kissing-comfits and snow eringoes; let there come a tempest of provocation, I will shelter me here. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • We may well imagine that such scenes were preceded as well as accompanied by a fearful racket within (a familiar device of our low comedy and extravaganza), the effect probably heightened by tempestuous _melodrama_ on the _tibiae_, as both the scenes cited are in _canticum_. The Dramatic Values in Plautus
  • I looked with sympathetic awe and fearfulness upon the man who, in mid-winter just landed from a four years’ dangerous voyage, could so unrestingly push off again for still another tempestuous term.
  • I was once more on the Great Conglomerate, -- here, as elsewhere, a picturesque, boldly-featured deposit, traversed by narrow, mural-sided valleys, and tempested by bluff abrupt eminences. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • In the freedom of this rather unalluring garb she entered into relations Platonic, fraternal, or tempestuously passionate with perhaps the most distinguished series of friends and lovers that ever fluttered about one flame. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • Thanks, jonquil! ktempest has a highly interesting post up about Realms of Fantasy and boobs. Dreamwidth and Realms
  • They bravely endured these tempests and continued to fight valiantly across the turbid depths to reach their goal…
  • They were tossed upon a tempestuous sea.
  • He said not: Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be afflicted; but He said: Thou shalt not be overcome. Revelations of Divine Love
  • Sandstorms are hardly novel in Beijing, but the sheer ferocity of these tempests was.
  • The ancient Maya Indians - who had their heyday in Mexico and Central America from about A.D.250 to 900-had more than a passing familiarity with the tempests that regularly howled off the Atlantic.
  • She'd be childlike, tempestuous and unpredictable.
  • He believed with those who say that the men who dares the 'tempests' wrath, 'and the' billows 'madden'd play' on the errand of saving life, to be as great heroes as those who 'seek for bubble reputation at the cannon's mouth.' The Hero of the Humber or the History of the Late Mr. John Ellerthorpe
  • So, too, a tempestuous relationship with instructors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aucune inquietude ni des parents (notre Pinku ne fout rien normal c un gros fainéant), ni du medecin 'tu es jeune c pour ca que tu besoin de beaucoup de sommeil' tout ca malgres les plainte intempestive du Pinku ... mais on s'en fout de c'que tu dis gros molasson! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I know you can't dine here in consequence of the tempestuous weather on the Covent Garden shores, but if you will come in when you have done Trinculizing, you will delight me greatly, and add in no inconsiderable degree to the "conviviality" of the meeting. The Letters of Charles Dickens Vol. 3 (of 3), 1836-1870
  • They had probably always had a tempestuous relationship and were used to speaking their minds freely. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Marinoff continued to act on the stage after her marriage, appearing as Ariel in the tercentenary revival of The Tempest in 1916, and as a lead in the Greenwich Village Players from 1916 to 1917. Fania Marinoff.
  • Yet all such speed was invisible, as the wind vanishes when a swift xebec scuds before a tempest on the Ocean of Urth. We drifted so lazily that if I had not had faith in Apheta and the Hierarchs, I would have feared we would never reach the ship at all and be lost forever in that endless night. The Urth of the New Sun
  • “The enthusiasm with which his lecture was everywhere greeted is still ringing throughout California, and now, that his foot is on his native heath, we may expect to see the very mountains shake with a tempest of applause,” cried the Territorial Enterprise,5 making sure to add that the Enterprise was where Sam Clemens had christened the name Mark Twain “and developed that rich and inexhaustible vein of humor which has made the title famous.” Mark Twain
  • The weather seemed to be a pretense for a storm, windy and hinting toward a tempest.
  • Noruagus, cum versus insulas Farenses nauigaret tempestate valida, ad littora Islandi� Orientalis fort� appulit: vbi cum fuisset aliquot septimanas cum socijs commoratus, animaduertit immodicam niuium copiam, montium quorundam cacumina obtegentem, atque ide� � niue nomen Insul� Snelandia indidit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Superficially, the play follows The Tempest's plot-line and uses Philoctetes’ setting, but this isn't just Shakespeare in Greek buskins.
  • And he knew not, apparently, how to express the hero's greatness _in word_, but by making him bethump the stage with tempestuous verbiage; which, to be sure, is not the style of greatness at all, but only of one trying to be great, and _trying_ to be so, because he is not so. Shakespeare: His Life, Art, And Characters, Volume I. With An Historical Sketch Of The Origin And Growth Of The Drama In England
  • But their love affair is as tempestuous and doomed as a Latin ballad. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it is not covered, the boat will founder in this tempest, and the ocean will summarily swallow the sailors and their dream.
  • The protection methods of radiation emission and TEMPEST technology and its standards are discussed.
  • Haud aequom facit qui quod didicit id dediscit. an periclitamini quid animi habeam? sed quid huc vos revortimini tam cito? an te auspicium commoratum est an tempestas continet 690 qui non abiisti ad legiones, ita uti dudum dixeras? Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • They engaged in tempestuous weather; and the tumultuary conflict was continued from the dawn to the extinction of light. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • In 1674 an updated version of Shakespeare's The Tempest had sung Masques inserted into the text.
  • The tempest's mocking elf Points to the shipman thus the unseen shelf He strikes on, only when the timbers start. The Dark Tower
  • Being questioned about their delay, they replied that it was due to a violent tempest, and that, the sea being cloven [parted] their prow struck against a rock and was broken.
  • Mimi said as, after a short struggle, Bessemer managed to slide the doors shut against the tempest raging outside. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • She tempested out of Miss Cotton's house, all tearful under the veil she had pulled down, and as she shut the door of her coupe, Miss Cotton's heart jumped into her throat with an impulse to run after her, to recall her, to recant, to modify everything. April Hopes
  • They arrived on the 8th day, and being questioned about their delay, replied that it was due to a violent tempest, and that, the sea being cloven [parted] their prow struck against a rock and was broken.
  • Vexations and a tempest of passion only fill his sail; as the good Luther writes, “When I am angry, I can pray well and preach well”: and, if we knew the genesis of fine strokes of eloquence, they might recall the complaisance of Sultan Amurath, who struck off some Persian heads, that his physician, Vesalius, might see the spasms in the muscles of the neck. Representative Men
  • In Minutius, sine delectu tempestates tangunt loca sacra et profana, bonorum et malorum fata, juxta, nullo ordine res fiunt, soluta legibus fortuna dominatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The prophets who'd predicted the tempest had been proved correct: The frenzied waters had indeed thrown up an unprecedented catch. EVERVILLE
  • So, in that sense, the tempest is a manufactured one, not the split. Essay Rant Thingy
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  • He had a tempestuous life in turbulent times.
  • it was only a tempest in a teapot
  • What does this honourable person mean by "a tempest that outrides the wind"? "Stops", Or How to Punctuate A Practical Handbook for Writers and Students
  • The historians present the picture of a brilliant but tempestuous and cruel man.
  • -- Due premonition, it appears, had been publicly given of the impending tempest -- the cattle seem to have been sent out to graze, which is from Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Flora quibus mater præspargens ante viai cuncta coloribus egregiis et odoribus opplet. inde loci sequitur calor aridus et comes una pulverulenta Ceres et etesia flabra aquilonum, inde antumnus adit, graditur simul Eubius Euan, inde aliæ tempestates ventique secuntur, altitonans Volturnus et auster fulmine pollens. tandem bruma nives adfert pigrumque rigorem, prodit hiemps, sequitur crepitans hanc dentibus algor. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III
  • The reason he gives is, For I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Lord hast taken of me; in that unshaken firmness which is given me in my sufferings, in a perfect tranquillity in the midst of a furious tempest, which assaults me on every side; in an unspeakable joy, enlargedness and liberty which I enjoy in a most straight and rigorous captivity. The Autobiography of Madame Guyon
  • Page 297 alone manages to refer to Alonso in The Tempest as "Alphonso," describe him as duke of Naples, rather than its king, invent for Gonzalo a nonexistent comparison of the courtiers 'garments seemingly new-dyed by salt water to "players' costumes, "and misread Prospero's account of the witch Sycorax (predictably yet another caricature of Queen Elizabeth) arriving on the island" with child "as meaning she already had a small Caliban trotting by her side. The One and Only
  • And what wonderful melodies did she play on it when the winds of heaven blew about her and the mountain tempest thundered and the great stars stayed to listen? The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
  • A fiery, tempestuous reading of the Allegro non troppo had just the right contrasting hues of aristocratic grace.
  • But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon.
  • MOD made by the Finnish demoscener Janne "Tempest/Damage" Suni to use it in the song "Do it" on the latest album "Loose" by the Canadian popular singer Nelly Furtado. Friday is Timbaland Day - Pt 1: Tim's Greatest Hits
  • The potentially damaging book comes after an apparent thawing of relations between the prime minister and his chancellor, with well placed insiders saying the often tempestuous relationship is on its most even keel in years.
  • The Tempest is a text which in its canonicity culturally institutionalizes a false history of Africans and emburdens them with a false sense of cultural inferiority.
  • Their neighing was the shout of the tempest in the rocks; and their gusty manes were a cloud that tatters in the storm! "The Fading of Shadow Flower"
  • This is a pretty transparent attempt to parrot the administration line that this is nothing more than another beltway tempest in a teapot.
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • Month after month, images of protests, the hostage crisis, and other tempestuous events came pouring out of my homeland.
  • 45 The fleet of galleys and transports sailed in tempestuous weather from the port of Pisa, in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • And there was mention of `a tempestuous petticoat " too, if he remembered correctly. THE BOOK LADY
  • He was abandoned by his mother when he was 8 years old and seems to have a tempestuous relationship with his father throughout his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has been a tempestuous period in a distinguished riding career. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was the celebrated Dr Scoresby; a man who had spent his youth and manhood in the whale-fishing; who, late in life, entered the Church, and, until the day of his death, took a special delight in directing the attention of sailors to Him whose word stilled the tempest and bade the angry waves be calm. The Ocean and its Wonders
  • For when the soul is tempested, troubled, and left to itself by unrest, then it is time to pray, for to make itself pliable and obedient [140] to God. Revelations of Divine Love
  • They begin a tempestuous and deeply erotic relationship even though both are in middle age and have wildly different expectations about monogamy and marriage.
  • Bruno rimasero sulla nave che ognuno vedeva colare a fondo: ma dopo qualche tempo non essendosi visto che cio avveniva, le persone fuggite a terra respinsero la nave nell 'acque: ma il tempestoso mare la ribasto una seconda volta contro i scogli, ed allora si aveva per certo che la nave coll' illustre personaggio, una grande quantita di denari, Life of Lord Byron
  • Clapping gave way in an instant to the booming thunder as all turned from the singer to behold the tempest in the sky.
  • They met the same tempest of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and recoiled.
  • She doesn't know Corinne, has no experience of the depth and complexity and interlinked contradictions that make up this intense, tempestuous, extraordinary woman.
  • A fleet blockading Brest could run to Tor Bay in a westerly tempest — the strategy of the past fifty years had been based on that geographical fact. Hornblower And The Crisis
  • Here's a quick clip of her explaining to me that after cutting the final speech from The Tempest, she decided to put it back via the song in the end credits, which, she felt, had to be performed by the mighty Beth Gibbons, best known as the willowy, wounded - and occasionally wrathful - voice of Portishead. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • Mr. Flint, any more than Ulysses himself, cannot recall the tempests when his own followers have slit the bags -- and in sight of Ithaca! Mr. Crewe's Career — Volume 3
  • The General often seems to use reason and intelligence to paper over an emotionally tempestuous nature, and I wonder if his reaction to being ruled out of the running to lead Europe might have had something to do with this statement's odd-ness.
  • I pictured to myself the emotional agonies, the tempests of passion, the lust of greed, the calm, subdued, resistless attitude of despair which at times found expression by the sale of mothers or fathers, brothers or sisters, wives or husbands, sweethearts or friends.
  • 1 ... it shall be tempest-tost. Times, Sunday Times
  • * operationem spiritus eadem illa certitudo tempestive possit reviviscere:: [11589] 1 The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • I had a long chat today with folks from Yahoo about the ongoing "size matters" tempest, and it was once again enlightening. Boing Boing
  • Dame Helen Mirren, scared that another Oscar might make her husband run away, will redub her performance in The Tempest so that Prospera shouts everything in an inexplicably high-pitched Jamaican accent. ‘Bombshell’ McGee Sorry For Banging Sandra Bullock’s Chap
  • a tempest swept over the island
  • Whilst anchored in Chevalier Creek, Surville was overtaken by a frightful tempest, which brought him within an ace of destruction, but his sailors had such confidence in his nautical ability that they felt no anxiety, and obeyed his orders with a _sang froid_ of which, unfortunately, the Maoris were the sole spectators. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part 2. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century
  • It's common knowledge that the tempestuous winter months put our vehicles through greater stress and strain, and can often make minor imperfections into major malfunctions.
  • He travelled to Bristol, to London, to Kent, everywhere preaching the truth — opportune, importune, tempestive, to use the language ironically applied by him to the Bishop of London, [150] — and this, too, with his health greatly weakened and impaired. Luther and Other Leaders of the Reformation
  • A few days before, a tempest-struck vessel had appeared off the town: the hull was parched-looking and cracked, the sails rent, and bent in a careless, unseamanlike manner, the shrouds tangled and broken. The Last Man
  • Monday, the fourth day of August, the aforesaid tempest en - dured still; and at afternoon, that day, the wind began to come large; but it blew so much, and the coasts were so jeopardous ot sands and rocks, that the same night the mariners durst not jeo - pard to take the sea, but lay still at anchor about the said isle. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • In court, she was forced to air details of her unreconciled rift with Diana, and conceded letters to her ‘tempestuous’ daughter were returned unopened.
  • The offshore waters are typically tempestuous, but winds in the channel's eastern bight will be only 10 to 15 knots.
  • But City sources quickly dismissed suggestions this might prove to be the final straw in their tempestuous relationship. The Sun
  • Impatiently she cursed the love of Chynon, greatly blaming his desperate boldnesse, and maintaining, that so violent a tempest could never happen, but onely by the Gods displeasure, who would not permit him to have a wife against their will; and therefore thus punished his proud presumption, not onely in his unavoidable death, but also that her life must perish for company. The Decameron
  • It's said that he is ‘difficult’, ‘broody’, ‘paranoid’ and afflicted by a tempestuous and confrontational character.
  • Multi intempestive ab haemorrhoidibus curati, melancholia corrupti sunt. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • And beneath this thick canopy the unseen deep would literally "boil as a pot," wildly tempested from below; while from time to time more deeply seated convulsion would upheave sudden to the surface vast tracts of semi-molten rock, soon again to disappear, and from which waves of bulk enormous would roll outwards, to meet in wild conflict with the giant waves of other convulsions, or return to hiss and sputter against the intensely heated and fast foundering mass, whose violent upheaval had first elevated and sent them abroad. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • As Aristotle in his Ethicks doth saye of the losse which shippmen do suffer in a tempest/which do cast out of their ship al their Goodes whẽ they be in daunger of shipp wracke: They seame truly to be compelled to do it/and yet willingly they do it/and therfor they are sayed. A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful by Peter Martyr; Wherunto is Added A Sermon made of the Confessing of Christ and His Gospel and of the Denying of the sam
  • Spiritus quoque aeris et mali genii aliquando se tempestatibus ingerunt, et menti humanae se latenter insinuant, eamque vexant, exagitant, et ut fluctus marini, humanum corpus ventis agitatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But Garber's greatest strength is old-school close reading: she traces the idea of doubleness in "Macbeth" from the witches 'familiar incantation ( "Double, double, toil and trouble") to the hero's divided consciousness, and finding "The Tempest's" theme of cyclical repetition reflected even in the passing reference to Caliban's mother, the witch Sycorax, "with age and envy ... grown into a hoop. SHAKESPEARE 101: A+
  • Lightning cracks the sky: thunder blasts; the tempest pours. SPLITTING
  • And so, I submissively give in at this stage and let the winds of politics blow all around me without seeking to alter the course of the raging seas and tempests that may lie ahead.
  • It had precipitous cliffs over 2,000ft in height, against which dashed tempestuous seas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thy barb, whose hoofs outspeed the tempest's flight, 5 From the Arabic
  • Bruno rimasero sulla nave che ognuno vedeva colare a fondo: ma dopo qualche tempo non essendosi visto che ciò avveniva, le persone fuggite a terra respinsero la nave nell 'acque: ma il tempestoso mare la ribastò una seconda volta contro i scogli, ed allora si aveva per certo che la nave coll' illustre personaggio, una grande quantità di denari, e molti preziosi effetti per i Greci anderebbero a fondo. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • The match had been relatively quiet until the 28th minute when it suddenly exploded into tempestuous life.
  • He and the tempestuous Chapman had an incredibly attuned working relationship which began m 1960.
  • His groom of the chambers had scarce lighted a pair of torches, and Montrose himself had scarce risen from his couch, when two men entered, one wearing a Lowland dress, of shamoy leather worn almost to tatters; the other a tall upright old Highlander, of a complexion which might be termed iron-grey, wasted and worn by frost and tempest. A Legend of Montrose
  • They had a daughter the following year but it was to prove to be a tempestuous relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again. Matthew Yglesias » Amar Bhide, WSJ Edit Page, Embrace Regular Recurrence of Massive Recessions
  • You promised upon a thousand occasions to pay your share of the interest for ever, and now like a defaulter you abandon your post and destroy half the revenue of our firm by one intempestive and thoughtless act! On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
  • He and Mum had a tempestuous relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he was not affectionately coercing people into buying things they did not need, he stood at the back of the store, glowing, abstracted, feeling masculine as he recalled the tempestuous surprises of love revealed by Vida. Main Street
  • A piece of the roof, set aflame by the uncontrolled inferno, suddenly fell from the roof and on top of Tempest's right leg.
  • Inside the sounds of the growing tempest were muffled, but the echo of the wind racking against the rusted metal was not.
  • Flora quibus mater præspargens ante viai cuncta coloribus egregiis et odoribus opplet. inde loci sequitur calor aridus et comes una pulverulenta Ceres et etesia flabra aquilonum, inde antumnus adit, graditur simul Eubius Euan, inde aliæ tempestates ventique secuntur, altitonans Volturnus et auster fulmine pollens. tandem bruma nives adfert pigrumque rigorem, prodit hiemps, sequitur crepitans hanc dentibus algor. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • The effect of this speech, as the orator, pale, exhausted, shattered, unstrung, with nerves like the torn cordage of a ship that has outridden the tempest, descended from the tribune, baffles all description. Edmond Dantès
  • IN the evening this surprising heavy tempest passed off, we had a serene sky and a pleasant cool night; having had time enough to collect a great quantity of wood and Pine knots to feed our fires and keep up a light in our camp, which was a lucky precaution, as we found it absolutely necessary to dry our clothes and warm ourselves, for all our skins and bedding were cast over the packs of merchandize to prevent them and our provision from being injured by the deluge of rain; next day was cool and pleasant, the air having recovered its elasticity and vivific spirit; I found myself cheerful and invigorated; indeed all around us appeared reanimated, and nature presents her cheerful countenance; the vegetables smile in their blooming decorations and sparkling crystaline dew-drop. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • We have few "tempests" in Denboro, those we do have are almost worthy of the name. The Rise of Roscoe Paine
  • Enforst to seeke some covert nigh at hand, A shadic grove not farr away they spide, That promist ayde the tempest to withstand; Whose loftie trees, yclad with sommers pride, Did spred so broad, that heavens light did hide, Not perceable with power of any starr: And all within were pathes and alleies wide, With footing worne, and leading inward farr; Faire harbour that them seems; so in they entered ar. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • And he knew not, apparently, how to express the hero's greatness in word, but by making him bethump the stage with tempestuous verbiage; which, to be sure, is not the style of greatness at all, but only of one trying to be great, and trying to be so, because he is not so. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Month after month, images of protests, the hostage crisis, and other tempestuous events came pouring out of my homeland.
  • Abruptly following, a hoard of men appeared on the ridge, and with a howl like a raging tempest, chaos erupted.
  • Mimi said as, after a short struggle, Bessemer managed to slide the doors shut against the tempest raging outside. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Et quoniam Pechor� Sinus vel euntibus vel redeuntibus commodissimus est tum subsidij tum diuersorij locus propter glaciem et tempestates, diem impendere decreuit cognoscendis vadis, facillimoque nauium aditu inueniendo: quo loco antehac aquarum altitudinem duntaxat ad quinque pedes inuenit, sed profundiores canales esse non dubitat: [Insula Vaigats.] deinde per eos fines pergere ad tria quatuorve milliaria nautica, relicta Insula quam The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • But there were certain early winter days in Casterbridge -- days of firmamental exhaustion which followed angry south-westerly tempests -- when, if the sun shone, the air was like velvet. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • He was as famous for his volatile temper as for his food writing, leading to tempestuous and often short-lived relationships with friends and editors. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the head of the glen they found another fall which they estimated at two hundred and thirty feet in height; crossing above this cataract, which was called Bathurst's Fall, the eastern course was once more resumed, and tempests and storms found them wandering amongst the deep ravines and gloomy forests of the coast range, seeking for a descent to the lower lands. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888
  • It offends commonly if it be too [1510] hot and dry, thick, fuliginous, cloudy, blustering, or a tempestuous air. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He began fifty years ago as a Shakespeare scholar, with a learned and still necessary edition of The Tempest.
  • The groaning trees, tossed by the tempest, flung off showers of half-frozen flakes, that falling on her flaming cheeks failed to cool the fever of her suspense, while the yielding snow beneath her feet became a tantalus path, delaying her advance, and seeming to make more distant her suffering child. Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • How often I have listened to the tempest howl and rave
  • Out on the course between tempest squalls, he regaled his boyos with tales of a famous timber gee-gee.
  • To the old alcaide who served as governor of Denia word was brought, at the end of a day of fierce tempest, that a Moorish ship was approaching the shore. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • They choked on the dirt gathered by the tempest, wiping it from their eyes as they ran.
  • In response to the commenter Lee, anyone who refers to a feminist backlash as a "tempest in a tampon" is not going to like or understand the answers to any questions he might ask. My Report report
  • The tempest was relentless; it had been non-stop rain for 48 hours.
  • For when he made haste towards Rome, and a mighty and dangerous tempest arising, he perceiued the Pilots to tremble, and to be vnwilling to commit themselues to the rigor of the stormie sea, himselfe first going on boord, and commanding the anchors to be weighed, brake foorth into these words: That we should sayle necessitie vrgeth: but that we should liue, it vrgeth not. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Virgines enim tempestive locandae, as [5873] Lemnius admonisheth, lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They sure beleve that neyther storme or tempest dare abide, Leap Year -- Day
  • They ascended a mountain, whose enormous piles of granite, torn by many a winter tempest, projected their barren summits from a surface of moorland, on which lay a deep incrustation of snow. The Scottish Chiefs
  • They met the same tempest of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and recoiled.
  • [676] Luxus funerum shall be taken away, that intempestive expense moderated, and many others. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It had precipitous cliffs over 2,000ft in height, against which dashed tempestuous seas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scandal caused tempests in the newspapers.
  • After meeting on a train, the couple had a tempestuous 12-year relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was as famous for his volatile temper as for his food writing, leading to tempestuous and often short-lived relationships with friends and editors. Times, Sunday Times
  • But just when you want to stuff this chimp back in his cage, he comes up with some unforgettable new adventure, like his off-off-Broadway production of "_blankThe Tempest" that's absolutely transporting. Review of Benjamin Hale's 'Evolution of Bruno Littlemore': Aping human love
  • If you want to chase tornadoes and the thunderheads that spawn them, you need adventure-tested tech and gear that can weather any tempest
  • Forthwith the wind surceased, the ocean became silent, the tempest is appeased, and a great calm is made. The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings
  • Let the sky rain potatoes; let it thunder to the tune of Green Sleeves, hail kissing-comfits, and snow eringoes; let there come a tempest of provocation, I will shelter me here. The Merry Wives of Windsor The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]
  • There were tempests and fishing fleets and men-of-war with blazing gunports. TOY SHOP
  • Dal german nel periglio [1: 18] 2 Un zeffiro spirò [5: 34] 3 Con opra giusta [0: 16] 4 Quanto più fiera tempesta freme [3: 26] 5 O falso è Bertarido [1: 16] 6 Tra sospetti, affetti e timori [4: 18] 7 Chi di voi fu più infedele [2: 53] 8 Ma non so che dal remoto balcon - Non temere. AvaxHome RSS:
  • This "tempest in a teapot" is almost exactly like the protests by pro-lifers before the Notre Dame graduation speech. White House says speech to students not altered
  • She frequently braves tempestuous weather in the little eight-seater Britton Norman, specially designed to cope with the wilds of the North Sea, and similar to the planes they use in the Antarctic.
  • By the swaying of the sea which late he overpassed, being tempestive, and by other things, my nephew is rendered incoherent. Privy Seal His Last Venture
  • Ullathorne, and, with the exception of a single chaplain, who pretended to carve, Dr Tempest and the archdeacon were the only clerical guests at the table. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • So they designed a form of government - and particularly the Senate - that would be slow to act or react to the passing public tempests.
  • A year after 'abdicating' as he puts it, he married Mati: it was a tempestuous match. Home | Mail Online
  • I'll pray for thy peace, tho 'the tempest is shaking The Soldier's Adieu
  • And under van Daele's sure hand, this came off remarkably well, with a vivid allegro, lovely andante, one of Haydn's zesty minuets and a finale that carries the title ‘la Tempesta’ for good reason.
  • I perceive a flock of snow-birds, skimming lightsomely through the tempest, and flitting from drift to drift, as sportively as swallows in the delightful prime of summer.
  • Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
  • His eyes were stormy green, like a tempestuous patch of sky right before the tornado siren goes off, with a layer of translucent blue like the heavens beneath fluffy clouds.
  • We rope the house to trees along the shore to prevent it from drifting away when we are buffeted by strong winds during the area's frequent tempests.
  • Great mountains, however bold, are always full of endless fracture and detail, and indicate on the brows and edges of their cliffs, both the multitudinousness, and the deeply wearing continuance, of the force of time, and stream, and tempest.
  • And he knew not, apparently, how to express the hero's greatness _in word_, but by making him bethump the stage with tempestuous verbiage; which, to be sure, is not the style of greatness at all, but only of one trying to be great, and _trying_ to be so, because he is not so. Shakespeare: His Life, Art, And Characters, Volume I. With An Historical Sketch Of The Origin And Growth Of The Drama In England
  • It is still hard to fathom how it is that people can be so tempestuous, so very emotionally self-indulgent, around those who really shouldn't be expected to put up with it.
  • Thou must leap into the abyss of dreadful caves and caverns, replete with poisonous toads and hissing serpents; thou must plunge into seas of burning sulphur; thou must launch upon the ocean in a crazy bark, when the foaming billows roll mountains high — when the lightning flashes, the thunder roars, and the howling tempest blows, as if it would commix the jarring elements of air and water, earth and fire, and reduce all nature to the original anarchy of chaos. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • In the life of the family, the critical moments of birth, puberty, marriage, and death regularly recur, and keep up the instinct, because man is then brought face to face with these eternal facts; there is no need of extraordinary perils, such as tempests or pestilences, to keep the instinct alive. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • Serving as the festival centerpiece is "The Tempest," a rendition of the Shakespeare play by Julie Taymor (who directed the 2007 love story "Across the Universe"). New York Film Festival Opens With 'Social Network'
  • Unfurled in baleful grandeur, like some dark cloud of heaven, surcharged with thunder and the brewing tempest, it rides the air, and bedims the beams of day.
  • You spend most of the time with head immersed in tempestuous waters, constantly pulled and kicked by other swimmers, getting fingers jammed in lane lines and heads slammed at the end of the pool during backstroke sets. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Only at that climactic moment - after extended tempestuous debate, jockeying, and tactical manoeuvres - was the Speaker's political preference made clear.
  • She'll founder sure as heaven if we take her back through the tempest of Magellan Strait. INCA GOLD
  • Mr. Tempest, unimpressed by the hyphened St. Clair, was unwilling to allow the courtship to proceed. The Simpkins Plot
  • He was older, sexually experienced, and worldly wise, having enjoyed a tempestuous affair with an Italian contessa Wedlock by Wendy Moore: Questions
  • Quare quis tandem me reprehendat, si quantum ad cæteris festos dies ludorum celebrandos, quantum ad alias voluptates, et ad ipsam requiem animi et corporis conceditur temporis: Quantum alii tempestivis conviviis, quantum aleæ, quantum pilæ, tantum mihi egomet ad hæc studia recolenda, sumpsero. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • A fiery, tempestuous reading of the Allegro non troppo had just the right contrasting hues of aristocratic grace.
  • While we are renewing last year's faded overall tans, the well-soaked British Columbia landscape will be progressively repainted in photogenic velvet green; emerald variations brushed onto sky-reaching cedars, ground-dwelling ferns and stubborn mosses by the tempests of winter wind and unrelenting rain. Nogales, here we come
  • Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is past the ocean is flat again. even though he wrote those words in A Tract on Monetary Reform in 1923 (regarding the playing out of inflation, which Keynes’ Classical peers said would resolve itself soon enough) and not during or about the Depression. Matthew Yglesias » Amar Bhide, WSJ Edit Page, Embrace Regular Recurrence of Massive Recessions
  • “Hujus claudit latus LUDOVICUS OGLETHORPE, tam paternae virtutis, quam fortunae, haeres; qui, proelio Schellenbergensi victoria Hockstatensis preludio tempestivum suis inclinantibus ferens auxilium vulnere honestissima accepit, et praeclarae spe Indolis frustrata. ” Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe
  • The brown kurrajong (COMMERSONIA ECHINATA) exhibits it even more conspicuously, and, when the dusty white flowers — displayed in almost horizontal planes — are buffeted by the winds and the white undersides of the leaves are revealed, the whole style of the tree is transformed as a demure damsel is by tempestuous petticoats. Tropic Days
  • The supermodel is said to be beside herself after the pair's tempestuous year-long relationship appeared to have come to an end. The Sun
  • Tempesta was a stocky, bald man who wore his not very good government issue suit with the air of a humble town hall clerk. PROSECUTOR
  • Sleeves, hail kissing-comfits and snow eringoes; let there come a tempest of provocation, I will shelter me here. The Merry Wives of Windsor

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