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How To Use Telomerase In A Sentence

  • In fact, telomerase actiity has been barely catalogued in the animal kingdom.
  • Rather, it recruits the telomerase complex to processing and holding areas in the nucleus of the cell called Cajal (pronounced "cuh-hall") bodies. Media Newswire
  • If any components of the telomerase are missing, telomeres are gradually shortened and most cells die.
  • But kirtan kriya, a form of meditation based on yoga principles, has a dramatically positive effect on telomerase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your discoveries have revealed how the conserved function of telomere repeat sequences can maintain chromosomal and genetic stability and how synthesis of telomere DNA is achieved by the enzyme telomerase. The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Presentation Speech
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  • Stem-cell banks, telomerase amplifiers, somatic gene therapy — the list of potential longevity treatments incubating in laboratories is startling. The Coming Death Shortage
  • Human cells have an additional barrier to unfettered replication - most lack the chromosome repair enzyme called telomerase that rat cells possess.
  • Telomerase is RNA dependent DNA polymerase, acts to synthesize DNA repeat fragment of telomeres , which is associated with immortalization of cells.
  • In eukaryotic cells with telomeres composed of short tandem repeats, this involves the enzyme telomerase.
  • In normal somatic cells, the telomeres shorten with replicative age, and telomerase is not detected.
  • To commenter "antiproton": I am well researched on telomeres, telomerase and their role in both cancer and stem cells. HH Com 608 (607 is reading Against the Day--still)
  • Objective : To explore the relation between telomerase activity and tumor biology.
  • In theory at least, this implies that adding telomerase to cells could rejuvenate them.
  • Telomerase system is the genetic name of telomerase and telomere.
  • Slide 22: Gemcitabine + Gastrin Vaccine (G17DT)   Future  Immunogenic telomerase peptides (TeloVac)  Hopkins: Lethally irradiated allogenic pancreatic tumor cells transfected with GM-CSF gene  Listeria carrying mesothelin peptide Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Objective To study telomerase expression in human brain tumors and to investigate the possible relationship between telomerase activity and pro gression of malignant brain tumors.
  • In nature, a chromosome can be lengthened by the enzyme telomerase, which adds new TTAGGG sequences to the end of the telomere.
  • Some inherited diseases are now known to be caused by telomerase defects, including certain forms of congenital aplastic anemia, in which insufficient cell divisions in the stem cells of the bone marrow lead to severe anemia. The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Press Release
  • In this study, we use one half of dissected lymph nodes for histologic examination and the other half for telomerase assay.
  • All transfectants lacked detectable telomerase activity, showed progressive telomere shortening and ultimately arrested and died.
  • To her surprise, she found no correlation between telomerase and longevity.
  • Decreased translocation formation by recombinational repair of double-strand breaks in telomerase-deficient yeast suggests that the reemergence of telomerase expression observed in many human tumors may further stimulate genome rearrangement. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • More than a decade ago, Drs. Shay and Wright's team showed they could immortalize human retinal and foreskin cells by adding the gene for telomerase into a virus and then "infecting" the cells. Making Cells Live Forever in Quest for Cures
  • Telomeres, the natural ends of linear chromosomes, are maintained by the specialized reverse transcriptase called telomerase.
  • Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, which is positively expressed in most malignant tumor cells, while negatively expressed in normal somatic ones.
  • Retinoic acid, tamoxifen, and the two telomerase inhibitors each significantly squelched immortalization. The Scientist

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