How To Use Tellus In A Sentence
Fish eggs can be round with the hook passed through or half round with the egg vitellus in the form of colored yarn waving out the flat side along the shaft of the hook.
Jupiter eftsoons coming by, put life to it, but Cura and Jupiter could not agree what name to give him, or who should own him; the matter was referred to Saturn as judge; he gave this arbitrement: his name shall be Homo ab humo, Cura eum possideat quamdiu vivat, Care shall have him whilst he lives, Jupiter his soul, and Tellus his body when he dies.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Metellus is an unhappy choice of name then, because not only is a cognomen used as praenomen, but it's also one of those cognomen closely associated with one powerful family.
The Legions of Rome: novelizations - "Soldier of Rome 1/2" by James Mace and "Marius Mules" by SJ Turney (Overview/Review by Liviu Suciu)
In no case, when comparing embryos from the same uterus, was the presence of vitellus found in only part of the embryos observed; neither was it found in small quantities.
Thus, in Fishes, the first changes consist in the segmentation of the vitellus and the formation of a germ, processes which are common to all classes of animals.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
= Compare _Tr_ III xi 7-8 'barbara me tellus et inhospita litora Ponti/cumque suo _Borea_ Maenalis ursa uidet' and
The Last Poems of Ovid
This constitutes the vitelline circulation (Fig. 459), and by means of it nutriment is absorbed from the yolk (vitellus.) 5
V. Angiology. 3. Development of the Vascular System
Now let me see if I can construe it: Hac ibat Simois, I know you not; hic est Sigeia tellus, I trust you not; Hic steterat Priami, take heed he hear us not, regia, presume not; celsa senis, despair not.
Act III. Scene I. The Taming of the Shrew
But Metellus - legate of the Second Augusta Legion, hero of the empire - and his men break free and find shelter at an oasis where they meet a mysterious, exiled prince.
Endymion's forty years 'sleep upon the bank of lunary is his imprisonment at Elizabeth's favourite Greenwich; the friendly intervention of Eumenides is that of the Earl of Sussex; and the solution of the difficulty in Tellus's marriage to Corsites is the marriage of the Countess of Sheffield to Sir Edward Stafford.
The Growth of English Drama
The ovarian eggs of all animals are identical, small cells with vitellus, germinal vesicle and germinal spot.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
With a center core, the darker core areas appear like fish egg vitellus and crustacean inner organs.
CELER, QUINTUS CAECILIUS METELLUS brother-in-law of Pompey who married his sister, husband of Clodia, brother of Nepos; member of the College of Augurs; praetor; head of the most extensive and powerful family in Rome; a war hero with a powerful military reputation
Ingredients:high-quality flour, vegetable oil, grape, egg, vitellus, white granulated sugar, Glucose syrup.
Mentally, he was far from Tellus, flitting in his super-dreadnaught through parsec after parsec of vacuous space.
Archive 2010-05-01
'Non quia te superi patrio privare sepulchro maluerint, Phariae busto damnantur harenae: parcitur Hesperiae; procul hoc et in orbe remoto abscondat fortuna nefas, Romanaque tellus inmaculata sui servetur sanguine Magni.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Objective To know the present situation of Citellus-dauricus plague and analyse development of plague epidemic and provide scientific basis for prevention and control.
Parthenope, dulcisque solo tu gloria nostro reptasti. nitidum consurgat ad aethera tellus
The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
Then the tribune-elect Metellus Nepos demanded the floor.
Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
Marius now intrigued against Metellus among his equestrian and Italian friends in Africa and Rome and won election for 107 by playing on suspicions of the aristocracy.
Known since pre-Columbian times for its yellow latex and laxative properties, P. tomentellus is grown ornamentally and in herbarium collections.
'Dictum facete et contumeliose in Metellos antiquum Naevii est, "Fato Metelli Romai fiunt consules," cui tunc Metellus consul (B.C. 206) iratus versu responderat ...,
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Special names have been given to these parts of the ovum; the cell-body is called the yelk (vitellus), and the cell-nucleus the germinal vesicle.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Conclusion It is much more value that the HACCP assure health and quality of vitellus-pie.
This species is also sympatric with hanuman langurs in Bhutan, where the hanuman langurs, Semnopithecus entellus, were able to cross the Sankosh river because of the construction of a bridge.
Until recently it was regarded as a general rule that, by the partial segmentation of the vitellus a germinal disc was formed, and in this, corresponding to the ventral surface of the embryo, a primitive band.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
Three years had now gone by since Metellus Pius and his eight legions had arrived in Further Spain, three years which had seen Sertorius outgeneral and outthink him.
Fortune's Favorites
ObjectiveTo study pregnancy of Citellus dauricus to provide scientific basis for effectively deratization and plague surveillance in animals.
* seu tamen effectus habitura est gratia, seu me 35 dura iubet gelido Parca sub axe mori, semper inoblita repetam tua munera mente, et mea me tellus audiet esse tuum; audiet et caelo posita est quaecumque sub ullo
The Last Poems of Ovid
His unhappiness and discomfort, present since the very beginning of his tenure of the curule chair, now became intolerable; the flamen Dialis and suffect consul Merula drew himself up and faced his colleague Octavius and the enraged Metellus Pius with all the dignity he could muster.
The Grass Crown
With which wordes, diuers of the Romaines were displeased, and founde fault with Metellus who (for that he went about, to exhorte the people to mariage) ought not by any meanes, to confesse any griefes and incommodities to be in the same.
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
[1046] Metellus proper cantos senatorial ordinis ex Hibernia accurse jubet; eorum et variorum, quos ironers defeat, console habet
A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
Si vero fuerit in aestate vitellus avi semper superponatur.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
The innovative Tellus teaching pack narrates the adventures of four young Europeans as they explore arable farming, fruit and vegetables, livestock farming, fishing and forestry.
Virgil too calls the outspread, even plain, “justissima tellus.”
The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
Premier League win against Arsenal in aeons and an astonishing demolition job on Chelsea later and those of us who confidently predicted Tottenham's end-of-season collapse have been left picking eggshell, albumen and vitellus from our gormless, slack-jawed faces.
The Guardian World News
When Metellus Pius received this communication midway through January he retired to his study in the house he occupied in the town of Hispalis, there to peruse it in private.
Fortune's Favorites
“I wondered if perhaps they came back with Metellus Nepos.”
Metelli primos suos praetergressum videt, praesidio quasi duum milium peditum montem occupat, qua Metellus descenderat, ne forte cedentibus adversariis receptui ac post munimento foret; dein repente signo dato hostes invadit.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
The underground galleries hold ten species of wintering bat in reasonable numbers including the rare and Shreiber's bat Miniopterus schreibersi, lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros (VU), long-fingered bat Myotis capaccinii (VU), greater mouse-eared bat M. myotis, Savi's pipistrelle Pipistrellus savii and western barbastelle Barbastella barbastellus (VU).
Skocjan Caves Regional Park, Slovenia
No Marius — or Fulcinius, for that matter! — has ever been in clientship to a Caecilius Metellus!" snapped Marius, growing angrier still.
The First Man in Rome
Insects are identical, small animals with head, thorax, and abdomen; that is to say if, only noticing what is common to them, we leave out of consideration the difference of their development, the presence or absence and the multifarious structure of the vitelline membrane, the varying composition of the vitellus, the different number and formation of the germinal spots, etc.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
NEPOS, QUINTUS CAECILIUS METELLUS brother of Celer and brother-in-law of Pompey, who sends him back from his legateship in the East to stand for the tribuneship and guard his interests in Rome
At tibi prima, puer, nullo munuscula cultu errantis hederas passim cum baccare tellus mixtaque ridenti colocasia fundet acantho.
'Unto you a child is born'
Occidentali Noruagiæ Insula, quæ Glacialis dicitur, magno circumfusa Oceano repentur, obsoletæ admodum habitationis tellus,
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
Metellus interea Romam profectus contra spem [479] suam laetissimis animis excipitur, plebi patribusque, postquam invidia decesserat, juxta carus.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Meanwhile Tellus, finding that her beauty has taken Corsites captive, and wishing to be rid of his attentions, sets him, as a trial of his affection, the impossible, though apparently easy, task of removing Endymion from the bank of lunary.
The Growth of English Drama
Primates are rhesus macaque Macaca mulatta and langur Presbytis entellus.
Keoladeo (Bharatpur) National Park, India
Jupiter eftsoons coming by, put life to it, but Cura and Jupiter could not agree what name to give him, or who should own him; the matter was referred to Saturn as judge; he gave this arbitrement: his name shall be Homo ab humo, Cura eum possideat quamdiu vivat, Care shall have him whilst he lives, Jupiter his soul, and Tellus his body when he dies.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The ovarian eggs of all animals are perfectly identical, small cells with a vitellus, germinal vesicle and germinal spot" (paragraph 278).
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
Maecenas nec tellus nec velit ultrices viverra id a nibh.
Tech Guru Vince Stehle Launches
If eggs of Echinarachnius be inseminated with thin sperm suspension they throw off membranes that are fully formed and equidistant from the surface of the vitellus in from two to three minutes.
Other threatened mammals include pond bat (Myotis dasycneme), barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellus), wolf (Canis lupus), steppe polecat (Mustela eversmannii), and spotted souslik (Spermophilus suslicus).
Central European mixed forests
Sertorius, began to waver and revolt; whereupon Sertorius uttered various arrogant and scornful speeches against Pompey, saying in derision, that he should want no other weapon but a ferula and rod to chastise this boy with, if he were not afraid of that old woman, meaning Metellus.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
The typical fauna of mammals in the vast Kazakhstan steppes includes the numerous rodents such as ground squirrels (Citellus), hamsters (Cricetus, Cricetulus, Podopus), voles (Microtus), birch mice (Sicista), lemmings (Lagurus), marmots (Marmota bobac); and lagomorphs such as pikas (Ochotona) and hares (Lepus).
Kazakh steppe
Carnificinam exercent, one saith they tyrannise over men's consciences more than any other tormentors whatsoever, partly for their commodity and gain; Religionem enim omnium abusus (as [6405] Postellus holds), quaestus scilicet sacrificum in causa est: for sovereignty, credit, to maintain their state and reputation, out of ambition and avarice, which are their chief supporters: what have they not made the common people believe?
Anatomy of Melancholy
 Everyone is affected by these events, and new telepath Tellus manages to catch a stray thought:  There is a conspiracy within the Legion!
Hero History: Mon-El | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
Ingredients : high - quality flour, vegetable oil, grape, egg , vitellus, sugar, Glucose syrup.
The name tellurium came from the Latin word tellus meaning earth.