How To Use Television station In A Sentence

  • I also appeared on radio shows and cable-access television stations throughout the state.
  • This surprise declaration was so stunning that local New York television stations broke into their regular broadcasts of soaps and talk shows.
  • The television station was launched to 10m cable subscribers in parts of America last month and will arrive in New York - supreme home of the alpha mom - at the end of June.
  • At the beginning of the party, at least, a young, fashionable partygoer named Nicolette Santos was dancing in front of the pit for a camera crew from a local television station and a few of the photographers covering the event. Contours, Culture and Cocktails
  • Other channels are audio feeds of television stations.
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  • I usually flip back and forth between television stations to check in on who is winning what with the interest of someone who knows they will hear any pertinent information from friends and internet buzz for days following but whose real interest is to see the flustered tech award winners flush and stumble through gratitude they practiced while figuring out how to attach a cumberbund from a rental tuxedo. Oscars Schmoscars. It's All About The Whiskey And The Twitter.
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • A group of soldiers, under orders from the president, took control of the television station.
  • Does the television station forbid South Korea main current broadcasting concrete Chinese TV play content?
  • This meant that local television stations could use their own hostesses in lieu of national hosts if they chose.
  • They bought a company with real, calculable assets such as a cable network, a film library, a host of magazines, and television stations.
  • People from the television stations interviewed Newt and Thalia McAfee as the pair spluttered with rage. THE THREE INVESTIGATORS
  • Television stations say just before the first blast in Ahmedabad they had received a 14-page long e-mail warning of an attack from a group calling itself "Indian Mujahedin.
  • The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.
  • Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
  • Romania has many radio stations, television stations, live theaters, opera houses, cabarets, and entertainment establishments.
  • Obviously, local newspapers, by definition, have more community identification than local cable systems and radio and television stations.
  • It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK.
  • There are no high-powered radio or television stations, and only a few electric-power transmission lines crisscross the rugged landscape.
  • This policy contemplates the establishment of a new right for private local television stations to negotiate with cable and satellite broadcasting distribution undertakings ( "BDU" s) a value for carriage of their signal ( "VFS"). BroadCaster Magazine : Headline News
  • Tara Bangla, a Calcutta-based television station bought broadcast rights, and has screened the film on prime time.
  • The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.
  • The trio has also submitted a pilot to television stations.
  • It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK.
  • After the documentary was screened, the television station was besieged with calls from worried home-owners.
  • Last year, a television station sponsored by Afghanistan's Vice President Mohammad Qasim Fahim ran what it called an "expose" alleging, without any evidence, that the shelters are fronts for prostitution. NPR Topics: News
  • Once, accepting a challenge from a local television station in San Francisco, he went ahead and offered a hug to a six-foot-two, 230-pound bus driver, from a community known to be the toughest, crabbiest and meanest in the whole town. It Only Takes a Hug to Change the Lives of Others
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • The television station kept airing exit polls, claiming that the party had scored a landslide victory in both the parliamentary and local elections.
  • Offers of large amounts of money have already been made by commercial television stations and a women's magazine for her to tell her story.
  • Of course, few people will be able to watch it at 10: 00 in the morning, but the station broadcasting it has announced that it will allow any other television station to rebroadcast the debate later in the day.
  • Other television station announcers had been less circumlocutory in declaring the result.
  • Two commercial radio broadcasters, two television stations and cable networks provide more news.
  • One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
  • The satellite media tour allows television stations from around the country to conduct live one-on-one interviews with the Champ Car race winner directly after the event for use on their local sportscasts.
  • Which is why the promised line-up of television stations that broadcast 3D shows and movies are likely to be incredibly important for the industry.
  • The local television station was broadcasting from the local Republican headquarters, and its phone banks were unmanned.
  • Those assets include major metropolitan papers such as the Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Baltimore Sun; television stations in nation's biggest TV markets, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas; cable TV "superstation" WGN in Chicago; and the Chicago Cubs baseball team. Broad, Burkle Bid On Tribune
  • If you live where there is only one nearby city with television stations then a rotator is probably useless because television transmitters are usually all located in the same place in one city.
  • If a major advertiser is at odds with the editorial content of the paper, magazine, radio or television station they pick up the phone and call the publisher ... What's Wrong with this Picture?
  • There are no high-powered radio or television stations, and only a few electric-power transmission lines crisscross the rugged landscape.
  • In the media, television stations thousands of miles apart would hire fungible newscasters who looked and acted the same.
  • Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.
  • Obviously, local newspapers, by definition, have more community identification than local cable systems and radio and television stations.
  • Obviously, local newspapers, by definition, have more community identification than local cable systems and radio and television stations.
  • Tom Floyd, chairman of Star State Investments, which has pumped $10 million into the project, said the project got a boost when the city of Alvin annexed the property devoted to the speedway, Houston television station KRIV reported Tuesday. - Wallace hopes for huge victory toast at Daytona
  • He is a national second-class scenarist works for the television station of Xiangxi autonomous prefecture of Hunan province, and concurrently the vice-president of Xiangxi Writers Association.
  • Whole Foods' decision came two years after organic ginger from China sold under its "365" private label was tested by a television station in Washington, D.C., and found to contain the pesticide aldicarb sulfoxide, which is not approved for use even on conventionally grown ginger. The Seattle Times
  • ATHENS Sometime Friday morning, a teenage sprinter from the newest nation in the Olympics, which has neither a television station nor a stoplight, will line up for the 100-meter dash. - Small step at Olympics is giant leap for tiny island nation
  • Winders also claims that the test was videoed by a television station, which may be correct, though I've no memory of such involvement, at all.
  • Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
  • A television station hawked its new fall lineup on stickers affixed to bananas in grocery stores.
  • Journalists on strike at a Czech television station in the capital, Prague, have been forced to present their identification papers to police.
  • Barakin, who heads a private television station in Saint Petersburg, said the rare breed of Asian Leopard Cat was a gift from a Moscow businessman he had dealings with.
  • It also owns 23 television stations and the Chicage Cert Chicago Cubs baseball team.
  • One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
  • The cost of making the programs was shared by a consortium of six public television stations.
  • Satellite television stations under the control of press barons and modelled on the tabloid press may make inaction even more indefensible.
  • On most days, local radio and television stations retransmitted the IMN signal, but the IMN provided only 4 hours of local programming per day.
  • According to Agus, a television station which broadcasts 20 hours a day needs at least 7,500 to 8,000 hours of programming annually.
  • A group of soldiers, under orders from the president, took control of the television station.
  • Television stations would be expected to broadcast photographs of guerrilla leaders with offers of rewards for information.
  • It is expected that, following an EU ruling, the live rights to games will have to be shared with another television station, thereby lowering the value of what is currently an exclusive product for Sky.
  • Television stations require broadcast - quality footage to air Humanity in Motion PSAs.
  • Television stations spend lots of money and plenty of time practicing newscasts on a new studio set before they use it on the air.
  • In 2007 Andres Izarra, the director of the ALBA television station TeleSUR and former Venezuelan Minister of Communication stated upon backing the closure of the most important independent Venezuelan television station RCTV, "What I believe is that to construct the objectives about which the President (Chavez) speaks, we have to build communicational hegemony. Joel D. Hirst: Bolivia: Control Racism or Control Speech?
  • At the front end, the cornerstone of this scalable software-based solution is the Streambox Live encoder, which is made available at no cost to contributors affiliated with broadcast groups and local television stations. TV Technology
  • Central African Republic has ordered radio and television stations to stop broadcasting songs which encourage men to dump their wives, saying such music is a hindrance to the country's development.
  • If I don't strike gold there, maybe one of the television stations will air it as their half-assed tribute. Archive 2009-09-01
  •  Irma's controlled, concerned expression fooled them all, and she prayed she wouldn't cave in, at least not then and there, as cameras from the two local television stations rolled. Aromatherapy
  • Irma's controlled, concerned expression fooled them all, and she prayed she wouldn't cave in, at least not then and there, as cameras from the two local television stations rolled. Aromatherapy
  • An investigation was quickly launched after three U.S. military veterans told a television station in the U.S. state of Arizona that they were ordered to bury Agent Orange at the Army camp in 1978.
  • The law requires that television stations provide free airtime to candidates, and ratings for these advertisement blocks rival the World Cup.
  • Antenna Tower Update Gina and Lookout "Mountain" west of Denver, Denver, Colorado ..." Colorado " and the United States Senate to take over the local television station lucrative "land-use" towers.
  • It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK.
  • One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
  • Whenever a viewer turns a television dial, a television station loses a customer.
  • The local GWN office was inundated with calls on Friday after it was reported a television station had scared off a Perth gun club hired to cull corellas in Dongara.
  • On the following day there was fierce fighting at the television station and the building was partially destroyed by fire.
  • CROWLEY: Just days for the Texas and Ohio primaries that could end or revitalize her campaign, Clinton does not need the kind of brushfire set off by a high-profile Latina supporter who told a Texas television station Obama has a problem with the Latino community because he's black. CNN Transcript Feb 28, 2008
  • The adventure has been covered by a film crew for a documentary to be broadcast on satellite and commercial television stations across Italy.
  • A Syria-based satellite television station, which rebel leaders allege received millions of dollars from the former regime, broadcasts audio messages from what it describes as a defiant Col. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He granted interviews to all the television stations in town and called his would-be assassins maggots. Kill the Irishman
  • The government does not own or substantially regulate newspapers, radio or television stations, or news wire services.
  • Romania has many radio stations, television stations, live theaters, opera houses, cabarets, and entertainment establishments.
  • Antenna Tower Update Gina and Lookout "Mountain" west of Denver, Denver, Colorado ..." Colorado " and the United States Senate to take over the local television station lucrative "land-use" towers.
  • farmers' In shandong television station "I am big star program, singing the TV series" three kingdoms "theme song" rolling Yangtze river east a mill ", hit the stadium.
  • Music replaced normal programming on government-run radio and television stations.
  • To expand with local television stations, not on satellite television, the introduction of new content channels.
  • Fierce fighting was reported during the recapture of the television station but the radio station was apparently given up without a struggle, with the dissidents fleeing.
  • It is the first time a British television station has attempted to dramatise the story of a living royal and is certain to be controversial.
  • There are four commercial television stations in the market.
  • Another issue is the regulation of terrestrial television stations and the explosion of digital TV channels.
  • I hate to be one of those whack-job state's rights nutcases, but here I go: I think my tax money should go to our local wading pools instead of subsidizing television stations in other states.
  • A TV viewer recently wrote a letter to a newspaper complaining about the films screened by a private television station during the school holidays.
  • Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
  • This led to great public cynicism now being manifested as pressure for democratic accountability in the state-run television station.
  • For up to 48 hours after the event, all free-to-air television stations in Australia switched their programming to coverage of the disaster.
  • Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
  • The one television station will be running back-to-back feature films that espouse the virtue of self-reliance and the gloriousness of the revolution.
  • A Denver television station recorded the coyotes transporting van loads of illegal aliens in broad daylight.
  • Television stations that carry investigative programs should also be given more leeway to pursue stories at different levels.

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