How To Use Television set In A Sentence

  • If you are intelligent and disciplined enough to read dense books, then why do you lack faith in your own abilities to show discipline with a television set?
  • Naturally the availability of what we have today was unthought of and in most cases seemed impossible, but most television sets were capable of providing at least up to four basic channels.
  • Multimedia is the attempt to make computers behave like television sets, only interactively.
  • Every day in every way there's enough to make one throw the newspaper across the room, heave a brick at the television set.
  • Each section features easily identifiable icons such as a clapperboard to indicate the locations for films and television sets, or a gold star to represent the birthplace of a celebrity to make the guide quick and simple to read.
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  • She can't remember what magazines and newspapers she reads and her television set is permanently locked on Fox News. ender Palin: 'I will forever question' Rev. Wright strategy
  • We had a small side room with a slouchy couch and a television set.
  • Listening to radio through digital television sets, whether by digital satellite or digital cable, has become increasingly popular over recent years.
  • In the past, of course, no public subsidy was needed for the poor to purchase television sets.
  • That company is a producer of television sets.
  • The recreation centre also has indoor games, magazines and a television set to entertain the highway users.
  • The only regular visitors are the labourers and derelicts who drop in to spend some time before the radio kiosk or the television set.
  • However, airport sources claimed some employees were watching a blue film and accidentally sent it out on the airport's television sets.
  • The Yankees, according to team officials, went so far as to "winterize" 1,200 television sets exposed to the elements in the new building. - News
  • This year, I wondered exactly what my licence gave me as a viewer with a colour television set and colour portable.
  • Surveys of viewing patterns show that in an average household the television set is in use over seven hours a day.
  • He has been diddling with the controls on the television set.
  • He was presented with a television set in reward of his services.
  • Television sets and stereo sound sets are now in great demand.
  • a portable television set
  • All of the repairs needed for the television set were covered by its guarantee.
  • An hour later, out would come a computer, a television set or a compact-disc player.
  • They have been working for almost a year on a digital videodisc intended to provide content along with Web browsing for television sets, and he wants to review their progress before leaving for Japan, where he will meet with such potential partners as Toshiba. American Sketches
  • Rachel has moved her son Aiden to a small coastal town in pursuit of the quiet life and television sets that aren't passageways to the netherworld.
  • Doctors with glazed eyes sat chain-smoking in front of a television set.
  • The community received a satellite dish, a digital satellite decoder and a television set.
  • There was a bed and a built-in console with a tape deck and a television set, and at the end of the room there was a desk. YELLOW BIRD
  • You could almost squeeze the adult population of Green Bay into Lambeau Field, with the rest tailgating in the parking lot, guzzling beer, chomping cheese and watching the game on battery-operated television sets.
  • In less developed countries, the expansion of markets means they no longer need to bribe or beg government officials for permission to import a television set or spare parts for their tractor.
  • Most people were calling a cakewalk -- you know, be prepared to turn off your television sets early, because this isn't much of a game you're about to watch -- when in fact it turned out to be really one of the great legendary football games in our country's history. There are some words you might think they wouldn’t use at the White House any more. - Swampland -
  • Moments before boarding I caught a glimpse of a television set in the departure lounge.
  • One year later, Samsung started to make black-and-white television sets for domestic and OEM (original equipment manufacturer) markets in its factory in Suwon, about 40 km south of Seoul.
  • Even sales of big-ticket items such as flatscreen television sets have skyrocketed over the past few months. | Top Stories
  • Please tune the television set to Channel 4.
  • That company is a producer of television sets.
  • JPL continues to interpret the data, which is no mean feat since, according to Dr Hensley, the radar images in their purest state ‘look like fuzz on a television set’.
  • made a studious attempt to fix the television set
  • There was a comfy-looking two-seater sofa across from a small television set, and Mark seemed to be heading towards it.
  • Children spend so much time in front of the television set.
  • In the next two to five years, you'll see the computer and your home television set merging.
  • It's much nicer to be on a brightly lit television set with an entertainer for a judge in front of you, and the whole nation or a portion of the nation with nothing better to do watching.
  • A thief planted the television set he had stolen on this innocent old woman.
  • His school benefited by receiving a television set as a prize.
  • A television set was placed at the end of the purple couch, right at arm level.
  • Moments before boarding I caught a glimpse of a television set in the departure lounge.
  • On the new television sets, the color is locked in so that you don't need to keep changing the control.
  • Former star Monica Seles first raised the decibels to the level where you had to turn the sound down on the television set, so that young children could get to sleep.
  • The news blared out on the television set that occupied and lit up the downstage area.
  • In all parts of Canada, people were glued to their television sets, or listening to any radio available.
  • When I got home, Hindi music was blasting from the television set and both my parents were doing their normal activities. GYPSY MASALA
  • He paused, his red face turned toward the blank television set.
  • A television set rested on an antique pine blanket-chest at the foot of the bed.
  • It's about time you tuned out the television set.
  • Needless to say, a television set with the volume turned down low, was the central piece in the restaurant, to allow diners to watch World Cup cricket as they savoured the food.
  • A decoder box fitted to the television set would deliver 200 or more pay channels.
  • The television set, and what one is able to offer has changed dramatically since they first became available.
  • If you buy the furniture, the store will fling in a television set.
  • He disconnected the television set before fixing it.
  • He has been diddling with the controls on the television set.
  • Ten-year-old Bart and eight-year-old Lisa regularly hug their television set, often in preference to their parents.
  • According to the Consumer Electronics Association, 65% of U.S. homes now own at least one high-definition television set, an increase of 13 percentage points from last year.
  • For what seemed like hours on the big day we were glued to our television sets, with only cubes of cheese and pickled onions skewered onto toothpicks to keep our strength up.
  • She tuned her television set to the film channel.
  • Like many people around the world this past weekend, I was glued to my television set following the latest updates on the tragedy which befell the Columbia Shuttle and its crew.
  • At Kensington Palace, Diana doted shamelessly on “ma boys,” as she jokingly referred to the princes in her version of an antebellum drawl, allowing them to spend hours in front of the television set, zip around the grounds on their BMX bikes, or chase each other down portrait-lined hallways and through chandeliered drawing rooms waving rubber swords. William and Kate
  • I've always had an inquisitive mind about everything from flowers to television sets to motor cars.
  • Part of what makes this book so entertaining is the laughable impossibility of its nonmetaphorical goal: The author seems to have written this book with the hope that everyone in America would read it, agree with all its points, and literally destroy their television sets with sledgehammers. Chuck Klosterman on Media and Culture
  • All over the campuses are television sets with huge crowds seated around them, alternately watching in silence or exploding into bloodcurdling screams.
  • He was so severely hurt by using the brick that he decided to act as a lookout while the other man stole a television set and a PlayStation computer game.
  • the university rewired the dormitories when most students brought computers and television sets
  • The one-to-one dialogue gives children the chance to practise speech, something not achieved by plonking them in front of a television set.
  • As Ben Allan jokes and jousts with his irrepressible father at the old folks home, and his lethargic son in front of the television set, or conducts his deeply felt if technically chaste affair with Carla, Homel is reflecting in narrative about death and loss, desire, art and madness. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Flat-panel screens found their biggest niche in laptops, but now they're replacing desktop monitors and even television sets.
  • In Japan 99 per cent of all households now have a colour television set.
  • Television sets, air conditioning, and refrigerators are common in modern Bahraini homes.
  • Products which could use the display include camera viewfinders, projectors, monitors, television sets and headsets for the military, medical and simulation markets.
  • I've got a novelty mini-Beverly Hillbillies television set that lights up and plays the theme song when you push a button.
  • Being bedridden and isolated eventually bores Christiane, so she requests her television set.
  • Doctors with glazed eyes sat chain-smoking in front of a television set.
  • Perkovsky and Arnautova's is the smallest, and most touching in its aspirations to glossy magazine décor with taup walls and white gossamer drapes at the window, cream quilted throw on the bed and an unplugged television set crowning an empty bookshelf.
  • Tuning out completely is not an option for most voters, unless their television sets can zap out commercials.
  • Furthermore, our kids likewise seem to be bonding a little too closely with the television set.
  • The mine—perched 4,800 miles above sea level—had its heyday three decades ago, sometimes producing metals such as europium, which provided the red color for color television sets at the time. Molycorp Pays Off for Buyout Believers
  • Please tune the television set to Channel 4.
  • ‘Our priority is to ensure that racing fans are able to turn on their television sets and watch a wide selection of racing from courses across Britain,’ he said.
  • There are television sets, pashminas and jewellery for those with lots of money and no taste, those with no money and lots of taste, and everything in between.
  • It's about time you tuned out the television set.
  • Please tune the television set to Channel 4.
  • At every major university in the country, one can still see enormous closed-circuit television sets looming over lecture halls, gathering dust, never used, relics of an earlier period of technophilia.
  • Like a number of her other works (including Giuliana, Real Girl, and Green Rooster, whose titular fowl is shown crowing at a television set), this piece provides clues to her system of visual cueing.
  • Television sets belong in every home.
  • If you have a deeper television set, the depth of the tabletop may also come into play.
  • He dragged me away from the television set
  • He switched on the television set and watched the news and then a programme in Gaelic, inevitably about the history of the Highland Clearances, when the crofters were driven off their land. Death of a Charming Man
  • The price of television set has greatly depreciated.
  • He bought the television set on approval.
  • It might seem like a paradox, but telefilms and serial shows begin to lose their appeal after a while, and there is an urge to curl up with an interesting book, in a comfortable chair well away from the television set and the stereo system.
  • Television sets and stereo sound sets are now in great demand.
  • The microwave-based system operates on the basis of line-of-sight signals, whereby a signal is beamed from a mast to the receiver on the television set.
  • Television sets belong in every home.
  • The advertisements for promoting television sets also help in achieving a boost in overall sales.
  • Cambridge, besides its university, has much electrical engineering, especially for radios, television sets and computers.
  • From the moment I watched my grandma's television set, with its little screen in the middle of what looked like a chest of drawers, I was fixated.
  • It, through the licensing authority, imposes a tax on anyone who possesses a television set but provides a varying range of services depending on where you live.
  • Simple things like unplugging your television set at night - rather than leaving it on standby - will make a real difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the BBC it is not state-sponsored and receives no licence fee; it is not bound to objectivity by a Charter that in return for a pledge of objectivity gives it its increasingly anomalistic and untenably privileged position (in this era of multi-channel broadcasting) of being featherbedded by what is in effect a poll tax on every household in Britain with a television set. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A closed circuit television set trained on the Rainbow Jewels is watched at all times from the main office. THREE IN ONE
  • The Baby Boomers among you will surely share a common memory of sitting in front of an old black-and-white television set and watching in thrall as a goateed man in a plaid shirt -- who signed his name boldly and with great authority -- brought random lines together into coherent images on LEARN TO DRAW, the first-ever art instructional program on TV. My First Artist
  • Many retirees are couch potatoes who like popping cold beers and relaxing in front of their $2500 wide-screen high definition television set.
  • Foreign imports such as colour television sets and hi-fi systems cram shop windows, catering to demands for conspicuous consumption.
  • He disconnected the television set before fixing it.
  • Television sets and stereo sound sets are now in great demand.
  • Other rhenium alloys are used in making temperature control devices, such as thermostats; vacuum tubes, like those in a television set; and electromagnets, electrical contacts, and thermocouples.
  • If I could afford it I'd have four television sets.
  • All across the continent today, football fans have been glued to their television sets to watch the Cup of Nations final.
  • Franzen confesses his sin and repents by giving away his television set.
  • Television sets require nicety of adjustment.
  • One of the movie's indelible motifs is the sight of viewers huddled together around a television set, eyes glazed over, happily narcotized by the flickering images.
  • Bystanders and passers-by, and even those out for an evening stroll, joined the ranks of those who had gathered in front of shop windows to watch the television sets showing the live relay of the match.
  • Such men of enterprise and initiative as Lord Stevens and the publisher Lord Weidenfeld stood in huddles around television sets.
  • Several other decisions were made within the first hour as journalists clustered round the newsroom television sets.
  • Instead, I was gifted with the opportunity to endure the latest gruelingly stupid motion picture aimed at children who have been raised from infancy by a television set.
  • —into the unbeating hearts of vampires everywhere, Gunn slipped behind the front desk to join Cordelia Chase and Lorne, the green-skinned anagogic demon and sometimes Angel Investigations telephone receptionist, in front of the television set. Monolith
  • The family decided to sell it, leaving behind the paddleboat, a rowboat, a riding lawnmower, several television sets, exercise equipment and lots of furniture.
  • I have heard and read time and again the advice that parents should not let their children simply be passive receptacles for what streams out of the television set, but discuss with them what they are seeing and have seen.
  • And they come, torn away from their television sets, from their hi-fi systems, from their pub and club bars, from their revelries, from their private parties.
  • Doctors with glazed eyes sat chain-smoking in front of a television set.
  • A television set was placed at the end of the purple couch, right at arm level.
  • It's a television set piece, something entirely formulaic, earnest, goody-goody, proud of itself, overproduced.
  • He had asked for a cyberbook reader with some of the classic novels he had never had the time to read, or a television set so he could at least see the news and try the opera channel to see if he could learn to enjoy something deeper than West Side Story. Empire Builders
  • Toy makers now have to compete with an explosion of video games, interactive dolls, action figures and gadgets that appear to come alive when hooked up to a television set.
  • A large number of relief supplies donated by the public for earthquake victims were discovered there, including television sets, heaters, gas ovens, refrigerators, quilts and air beds.
  • The works at Bury turned out thousands of television sets a week.
  • The emulation used to get these games to properly display on a television set is, for the most part, spot-on.
  • Keep away from sources of heat (including direct sunlight, radiators, lamps and television sets).
  • A man who buys a television set thereby gives evidence to the effect that he thinks that the possession of this contrivance will increase his well-being and make him more content than he was without it.
  • Switch on your television set these days and you can bask in the warmth of the good old days.
  • The family decided to sell it, leaving behind the paddleboat, a rowboat, a riding lawnmower, several television sets, exercise equipment and lots of furniture.
  • I've had a VCR and a wide-screen television set put in a room down the corridor for you. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • There are heated arguments about the merits and demerits of studying with the television set turned on, especially when it is examination time.
  • At a dozen stations ranged along the south coast, specialists were watching radar screens resembling small television sets and interpreting the lines of oscillation and dancing squiggles of light that "blipped" and faded as the scanners picked up objects in the skies. The HurricaneStory
  • Three television sets surmounted a polished wood counter, with innumerable flasks and glasses dangling by their stems in racks above the rows of bottled liquors and beverages.
  • Those costs assume one television set per household: many homes, of course, own three televisions.
  • Private ownership of cars, television sets, telephones, was virtually nil.
  • Inside were a comfy couch and easy chairs, a tall fabric houseplant in a corner, and a large high-definition television set atop a credenza.

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