television channel

  1. a television station and its programs
    a satellite TV channel
    they offer more than one hundred channels
    surfing through the channels
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How To Use television channel In A Sentence

  • The criticism is valid up to a point, but television channels are a bit like human beings: none are wholly good or bad.
  • The prospect of a future which provides hundreds of television channels gives Madison Avenue nightmares.
  • The fiercest competition of all, therefore, is between the rival television channels.
  • Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.
  • If I ask them what television channel they'd like to watch, two of them will quickly agree, while the third will turn incandescent with rage.
  • In almost every country, the largest television channels, radio stations, and newspapers are owned either by a few families or by the government.
  • In Britain in the seventies, we only had three television channels, so inevitably we all watched the same programs, and the big televisual events, such as the shooting of JR, or the Royal Wedding, were really big events. A Discussion with Carole Cadwalladr
  • FICTION: The NAB claims that devices operating on adjacent television channels will "eviscerate" digital TV signals Timothy Karr: The NAB vs. Reality
  • The bill includes proposals for a new television channel, three new national commercial radio channels and numerous local services.
  • Have new television channels, satellite cable etc. made the film critic redundant and fit for an academic existence only?
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