
How To Use Telepathy In A Sentence

  • I believe in the sixth sense, telepathy and rebirth as I have experienced it.
  • The words, the thoughts, came fully formed into his mind through a kind of clammy telepathy. The Day of the Dissonance
  • Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy.
  • ESP refers to telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and in recent years, remote viewing and clairaudience.
  • Popularly called PSI studies, noetic sciences studies the phenomenon of telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, precognition, ESP and OBE out of body experiences. Archive 2010-03-01
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  • ‘The one and only limitation for Telepathy that you really need is that it is the mental strength of the wielder versus the mental strength of the person who he or she is trying to read.’ Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
  • Many intellectual lights of the day were attracted to the movement: writers Tennyson and John Ruskin, philosopher William James, Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Charles Richet, prime ministers W.E. Gladstone and Arthur Balfour, and especially Frederick Myers, the inventor of the word "telepathy," and Trinity College professor Henry Sidgwick. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Perhaps it was telepathy or telekinesis or one of those strange things they investigated at Duke University in 1946. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • More importantly, how did one respond to telepathy without bringing attention to themselves?
  • And for all of you who think Matthew C is a rigorously rational-minded fellow, on his blog he praises a man for making the following statement: "... the evidence for catastrophic global warming in the near future is far, far less compelling than the evidence for telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and even life after death. A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Get some rest and we'll start with telepathy and telekinesis in the morning.
  • Steven soon develops the same powers they have - telepathy, teleportation, and telekinesis.
  • Many of us find it very difficult to state our needs. We expect people to know by telepathy what we are feeling.
  • They had perfectly mastered telepathy, empathy, creative energy work, and healing.
  • His interest now was only calculable in percentages, his intelligence reduced to a wavering telepathy with numbered suits. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Andrea, who has Down Syndrome, has apparently displayed a sort of religious telepathy to the pilgrims who show up.
  • But by that telepathy that comes with desire (and fades with it) Julia had known that today was the day. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • The mediums demonstrated every variety of psychic power from clairvoyance and clairaudience to telekinesis and telepathy.
  • This categorisation has to be seen in the context of the place of telepathy and the occult in psychoanalysis.
  • It works like mental telepathy where one person can read another's thoughts.
  • So, telepathy 's in the future of the species," Jaffe replied. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • And I couldn't even use the Gift I'd been born with, the telepathy that would have let me know who to trust, how to protect myself, maybe even let me understand why the things that always seemed to be happening to me kept happening_ ' Dreamfall
  • The other document described ‘bioinformation’ such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance and bioenergetics like psychokinesis and telekinesis.
  • Maybe there was some kind of telepathy she held, where she was able to secretly communicate with his parents.
  • Jung believed in astrology, spiritualism, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance and ESP.
  • He argued that if telepathy were seen as the action of the incarnate spirit, a principle independent of the material body, perhaps this would support the idea of the existence of spirits without a body.
  • I was recently reading through old editions of the New York Times on microfilm and came across a story showing that the history of on-air telepathy tests has always been a sorry one.
  • By and large, psychical researchers failed to convince the majority of the scientific and academic worlds of the existence of telepathy.
  • The term telepathy is sometimes used, in conformity with its derivation, to mean the direct communication between minds at a great distance. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Does this sentence refer to experiences in telepathy and non-verbal communication between you and him?
  • As mentioned earlier, telepathy is most likely to kick in under circumstances of emergency.
  • She wasn't sure if they were speaking aloud or communicating through telepathy.
  • However, the producers also decided to look at the claims of believers that animals have psychic powers - such as telepathy and precognition.
  • I am not certain but that we have lost another power that I suspect the lower animals possess -- something analogous to, or identical with, what we call telepathy -- power to communicate without words, or signs, or signals. The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers
  • We hear of levitation, telepathy, apports, teleportation, strange light and heat phenomena, and materialization effects. Experiencing the Next World Now
  • If telepathy really exists, then telephone calls would provide a good way of revealing it.
  • This does not mean that there was no scientific evidence for telepathy a century ago.
  • Can you give me a condensed report on what is known -- and I mean _known_ -- on telepathy and teleportation? Supermind
  • Price reports that significant fractions of Americans believe in astrology, clairvoyance, telepathy, and communication with the dead.
  • In her new book, she shows cat-lovers how to communicate with their pets through telepathy.
  • And resistance to telepathy is an automatic human reaction to that sudden feeling of mental intrusion? Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
  • Something like, though his Talent lies in clairvoyance and clairaudience rather than telepathy and psychometry," she admitted with a slight smile. The Wizard Of London
  • Here, the suspension of disbelief is somewhat trickier, because a great deal of Smiley's data on these beasts comes from telepathy, numerology or astrology.
  • Don't try the 'if we all felt like that one' because my canvassee (?) doesn't believe in telepathy ..... The Highs and Lows of a Political Canvasser
  • That might have been unfair — she remembered how her husband, Claud, had sweated to get Koestler out of jail in Spain, only to be rewarded with apostasy — but in his last two decades Koestler abandoned every kind of scruple and objectivity and became successively bewitched by “theories” of levitation, ESP, telepathy, and UFOs. The Zealot
  • Disease and genetic defects are things of the past, and new “bitek” (short for biotechnology) even allows for “affinity” (telepathy) between those who choose to have the affinity gene spliced into their DNA. Review: The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton | Missions Unknown
  • The explanation many people reach for involves mental telepathy or psychic stirrings.
  • Paranormal has been used to describe the supposed phenomena of extra-sensory perception, including telepathy, and psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings. ParaMonday « Fairegarden
  • Now some might call that telepathy, others clairvoyance or precognition, or others dub it a trick or coincidence.
  • We can include in this category empathy or intuition, and also telepathy.
  • Yup, you guessed it, they wanted more information from me and I've had my telepathy switched off so I didn't know.
  • What we'll do is Dani will hypnotise you and keep you under while I use my telepathy to get into your mind.
  • The evil King and his daughter were using telepathy to communicate, which made Tory wonder how they had the power to bethink each other. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • So to you telepathy is a-priori excluded from the realm of things science should investigate, just because. A Big-Picture Look At Darwinism
  • He can communicate with her by telepathy.
  • She was very glad not to have precognition or telepathy or whatever. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • The other document described ‘bioinformation’ such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance and bioenergetics like psychokinesis and telekinesis.
  • Most psychics trained in three disciplines, usually telepathy, telekinesis, and another one.
  • Will the brain in humans evolve to such a state that humans communicate all by telepathy…?
  • Her telepathy would let her instruct him and like all other telepaths, would allow her to get a basic read on his thoughts.
  • An explanation in terms of telepathy was also favoured by the fact that the success rates depended on who was calling.
  • She shared with me how telepathy is the one true universal language, how self-imposed dream states were, for her, the equivalent of a day at the beach; I shared with her Bruce Springsteen and episodes of ‘Survivor.’ The Downlink: Ken Goldman | SciFi UK Review
  • Now some might call that telepathy, others clairvoyance or precognition, or others dub it a trick or coincidence.
  • The mediums demonstrated every variety of psychic power from clairvoyance and clairaudience to telekinesis and telepathy.
  • He is actually of an alternate dimension where everyone has pure, icy blue hypnotic eyes, and the beings that exist thereabouts communicate through a sort of musical telepathy.
  • Telepathy commonly exists between persons in close sympathy; and when two persons are working along separate lines toward the same result, it is quite usual that they unconsciously "telepath" with one another, their brains being for the time in synchronous vibration. Second Sight A study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance
  • This was the nearest science had ever come to a really plausible explanation of telepathy. GRACE
  • - The one and only limitation for Telepathy that you really need is that it is the mental strength of the wielder versus the mental strength of the person who he or she is trying to read. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
  • It is not until almost the very end of the book that he even hints at the possibility of paranormal phenomena such as psychokinesis and telepathy, and then only very indirectly.
  • In 1969 he began to demonstrate his powers of telepathy and psychokinesis to small audiences.
  • About half of Bulgarians believe in telepathy, the evil eye and black magic, and that dreams can be prophetic.
  • It has no aim of imitating springtime noises, but seeks to stimulate by suggestion the hearer's creative imagination, and provoke by a musical telepathy the emotions that swayed the nympholept composer. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • The psychical match to the quintessential individuality of the Lensman was exact-so perfect, in fact, that it released latent parapsychic or psi powers, telepathy in particular. The Dragon Lensman
  • There are other planes of mind which have to do with the phenomena known as "psychic," by which is meant the phases of psychic phenomena known as clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy, etc., but we shall not consider them in this lesson, for they belong to another part of the general subject. A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga
  • The other document described ‘bioinformation’ such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance and bioenergetics like psychokinesis and telekinesis.
  • In fact non-psychics were also tested, but other ESP categories (e.g., precognition, retrocognition, telepathy) were never assessed.
  • So, any apparent success in the experiments must be attributed to precognition, not to telepathy.
  • We have the elements, not merely in what we call telepathy, or mind reading, but in our everyday converse. A Columbus of Space
  • Further awakening of the inner potentials gradually bestows the supernormal powers of premonition, afflatus, telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy.
  • This categorisation has to be seen in the context of the place of telepathy and the occult in psychoanalysis.
  • She was very glad not to have precognition or telepathy or whatever. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • As mentioned earlier, telepathy is most likely to kick in under circumstances of emergency.
  • Despite this, Hon Shun followed a strict moral code, particularly with regard to telepathy.
  • The evil King and his daughter were using telepathy to communicate, which made Tory wonder how they had the power to bethink each other. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • Get some rest and we'll start with telepathy and telekinesis in the morning.
  • Maria V said ... talk about telepathy - i was just wondering what i was going to do with the leftover lamb chops from the Easter meal - here's the answer! Recipe: Cannelloni with Spinach Filling (Κανελόνια με Σπανάκι)
  • Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy.
  • Myers believed that telepathy and telaesthesia ‘cannot have been acquired by natural selection, for the preservation of the race, during the process or terrene evolution’.
  • Yet they are fantasy-like in that there are sword-fights, and 'magic', though this is in the form of psionics --- telepathy, telekinesis and the like, all of which are deemed to have scientific explanations. A Darkover Retrospective: Marion Zimmer Bradley's writing beginnings
  • Before the war, the world was ruled by the Gifted. Their magic was essentially psionics, giving them assorted abilities such as telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, and more.
  • It could be argued that telepathy is a desirable characteristic for the subordinates of such a person!
  • The fact that journals like Nature and Scientific American aren't interested in reading about the evidence for telepathy is because they are run by dogmatic materialists. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • We wanted him to use the special powers of telepathy that he had to locate you.
  • There's no right to keep your telephone company profitable when telepathy is developed. Science press releases
  • Use your intuition and telepathy to decide whether either of these cards should take precedence over a non-trump Ace.
  • He interfaced the tutelary computer, immediately engaging his sense of electronic telepathy. THE BROKEN GOD
  • I have no talent for telepathy or anything like that and no particular beliefs. THE DEVIL'S OWN WORK
  • I'd go the other way, I'd start by trying to make your mind as open as possible and experience some spooky telepathy and spirit possession or whatever.
  • Hypnosis, hysterical strength and stigmata, sensory heightening, psychosomatics, telepathy -- such things are scorned in the scientific youth of civilizations, later accepted, when understanding has grown. A Circus of Hells
  • Lone Wolf and I definitely have telepathy, but in this case of feeling unsettled, disturbed, devitalized -- whatever it was that was troubling us -- our feelings were transferring back and forth as well. Beth Arnold: Letter From Paris: Let the Saints Come Marching In
  • Then, on Friday morning, I awoke with an idea about migraines, headaches, medical procedures and telepathy, bound together by loose strands of half-remembered technology articles and science programs. 2010 February « The Graveyard
  • This is why psychic experiences, and telepathy in particular, are more interesting to me than beliefs about angels.
  • It is on power of supersensory, or extra-sensory perception that what is known as telepathy and clairvoyance are based. Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism How to Hypnotize: Being an Exhaustive and Practical System of Method, Application, and Use
  • I should also note clairvoyance or telepathy may be the reason why some people do significantly better than chance in guessing experiments.
  • Sora, you can grow wings, but you also have the ability of telepathy and to become a potential scryer.
  • Austen seems to intuit, that is, that national consciousness depends on the same powers of divinationof telepathy (feeling across a distance) that are at the root of Emma's blunders, the same that are in demand during the parlor games that so often engage her particular social set. Social Theory at Box Hill: Acts of Union
  • Channeling, telepathy, and clairaudience are greatly enhanced. Astrology for Enlightenment
  • He interfaced the tutelary computer, immediately engaging his sense of electronic telepathy. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Students who score well on one type of ESP test, such as clairvoyance, are also likely to score well on another, such as telepathy.

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