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How To Use Teleological In A Sentence

  • The teleological arguments for God do not make that last leap, but simply hierarchise realities, positing a God class instantiated on a higher plane, as the object which shapes our subreality. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART FOUR
  • You have apparently managed to rationalise this to yourself in terms of a pseudo-Stoic teleological sophistry in which every passion has a "final cause" -- an essential purpose -- such that action at odds with these essential purposes represents an immoral "disordering" of the appetites, an unacceptable misdirection from their natural/mandatory objects. Archive 2009-08-01
  • In 1748 Maupertuis showed that Newton's laws of motion could be derived by the application of a teleological principle.
  • For, in this case, error can have no more serious consequences than that, where we expected to discover a teleological connection (nexus finalis), only a mechanical or physical connection appears. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • That a notochord should develop out of the archenteric wall because a supporting axis would be beneficial to the animal may be a teleological assumption, but it is at the same time an evolutional heresy. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
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  • In a cursory survey of life it is obvious that a vast number of species spanning most kingdoms and phyla have features that are teleologically designed to deal out disease and/or death.
  • I do not imply some teleological goal-seeking or the existence of a great designer with an aim in mind.
  • Underwood reconsiders Foucault's resistance to historical continuity in the light of the Romantic pedagogy that instituted the study of discrete literary periods; Pfau compares Charles Taylor's attack on the teleological systematization of liberal society as an economy, and what Taylor considers to be an illusory negative vision of "freedom" that shadows that systematization, with Rei Terada
  • ˜evolutionary biopsychosocial model™ is meant to encompass the life-history connection between specific components of nature and specific components of nurture that can be expressed teleologically either as ˜nature operates via nurture™ or ˜nurture operates via nature.™ Sociobiology
  • Teleological theories draw from the efforts of the individual agent to distinguish the real from the apparent good, and to harmonize conflicting impulses by subsuming them under a comprehensive conception of the good.
  • I do not imply some teleological goal-seeking or the existence of a great designer with an aim in mind.
  • Owen pointed out that it was necessary to distinguish between centres of ossification which were teleological in import and such as were purely indicative of homological relationships. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The teleological argument is implicit: to observe the complex order evident in existential reality is, in and of itself, the decisive action of verification; such complex order can only arise from design, so to establish the epistemic certainty of such complex order is to establish the epistemic certainty of the action of design having been carried out by a designing agency. Towards a Lexicon of Folly: Factard
  • The more precursors we find, and the more specific they seem to be — so that their functions in multicellular organisms would not be easily replaced by other components — the more difficult it is to accept a non-teleological origin. A Tetrahymena Puzzle
  • But it would only be a discontinuity from a non-teleological perspective. Behe and Theistic Evolution
  • If you want to spin that as "we don't know whether teleology is the explanation", I can't really argue with that, but don't pretend that makes teleology "just as likely" as a non-teleological explanation. An Ode to ID
  • However, Bergson continues, the teleological approach of traditional finalism equally makes genuine creation of the new impossible, since it entails, just as mechanism, that the ‘whole is given.’
  • Teleological method of interpretation is a very important legal science method.
  • It seems to me that this intention is the only difference between Front-Loaded Evolution and plain-old non-teleological evolution. Bird Teeth
  • It's a teleological structure, but the successful continuation of the presence of the interactive focus defers and ultimately defeats the telos.
  • In his writings Karl Popper questioned the positivism and teleological historicism of the modern age.
  • It is incontestible -- and will become still clearer and more certain to us through all farther investigation of the subject -- that the acknowledgment of the idea of miracles as a necessary and a justified part of religiousness {372} stands and falls with the acknowledgment of a teleological view of the world. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The only one of the traditional arguments for God that is widely used today is the teleological argument, sometimes called the Argument from Design although - since the name begs the question of its validity - it should better be called the Argument for Design. Richard Dawkins: Why There Almost Certainly Is No God
  • This powerful and consistent materialism, somewhat modified from its original form by Epicurus, persisted as the chief competitor to the teleological natural philosophies of the Peripatetics, Stoics and Platonists.
  • The product of these teleological arguments is the God class, the Deus Irae, the Empire, for it is through them that the attributes and methods of an assumed creator are imputed from the morphology of what is assumed to be that creator's creation. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART FOUR
  • Lorenz Oken (1779–1815), one of the leaders of the German Naturphilosophie movement, published an antimechanist treatise that taught the superiority of intuitively derived concepts, expressed a belief in the archetypal polarities of nature, and championed a search for ideal types and a teleological unity in nature. 1809
  • In those days the study of nature turned away from the Aristotelian world view with its em - phasis on qualitative change and teleological reasoning. NUMBER
  • While Wilkins makes an effort to separate out teleological systems from the larger set of teleonomic systems and larger yet of teleomatic systems. Francisco Jose Ayala: Darwin's Gift: To Science and Religion - The Panda's Thumb
  • Only idolatrous devotion could keep such brilliant minds from acknowledging the irrationality of crediting the blind force of nature with such teleological precision.
  • Economists generally take for granted, if only tacitly, a teleological view of money's historical development, according to which it first takes the "primitive" form of mundane commodities such as cowrie shells and cacao seeds, and then advances through various stages, culminating in the national fiat monies most economies rely upon today. offers a spirited rebuttal to this naively "whiggish" perspective. EconLog
  • Darwinists don't seem to be all that interested in formalizing the bedrock claim that evolution is non-teleological. Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
  • Pre-Columbian art's contribution to modernism fails to fit into the teleologically reconstructed development from post-impressionism, fauvism, and cubism to abstract expressionism.
  • The afflux of blood to the uterus during the rupture of the ovisac, cannot be shown to be useful by any effort of teleological physiologists. The Education of American Girls
  • The proposition as employed against ID is a functional extension of the dysteleology argument against teleological views. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • For me that is self-evident and denotes the obvious contradiction between intentionality (as a teleological standpoint and its extrinsic finalities) and consequentialness (as the most important moral standpoint). Democracy: What We Want Is What We Get, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Can evolution evolve its own teleological purpose?
  • Chance occurrence of an event is one in which no cause can be identified explaining its teleological or purposeful specificity.
  • In a previous essay, we saw that a super-majority of evolutionary biologists self-identity as "pure naturalists," providing us good reason to think that a non-teleological prism is used to shape our current mainstream understanding of evolution. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • If we think teleologically, we see the unity of mankind, also in case of a polygenetic origin, in the unity of the metaphysical and teleological cause which called mankind into existence; and to rational beings, endowed with mind, as men are, the metaphysical bond is certainly stronger than the physical. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • However, I don't think that this means that there is a merely quantitative continuum of "encoding" from teleomatic to teleonomic to teleological processes. Against Darwinism
  • Both claim to substitute a purely causal treatment of human action for the — as they declare unscientific — teleological treatment.
  • The effectiveness of neodarwinism as explanation (and it has been very effective) suggests there is no need to invoke teleological efficient causes to explain lifes diversity and adaptiveness. A decent, popular article on intelligent design
  • We see this over-arching teleological from the Greek word telos or goal understanding of the human good present in the following statement that De Roover makes concerning the teaching of St. Antonino: Corporation Christendom Part Two
  • Pre-Columbian art's contribution to modernism fails to fit into the teleologically reconstructed development from post-impressionism, fauvism, and cubism to abstract expressionism.
  • Thus, Aristotle's teleological ideas were able to fossilize into a relic that was used as the template against which new ideas were tested.
  • In the business ethics literature, one finds two dominant approaches to evaluate the ethical nature of one's conduct: teleological ethics and deontological ethics.
  • The only thing that seems to united all "evolutionists" is that they agree that it was non-teleological. Behe and Gene discuss the Evolution of the Flagellum
  • This may be the difference between Cohen's deontology, concerned with duty for its own sake, and a teleological world view, concerned with the consequences of actions.
  • We have, through the long and complicated processes of teleological argument, abstracted from a class called God, which was assumed to be multiply instantiable in objects called gods, to another class, also called God, which is assumed to be only singularly instantiable. Archive 2007-04-01

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