How To Use Telemetry In A Sentence
Was it that the telemetry was failing again, and all the phone lines were down, or perhaps the lock-keeper's car was in for a service?
With so much electricity in the new building, it took us about six months of troubleshooting until we managed to eliminate all the interference we were getting in our radiotelemetry system.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
We suggest that such patterns likely have biological and/or aerodynamic relevance and can now be investigated further with the help of biotelemetry.
Circuit Design, Inc. designs and supplies low power radio modules for various application fields such as telecontrol, telemetry, alarms, serial data transmission and audio.
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Women's bodies contain so many curves, contours, knurls, crannies, convexities, involutions and promontories that their clothing provides space-age telemetry at every square inch, constantly sending back warning signals to the brain.
The Westinghouse Diet It's as easy as pulling the plug
The shuttle orbiters are fly-by-wire machines with computer inputs, downlinked telemetry and lots of oversight from mission control.
Downplaying Internal Doubts About Ares - NASA Watch
Downrange assets did not reacquire tracking or telemetry," the agency added.
U.S. Military's Hypersonic Glider Launched, Lost (VIDEO)
‘This project is the first ever large-scale attempt to use underwater biotelemetry to study fish migrations in the Mekong River Basin,’ Hogan said.
As such, biotelemetry data is still captured every five seconds, but it is not transmitted back to the UK in real time. News
One therefore depends heavily on descriptions by the patient Or his family; nocturnal video - tape or biotelemetry recordings are quite helpful.
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Reite and colleagues monitored heart rate, respiration and basal body temperature using biotelemetry implants in infant primates who were separated from their mothers.
There it was, Thursday morning we stopped the pig's medication and there is his electrogram, the signal from inside the pig's heart coming out by radio telemetry.
Robert Fischell on medical inventing
Shape, dimension, moving direction, rotating direction and light radiation intensity are important dynamic characteristics of the object in space telemetry and telecontrol video auto-tracking system.
His current project measuring ocelot and agouti predator/prey interactions using telemetry tracking is supported by the National Geographic Council for Research and Exploration.
The telemetry is stated in plain language — in English," says Bauer.
Boing Boing: January 22, 2006 - January 28, 2006 Archives
Slave your targeting telemetry to mine and wait for my command to fire.
In their 2005 Nature paper (which was really just a tiny subset of a much longer, detailed paper they published elsewhere a couple of years later), Stokkan and colleagues used radiotelemetry to continuously monitor activity of reindeer - when they sleep and when they roam around foraging.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Contour was programmed to re-establish telemetry contact with the ground following the burn, however, no signal was received.
The downlink is a 32-channel telemetry link providing radio and imagery for navigation and situation data.
He double-clicked his comm to affirm the order and waited for the Commander's targeting telemetry to transmit.
Prior to biotelemetry, the migration energetics of Swainson's thrushes and other small passerines could not be measured directly and had to be estimated.
Tent-making behavior is investigated by capturing and censusing roosting groups, direct observation, radiotelemetry, infrared video recording, and DNA analysis.
Contributor: Thomas Kunz
It is called telemetry and the use of an instrument is necessary.
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Another area looks like Albert Einstein's chop shop, stuffed with half- disassembled Cadillac Escalade SUVs hooked up to exotic telemetry.
An autonomous telemetry system transmitted data on the payload environment during all the flight phases, from liftoff to in-orbit injection.
Together with biologist Robin Bjork, Powell pioneered the use of radiotelemetry to discover the seasonal movement patterns of the resplendent quetzal, and he was able to adapt the device to the macaws.
This is actually very easy to arrange: the Ring is simply the master node of a wireless network, and is able to send commands and receive telemetry from the other rings, including their locations and the spoken words of the people around them.
Boing Boing: January 6, 2002 - January 12, 2002 Archives
Telesignalling, telemetry, remote control, remote meter reading.
In this study, biotelemetry and its evolution is explained in detail.
It worked like a charm too - slaving the targeting telemetry.
All our study birds continued brooding and provisioning their chicks after the removal of telemetry gear.
Conducted the first radiotelemetry study of Siamese crocodiles and gained valuable new insights into their diet, reproduction and the area and type of habitat they need; 3. - Articles related to Ethiopia aims to turn itself into a regional energy giant
The Catlin web page itself says this about the biotelemetry: News
They've carried 400 lb of cargo, but the X - 15 carried a comparable amount of instrumentation, telemetry, flight experiments, data recorders, and on several occasions, a test model of a supersonic ramjet.
This is a migration of epic proportions and through the satellite telemetry we will be able to find out how it is conducted.
Human thought has a speed of 5,000 bits/sec and everyone understands that our brain cannot compete with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, local facilities, scalar or other forms of biotelemetry.
Limited telemetry-bandwidth usually restricts the number of channels of particle radiation detectors and the resolution of particle spectrometers.
Our study would not have been possible without the ability to continuously monitor small birds via biotelemetry before and during migratory flights and to recapture individuals after migratory flights.
With Mark's efforts to reintroduce this species to our area, satellite telemetry would definitely benefit this project by making it easier to monitor barn owls in a wider range.
Please note, we are disabling the biotelemetry data section of the website for several days. News
But a representative of the emergency medical community pointed out that voice was now a bottleneck, and what paramedics and doctors need was a network of databases that could be accessed and updated in real time, including medical quality video, diagnostic imaging, and complex biotelemetry.
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It appears that they are presenting recycled data from the biotelemetry sensors on the team. News
When these currents flow across the circuitry that separates the rover chassis and power bus return, they create a small voltage that is measured and reported in telemetry.
We crouched low behind boulders, striving for inconspicuousness while Wehausen unpacked his telemetry equipment to see if any radio-collared sheep were in the vicinity.
The canards, spring-opening tailfin assembly, telemetry package, roll bearing, missile skin sections, and wiring harnesses were designed and fabricated by the same company.
They are tracked with radio telemetry equipment every other day to record movements.
In medium rate, all real-time science telemetry can be downlinked during station passes.
New World Catharus thrushes are common nocturnal migrants amenable to biotelemetry, allowing us to measure physiological parameters during migratory flight in the wild.
Science of sorts, piping automated radiotelemetry data straight to the Web!
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
I prefer telethetic and telethesia to telemetry because the word telemetry is also used by the armed forces to describe a mechanical means of gathering long range data.
Now, with the help of advances in radiotelemetry, a team of ecologists led by Princeton graduate student James Adelman has succeeded in measuring fever and sickness behavior in various populations of North American song sparrows living in the wild. - latest science and technology news stories
During a race, crews talk with drivers via radio and take in reams of telemetry from the car.
Energy expenditure and allocation are determined using a combination of techniques, including body composition analysis (using extraction methods, calorimetry, and TOBEC), roosting metabolism (using standard respirometry), field metabolic rates and water flux (using doubly-labeled water), and time-activity budgets (using radiotelemetry, video monitoring, and direct observation).
Contributor: Thomas Kunz
This algorithm has great instructive meaning for the foundation of simulation flat for information confront of spaceflight tracking telemetry and command link.
Gadgets for this already exist, although in some states like CA, GPS units are illegal (radio telemetry is OK, though ... go figure).
K-9 G.P.S.
Nigel: The video became important after we lost telemetry from the vehicle.
Columbia Report Telecon Notes - NASA Watch
Such methods include flight-call monitoring, radio telemetry, passive infrared, and radar.
I'll give them a break for having to fake the biotelemetry on a web site. News
So she called telemetry, and sure enough, they had some pamphlets, and I went upstairs to get them.
Archive 2007-03-01
DATAD provides telemetry data evaluation, analysis, and accountability for science data received from various satellites.
The biotelemetry equipment (used by the team) manufacturer webpage News
As of this moment it looks like they got some telemetry from the spacecraft, just not what they expected.
Hey There, Solar Sailor
Byrne suggested that the telemetry from the orbiters should also be stored on magnetic tape in case it was needed again later.
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He has never bored of it, messing around apparently endlessly with tyres, rejigging qualification over and over again, fiddling on with aerodynamics and banning everything from launch controls to automatic gearboxes all with the express intention of making the sport more exciting and getting people like myself to chunter: Bloody typical: just when I finally worked out what data downlink telemetry does, they get rid of it.
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Combining to devise radio telemetry receiver, the application of digital down converter and frequency demodulation in software radio is discussed and analysed.
Prior to biotelemetry, the migration energetics of Swainson's thrushes and other small passerines could not be measured directly and had to be estimated.
Women's bodies contain so many curves, contours, knurls, crannies, convexities, involutions and promontories that their clothing provides space-age telemetry at every square inch, constantly sending back warning signals to the brain.
The Westinghouse Diet It's as easy as pulling the plug
Custom-made by Telemetry Solutions of Concord, California, it's small enough to attach to a fruit bat for research purposes.
Received telemetry data confirmed the initial phases of the mission to be nominal.
We've had an opportunity to isolate for you the precise moment when mission control first had a sense that there was a problem, the communication loss, the loss of data, the so-called telemetry on those computer screens.
CNN Transcript Feb 1, 2003
37 animals were released with telemetry collars around their muscular necks.
This site is intended as a service to researchers using biotelemetry as a means for collecting data.
Custom-made by Telemetry Solutions of Concord, California, it's small enough to attach to a fruit bat for research purposes.
It is a nice MODEL of the biotelemetry, just as good as observation! News
In research, biotelemetry is a useful tool for efficacy testing when used in combination with a disease model.
Energy expenditure and allocation are determined using a combination of techniques, including body composition analysis (using extraction methods, calorimetry, and TOBEC), roosting metabolism (using standard respirometry), field metabolic rates and water flux (using doubly-labeled water), and time-activity budgets (using radiotelemetry, video monitoring, and direct observation).
Contributor: Thomas Kunz
The operator uses an advanced form of telemetry, a miniature microprocessor-controlled guidance system concealed under his clothing.