
How To Use Telegraph In A Sentence

  • The Subaru then veered across the road and hit a telegraph pole, eventually becoming lodged between the pole and a tree.
  • Now the postrider was to the people of Revolutionary days what the telegraph or the telephone is to us today. Caesar Rodney's Ride
  • The Germans also launched a maladroit effort to entice Mexico into the war, exposed by the Zimmermann telegraph affair.
  • For those who don't know about Shannon, he was the father of information theory, which in its simplest form means he made possible the leap from telephones and telegraphs to computers.
  • But the designer decided to withdraw the shoes over fears they could become a lethal weapon if the wearer accidentally trod on someone else's foot, the Daily Telegraph reported.
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  • With the public onside, the Department of Postal and Telegraphs was established in 1883 with Prince Bhanarungsi as director-general.
  • But the Swedish startup has been particularly insistent on coming to the U.S. market with a freemium, not paid-only, model. told the U. K.'s Telegraph last week that the company is paying the label royalties per user in only two countries, the U.K. and Spain. VentureBeat
  • Compare and contrast with The Daily Telegraph leader, headed: "We won't be fooled out of our referendum" – "bamboozled" in the print edition. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Such winkingly ostentatious nastiness and Mr. Pollock's habit of telegraphing violence rather than lingering over it make this violent book surprisingly easy to read and digest. The Comic-Grotesque Goes North
  • The ice was so thick that it brought down power, phone and telegraph lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • My name's Betty Pearce and my dad was the son of a white man named Tom Williams, who was a linesman for the telegraph line.
  • A greater-spotted woodpecker zooms in on a telegraph pole on the lane.
  • The verdant hills and raised valleys are ideal for its commodes with ample erect telegraph poles to mark its new territorial space.
  • By the late 19th century, telegraphic signals sent over transoceanic cables enabled clocks to be synchronized worldwide with sufficient accuracy that one had to correct for the delay due to the transmission of the telegraphic signal.
  • The spot rate is also known as the basic rate or telegraphic transfer rate.
  • Sarcasm is usually pretty obvious and shouldn't need telegraphing in such a crude manner.
  • He probably didn't see his demise coming until Sulzberger's downcast eyes telegraphed it to him.
  • A favorite bay vista is from the vantage point of Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill. Keeping Reality at Bay
  • But it is hard to say, because although under age, he enlisted as an Ordinary Seaman on the outbreak of World War II, later going to the Fleet Air Arm as a telegraphist air gunner, earned a commission, and served overseas - at eighteen years of age probably the youngest sublieutenant in the RCNVR. Looking for Trouble
  • Howard telegraphed frequently and sent a doctor to revaccinate her, as the virus he had administered himself had not taken. Sleeping Fires: a Novel
  • These were all blameless cases of unintentional and unwitting mental telegraphy, I judge.
  • He telegraphs a curious expression across the curious pseudo - restaurant that serves as the canteen in the bowels of Television Centre.
  • In 1851, the telegraphy service between London and Paris began operating.
  • It was misty, close, everything intimate, the telegraph wires against thick creamy clouds like matted fleeces, the birds huddling. LOST CHILDREN
  • Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson said: "They have taken the sword of common sense to the great bloated encephalopathic sacred cow of 'elf and safety. Evening Standard - Home
  • EDITOR: A generic handwringer of an article from the Telegraph The Weekender: Education cuts, lies, spin, Scotland invaded by Border Police, more expensesgate! Oh the fun!
  • Women as perpetrators include nearly 200 women tried as spies, smugglers, couriers, and saboteurs conducting such activity as cutting telegraph wire.
  • The electricians had contrived a catchment pool and a wheel in the torrent close at hand -- for the little Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling -- weakly, indeed, but calling -- to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world. The War in the Air
  • The Belfast Telegraph has a letter that I think bears repetition: Our own observatory at Armagh is one of the oldest in the world and has been observing solar cycles for more than 200 years. Archive 2008-08-01
  • One car ended up in a field after skidding off the road and up a bank, narrowly missing a tree and telegraph pole.
  • In fact, it was often necessary to lift up the telegraph wires so that the plant could slide beneath them. TALES OF THE ROSE TREE: Ravishing Rhododendrons and their Travels Around the World
  • Among these were a relay booster for telegraph lines and a fire-safety curtain for theaters.
  • Professor Ian Stewart, Warwick University maths professor and occasional Telegraph contributor, points out: Reindeer have a curious arrangement of gadgetry on top of their heads which we call antlers and naively assume exist for the males to do battle and to win females. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Elsewhere the stations consisted of the usual combination of waiting-room, baggage room, office, and telegraph-operator's room.
  • A slight movement of the hand telegraphed his intention to shoot.
  • Amy Winehouse 'remarries' Blake Fielder-Civil on Facebook - Telegraph. Calls for comic to quit after joke on forces 'amputees - Mirror. Popbitch
  • He was tied to a telegraph pole in a field on the outskirts of Cork City where he was repeatedly beaten by a gang of up to five men.
  • In preparation for that makeover, the Japanese government announced plans in December to fund JBIC's overseas investment and loan program with up to two-thirds of the proceeds from the sales of some 300 billion yen $3.5 billion worth of state-held shares in Japanese telecom giant Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. A True 'Japan Inc.' Could be on the Way
  • Lorin Maazel, late of the New York Philharmonic -- where he drew both barbs and bravos from the critics -- strode vigorously across stage to the Disney Hall podium, telegraphing to the audience that this was no crochety 79-year-old maestro, but a commanding presence still, no matter which orchestra he stands before (of the 150 he's led over five decades). Donna Perlmutter: Maazel to the Podium -- Still Collecting Orchestras
  • Actually, by 1907, Ochs made a visionary technological move by working with the inventor of the radiotelegraph, Guglielmo Marconi, to innovate the world's first transatlantic wireless news service. Ashley Rindsberg: Where Is The New York Times Going?
  • No trees, no bluffs, no cabins, no telegraph poles, nothin '," moaned Red Bill; "nothin 'respectable enough nor big enough to swing the toes of a five-foot man clear o' the ground. JAN, THE UNREPENTANT
  • I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph.
  • The Daily Telegraph said Capello desperately needs to shake up his team to get the best out of players like Frank Lampard and a "dispirited" Rooney before the final group C game with Slovenia. The Age News Headlines
  • He says the Telegraph ignored important reasons to suppose that the girl, or more likely her parents, were not innocents abroad but downloaders on a big scale.
  • The Code treats wires and telegraph poles in a slightly different way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trees had been uprooted, telegraph poles broken, roofs torn off, advertising hoardings smashed and lorries turned over.
  • The invention of the telegraph prompted similar fears yet the language flourishes regardless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, a telegraphic or telex message is not recorded, except by the sending and recipient banks.
  • Hills' main weakness as quarterback is that he telegraphs his passes.
  • The fact that this was perceived by the Telegraph to be unsayable merely makes Steyn's point for him.
  • You gotta git off, 'cos mah boys at the Ferry'll telegraph ahead when they fin' out whutevah's happened to Joe, an 'the Kuklos'll be a-waitin' at Baltimo '... an' Ah cain't let 'em take yuh, Ah jes 'cain't,' cos, oh, mah dearie, if anythin 'wuz to happen to yuh, Ah b'lieve Ah'd die! THE NUMBERS
  • This principle was covered by Edison's Patent No. 162,633, and was known as the "diplex" system, although, in the patent referred to, Edison showed and claimed the adaptation of the principle to duplex telegraphy. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • He countered that he had no intention of taking it off; the label telegraphed to his friends he was wearing a "designer" suit. Ask Teri
  • In this function it is a significant incremental improvement to pre-existing telegraphy and telephony.
  • Or you could just shorten rather than remove the side branches (think telegraph poles ) and have a supply of pea sticks for supporting perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Independent newspapers own the London daily and Sunday along with the Belfast Telegraph and Sunday Life.
  • And in the mean time, we can telegraph the Judge in Sacramento.
  • I was to be a telegraph operator.
  • The glow comes from phosphor which is contained in the paper, which locks in the light after exposure to it, The Daily Telegraph reported. Home
  • In short, we have here once more another instance of that "attunement" between sender and receiver the most common instance of which is the wireless telegraph. Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers
  • The possible participation of Camilla Parker Bowles has occupied column inches in the diaries of The Times and the Daily Telegraph all week.
  • The Daily Telegraph is for those who can quote Latin phrases.
  • In particular, it's interesting to see the emphasis on the electrification of speech and "braining" in Chinese, versus that of distance in "telephone" (which is itself related to telegraphy, technically, syntactically, and semantically) and numeric calculation (and practitioners thereof) for "computer". Word meaning as a window into thought
  • Roads were blocked for days in some places and telegraph lines collapsed under the weight of snow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although visual signaling - wigwag, sun-powered heliograph, and observation balloons - remained important to the U.S. military, the Spanish-American War found commercial and military telegraph enjoying extensive use.
  • I heard now and then a sound that resembled the swift flight of a bird or the sudden "ting" of a telegraph-wire. The Dark Forest
  • Oct. 17, 2009: Houston's rendition of new single Million Dollar Bill, sung over pre-recorded vocals on U.K. talent show The X Factor, is declared a "below-par performance" by The Telegraph. Whitney stages a comeback: The verdicts
  • From here the visitors were taken outside to the railway siding where railway trucks would deliver the raw materials and despatch the completed wireless telegraphy equipment.
  • From 1872 onwards he contributed student articles to the Telegraphic Journal, which later became the Electrical Review.
  • For some eighteen years he was occupied in exploring and in opening telegraphlines through the eastern or northmiddle part of the great forest state, the wilderness state of the “matto grosso” —the “great wilderness, ” or, as Australians would call it, “the bush. IV. The Headwaters of the Paraguay
  • He left his local paper to become the Daily Telegraph's defence correspondent.
  • Thapa Magar suffers from a condition known as primordial dwarfism, which only afflicts about 100 people worldwide, according to Telegraph. Khagendra Thapa Magar, World's Smallest Teenager, Asked To Promote Mount Everest Tourism (VIDEO)
  • Telegraph, -- such like ze Electric Telegraph of Monsieur Morse, -- a vulgaire sing of ze vire and ze acid. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 40, February, 1861
  • Heavy snow blocked roads and railways and brought down telegraph lines in many areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Black tube steel was sourced from local foundries, together with telegraph poles and guy wires which were donated by a power supplier.
  • Many leading scientists and constructors originated from Russia. They invented the first electric bulb, wireless telegraph, helicopter, bomber, colored photography and TV-set.
  • Following an article in the Sunday Telegraph, the owner of Hackfall decided to sell.
  • We only discovered by bush telegraph that our son had a new girlfriend, he had not told us ...
  • For a broadsheet, the Telegraph seems to run an awful lot of tabloid celebrity articles.
  • The last bees of the year are buzzing, pumpkins are ripening orange, and the birds are sitting on telegraph wires, considering following many Hamptons' residents south to Palm Beach for the winter.
  • | News | Telegraph: The average Briton spends more than �4,000 on books during his or her lifetime but nearly half of them remain unread, a new study claims. Archive 2007-03-11
  • He left school at the age of fourteen, and worked as a clerk at the Henley Telegraph Company and took evening lessons in draughtsmanship and drawing at the University of London.
  • I managed to duck but in the course of so doing, clipped a telegraph pole. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of the remaining words on the Telegraph list, some (such as freegan, griefer, and nonversation) have their own entries in Merriam-Webster's
  • One great difficulty was that of recruiting radio operators owing to the fact that wireless telegraphy is very little used in the commercial air services over here, which operate by means of the radio ranges, and radio telephony when within range of the control towers of the airfields. Some Aspects of the Royal Air Force Transport Command
  • Maybe all that walking into glass doors and getting beaned with water bottles was Justin Bieber's way of telegraphing to MTV execs that not only is he a hit with the kids, as they say, but capable of spontaneity, physical humor and mayhem that stops just short of "Jackass" level hijinks. Rumor Mill: Justin Bieber gets 'Punk'd'
  • Now he is petrified of fireworks and the noise they make and was prompted to write to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph about his fears.
  • He was always tongue-tied and telegraphic; in fact, he stammered; but whether it was a verbal or a moral stammer Shevek had never decided. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • It has been an exercise in crass populism and political stupidity almost without equal in the Telegraph. Telegraphing
  • After the completion of the Telegraph Station it remained an isolated group of buildings in the middle of nowhere.
  • I managed to duck but in the course of so doing, clipped a telegraph pole. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tank drives over a dead, muddied body and civilians hang from telegraph posts. The Sun
  • He hit a telegraph pole with the prop and went straight into a farmhouse. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • So if you tell the story of time coordination as a pure history of ideas then Poincare's references to telegraphy and telegraphic longitude remain…
  • Her body language telegraphed her growing doubt.
  • He may telegraph from his country much news which is unexceptionable.
  • In the end we resorted to telegraphic, monosyllabic emails when we absolutely had to communicate with each other.
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • Ideally it should be telegraphed from the very beginning. BLENDING IN • by Oonah V Joslin
  • Instead, a voice-over quoting from telegraph reports briefly mentions some of the mob's racist violence.
  • Councils to help themselves to your bank account only a small piece in the Telegraph but the implications are writ large- Defy the State and we will 'garnishee' your bank account and wreck your credit record. Councils to help themselves to your bank account
  • He did not bother to punctuate the telegraph message.
  • In 1832, Baron Schilling, a Russian diplomat, linked the Summer Palace of the tsar in St Petersburg to the Winter Palace using a telegraph with rotating magnetized needles.
  • Mr. Chan holds a will granting Nina's entire estate to him. burned for good luck but not as a testamentary instrument - after amending earlier pleadings that Nina lacked capacity and Mr. Chan used Telegraph, the flamboyant Nina (dubbed in Hong Kong as "Little Sweetie" after a Japanese cartoon character because she favoured pigtails, colorful micro-miniskirts, bobbysocks and white PVC macs), had resisted attempts to have her late husband declared dead. Toronto Estate Law Blog
  • He first looked relieved at seeing her, but her expression telegraphed her concern. A Time to Hate
  • Also, the older children speak proficient English instead of the telegraphic dialect the Shimerdas use in the early chapters.
  • In 1859 the entire telegraph system failed as powerful electrical currents swept through the wires. The Sun
  • Johnson's promised fuller analysis is now in development, with a Telegraph column suggesting that something subtler than police "sjambok drubbings" may be required. London's missing dimension – serenity | Dave Hill
  • The turbine he wanted was in galvanised steel and no taller than a telegraph pole and was almost noiseless, added Mr Kershaw.
  • He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph.
  • As paved roads, the telegraph, telephone lines, gaslights, and electric lines caused the city to change, so did the CPD.
  • We only discovered by bush telegraph that our son had a new girlfriend, he had not told us himself.
  • The commission telegraphed its decision earlier this month by telling an official to prepare the order.
  • Such tactics were even praised by the Daily Telegraph recently as offering ‘an honest subversiveness which a conservative newspaper can admire’.
  • ‘I think [she] dresses badly,’ the doyenne of Paris fashion told The Daily Telegraph.
  • It was misty, close, everything intimate, the telegraph wires against thick creamy clouds like matted fleeces, the birds huddling. LOST CHILDREN
  • I hear on the bush telegraph that the manager has resigned.
  • The counter employee took messages, which were telephoned to the main telegraphy office in Manchester.
  • For about a hundred years the principal method of long distance communication was by telegraph.
  • The most recent piece of legislation in this area was the Telegraph Act of 1863 which had loose restrictions on digging up roads.
  • Edward Lucas in The Telegraph, his article entitled "Russia sees us as pawns on its chessboard" is well written, nicely analytical and very very worrying. Archive 2008-07-01
  • At night I pointed this out to Lord Granville, and told him that the despatch was slipslop, and on the next day, October 24th, I managed to get a good many changes made -- one by telegraph, and the others by an amending despatch. ' The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Volume 1
  • He pours derision on those who were well rewarded time-servers under Stalinism and now present themselves as heroic freedom fighters in the ‘Daily Telegraph’.
  • When a user types an address, such as, the request is first sent to a DNS server which translates the human-readable address into a computer-readable one known as a "dotted quad". Turkish hacker group diverts users away from high-profile websites
  • The development of telegraphy also brought immediacy to the content of newspapers that had not been possible before.
  • William Snell also telegraphed his brother Arthur to let him know about the disappearance of their brother.
  • We will instruct our banker to amend the credit telegraphically.
  • Keep your seat," he says; "he is only just telegraphed, that is all. Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven
  • This principle was covered by Edison's Patent No. 162,633, and was known as the ` ` diplex '' system, although, in the patent referred to, Edison showed and claimed the adaptation of the principle to duplex telegraphy. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • Gerald Warner says in the Daily Telegraph blog: Solzhenitsyn offended unforgivably against the politically correct liberal consensus, especially in deploring Western man's loss of awareness of the divine and cultivation of an 'anthropocentricity' dating from the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Let us equip the driver at the front and the guard at the back with some kind of super-telegraph.
  • Leave it to the Telegraph to put together a list of the world s sexiest, kinkiest and weirdest hotels. The Sexiest & Weirdest Hotels In The World
  • The encirclement of the world by telegraph by the early 1870s represented yet another revolution in communications.
  • By 6:00 P.M. Tokyo Time it was encoded in an unbreakable State Department cryptographic system, taken across the street to the Japanese Telegraph office, and sent via radiotelegraph to Washington.26 DAY OF DECEIT
  • Send the message on the telegraph.
  • Thirdly, there is a chronic shortage of comic tension, so that when the jokes do come along, they are neither surprising, nor amusing, because they have been so clearly telegraphed.
  • The increasing simplification traceable from the Egyptian epigraphic hieroglyphs to the Greek and Roman alphabets and the anticipation of modern stenography and telegraphic code in the cuneiform inscriptions (Semitic) and the virgular quinquecostate ogham writing (Celtic). Ulysses
  • If the customer orders that the money be transmitted by a telegraphic transfer or by telex, it is to be assumed that he requires the transaction to be carried out on the same day.
  • Here he makes such suggestions as imitating simple neuron functions by using telegraph relays or vacuum tubes.
  • The tank drives over a dead, muddied body and civilians hang from telegraph posts. The Sun
  • I've carried a shovel, crowbar, heavy "rammer," a dozen insulators on an average (strung round my shoulders with raw flax) - to say nothing of soldiering kit, tucker-bag, billy and climbing spurs -- all day on a telegraph line in rough country in New Zealand, and in places where a man had to manage his load with one hand and help himself climb with the other; and I've helped hump and drag telegraph-poles up cliffs and sidings where the horses couldn't go. Children of the Bush
  • 'Net' ... fascinating piece by Bob Geldof in today's Belfast Telegraph in which Sir Bob rather blows the whistle on what he calls a stitch up by Sir Patrick McCormack's Northern Ireland Affairs committee … Slugger O'Toole
  • As a result, the commercial space revolution has less in common with the rise of the steamship or the airliner than with the invention of telegraphy or radio.
  • Owners emerge, eye contact is made, body language is telegraphed.
  • Today, when we think of telegraphs we think of electric telegraphs, we think of wires and Morse code and dots and dashes and telegrams and that sort of thing.
  • The Evening Telegraph featured a dozen cases of abandoned and unwanted pets in the week before Christmas in a bid to ease the pressure on the RSPCA following the festive period.
  • Fearing the worst, the girls finally telegraphed their mother of Beth's deteriorating condition.
  • In the office she stood, a middle-aged lady (close on two-and-forty years old) bonnetless and capless, amid a posse of young clerks: the telegraph operator, the messenger, the indoor clerk, the postman: to whom she was an object of unending curiosity. Ultima Thule
  • The first teamster to provide transport services in and around Quorn was William Abbott, who operated from Saltia where he started carting materials for the Overland Telegraph Line.
  • Ordering the telegraphists to stay at then - posts, he climbed out of the gunhouse to go up to warn the bridge, but finding it had already been wrecked he went back to the gunhouse to tell the men to abandon it. Graf Spee
  • The first Morse telegraphic transmission was accomplished in 1844.
  • He telegraphed to Mummy to come up to London and bring him up his epidiascope and slides, and he rigged it all up in the ship and started giving lectures to the crew. The Breaking Wave
  • The state penitentiary was located there, and the telegraphing was done by a convict "trusty" -- a man who, having been appointed cashier of a big freight office in the western part of the state, couldn't stand prosperity, and, in consequence, had been sent up for six years. Danger Signals Remarkable, Exciting and Unique Examples of the Bravery, Daring and Stoicism in the Midst of Danger of Train Dispatchers and Railroad Engineers
  • Good Lord, deliver us!" comes the solemn antiphone of the telegraph editor, the assistant telegraph editor, Corkey and the copy boy. David Lockwin—The People's Idol
  • I laughed out loud when I read a piece on the Daily Telegraph's website which earnestly explained the meaning of "mither" for the sake of their southern readers who had never before enountered the word. piece was entitled "Steven Gerrard trial: what does 'mither' mean? Manchester Evening News Blogs
  • Before 1920, radio was used for point-to-point wireless telegraphy.
  • A chart showing the details of the Morse code used for transmitting telegraphic messages, invented by Samuel Morse has also been displayed.
  • The telegraph girl should be discreet and show no interest in meaning; her task is translate English or whatever language into telegraphese.
  • A week later he was put ashore at Hakodate, and after some telegraphing, his fare was paid on the railroad to Yokohama. The Lost Poacher
  • They walked along the edge of the line, and heard the telegraph wires humming over their heads. The Railway Children
  • This article in the Belfast Telegraph gives a good example of what kind of people they are-protecting Ulster by intimidating a woman working for a Christian ministry.
  • In fact, it was often necessary to lift up the telegraph wires so that the plant could slide beneath them. TALES OF THE ROSE TREE: Ravishing Rhododendrons and their Travels Around the World
  • The truck crashed into a telegraph pole.
  • The home also lost its internet and phone connection when a nearby telegraph pole was hit by an offshoot of the bolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before Japan colonized Korea in 1910, Seoul was the first city in east Asia to have electricity, trolley cars, a water system, telephones, and telegraphs.
  • Those earliest facsimiles, or "faxes," were transmitted via telegraph wires. NPR Topics: News
  • If choose the telegraphic transfer, please fill in the bank address and the branch name clearly.
  • The commission telegraphed its decision earlier this month by telling an official to prepare the order.
  • He has also added a running paraphrase to each of the poem's twenty-four sections, making explicit much that the author's telegraphic style has compressed.
  • In 1915, the telegrapher would drive his flivver to work across the new Ironton - Russell bridge, eat breakfast at the old ‘Y’ for a nickel, and employ that very same Morse technology that had dispatched trains here since 1887.
  • The Home Office has telegraphed to the police authorities intimating that a certain relaxation on the Lighting Regulation is permitted.
  • There are central and subordinary fire stations, all connected together by telegraph and telephone. Canada and the States
  • Telephone and telegraph wires run through the trenches and even railroad tracks are laid so that small engines go whirring through the ditches like "dinky" locomotives in a coal mine. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • She felt rigid like a telegraph pole, communicating perfectly, functioning flawlessly, but with no heart, no soul.
  • More information in English for example here http or here www. Sustainability economy money debt spanish catalonian activist anti-system half million euro energy crisis stockmarket collapse mortgage english subtitles - Articles related to Spain Hit by Strike Over Austerity Measures
  • Sometimes, the mortgage advance will be sent by cheque and on other occasions it may be sent by telegraphic transfer.
  • Language is the same in this respect as telegraphy, genetic codes, and mathematics.
  • His goal was to use radio waves to create a practical system of “wireless telegraphy” – or the transmission of telegraphs without the use of wires. Five People Born on April 25 | myFiveBest
  • You will need to arrange a telegraphic transfer from your bank to ours.
  • Courses in bookkeeping and telegraphy were not present at Emory until 1889 (Bullock 222). Dr. Adriane Ivey
  • The Telegraph obit leads off with the basic story: "Stanley Ellis, who has died aged 83, was Britain's best-known dialectologist and phonetician, and pioneered the forensic analysis of voice recordings, among them the hoax tape that derailed the Yorkshire Ripper inquiry.
  • Do you know the telegraph operator living over the way?
  • The train can only proceed when the line ahead is clear, as indicated back to the previous staff station by telegraph.
  • During the 1850s the British began to construct railroad and telegraph systems. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • Throughout the last 150 years, the Western Telegraph has continued non-stop to bring the news to Pembrokeshire and West Wales.
  • The coming of the railways and their ally, the telegraph system, put an end to this situation.
  • He apologized for not telegraphing her because he was ‘constantly engaged day and night with the mob, [such] that I have not had a moment to write.’
  • It was a period of extraordinary economic transformation in the United States - the emergence of industries, railroads, and telegraphs - the first signs of a modern industrial America.
  • 5: In April 2009 the Daily Telegraph set up a "Twitterfall" for its coverage of the budget, in which it tried to include any tweets with the tag "#budget". Technology news, comment and analysis |
  • Field:american merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable (completed 1866).
  • Diary of a Mad Natural Historian » The Telegraph's 100 fugliest cars of all time. The Telegraph's 100 fugliest cars of all time.
  • In large part, this was done by converting the nodes representing imperial outposts across the empire into real places connected not only by telegraph cables but also by imaginary bridges.
  • Interesting article in yesterdays Telegraph magazine about the Noise Patrol in Islington - North London. Bigmouth Strikes Again « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Angel told the Greenock Telegraph that she had already had some enquiries, although a number were a bit mucky.
  • It's my opinion that both these methods are turgid in the extreme and what is more, they telegraph Germany's intentions early on.
  • Later, runners, telegraph, semaphore, heliograph and line were used to communicate.
  • The Telegraph has printed numerous articles on this subject over the last three years.
  • And his expression telegraphed the unspoken message that he hoped someone would rescue him from the awkwardness of the situation. In the Presence of the Enemy
  • The Telegraph are reporting that anyone held past 28 days but not charged will be eligible for £3,000 a day compo which is said to be exciting interest among MPs and MEPs named after seaside towns - Conwy, Chichester, Dover - as £90,000 tax free in a month almost matches their own winnings. Open Sesame: Ali, Baba and the 42 Days
  • Jemima Lewis in the Telegraph makes some telling points about journalistic iconography and scientific nomenclature.

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