
Tel Aviv

  1. the largest city and financial center of Israel; located in western Israel on the Mediterranean

How To Use Tel Aviv In A Sentence

  • Among many other honours, we should mention that he received honorary doctorates from the universities of Athens and Tel Aviv.
  • Pinpointing the location of this evasive, supercautious quarry, placing the precise explosive charge in his SUV that would kill him and no one else “Pity about that new Pajero,” chuckled one intelligence official in Tel Aviv, and operating in the heart of an Arab capital saturated with secret police—these are the very stuff of the operations that gave the Mossad its famous reputation. The Secret War with Iran
  • Middle Eastern capitals include Baghdad and Tel Aviv.
  • Apparently, the thirst of the Palestinian blood among the Jewish politicians either in Israel or US and the plans of Zionist state has not quenched so far, even after orphaning, widowing hundred of thousands Palestinians, somewhere by the US made missiles, the German made tanks that could ravage their settlements, French made bullets to pierce the chests of women, children and somewhere in the torture cells of Tel Aviv. Gaza Again on Fire, Revenge will be Taken of Each Life: HAMAS
  • Now, Itay Baruchi and Eshel Ben-Jacob of Tel Aviv University in Israel have taught new firing patterns to a network of neurons by targeting specific points of the network with a chemical called picrotoxin. Creation of Cyborg Computer Chips | Impact Lab
  • After all, a young Jewish man and woman trained in the skill of flying at the Egyptian Flight Station and then returned to Tel Aviv to found the flying club there, in the framework of which a group of Egyptian pilots flew to Palestine (cited in Davar, Issue 57, 14 Tevet 5694 [January 1, 1934]). Shulamit Goldstein.
  • Born in Tel Aviv and trained at the Jerusalem Academy of Art, followed by the Architectural Association School in London, Ron Arad settled in London in 1973, where he has since produced a very varied range of creative objects based on sinusoidal, elliptical and oval forms, as unique pieces, limited series and mass-produced objects. Ron Arad at the Centre Pompidou in Paris
  • What we're hearing right now, an explosion described by some as a huge explosion in a market area of central Tel Aviv, along a road called Allenby (ph) Street. CNN Transcript Mar 30, 2002
  • In the lobby of the Tel Aviv Opera House, tall barmaids in red sequins served wine in plastic goblets with labels declaring the sponsorship of the Bezeq telephone company.
  • Now we see that it wasn't just some Israeli films being presented, but that Tel Aviv had actually been chosen to be "spotlighted" in the festival - and it's specious to claim it wasn't a result of Israeli lobbying when a direct program of "re-branding Israel" began in YayaCanada
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