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How To Use Tegument In A Sentence

  • The labellum indument resembles, although superficially, that of the hairy areas of an insect tegument.
  • In addition to the unique single vascular system, these new specimens exhibit a distinct six ridged external shape, and an integumentary morphology shared by no other medullosan ovules.
  • Caligulae, 55: "_Incitato equo, cuius causa pridie circenses, ne inquietaretur, viciniae silentium per milites indicere solebat, praeter equile marmoreum et praesepe eburneum praeterque purpurea tegumenta ac monilia e gemmis, domum etiam et familiam et suppellectilem dedit, quo lautius nomine eius invitati acciperentur; consulatum quoque traditur destinasse. _ Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II
  • There are collagenous fiber in integument especially integument and the hymenopterous integument discovered by the H . E .
  • The integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, nails, and certain exocrine glands. The Secret Language of Your Body
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  • The integument is composed of the skin, which covers the entire body, in addition to accessory organs derived from skin.
  • The medical fact is that chewing gum and eating meat causes chronic damage to the periodontium integumentium, which is the area in which tooth lice dine on stuck particles of your ham and cheese sandwich. Maggie's Farm
  • The outer or pulpy integument of the seed may have a wrinkled appearance.
  • This form allows a non-surgical alternative in reconstructive plastic and other procedures to replace damaged or inadequate integumental tissue.
  • Ovules consisted of an outer integument that surrounded the inner integument to form the micropyle, with the inner integument surrounding the nucellus and embryo sac.
  • During development of the ovule, the inner of the two integuments disappears, while the outer integument differentiates into different layers of the seed coat.
  • In 1999, they first described the find in "A therizinosauroid dinosaur with integumentary structures from China," published in Nature An Ancient Quill Rewrites Dinosaur History
  • I'm going to be down there in ten minutes, and if you haven't got waiting there for me a group serology analysis, a tegument series with scrapes, a neural series with pertinent EEG, and a percussion-and-auscultation set— Doctor’s Orders
  • People climbed the trees to shake down the nuts, many still sheathed in the bright-green fleshy tegument, while other family members and relations combed the forest floor and picked them up. Wildwood
  • All water-dogs, and some others, are subject to a disease designated by this name, and which, in fact, is inflammation of the integumental lining of the inside of the ear. The Dog
  • This point beats and moves as though endowed with life, and from it two vein-ducts with blood in them trend in a convoluted course (as the egg substance goes on growing, towards each of the two circumjacent integuments); and a membrane carrying bloody fibres now envelops the yolk, leading off from the vein-ducts. The History of Animals
  • Hmm," he said again, scrolling past the obscure serology results and looking at the tegument test and scrape instead. Doctor’s Orders
  • Every variation was observed, generally the more leafy the outer tegument the greater was the degree of straightness of the funicle, and the abortion of the nucleus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • So what should you avoid smearing all over the largest largest organ of the integumentary system? Mairi Beautyman: Three Dangerous Ingredients to Avoid in Skincare Products
  • Actually, however, it is too naive to assume simply that ` jargon 'equals "long words" even though we can see why we feel the temptation, when the enemy called taxmen inland revenue officials or when mockery devises artificial bipartite abdominal integument as a replacement for trousers. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 2
  • My impression of it was quite vivid enough without that, and the vision of the Colosseum remained, and still remains, the immense skeleton of the stupendous form stripped of all integumental charm and broken down half one side of its vast oval, so that wellnigh a quarter of the structural bones are gone. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • They develope from three cell layers (from outside to inside): epidermis, mesoderm, and the gastroderm, with a thick tegument protecting them from the host's digestive jucies. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • —The artery is superficial throughout its entire extent, being covered, in front, by the integument and the superficial and deep fasciæ; the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia) lies in front of it opposite the elbow and separates it from the vena mediana cubiti; the median nerve crosses from its lateral to its medial side opposite the insertion of the Coracobrachialis. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • As the green flames lifted I could see the oily gleam of his integument and the brightness of his eyes. The War of The Worlds
  • Most skin impressions from dinosaurs indicate the presence of naked skin, except for integumentary structures in coelurosaurs that may have afforded thermal insulation.
  • Another accessory organ of the integument associated with the hair follicle is the sebaceous gland. Scientists Report Breakthrough in Cure for Baldness | Impact Lab
  • Recently, more and more attention was paid on insect chitinase in plant pest control, for it could degrade chitin, one of the main components of insect integument and petritropic membrane.
  • Mr. Pickwick and Mr. Tupman, when the latter gentleman proposed induing himself with one, on the occasion of Mr.. Leo Hunter's fancy-dress breakfast, -- for this integument, I say, these minions of the moon had blankets round their shoulders, thrown back in preparation for actual service. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • The integument is a layer of tissue found in all seeds; it is produced by the parent plant, and develops into the seed coat.
  • Legumes possess highly differentiated seed coats that arise from the inner and outer integuments of the ovule.
  • Sponge-grafts are often used to hasten cicatrization of integumental wounds. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • It is characterized by the appearance of numerous disseminated, freckle-like pigment-spots, telangiectases, atrophied muscles, more or less shrinking and contraction of the integument, and followed, in most instances, by epitheliomatous tumors and ulceration, and finally death. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The similarity of the bacterial floras associated with the apical surface of the parasite tegument and the intestine of the host should be noted.
  • And floating along in a giant air bubble through the hidden integument of the Met, she almost thought she could. METAPLANETARY
  • Jambers was not quite sure what "integument" was, but she thanked God she had never had it in her family. We Can't Have Everything
  • —The artery is superficial throughout its entire extent, being covered, in front, by the integument and the superficial and deep fasciæ; the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia) lies in front of it opposite the elbow and separates it from the vena mediana cubiti; the median nerve crosses from its lateral to its medial side opposite the insertion of the Coracobrachialis. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • As with any integument, plant cuticle is a functional organ reflecting the response of ultra-structure and chemistry of the plant surface to a variety of environmental pressures.
  • Nevertheless, there is a consensus that the palisade layer, which develops from the outer epidermis of the outer ovular integument, is critical in determining the permeability property of a seed coat.
  • The entire spine is covered with a thin layer of skin called the integumentary sheath, in which venom is concentrated. Swimming with Stingrays | Impact Lab
  • Many insects stridulate by rubbing together specially modified parts of their hard integuments. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • Almost all early integumentary systems have some kind of laminar bone or cartilage as a base layer.
  • It is preserved with simple quill-like integumentary structures that seem antecedent to the true complex feathers that evolved later. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Within the integument of one system of exploitation, in other words, was contained a systemic conflict that, if not resolved, would lead to stagnation and decline but, if properly confronted, might lead to a higher synthesis of abundance and equality. The Revenge of Karl Marx
  • Feduccia laments that "the major and most worrying problem of the feathered dinosaur hypothesis is that the integumental structures have been homologized with avian feathers on the basis of anatomically and paleontologically unsound and misleading information. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • As suggested by Plotnick, this determination is not easily made on the basis of the fossils alone as all portions of the preservable integument may potentially be sufficiently well represented in molts.
  • The characteristics of the size of pith, the ratio of pith and the ratio of tegument vs. xylem have drastic variation among the three hybrid combinations of Dongzao seedlings.
  • After all what is this mortal tegument but a shell which a man sloughs off in eternal evolution. Diane of the Green Van
  • The hypertrophied or newly formed tissue may be limited to the rectum, leaving the anal tissues comparatively exempt from the superabundant cicatricial formation; or the hypertrophy may involve, to quite a degree, only the anal tissues and the integument around the anal orifice. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • As an invertebrate comparative anatomist, I am hard pressed to find anything in the nest of an ant that corresponds to the integument of a tapeworm or the coelomic cavity of an echiuran. American Scientist Online
  • Furthermore, probable ‘proto-feathers’ (rather simple quill-like integumentary structures, almost certainly the morphological ancestors of true, complex feathers) were present in compsognathids, basal tyrannosauroids and alvarezsaurids. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Ovular characters determine the grouping in the Dicotyledons, van Tieghem supporting the view that the integument, the outer if there be two, is the lamina of a leaf of which the funicle is the petiole, whilst the nucellus is an outgrowth of this leaf, and the inner integument, if present, an indusium. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Sclerites are mounted on short stalks of the integument, connected to the undersurface of the central disc, and are external to the body surface.
  • The integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, nails, and certain exocrine glands. The Secret Language of Your Body
  • Hide was a misnomer, of course, since the scrapes reported that the creature's tegument wasn't any more multicellular than the rest of it. Doctor’s Orders
  • Scanning electron microscope is used to examine the tegumental structure of the Chinese strain of Schistosoma japonicum adults in mainland.
  • At the situation of the radial pulse, I, Plate 15, the artery is not accompanied by the nerve, for this latter will be seen, in plate 16, to pass outward, under the tendon of the supinator muscle, to the integuments. Surgical Anatomy
  • The brachial artery occupies the middle of the space, and divides opposite the neck of the radius into the radial and ulnar arteries; it is covered, in front, by the integument, the superficial fascia, and the vena mediana cubiti, the last being separated from the artery by the lacertus fibrosus. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • Vhs is also present in the tegument and thus immediately functional following virion uncoating de novo synthesized vhs is thought to be partially compromised as a result of its association with another viral protein, VP16 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The inner integument initiates as a ring of cells around the circumference of the ovule primordium and exhibits symmetrical cylindrical growth until it surrounds and encases the nucellus.
  • Does this mean that the Eternal-Uncreate chose, from foreknowledge of what Jeremiah would be, the created Ego of His immaterialized servant in heaven ere he clothed his soul with the mortal integument of flesh in human birth -- schooling him above for the part he had to play here below as a prophet to dramatize in his life and teaching the will of the Unseen? Mystic Christianity
  • As the development of embryo and endosperm proceeds within the embryo-sac, its wall enlarges and commonly absorbs the substance of the nucellus (which is likewise enlarging) to near its outer limit, and combines with it and the integument to form the _seed-coat_; or the whole nucellus and even the integument may be absorbed. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • As suggested by Plotnick, this determination is not easily made on the basis of the fossils alone as all portions of the preservable integument may potentially be sufficiently well represented in molts.
  • There are studies on the vasculature of the scaled integument of lizards and snakes.
  • Ovular characters determine the grouping in the Dicotyledons, van Tieghem supporting the view that the integument, the outer if there be two, is the lamina of a leaf of which the funicle is the petiole, whilst the nucellus is an outgrowth of this leaf, and the inner integument, if present, an indusium. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Hosts may be infected via the integument or via the gut epithelium.
  • True feathers, so far as we know, were restricted to maniraptorans (the theropod clade that includes oviraptors, dromaeosaurs and birds), but simpler, filament-like integumentary structures appear to have evolved much earlier within theropod history, probably at or around the base of Coelurosauria. Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • Hand lotions can provide a therapeutic measure, preventing dehydration, desquamation, loss of skin lipids, and damage to the integumentary system.
  • Considered in these points of view, Mosaism has the appearance, in its exterior garb, of a special law, adapted to peculiar circumstances, and circumscribed to few persons, but in reality, and apart from that kind of integument, it contains the universal doctrines, destined to become the inheritance of all mankind. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • A nucellar dome has been formed in the massive nucellar cap and the integument has overgrown the nucellus and formed a wide-open micropyle.
  • New theropod integumental structures have been repeatedly dismissed as connective tissues, such as frayed collagen fibers or ossified tendons.
  • -- Halted at Ghaloom's, the Rafflesiacea is found all about, anth. bilocular, apice poro-gemino dehiscent, pollen simplex, materie viscosa cohaerenti, ovula antitropa, tegumento unico. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The ovule is surrounded by integument tissues which produce the seed coat, and in the earliest seed plants another layer called the cupule enclosed the entire ovule/seed.
  • Severe hand irritation was defined as one or more full-thickness cracks or other integumentary breaks on the hands' surfaces.
  • The wasp pupates within the host integument and, in the Åland islands, emerges as an adult in June while the host butterflies are adults.
  • The spectacle of a lady of mature years and more than generous integumental upholstery dying of consumption was more than the Venetian sense of humor could endure with equanimity. A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • And green garnet gem grossularite, Tiffany's answer. 24 smooth grossularite integument carefully selected this elegant necklace.
  • At least two types of integumental gland cells seem to exist in several species of Echinoderes, Pycnophyes, and Kinorhynchus, and they are arranged in species-specific patterns.
  • Pigmentary effectors enable crustaceans to display rapidly reversible integumental color changes and retinal screening pigment movements.
  • In a scar after a wound the integument is only opake; but in these blotches, which are called morphew and freckles, the small vessels seem to have become inactive with some of the serum of the blood stagnating in them, from whence their colour. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Such evidences of his unceasing ardour, both for ‘divine and human lore,’ when advanced into his sixty-fifth year, and notwithstanding his many disturbances from disease, must make us at once honour his spirit, and lament that it should be so grievously clogged by its material tegument. The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.
  • These filial organs are enclosed by a maternal seed coat, derived from one or both ovular integuments.
  • It then ascends upon the forehead, and ends in two branches, a medial and a lateral, which supply the integument of the scalp, reaching nearly as far back as the lambdoidal suture; they are at first situated beneath the Frontalis, the medial branch perforating the muscle, the lateral branch the galea aponeurotica. IX. Neurology. 5e. The Trigeminal Nerve
  • It was incredibly thick, dry, pliable; filled minutely with cells of a liquid-gaseous something which she knew to be a more perfect insulator even than the fibres of the tegument itself. Children of the Lens
  • The integumental wounds were easily detected on the body of infested bee pupae by vital staining with Trypan blue.
  • But then I perceived the resemblance of its grey-brown, shiny, leathery integument to that of the other sprawling bodies beyond, and the true nature of this dexterous workman dawned upon me. The War of The Worlds
  • It did not seem at all, though I viewed it a good while as it was sucking, to thrust more of its nose into the skin then the very snout D, nor did it cause the least discernable pain, and yet the blood seem'd to run through its head very quick and freely, so that it seems there is no part of the skin but the blood is dispers'd into, nay, even into the _cuticula_; for had it thrust its whole nose in from D to CC, it would not have amounted to the supposed thickness of that _tegument_, the length of the nose being not more then a three hundredth part of an inch. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • He very much wanted to, having seen the first part of the tegument report. Doctor’s Orders
  • Of the two ducts that lead from the heart, the one proceeds towards the circumjacent integument, and the other, like a navel-string, towards the yolk. The History of Animals
  • The _submaxillary gland_ lies under the integument and fascia in the triangle formed by the lower jaw and the two bellies of the digastric muscle. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • In red mange the whole integument is in a state of acute inflammation; surfeit, or blotches, a kind of cuticular eruption breaks out on particular parts of the body without the slightest notice, and, worse than all, a direct febrile attack, with swelling and ulceration, occurs, under which the dog evidently suffers peculiar heat and pain. The Dog
  • Similarly, while it is known that the effects inhibitors have on the thyroid can in turn lead to adverse effects on the digestive, cardiovascular and integumentary systems, it is not yet known what effect current concentrations of perchlorate have in the body. Fate and effects of perchlorate
  • Et tu, integumentum, vale. in eum nunc haec res venit locum, ut quid consili dem meo sodali super amica nesciam, qui iratus renumeravit omne aurum patri, neque nummus ullust qui reddatur militi. sed huc concedam, nam concrepuerunt fores. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • And floating along in a giant air bubble through the hidden integument of the Met, she almost thought she could. METAPLANETARY
  • In some cases the embryo or the embryo-sac sends out suckers into the nucellus and ovular integument. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • We'll be studying the integumentary system first.
  • Each Melibe was suspended by hooks from its dorsal integument in a chamber continuously perfused with natural seawater.
  • The outer integument remains two cell layers thick throughout development and does not contribute to the micropyle.
  • The Yixian Formation is the now famous unit that has produced all those little coelurosaurs with feathers and other integumentary structures preserved, and Dilong is no exception. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Accuracy can be accomplished in the skeleton and musculature, but after that, unless amazing circumstances exist like integument or soft tissue preservation, it's all aesthetic, but even then, I'm very conservative in my approach to most dinosaurs. Life's Time Capsule: Thoughts on Palaeoart II
  • The _haggis_, a kind of pudding, made of the offals or interior of a sheep, and boiled in the integument of its stomach; this dish, both in odour and flavour, is usually excessively offensive to the stranger; the singed sheep's head, water-souchie, Scotch soup, (an _olla podrida_ of meats and vegetables,) chicken-broth and sowens. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 380, July 11, 1829
  • But in the Homerical urn of Patroclus, whatever was the solid tegument, we find the immediate covering to be a purple piece of silk: and such as had no covers might have the earth closely pressed into them, after which disposure were probably some of these, wherein we found the bones and ashes half mortared unto the sand and sides of the urn, and some long roots of quich, or dog's-grass, wreathed about the bones. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • A microvillous tegument was appreciated overlying a thin layer of smooth muscle and a single row of stromal cells.
  • As the stinger enters the flesh, the integumentary sheath surrounding the spine is ruptured and the venom escapes into the victim's tissues. 5Stingray venom is one of the most powerful vasoconstrictors found among the natural toxins. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • On the other hand, the tiny worms are not able -- or at least do not know how -- to dig through the integument with their pair of guttural harpoons, to rend it and reach the liquefiable flesh. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • Through this strange festoonery they had to make their way, often for hundreds of yards; the soft silky substance clutching disagreeably around their throats and clinging to their clothes till each looked as though clad in an integument of ragged cotton, or the long loose wool of a merino sheep yet unwoven into cloth. The Castaways
  • The bison know a lot about Longfellow and wisteria and patrimony, the piscine nuance of the clouds, God's topological integument. The Bison's Alimony
  • Your tissues, on the other hand, eject water rapidly through the pores, at least as deep as a few millimeters, and the outer skin collapses down to a tough, leathery integument. Masked
  • The medial calcaneal (rami calcanei mediales; internal calcaneal) are several large arteries which arise from the posterior tibial just before its division; they pierce the laciniate ligament and are distributed to the fat and integument behind the tendo calcaneus and about the heel, and to the muscles on the tibial side of the sole, anastomosing with the peroneal and medial malleolar and, on the back of the heel, with the lateral calcaneal arteries. VI. The Arteries. 1F. The Posterior Tibial Artery
  • The latter observer considers that the funiculus, with the integuments, is the equivalent of a leaflet, the petiolule or midrib of which answers to the funiculus, and its hollow expansion to the integument. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Feduccia laments that "the major and most worrying problem of the feathered dinosaur hypothesis is that the integumental structures have been homologized with avian feathers on the basis of anatomically and paleontologically unsound and misleading information. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • As a result, their integumentary system may be compromised.
  • The pollen of the closed imperfect cleistogamic flowers differ in the transparency of the integument, and More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • And floating along in a giant air bubble through the hidden integument of the Met, she almost thought she could. METAPLANETARY
  • The function of the integumentary system is to protect, nourish, insulate, and cushion the body from the harmful substances of the outside world. The Secret Language of Your Body
  • The latter observer considers that the funiculus, with the integuments, is the equivalent of a leaflet, the petiolule or midrib of which answers to the funiculus, and its hollow expansion to the integument. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • -- Place the patient upon a bed; separate the arm from the side and supinate the hand; having found the head of the humerus, make an incision over it, through the integuments, about two inches in length, and a little nearer the posterior than the anterior fold of the axilla; carefully An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.

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