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How To Use Tefillin In A Sentence

  • If the Orthodox rabbi had any Halachic issues, Shiya said, I should inquire about the possibility of burying the lampshade along with shaymos—sacred ritual objects like tallis prayer shawls and tefillin phylacteries that, being inscribed with the name of G-d, were to be interred with the same respect as the human body. The Lampshade
  • While many of them do involve both body and soul - eating matzah, wearing tefillin, blowing a shofar, etc. - in the case of mitzvot it is the needs of the soul that provide the impetus for engaging in the activity.
  • Nearby, you will frequently see a table set out with spare pairs of Tefillin - phylacteries.
  • We study with our eyes, mouth, and brain, eat matzah with our mouths, listen to the shofar with our ears, and wear the tefillin on the arm and head.
  • Shema is contained in the mezuzah we affix to the doorpost of our home, and in the tefillin that we bind to our arm and head.
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  • For example, one need not spend more than this amount for a tallit or tefillin, a sukkah or etrog for Sukkot, or matzah for Passover.
  • And though he wasn't an Orthodox Jew, he wore official davening gear: about his shoulders was his silky, white tallith with its blue stripes and fringes, and on his left arm and on his forehead were his tefillin—the leather boxes and straps favored by Jews for their morning prayers. Wake Up, Sir!
  • He joined a morning minyan and started putting on tefillin.
  • Boys aren't allowed to wear tefillin until after their bar mitzvah; women can choose to wear them but rarely do.
  • Still, one may never make use of a printed Torah, tefillin, or mezuzah for sacred purpose.
  • She davens every day, with tallis and tefillin in the privacy of her own home. Life in Israel
  • We study with our eyes, mouth, and brain, eat matzah with our mouths, listen to the shofar with our ears, and wear the tefillin on the arm and head.
  • This gendered argument is bolstered by the verse in Exodus 13: 9 which refers to tefillin as “a sign on your hand” where the masculine pronominal suffix “your hand” (yadekha) is used to exclude women. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • In an article published in Outlook magazine, written only three years before her death in New York City on September 6, 1987, Evelyn Garfiel declared that Jewish women should assume traditionally male ritual obligations such as daily prayer and the wearing of a tallith and tefillin. Evelyn Garfiel.
  • The distinction appears to be maintained in only a few ritual realms such as aliyah, minyan and tefillin. Feinstein, Rabbi Moses.
  • While the Torah mentions tefillin, but gives no details, everyone throughout history has had the same black boxes, leather straps and identical parchments inside.
  • The first cut is done at the front of the head, at the spot where the boy will later place his tefillin upon becoming Bar Mitzvah.
  • While the Torah mentions tefillin, but gives no details, everyone throughout history has had the same black boxes, leather straps and identical parchments inside.

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