

[ UK /tˈiːtə‍ʊtəlˌɪzəm/ ]
  1. abstaining from alcohol

How To Use teetotalism In A Sentence

  • With the growth of the movement came a more radical agenda of teetotalism and a concerted campaign to end the state's liquor licensing system through local option legislation and eventually state prohibition in the 1850s.
  • Prohibition—the legislated imposition of teetotalism on the unwilling—was an idea that had been lurking beneath the earnest pieties of the temperance movement and was transformed in the late 1840s into a rallying cry. LAST CALL
  • It was formed in 1901 as part of the Temperance Movement a series of Victorian religious and political pressure groups advocating teetotalism.
  • Personally, as I grow older, I tend more toward my mother's teetotalism and away from my father's moderate drinking.
  • I have not seen the quite simple objection to the causes advocated by certain wealthy idealists; causes of which the cause called teetotalism is the strongest case. All Things Considered
  • Our teetotaler owner - captain was laughed at, and sneered at, by all of us because of his teetotalism. Chapter 16
  • They supported teetotalism, as they knew very well that alcohol abuse was very much a source of bad family life back then. Mikandra: I agree and I don't agree
  • One reason for the multiplicity of groups was a difference of opinion which soon emerged between the advocates of moderation in drinking and those who demanded total abstinence - or teetotalism.
  • It is of no avail to preach temperance and teetotalism to these people. DRINK, TEMPERANCE, AND THRIFT
  • Or here as an an argument against teetotalism (though since the book was printed by the Scottish Temperance League, probably not intended as a successful one): Fire is a dangerous thing, abused. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force”
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