
How To Use Teetotal In A Sentence

  • He's a teetotal, drug-free vegetarian, passionate about sobriety and the focus it has given his life and career.
  • Harrington is famously teetotal, never having let a drop of alcohol cross his lips, so it can assumed he was speaking from the heart. US Open 2011: Remarkable Rory McIlroy wins by eight shots
  • The heart and soul of the movie is Alan, a shy Texan teetotaller who's confronted with a display of bacchanalian excess that would've impressed Caligula.
  • Members had to be vegetarian and teetotal. The Times Literary Supplement
  • More than a quarter of young adults are now teetotal, according to statistics that show they are leaving binge drinking to their elders. Times, Sunday Times
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  • People who drink could just be smarter and better educated than teetotalers, he says.
  • This family has waged a multi-year damage control campaign on Kim's reputation by painting her as a teetotaling, wholesome, serial monogamist. Melissa Terzis: Kourtney and Kim Take New York: It's Not That Big of a Deal
  • The Welshman is a teetotaller, who does not frequent pubs or clubs. Quiet ambition has made Tottenham's Gareth Bale world's No1 target | David Hytner
  • With the growth of the movement came a more radical agenda of teetotalism and a concerted campaign to end the state's liquor licensing system through local option legislation and eventually state prohibition in the 1850s.
  • While Woody Guthrie was a rambling, gambling, hard-travelling, hard-drinking guy who collected a handful of wives in his time and whose guitar "killed fascists", his travelling partner, Pete Seeger was a teetotalling Quaker Unitarian pacifist who married a Japanese girl during World War Two and did time briefly for refusing to name names to Joe McCarthy. "This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It To Surrender"
  • Mormons don't, and thus will as easily fit in among teetotalling Muslims. Ellis Weiner: A Daring Solution to the Middle East Dilemma
  • The survey shows you don't want to be a teetotaler if you want to get on in your job.
  • Teetotalers, or people who drink in moderation, on the other hand are boring, no fun, puritans, kill-joys etc.
  • But the chief was a teetotaller, and he died, too. CHAPTER XXI
  • Over the years I've known 3 sets of twins (not all identical) and in every case one of them drinks and one is teetotal because they don't like the taste of alcohol.
  • ‘I've been teetotal for seven years, and I'm never going back,’ he says.
  • The Temperance Society, an organisation in which people pledged to be teetotal, was first established in 1832.
  • Prohibition—the legislated imposition of teetotalism on the unwilling—was an idea that had been lurking beneath the earnest pieties of the temperance movement and was transformed in the late 1840s into a rallying cry. LAST CALL
  • Are you looking for social activities that don't involve drinking or are you trying to be an inconspicuous teetotaler?
  • There's many sorts of drinks as we poor ignorant creatures calls intoxicating which is quite the thing with your tip-top teetotallers. Frank Oldfield Lost and Found
  • He is married with two adopted children and is teetotal.
  • Thankfully, I'm quite happy to stay teetotal for the duration.
  • It was formed in 1901 as part of the Temperance Movement a series of Victorian religious and political pressure groups advocating teetotalism.
  • And then, of course, there is the teetotalling 50% of the Democratic party that never drank the kook-aid and knew he was a Huey Long from the upper midwest all along. Obama Reiterates: Combat Troops Out Of Iraq In 16 Months
  • I'm nearly teetotal, I wake up at five every morning to feed the horses and I work all hours.
  • Went on to become an iconic captain of Everton and is now coaching there, also becoming teetotal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personally, as I grow older, I tend more toward my mother's teetotalism and away from my father's moderate drinking.
  • He used to enjoy a few drinks and cigarettes, but he is now a teetotaller.
  • He has also addressed a sometimes wayward reputation by going teetotal for the past five months. Times, Sunday Times
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • no thank you; I happen to be teetotal
  • People who drink could just be smarter and better educated than teetotalers, he says.
  • Mild-mannered, teetotal, often other-worldly, he was unswerving in his work for a party notable then for its lack of success.
  • Yes, he was an active participant on that evening but, while he was only too happy to dish out the vodka, he remained teetotal and disappeared to bed at a respectable hour so he was fit and able for practice the following morning.
  • You don't have to become a teetotaller but limit your drinking to two drinks a day and give yourself one alcohol free day each week.
  • For one thing, he is a teetotal vegetarian. Times, Sunday Times
  • The survey shows you don't want to be a teetotaler if you want to get on in your job.
  • His mother was a teetotaler and his military veteran father rarely drank.
  • His mother was a teetotaler and his military veteran father rarely drank.
  • In April last year the teetotal vegan was rushed to hospital with abdominal pains, which were found to be caused by previously undetected cancer. The Sun
  • In the 1830s, a third movement, the teetotal movement, emerged and radicalized temperance reform in two ways.
  • A teetotaller and non-smoker, he is a keep fit enthusiast.
  • Did I remember to mention that she's a teetotal vegan? Times, Sunday Times
  • I am a strict vegetarian, non-smoker and a teetotaller.
  • ‘I'm a teetotaller, meself,’ declares the middle-aged Belfast woman seated opposite me.
  • A more important transatlantic forum for cooperation and exchange of knowledge was the Teetotal Movement in which Nonconformists predominated.
  • The archbishop has not reacted to his father 's alcoholism by becoming teetotal. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I'm a teetotaller, meself,’ declares the middle-aged Belfast woman seated opposite me.
  • I have not seen the quite simple objection to the causes advocated by certain wealthy idealists; causes of which the cause called teetotalism is the strongest case. All Things Considered
  • And I hadn't fully realised how odd I'd feel, an omnivore who likes a drink dropped into a city populated largely by teetotal vegetarians.
  • Our teetotaler owner - captain was laughed at, and sneered at, by all of us because of his teetotalism. Chapter 16
  • He has also addressed a sometimes wayward reputation by going teetotal for the past five months. Times, Sunday Times
  • He never drank alcohol, and he had strong teetotal convictions.
  • I should go read the full meta-study, but I know that I am just going to exhibit massive confirmational bias for my own teetotaler status. Should I Take to Drink?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The movement often took the form of a religious revival and was referred to as a crusade: one teetotal group was even included with the churches by the religious census of 1851, along with temperance Wesleyans and temperance Christians.
  • You don't have to become a teetotaller but limit your drinking to two drinks a day and give yourself one alcohol free day each week.
  • One of the country's leading experts on alcohol believes moderate drinking is healthier than being teetotal.
  • DRY bars where alcohol is banned are springing up across Britain as growing numbers of youngsters go teetotal. The Sun
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • Even though he is a teetotaller - the basic reasons for which have been well reported - he is not a wowser.
  • I really don't want to become teetotal. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as well as training in Barcelona he went out too and drank so much he is now teetotal. The Sun
  • Today he is a teetotal vegetarian. Times, Sunday Times
  • They supported teetotalism, as they knew very well that alcohol abuse was very much a source of bad family life back then. Mikandra: I agree and I don't agree
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • One reason for the multiplicity of groups was a difference of opinion which soon emerged between the advocates of moderation in drinking and those who demanded total abstinence - or teetotalism.
  • It is of no avail to preach temperance and teetotalism to these people. DRINK, TEMPERANCE, AND THRIFT
  • It's a good idea also to pack a snack of cheese and biscuits to nibble on between wineries - and if you can persuade a teetotal friend to drive you so much the better!
  • Argument No. 2: A gift of wine is inappropriate when the donee is a teetotaler. New Haven Advocate: News
  • The BBC was in fact concerned that those facts were not given too much prominence compared to diversionary criticism of me for not being a teetotal monogamist, which is of course much worse than being a warmongering torturing murderous bastard. British Blogs
  • But since going teetotal in 2010, he has gone on to receive critical acclaim for his theatre work. The Sun
  • Whether one's partner becomes a born-again teetotaller, re-embraces their Ibiza dancing days in middle age, turns from T-bone-loving carnivore to vegan overnight or quits smoking and turns evangelical, there's nothing more annoying than one's own leopard changing spots. Dear Mariella: I do yoga, which makes my boyfriend reckon that I've joined a cult. Can we get past this?
  • Since the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the state sport of Alaska-they'd challenge for the gold at the Drunkard Olympics, but'd lose major points to Ireland in the charm category-I've been pretty much teetotaling, out of sheer contrariness, not wanting to be just another shitface in the crowd. Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
  • The John Snow is named after John Snow the health campaigner, not the newsreader, which is amusing in itself as John Snow was a confirmed teetotaller*. FreakyTrigger
  • As an individual he was probably insufferable: it should be enough to mention that he was a vegetarian, a teetotaller, and an anti-vivisectionist.
  • Livesey started a popular temperance movement, attracting followers including John Turner, who coined the phrase "teetotal". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He said ‘all the good studies’ of drinkers versus teetotallers suggested adults drinking one to two units per day, equivalent to one to two standard glasses of wine or half-pints of beer, had a 20% lower risk of stroke than abstainers.
  • He decides to go teetotal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or here as an an argument against teetotalism (though since the book was printed by the Scottish Temperance League, probably not intended as a successful one): Fire is a dangerous thing, abused. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force”
  • If he is a heavy drinker he will probably have to go teetotal, at least for a while. The Sun
  • Yes, laugh as ye will, ye lovers of gin and beer and whisky, one who has tried it, and has seen it tried by hundreds of stout stalwart men, tells you that the teetotaller is the best man for real hard work. Away in the Wilderness
  • Going teetotal has taught me what I really value. The Sun
  • No amount of money, police harassment, or made-for-teevee humiliation is going to force everybody to follow some naïve, well-intentioned (if we're being charitable), teetotalling life plan. Davis Sweet: Free Rush Limbaugh! (Again)
  • Village folk accepted the gentle, good-natured confirmed teetotaller, who looked odd and harmed no one.
  • This argument isn't coming from a old-fogey teetotaler.
  • Compared to moderate drinking, teetotalling is actually bad for your health, notwithstanding the odious and coercive nannyism the Temperance Movement prefers. People are drinking way too much. Blame Crate & Barrell.
  • Similarly, the IQ of women drinkers showed an improvement of 2.5 points over their teetotal sisters.
  • The 78-year-old former Prime Minister was a teetotaller and wanted to demonstrate that a life of alcohol abstinence could lessen the effects of advancing age.
  • Otherwise we are danger of mistaking a drunk for a teetotaler or vice versa.
  • A teetotal vegetarian, he stopped drinking five years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm a non-drinker, a teetotaller, a pop-lapper, an 'a grape-juice swizzler! Prairie Flowers
  • This argument isn't coming from a old-fogey teetotaler.
  • Not the least of these differences was the generous supply of alcohol in one and the teetotalism of the other.
  • The president, a teetotaler since age 40 and a non-smoker - except for an occasional cigar - jogs 3 miles, mostly on a treadmill, at least four times a week.
  • He was an independent in religion, worshipping at the chapel Bunyan had served, a teetotaller, vegetarian, and a man of austere habits.
  • He is a non-smoker and a teetotaller but has suffered from coronary complications that required surgery over a year ago.
  • Still, even teetotalers should enjoy themselves here, though maybe not as much as aspiring wine geeks, who could easily spend the meal perusing the extensive, user-friendly list.
  • He was an habitual drunkard, his greatest boast being that he had once been "teetotal" for From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • Martin said: ‘Andrew likes a drop or two, Dad enjoys the occasional taster, but the truth is that I am teetotal!’
  • Are you looking for social activities that don't involve drinking or are you trying to be an inconspicuous teetotaler?
  • Still, even teetotalers should enjoy themselves here, though maybe not as much as aspiring wine geeks, who could easily spend the meal perusing the extensive, user-friendly list.
  • Everybody saw that he declined the honour when proposed, which I don't know that I ever saw a gentleman do at a commercial table till this day, barring that he was a teetotaller, which is gammon too. Orley Farm
  • The alcohol ban is a strain on my mum, she likes a bit of a drink, but my dad's teetotal.
  • He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years' time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. Notable & Quotable
  • But the 46-year-old publican has since become teetotal and slimmed to 17 stone. The Sun
  • A more important transatlantic forum for cooperation and exchange of knowledge was the Teetotal Movement in which Nonconformists predominated.
  • If Hazare himself has studiously avoided any political statements, his vision of an India of teetotal, vegetarian rural communities is, despite its roots in Gandhi's vision of rural-based development, a conservative one that appeals to India's right wing. Anna Hazare: the divisive face of a new India | profile
  • The 78-year-old former Prime Minister was a teetotaller and wanted to demonstrate that a life of alcohol abstinence could lessen the effects of advancing age.
  • Data from the British regional heart study, a long running cohort begun in middle aged men, suggests that light drinkers have the same life expectancy as lifelong teetotallers.
  • I have lost a pound or two in weight - my boyfriend has lost half a stone - but I don't feel being teetotal has led to a major improvement in my health.
  • The president, a teetotaler since age 40 and a non-smoker - except for an occasional cigar - jogs 3 miles, mostly on a treadmill, at least four times a week.
  • I have lost a pound or two in weight - my boyfriend has lost half a stone - but I don't feel being teetotal has led to a major improvement in my health.
  • He is a non-smoker and a teetotaller but has suffered from coronary complications that required surgery over a year ago.
  • The teetotalling Jones would not enforce laws against boozing, gambling, or prostitution.
  • He has also addressed a sometimes wayward reputation by going teetotal for the past five months. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, weighing the evidence, I decide to stick with my teetotalling ways. Origins
  • He used to enjoy a few drinks and cigarettes, but he is now a teetotaller.
  • He said ‘all the good studies’ of drinkers versus teetotallers suggested adults drinking one to two units per day, equivalent to one to two standard glasses of wine or half-pints of beer, had a 20% lower risk of stroke than abstainers.
  • He also remains teetotal and a vegetarian, and is obsessive about keeping a diary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he let me exonerate Harold from the charge of intemperance, pointing out that not even after the injury and operation, nor after yesterday's cold and fatigue, had he touched any liquor; but I don't think the notion of teetotalism was gratifying, even when I called it My Young Alcides
  • He has also addressed a sometimes wayward reputation by going teetotal for the past five months. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the West Midlands, 78% were willing to stop drinking, reduce their alcohol intake or were teetotal already compared to 66% in the capital.
  • Though the general fitness of players has improved during my 17 years in the game, teetotal footballers are still vastly outnumbered by those who do partake of an alcoholic refreshment.
  • Because while I don't drink alcohol, my teetotalling is a personal preference, not a moral duty, and so I don't think responsible alcohol consumption needs any stronger of a reason than spite. UUpdates - All updates
  • Like rumrunner Bill McCoy he was a teetotaler, his perspective on liquor unaffected by personal tastes or unclouded by personal habit. LAST CALL
  • This teetotaller and non-smoker is very much a family man, and spends his spare time helping his wife tend to their large collection of bonsai plants.
  • Now she's teetotal and about to get married. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm now considering going teetotal or cutting down to a glass or two of wine a week. The Sun
  • More importantly, they adapted to the conditions far more effectively than Gavin Hastings' band of teetotallers.
  • In the 1830s, a third movement, the teetotal movement, emerged and radicalized temperance reform in two ways.
  • This teetotaller and non-smoker is very much a family man, and spends his spare time helping his wife tend to their large collection of bonsai plants.
  • Which drink is likely to confer a similar benefit on teetotallers?
  • The worms, as video footage shows, also became overactive in alcohol withdrawal and showed spontaneous and deep body bends - a behaviour rarely seen in 'teetotal' worms. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • More importantly, they adapted to the conditions far more effectively than Gavin Hastings' band of teetotallers.
  • Mild-mannered, teetotal, often other-worldly, he was unswerving in his work for a party notable then for its lack of success.
  • `He's a teetotaller, with regular lapses," said Dunne, leaning back. A DEATH IN TIME
  • He actively disliked non-smokers and merrily mocked teetotallers.
  • This sermonizing reformer was so appalled at the sins of others, she often rose in church to rebuke the men present, including her husband, a teetotalling minister. Diana Meehan: Myth America
  • In was not until 1832 that at Preston under the advocacy of Joseph Livesay total abstainers first appeared, and the word "teetotal", applied to abstinence, came into general use. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Teetotal The charge for entrance to such fashionable gardens as Vauxhall or Ranalagh Gardens included tea with bread and butter, a welcome refreshment after the entertainment.
  • Otherwise we are danger of mistaking a drunk for a teetotaler or vice versa.
  • It really is hard to believe that he's teetotal.
  • His entertainment featured abundant wine and cigars, though he himself was a non-smoking teetotaller.
  • But he also has a hilarious description of what he calls vegetarian, teetotalers, saddle-wearers, bearded cranks; you know, these kind of off-the-wall Socialists that he used to see in Socialist summer camps or at Socialist magazines. Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation
  • He has also addressed a sometimes wayward reputation by going teetotal for the past five months. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was my car-driver, a teetotaller, opined on this "boreen," that the irreconcilable tenant, one Thomas Browne, dwelt. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • I am a strict vegetarian, non-smoker and a teetotaller.
  • I do not speak, therefore, as one who comes from the ranks of the teetotalers, one who has never been tainted, nor am I a recent convert to the anti-drink brigade.
  • Almost two million young people have gone teetotal as they seek fun from social media and computer games instead of getting drunk in the park. Times, Sunday Times
  • I ain't a teetotaler, nohow; but I never touches a drop o 'licker from the time I sots foot aboard ship till I treads land ag'in -- an' what I does, every man Jack o 'my crew shall do ditto, or I'll know an' larn 'em the reason why, you bet! Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Bush - famed for being an alleged "teetotaller" now and an unrestrained alcoholic for some 40 years - "was seen sipping beer, but his advisers insisted it was non-alcoholic. Archive 2007-06-01
  • My diet is a lot better now and importantly, I'm virtually teetotal, which has really helped my fitness.
  • Richard E. Grant (a teetotaller in ‘real-life’) is superb as the goggle-eyed, perpetually-wired, scarecrow-ish and amoral Withnail.
  • But since going teetotal in 2010, he has gone on to receive critical acclaim for his theatre work. The Sun
  • Modest, unprotesting, a devoted church-goer and teetotaller, and a model family man, Jack Hobbs was the prototype of the loyal artisan dedicated to Crown and country.
  • Warpington, eleven according to the Loftus Arms, from which it issued, the owner of which was not on happy terms with his "teetotal" vicar. Red Pottage
  • Campbell, a teetotaller, also discloses in today's extracts that the pressure of working in Downing Street became so great that he started drinking again around the turn of the millennium. Alastair Campbell: Blair was angry at Prince's interference
  • Teetotallers are three times more likely to develop tiresome winter snuffles than moderate drinkers, researchers have found.
  • Go teetotal for now and focus on building up a social life. The Sun
  • A teetotaller and non-smoker, he is a keep fit enthusiast.
  • I have this quirk that among drunks I become an instant teetotaller. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • I am not suggesting you become teetotal, but trying to work out why it is so important in your life will help to uncover the underlying issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the plus side I found going teetotal a positive experience and it left me feeling fresher next day. The Sun
  • Within months he took charge of Swedish small potatoes Halmstad, where the players, nearly half of whom were older than him, initially viewed him with the same sort of suspicion that veteran boozers eye teenage teetotalers. $tevie Says Relax, I'm Staying At Liverpool
  • Five months after quitting racing the teetotal legend is now trying to make it up to his wife. The Sun
  • Not only did he fail to campaign vigorously for election, said Twain, but Orion also sealed his electoral doom when he suddenly changed from a friendly attitude toward whiskey—which was the popular attitude—to uncompromising teetotalism, and went absolutely dry. . . LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • In April last year the teetotal vegan was rushed to hospital with abdominal pains, which were found to be caused by previously undetected cancer. The Sun
  • In Ms. Cappello's book, Jackson comes across as a complete, complex individual: In addition to being an innovative physician, he was an amateur painter, a nonsmoking teetotaler,and an abstemious eater whose sandwiches included exactly one lettuce leaf. Medicine
  • DRY January doesn't necessarily mean that you have to go completely teetotal. The Sun
  • Gerry was teetotal, but we had a fantastic time.
  • Remember – the teetotal and the pregnant can be utilised as booze mules. Wimbledon 2011: Your survival guide to SW19
  • The attempt to combine the friends of temperance on a basis of "teetotal" abstinence, putting fermented as well as distilled liquors under the ban, dates from as late as 1836. A History of American Christianity
  • I ceased to be a teetotalling Pussy the day that my step-mom told me that I had to hit my sisters back instead of just getting beat up. HORROR MOVIES ARE EATING EACH OTHER
  • The captain, a stout teetotaler, and the first mate, an inveterate old toper, got along miserably on board. THE QUEENSBERRY RULES OF DISCOURSE
  • Invite a teetotaler and sip tomato juice.
  • He gave Sheffield-brewed beer to US vice-president Joe Biden, a teetotaller. Diary
  • In the supposedly drug-free past, children were put to bed with paregoric, old folks beatified themselves with Hadacol, and teetotal housewives contentedly glugged 80-proof women's trouble remedies. Michael Kaplan: Drugs: Losing the Longest War
  • Which drink is likely to confer a similar benefit on teetotallers?
  • Data from the British regional heart study, a long running cohort begun in middle aged men, suggests that light drinkers have the same life expectancy as lifelong teetotallers.

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