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How To Use Teensy In A Sentence

  • Now that is a teensy bit different from your average enterprise software company.
  • Erickson is a big southern fat boy with a teensy-weensy wee wee, hence all his anger. Think Progress » Erickson: I’ll ‘pull out my wife’s shotgun’ if someone comes to my door for the American Community Survey.
  • So I asked myself—is there any reason at all in the whole universe to think that Shakespeare might be even a teensy-weensy bit better than Michael Jackson? Who's Better: Michael Jackson or Shakespeare?
  • The women had on teensy- weensy bikinis, and one of the guys was standing on the bow, and then he jumped in the bay and swam around the boat.
  • The visuals are really good, the pacing is a teensy bit slow at first but overwhelmingly solid, the direction is about 85% outstanding, the storytelling elements are all present and accounted for, the setting is a novel one (more or less), the acting is fine, the characters aren't too stupid to breathe but they're not smart enough to see the whole threat in time to do something about it ... and here's where this review must take a turn for the strange: even so, The Abandoned doesn't work. The Abandoned
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  • And that it really had just been “an ever so teensy-weensy gigantic explosion.” Bubble in the Bathtub
  • A moment later, I was back upstairs and applying a teensy bit of makeup - light coat of mascara, tasteful smidge of eyeliner, and some lip gloss.
  • I'll share one with you: Needing a piece of wood to fill the gap between a screen door and a spring hasp if you don't know what that is, I can't explain it to you, I dismantled a bookcase, removed the back, stacked the books on the floor, and cut off a teensy-tiny piece of fiberboard, solving that problem. How to Make an Atom Bomb While Your Wife's Away
  • I guess I owe everyone an apology. All right, so I made a teensy mistake.
  • Of course, even the most capacious tape case could hold only a teensy fraction of the music that fits in today's dinkiest MP3 players...and one of the virtues of digital music is that you don't need to buy cases for it. Top Stories
  • However, something else came: three pristine copies of Music of a Proto-Suicide, my first publication, a teensy chapbook from an even teensier press which no longer exists. Chapbook Giveaway
  • Oh, and he's also hiding a teensy-weensy secret from his fiancée. The Sun
  • But think of this as your new, ultra-on trend teensy-weensy handbag and you'll see our logic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I manufacture teensy-weensy more encircling BING and its late-model features! but I doubt they liking bear any prestige good old days google! what search works are you using? Foodie New Year’s Resolutions 2009 | Baking Bites
  • P. S Nico – If you call the teensy Kilmeade/Levin exchange an “on-air scuffle”, you have obviously never been in or seen a “scuffle” Think Progress » VIDEO: Sen. Levin and Fox Anchor in On-Air Scuffle Over Iraq Plan
  • The key to making metals that snap back to their original shapes, the scientists found, is a balance between brittleness and bendiness, or a balance between teensy and relatively giant grains. Memory Metals with Could Fix Dents | Impact Lab
  • Worried about squeezing into that teensy-weensy bikini?
  • And I think it's safe to say he earns a teensy bit more money than you do.
  • I am a teensy bit nervous about the food situation, however.
  • I glanced at Jeff, who was staring straight ahead, looking a teensy bit pale.
  • The crab, which eats away at riverbanks, clogs water intake pipes and is considered too teensy-weensy to make for an enjoyable human snack, can trek 500 kilometres from its salt water spawning grounds and could easily inhabit our river.
  • There's must-have chocolate, sugared cookies, even splashy sips of champagne or sparkling fruit juice over teensy scoops of sorbet.
  • It probably comes down to a single line of code somewhere with a teensy tiny almost insignificant bug in it.
  • He did, however, have one more teensy-weensy problem: the title.
  • The teensy power providers could eventually provide electricity for devices like watches, pacemakers and wireless sensors that monitor infrastructure. Sarah Parsons | Inhabitat
  • But maybe he could just be a teensy bit more helpful.
  • She just says that it is to stamp out any teensy tiny remaining bastion of liberal thought this side of the Ronnie Reagan years. Think Progress » Palin: ‘I joined Fox’ because there’s too much ‘opinion interjected in hard news’ in the mainstream media.
  • I guess I owe everyone an apology. All right, so I made a teensy mistake.
  • When she stopped to think about it, she wondered if she was being just a teensy-weensy bit wasteful. E Is for Environment
  • Okay, I think I'm getting a teensy bit carried away, but no more.
  • Ich am comfortede by the tale of Yukkio Mischima, who did also apparentli haue teensye litel legges and a broade and powirful uppre bodye. Crackpot Medieval "Facts"
  • Hawk, cum on now, if we are going to have a teensy weensy mini debate we have to have time limits, you have to answer my question within a minute of me asking it, you big adorable lug. Think Progress » Virginians Buck Far-Right Policies Of McDonnell And Cuccinelli
  • The results will surprise you and make you just a teensy bit angry when next the politicians start talking about Stage 3/4/etc. water restrictions for domestic users. Harbingers of the Neo Dark Ages — Fusion Despatches
  • Please sir, could you please make a teensy-weensy exception?
  • Like all mothers, though, she sees you as her little girl growing up, and it's making her a teensy bit nervous.
  • Paige groaned, looking at her stomach critically, which had expanded a tiny, teensy bit; not bad at all, but she was ashamed of her unfit body.
  • I'm just a teensy bit worried that they may have security set up as I doubt I'm the only one who's had that idea.
  • There we were, having had a perfectly civil time eating smorrebrod and imbibing a teensy glass of blackberry akvavit (because Wendy's parents, being from the Continent, were very cosmopolitan about such things). Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • They sell the teensy bags you get in supermarket multipacks at full price.
  • So, for the benefit of your accountant, I have drawn up this simple, teensy-weensy agenda to show where the money goes.
  • Ich am comfortede by the tale of Yukkio Mischima, who did also apparentli haue teensye litel legges and a broade and powirful uppre bodye. Crackpot Medieval "Facts"
  • DVDs, video games, paperbacks, housewares, unopened toiletries, unopened energy bars, even unused bellybutton rings: If it might have otherwise languished in a basement, closet, cabinet or drawer — or ended up at Goodwill in exchange for a teensy tax deduction — it's ripe for swapping. Sign of the times: Going swapping, not shopping
  • One could lean over from one of those little teensy protuberances of rock, ice, gravel and snow and stare straight down at infinity.
  • Lately, it seems I'm either at work, asleep, or on the phone with my current * ahem* love interest .. who is a sweetie but calls a teensy bit too much. Elfpvke Diary Entry
  • I'll share one with you: Needing a piece of wood to fill the gap between a screen door and a spring hasp if you don't know what that is, I can't explain it to you, I dismantled a bookcase, removed the back, stacked the books on the floor, and cut off a teensy-tiny piece of fiberboard, solving that problem. How to Make an Atom Bomb While Your Wife's Away
  • I borrowed Sue's knitted flower pattern and added a few more stitches to make it a teensy bit bigger.
  • They're like a teensy tiny version of a normal cigarette lighter.
  • There's your basic brown variety, Pullman's specialty, but also chic French green lentils (lentils du puy), teensy beansy Indian red lentils and exotic black beluga lentils. Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: America's Got Lentils
  • Let's be frank here, and maybe just a teensy bit callous.
  • What I don't want them to be are 'toys' subject to the whims of their parents, who are lavished like a teensy-weensy but ever-so-cute- dog would be. Three cheers for Elton, say I
  • Your description reminded me a teensy bit of the Anne Perry book “Face of a Stranger,” which is of course nothing like the McGrath book in subject, but has a similar theme of the main character haunted by a past just out of his line of sight. Patrick McGrath’s ‘Trauma’ « Tales from the Reading Room
  • I'm not a lawyer (never even had a teensy tiny hankering to go to law school), but a PhD student in political science.
  • She was being ridiculous, isolating him like this, all because of one teensy tiny stupid little question that he wished he'd never asked!
  • Last year, she wore a teensy-weensy silver pillbox. Times, Sunday Times
  • You couldn't blame me for being a teensy bit apprehensive, could you?
  • She looks at me as if I'm a teensy bit slow on the uptake.
  • Even as Windows or Linux devices people are starting to get over how cute and portable they are and realize that no matter the operating system, the teensy-weensy, fragile hardware is also an ergonomic nightmare. The Problems With A Hackintosh Netbook, Six Months Out | Lifehacker Australia
  • Her smile wavered a teensy bit, the kind of tiny movement that I had learnt to determine in Ali's smiles.
  • Yesterday, one of the circulation staff came in the workroom to share a nice gift he'd received from a teacher he always helps. And I confess, it made me a teensy bit jealous.
  • Surely you can at least give me that teensy weensy exclusive? DEAD BEAT
  • But the Postal Service viewed the matter with a teensy bit more urgency.
  • And the teensy pool of eager, willing, and solvent patrons makes for what you might call a sauve qui peut world. Dear clusterflock | clusterflock
  • Hawk second question for our teensy weensy mini debate: Think Progress » Virginians Buck Far-Right Policies Of McDonnell And Cuccinelli
  • Unfortunately, the anger was short-lived and a teensy bit of paranoia set in.
  • For the first time I settled down, got calm and gained just a teensy bit of perspective.
  • We have one teensy, weensy problem and you might be able to help. JUST BETWEEN US
  • There's just one teensy-weensy little thing that's worrying me now, and I wondered if you might have the answer
  • That said, a teensy bit more stress and I would have happily tried to lamp him at his request.
  • The template doesn't actually do the Sudoko for you, of course; It's just supposed to be an alternative to pencilling in teensy numerals on the grid and then trying to erase errors w/o ripping the paper and making a big mess. What I Did Instead of Cleaning the Junk Room Today
  • But a teensy bit dull, if you're a blasé, overstimulated epicurean from the bijoux stews of bohemia. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the 2008 campaign, he wanted to bomb Iran, liberate the teensy region of South Ossetia from the Russians, and was even angry at Spain for some reason. CNN Regrets Not Asking John McCain A Follow-Up Question

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