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How To Use Teenager In A Sentence

  • Now, though, insurers find they are increasingly paying out for teenagers crashing expensive vehicles that they would not normally have the ghost of a chance of obtaining cover for.
  • She emotionally recalls what it was like as a teenager running into her homeless dad on the streets and pretending she didn't know him.
  • Sapphire, who taught teenagers in Harlem from the early '80s to the early' 90s, formed this book upon what she saw around her. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Possibly one of the most important memories I have of learning about music as a teenager was me and my mate sneaking into his big brother's bedroom and putting on his records on his super quality hi-fi.
  • A teenager, scarred for life when she was bottled in the face in a nightclub row, is pleading for witnesses to come forward.
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  • The songs are irritatingly infectious with enough angst to keep the moodiest teenagers frowning.
  • The only time I have done them is for older teenagers with congenitally missing back teeth (with the baby tooth still there at that age) whose only cosmetic option is the porcelain fused to metal crown (those run around $800 or more each) and usually necessitates a pulpal treatment as well due to the small tooth size, and these crowns having a questionable prognosis in baby teeth. White Crowns For Baby Teeth
  • There should be plenty of thunder left in the powerful arms and lower body he has developed since arriving in America as an underfed teenager with bright eyes and a voracious appetite for success.
  • He was clearly out-of-place, the only one in a tie, and as monosyllabic as a teenager during most of the persiflage.
  • As a teenager, he took his father's prize animals to the fair.
  • The teenager, wearing a pink jacket, showed no signs of emotion as she was given a two-year sentence.
  • Each procedure involved a teenager having rhinoplasty.
  • By the time he was a teenager in the 1950s, he was spending all his spare time at Recreation Park, cleaning boots, helping the groundsman, travelling to away games on the team bus.
  • She slips on a bright red party dress and she becomes a fun teenager.
  • Having done some cycling in England as a teenager, I have admired the amateur cyclists I've seen toiling up those climbs and can appreciate the difficulty of the last segment of stage eight.
  • As she drove along the narrow, winding country lanes she and an oncoming coach, carrying teenagers to school in Harrogate, slowed so both vehicles could safely pass.
  • Hiring Teenagers:For many mothers, the very word baby-sitter means hiring a teenager. Mothering Twins
  • Steve's new mechanic mate causes ructions in the Lewis household - not least with wayward teenager Hannah.
  • From a flurry of delighted children sledging down a snowswept street in Bath to policemen joining in with group of teenagers having a snowball fight in Poole - your pics are helping us capture Britain as it is swept by snow.
  • As long as Palin hides behind Facebook like a teenager lobbing untruths she will not be taken seriously. Begala calls Palin 'about half a whack job'
  • It should be as easy for a teenager to talk about sex and condoms as any other subject imaginable.
  • They played around it as children, dossed around it as teenagers, brought weekend visitors to take pictures around it whenever they came to stay.
  • Friends are tonight trying to comfort the heartbroken teenager.
  • Across the land, every night, teenagers are yakking online in chat rooms with friends and Net acquaintances.
  • Teenagers don't seem to understand that they don't have to actively misbehave to be disagreeable to older people.
  • Ask me if I looked like an asshole in my beige pants suit in the middle of all these practically teenagers in Bunting goddam Hall. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • The mother of a teenager killed during an argument about a dog has branded the British justice system a joke after his attacker was jailed for three years.
  • About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.
  • Freddie played mellophone and then trumpet as a teenager. Freddie Hubbard: “Children of The Night” (1963)
  • A sallow teenager in a cheap cocktail dress wearing too much makeup appears, looking terminally bored.
  • As long as they keep the theaters dark teenagers will attend movies. [Reply to this comment]
  • Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Yet young children, teenagers and irresponsible adults are carrying in hand and pocket highly explosive materials.
  • It was not immediately clear whether the teenager was connected to any of the militant groups that have carried out suicide bombings.
  • The tall teenager gave my hair a shake and caught up with Danny quickly.
  • The couple had been married for 40 years after meeting as teenagers and had two grown-up daughters and a grandson.
  • Teenagers often go against the stream.
  • Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls.
  • Close manoeuvring, defending against air and submarine attacks, naval gunfire shoots, practising replenishment operations at sea and helicopter operations will be among the evolutions which should keep the teenagers excited.
  • The teenager won't put her soiled clothing in the laundry basket as requested; they don't get washed.
  • So said the witness, a man who'd pulled over to see what was going on, why a tall, dark-haired teenager was scrambling from a car to race for the tracks when a train was coming ... Ann Packer's 'Molten': Narrative Magazine's Friday Feature
  • I stomped around and laughed while she wiggled, pranced and sang along to the music like all the other teenagers.
  • Glastonbury is stereotypically viewed as a four-day binge for mud-caked, drunken teenagers.
  • Often caused by a hormonal imbalance, menstrual cramps are common in teenagers and young women.
  • Each teacher also serves as an adviser for a small group of teenagers from the time they enter the program until graduation.
  • One teenager checks the reed of his clarinet and practises phrasing.
  • He stared me in the face for a good two minutes and then told me that I couldn't be served wine as I was still a teenager.
  • I used to work in a restaurant as a teenager and I would have been docked a week's wages had I tried to use that many prawns on a starter.
  • The reclusive teenager was determined to tan his pallid body, but did not want to expose his feeble frame to others.
  • ‘Bliss is one of the few places where teenagers can get support and clear, unprejudiced information that can help them weave their way through the maze of adolescence,’ she says.
  • She worked for the Dayton Herald (which later became the Journal-Herald) as a copygirl as a teenager and got her first article published while she was still in high school. Five People Born on February 21 | myFiveBest
  • The two teenagers wore worried looks upon their faces.
  • Watch the last 2 Steve Jobs presentations for Apple New Product Releases (Motorola Itunes Phone, Black Ipod Nano, Itunes 4. 9-5.1, Harry Potter Audio Books Exclusive, Ipod Video, Skinnier Imac 20 Media Centre, Lost + Desperate Housewives on Ipod day after they are on TV for $1.99) - The Nano has barely been out a month and its a household name, at least where there is a teenager, or geek gadgeteer at heart. Disney, ABC : "I know these guys..."
  • But instead he sat motionless, taking long drags of a cigarette and staring at a mural of a bunch of teenagers at a party.
  • The cost for adults is 12 for four nights and 2 for teenagers per night.
  • The police announced to a press hungry for sensational crime stories that the young men had been part of a gang of teenagers who were out wilding.
  • Eleven teenagers were arrested in connection with the fatal stabbing of 10-year-old Damilola Taylor.
  • As a teenager, he dipped his toe into the fast-flowing waters of criminality, but withdrew quickly before the tides sucked him in.
  • Missing commas and run-on sentences may not be a bad thing for teenagers engaged in writing-intensive online activity, says an English professor.
  • It seems daft to me that anyone who so much as flirts with the idea of a career in education would fail to remember what they know about how teenagers behave.
  • But I never tried any kind of drugs or offered my body on the street - I enjoyed my childhood and my teenager years, and when it was time I was conscient enough about the "dangers" that we face during our development - so it was my own choice that made me away from them. The 7 worst sexy toys for children
  • As a result, adolescence has became a painful experience and teenagers are self-medicating with drugs and drink to cope with the stress.
  • Approximately 20 guys, from young teenagers to 30-somethings take turns working out their uprocks, flares and headspins to yelps and handclaps of support.
  • underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist
  • The warning to teenagers - whose ages range from about 14 - follows scenes of disturbance outside a fast food restaurant in the High Street.
  • Though you will have to look through the affixed mesh cage designed to keep those pesky angst filled teenagers from making life difficult for the street cleaners.
  • Wilkinson made his League debut for Grimsby as a teenager and scored after five minutes against Charlton Athletic.
  • The last moments of a teenager's life have been described in graphic detail to a murder trial jury.
  • The idea was to entice teenagers off the streets on Saturdays when they might be making mischief, but Sonja never imagined how successful it would be.
  • Nutrient expert thinks, teenager period should nurturance is drunk " macrobian soya-bean milk " habit, this has profit greatly to preventing cardiovascular disease in the future.
  • Edouard Collin is a tall wisp of a French teenager, all well-tanned Parisian sinew with a sharp-angled, warmly expressive face born to be placed in front of a camera.
  • The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.
  • If these are complex times for teenagers, they're fascinating for teen pop.
  • This book will definitely appeal to teenagers and young adults.
  • The two teenagers fit the profile perfectly.
  • According to the army, the teenager said he was on a "suicide mission" for the movement.
  • Yet teenagers need parental guidance and attention just as intensely as do newborns or young children.
  • The self-confessed music lover, who has been studying it formally since he was a teenager, cannot sing enough about love.
  • As albinism is of genetic origin, genetic counselling should be available to teenagers.
  • a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers.
  • Also present in the council chamber were teenagers in favour of the skate park.
  • If it turns out that your teenager is using drugs and has problems, you have something very painful to face.
  • the vexed parents of an unruly teenager
  • It will recommend that schools introduce new exercise classes such as boxercise, trampolining, aerobics and yoga to lure teenagers off the couch.
  • Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning.
  • Couple this with the bimbos playing the game (often wearing next to nothing) and you realise that it's aimed at pubescent teenagers and the readers of lads' mags.
  • This is a place where teenagers do their bit to aid in the repopulation of New Zealand.
  • According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City. The Lovecraft News Network
  • Any teenager worth his or her salt is addicted to instant messaging.
  • Officer Raymond said crews faced the death-wish teenagers every time they turned out along a certain stretch of road.
  • As a teenager, he was set on becoming a Franciscan monk until he took high school acting lessons.
  • A sallow teenager in a cheap cocktail dress wearing too much makeup appears, looking terminally bored.
  • Many thought this too lenient a punishment for a teenager who had created the world's most prolific computer worms.
  • Speaking on behalf of the teenager, who had been brought to court from jail having previously been remanded in custody, solicitor Tom Smith said she had been reconciled with her mother.
  • Neem soap has been going for years - especially popular with pustular teenagers on the subcontinent.
  • As a teenager he was mature in the sense that he knew his way around town, but like all 15-year-olds he could be pretty indolent.
  • He had just been released by first club Motherwell which he joined as a teenager after Alex McLeish popped round to the house one night.
  • Local teenagers blamed the disturbances on boredom, and what they see as a total lack of things for them to do in the area.
  • As a teenager, she would argue with her father about attacking the corruption and filth associated with politics.
  • He and Wazzock have decided to team up with the common goal of inflicting some misery on the troubled teenager.
  • The teenagers demolished four pizzas among them
  • In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers.
  • Read in studio A teenager has appeared in court after a schoolgirl was killed in a crash involving a stolen car.
  • Teenager Jamie Pollock hopes to start off week-end birthday celebrations with a win.
  • Fifteen years on, thanks in large part to the 25 brave souls who put their careers on the line to be in at the beginning, the ailing infant has become a strapping teenager.
  • The government has backed away from its plans to decriminalise consensual sexual behaviour between teenagers.
  • Walls are plastered with posters of fresh-faced teenagers.
  • The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.
  • At the next rack a gangling teenager in jeans was looking at Brass Band Selections.
  • I used to play netball when I was a teenager, but was never very good at it.
  • Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls.
  • The bell's toll rang through the school, and the crowds of gossiping teenagers slowly dispersed.
  • Objective To utilize SOCON nail and hook system for pedicle of vertebral arch in the treatment of lumbar vertebrae isthmus spondyloschisis in teenager, and observe the fixation and fusion effect.
  • The scurrilous claim is based on a survey that showed smoking levels were falling among teenagers.
  • As a result of inadequate supervision and organisation, four of the teenagers drowned.
  • But Rick realizes that the drug-addicted teenager who committed the ugly crimes has grown into a different person.
  • Their music still enjoys widespread popularity among teenagers.
  • Teenagers follow their friends in everything
  • Experts say the graffitist was probably a fight fan (a teenager or a grown man, to judge from the picture's complexity and its height above the floor) passing the wait between bouts, 1,600 or more years ago. Rebuilding The Colosseum
  • He is the perfect example of a teenager that is all but screaming aloud for help.
  • I called to the glowering teenager sitting on our front steps.
  • As teenagers though, the beach suddenly and wonderfully enlarges, like the first blinding moments of the nascent universe.
  • Yet there was only one recorded clockwork crime, in which a tramp was beaten to death by a teenager.
  • I'm praying this is it... but unfortunately... in an alternate time-line, Peter and MJ have a daughter May(spider-girl who is a young teenager) and a red haired BABY BOY Ben(called Benjy). Is Peter Parker a Father in Spider-Man 4? | /Film
  • But Indiana teenager David Tidmarsh is now the National Spelling Bee champ by correctly spelling -- bear with me -- alopecoid. CNN Transcript Jun 4, 2004
  • And why doesn't it use its noddle and insist on fewer and simpler pricing mechanisms rather than behave like the gullible teenager all the time?
  • The teenager is gifted with a strong visual imagination that he longs to put on film.
  • It makes you wonder if Ascot is ready for the sight of a 65-year-old man in a morning suit, blubbing like a lovesick teenager in front of the Queen. Richard Hannon weeps tears of joy after Paco Boy's Lockinge romp
  • As a teenager, I was very enamoured of the deepness of black.
  • In a darkened hallway, a young girl and her parents stare after the teenager tramping upstairs.
  • Questions were also asked about the problem of youngsters drinking and off-licences selling alcohol to under-age teenagers.
  • I act like a teenager and he acts like a staid, pipe-and-slippers pensioner.
  • Teenager, 19, charged over Claremont nightclub 'glassing' A MUNSTER teenager has been charged with unlawful wounding after allegedly glassing a man in the face in a Claremont nightclub. | Top Stories
  • Ambulance chiefs today condemned a teenager who assaulted a senior paramedic and a policeman during a violent struggle in York.
  • Some of us, many of us, never outgrow those first impressions and remain fixated on children and teenagers. THE ILLUSION OF HOME AS SANCTUARY FOR CHILDREN
  • Dad would come out with a word like that sometimes, as though he were still a teenager in some earlier era.
  • self-conscious teenagers
  • Hundreds of mourners attended the teenager's funeral last week.
  • In the teenagers an unexpectedly high level of activity was observed in the part of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex, which is a region known to be involved in multi-tasking and making decisions. Teenagers Find it Difficult to Concentrate Because Their Brains Are Undeveloped | Impact Lab
  • It was just the most convenient option for broke teenagers such as ourselves.
  • A teenager has been charged with the murder of a man stabbed in Birmingham two weeks ago after an alleged argument escalated into a violent fight.
  • Indeed, Forward talks at great length about how boring life in Malmesbury is for teenagers with empty pockets.
  • Neste momento o teenager inconsciente que reside dentro de mim anda aos pulos, a desenhar pentagramas no ar com os punhos fechados na forma do cornuto e a berrar em voz de barítono the number of the beast. 66 666
  • Because their bodies begin to grow so rapidly during adolescence, teenagers often feel awkward, self-conscious, uncoordinated, embarrassed and even confused.
  • Apart from some of the impulsive and crazy behaviour we see in adolescence, teenagers appear to be pretty much on a par with adults in most areas.
  • This means that to keep track of the whereabouts of your teenager, it is enough to buy him or her a cell phone.
  • It leads to harsh behaviour which teenagers display on roads by involving themselves in life-taking stunts.
  • As a teenager he was really into wrestling (an embarrassing confession!) and a friend at work has lent him a wrestling game for the week.
  • She was a rather cunning and sly teenager by nature, accented by her narrow brown eyes and usual smirk.
  • Mr. Bornemann, who hardly ever misses a meeting, has not prolonged ago had teenager knee as good as during a behind of surgery; he promises to lapse for a subsequent prandial as good as postprandial deliberations. Archive 2009-11-01
  • She had seen teenage movies of lovesick teenagers and she definitely did not want to end up like that, crying all the time over some guy.
  • The couple's only comfort in their grief is that other teenagers may now think twice before getting into a stolen car.
  • She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.
  • This teenager held a buff build and tall lean body with brown hair was spiked and wire frame glasses rested on his nose.
  • Sullen teenagers are in charge of loading people onto high velocity rides at amusement parks...perhaps the Fates are the same. I get cake, I get needles, I get to go to ER
  • Many teenagers are surprisingly ignorant about current politics.
  • Any security system can be hacked, as computer-literate teenagers prove every day.
  • The lift-off took place with a Disco at Tramore Racecourse and ninety teenagers supported the fund raising venture and thoroughly enjoyed themselves without the merest hint of a hiccup.
  • rowdy teenagers
  • With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 
  • Teenagers occasionally find it all too much to cope with and lapse into bad behaviour.
  • There is growing concern over the safety of the missing teenager.
  • The teenager ran away after being punished.
  • She was really messed-up as a teenager.
  • Some teenagers are just a nuisance, but at the other end of the scale there are kids who pose a real threat.
  • A teenager in small town Alabama shouldn't have to deny that he listens to a band for fear that he'll be hanged from a flag pole by his underwear, or worse. My Life in Song
  • He was a skinny teenager in camo pants and a helmet, striking a pose with a machine gun, and a similar photo of another young guy: on the back it said "Woody Herald - killed on Guadalcanal.
  • She also reported that the malefic cleric had confessed bewitching other people and recruiting a teenager into the ranks of the witches.
  • Reducing and preventing teenagers' sex crime relate to the stability of a society and the healthy growth of the teenagers.
  • With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 
  • From Monday, officers will have the power to dish out dispersal orders to split up gangs of troublesome teenagers that congregate to cause criminal damage, graffiti and intimidation.
  • I recall accosting some rowdy teenagers outside my house: my few cautionary words were met with a hail of stones, too small to injure but enough to frighten and humiliate.
  • Namie introduced her to the seedy underworld, but not the yakuza one, that being a rich teenager in Tokyo had to offer.
  • She took the four teenagers to live in the depths of Norfolk, with no communication from the outside world for three and a half weeks.
  • The teenager whose courageous three year battle against cancer has featured in the Evening Advertiser was distraught by the incident, and went home in floods of tears.
  • In perusing the popular culture of the time -- and there is no better psychogram of an era -- I noticed that beyond the Bomb, the Reds and Aliens, there was a greater terror, one lurking in their midst: Teenagers. Jason Pinter: Books Uncovered -- Four Books You'll Want to Read
  • Dennis and Erdos think that the fear is well justified by a thousand cumulative trends, beginning with the habitual incivility of teenagers from broken homes and ending with serious and organised crime.
  • It wasn't until he became a teenager and everyone in his circle of friends began to pair off and have relationships did he come to understand what it was he felt for his long lost friend.
  • She is a physically well-developed teenager with the emotional and mental level of a four-year-old.
  • As teenagers, my sister and I eventually discovered the truth when we stumbled across our birth certificates and saw that blasted hyphenation. What The Hell Nationality Are You?
  • The flare-up began on Monday when a teenager was wounded in a drive-by shooting.
  • The film features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.
  • Teenagers went without food for a whole day to raise money for orphans in Africa.
  • Survey of students finds health risks for formaldehyde and dichlorobenzene in homes and schools...biggest culprit by far, responsible for half of the Los Angeles teenagers' cancer risk. There Is No American Culture
  • About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.
  • His homily is about "bad people," and his text is an article in Chicago Magazine by a well-meaning journalist who was roughed up by one or more teenagers last year. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The citizen who fears the ill-smelling drunk, the rowdy teenager, or the importuning beggar is not merely expressing his distaste for unseemly behavior; he is also giving voice to a bit of folk wisdom that happens to be a correct generalization — namely, that serious street crime flourishes in areas in which disorderly behavior goes unchecked. Broken Windows
  • The movie is full of wit and stuff that would coerce a chuckle out of anyone, from teenagers to adults.
  • The mere thought of standing in front of a classroom of high-spirited Scottish teenagers is enough, you might think, to make the vast majority of septuagenarians shudder.
  • Police are 'very concerned' for the safety of a teenager who's been missing from home for three days.
  • He was in trouble with the police as a teenager but now he's completely changed his ways.
  • And thus I found myself once again embroiled in the Where's The Change debate, despite having gone through it with two other teenagers. When a Child 'Forgets' to Give You Change
  • And while a teenager has the foresight of a flea, her powers of humbug-detection are finely honed.
  • But the morose teenager could not see that he was doing anything wrong or illegal.
  • Alexa was doing all of this to me and, like a pussy-whipped teenager, I was falling for it. Assholes Finish First
  • It's ominous from the very beginning, when you step in the role of a pipsqueak teenager as he tries to evade a zombified cop.
  • They met at Salisbury swimming pool as teenagers and their mutual love of diving helped form a swimming partnership that lasted for many years.
  • She said Caroline was a sensible and practical teenager, and prepared well for her trip.
  • Those who rush headlong into love like crazy are teenagers.
  • Teenagers may look a bit scary to us adults these days, but it's fashion nothing more sinister than that.

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