How To Use Ted In A Sentence
There were 42 free-kicks, two penalties, four bookings and three players sent off, two of whom had to be escorted from the pitch by police.
When the new foods that came from the Americas - peppers, summer squash and especially tomatoes - took hold in the region, a number of closely related dishes were born, including what we call ratatouille - and a man from La Mancha calls pisto, an Ikarian Greek calls soufiko and a Turk calls turlu.
NYT > Home Page
As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes.
Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
This came out of an investigation he was carrying out into when a ternary quartic form could be represented as the sum of five fourth powers of linear forms.
The unit can connect to any video source that has composite video and stereo audio RCA jacks, though the encoded audio is limited to mono.

People at MSFC have told me over drinks that this study concluded that EELV are human ratable but they were going to do what Griffin wanted.
Obama Policies on Transparency, Openness, and Participation - and NASA - NASA Watch
He wrote and tcanslaited many fortunate connexion « Mr. Boweai other works, and among the rest being unable to pay the costs in-* wa»the author of one play, called curred by the suit in the Spiritual
Biographia dramatica, or, A companion to the playhouse:
The Plover is to be communicated with each year by a man-of-war — the Amphitrite is the next.
The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
In 1984, he started Oh Boy as an outlet for his songwriting.
The poems, plays, and essays of the committed cultural nationalist are characterized by a markedly hortatory or didactic manner.
They were now surrounded on all sides by a ring of excited, curious faces.
Unless contraindicated, prophylaxis with a gastrointestinal motility stimulant laxative and a stool softener is appropriate in terminally ill patients who are being given opioids.
Once tawhid is accepted as the first axiom of thought, the goal of life becomes bridging the gap between the asserter and the asserted.
William C. Chittick, Ph.D.: Islam and the Goal of Love
Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
The Staff of Volans has a limited supply of magic energy. Roll a dice after each spell is cast.
In this edition, such mistakes are corrected, and the original errata slips are also published.
He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
As he ran past, the arquebusier shouted something about Susanoo, the kami of storms, and how he was punishing them for their arrogance.
Blood Ninja II
In the forecabins, the head and shower is located forward and has a large mirrored vanity with ample storage below.
Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses.
Caesars’ Wives
According to police and prosecutors, the two got into a fight after she told him he should be committed to a mental hospital.
In 1850 Joy and Edward Wilson patented twin boilers working in parallel within the same casing.
Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards.
Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
As a book about a nonoperational aircraft, Valkyrie will probably attract only a limited audience within the Air Force community.
It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own.
Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war.
At Swim, Two Boys
The battery-operated doll comes complete with walkie-talkie and a wardrobe choice of military fatigues or bolero jacket and gold trousers.
The reconnaissance is conducted by teams from the reconnaissance company of the airborne brigade and the reconnaissance platoon of an IFV-equipped airborne battalion or by a designated platoon of an airborne battalion.
FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
Moreover, Mr Webb's point about what he calls disinterested management -- that is to say, the management of banks by officers whose remuneration bears no relation to the profit made on each piece of business transacted -- is one of the matters in which English banking seems likely at least to be modified.
War-Time Financial Problems
I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably tell against me.
My generation was raised on a diet of stultifyingly tedious, but worthy accounts of embryology, typically very badly printed on what appeared to be rice paper.
Statutory rape laws were first enacted to protect minors from older predators.
We learn a little more about how interconnected the world is.
Times, Sunday Times
What do a few lives matter now if we can find new, unpolluted territories and new ways to survive?
He came back hours later clothes ragged, an excited look on his face.
A barman at the pub said that he was one of the first two men to be arrested.
Times, Sunday Times
Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time?
Pulling one back with another penalty - this time converted by the regular taker - they finally conceded a third.
The Sun
Petanque may be the only sport inspired by a disability - that of Jules LeNoir, who in 1910 was a dedicated player of boules, a French game much like bocce ball.
Twenty microliters of each antibody was added to 100 L of blood, and the mixture was incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes.
The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Back on the boat and heading to shore, we spotted a spout, a fin and then the flukes of a humpback whale.
There were a few cows dotted around in the field.
Instead of asking the fortunate few, why doesn't Ted asked the gifted masses of state employees to do a little giveback?
We're! Number! 5! (Jack Bog's Blog)
A second problem is damage caused by the buildup of excessive electrical charges in the plate from the unwanted ions.
She is daunted by the task ahead in the second of the six-part series.
The Sun
The snow relented and we were back to a rocky descending path.
Rules exist to be violated, so that the ‘bastard’ may be more violently characterized and the audience engaged in revengeful fury.
But for the watermark, the thickness of the paper and the missing security thread, the note, reportedly obtained from a private bank, looked like genuine currency for all practical purposes.
Turn out the lot and the wellrotted stuff at the base can be put on unplanted soil.
The Sun
Mr. Sorapong, 35 years old, selected industrial estate developers Hemaraj Land & Development PCL and Amata Corporation PCL among his top picks, with Hemaraj returning 147% over the course of 2010 and Amata providing a 99% return on investment.
Real Estate
His self-image is rooted in robotic toughness, like the shape-shifting, molten-metal fiend in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
First to unfold were the two 14-foot-wide drogue chutes, which oriented the craft and continued slowing it.
The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
I must give one instance; he throws doubts and sneers at my saying that the ovigerous frena of cirripedes have been converted into branchiae, because I have not found them to be branchiae; whereas he himself admits, before I wrote on cirripedes, without the least hesitation, that their organs are branchiae.
Alfred Russel Wallace Letters and Reminiscences
Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea.
Edison, His Life and Inventions
The unforested hills and plateaus of the Dissected Loess Uplands ecoregion are cut by the canyons of Ecoregion 10l and are disjunct.
Ecoregions of Idaho (EPA)
According to noted plant ecologist Andre Clewell, this vegetative mix is normally found on the coast - more than 15 miles away.
You've found our 404 page. This is the page we show you when we can't show you the page you wanted, either because it doesn't exist, or because of some other error. Instead, we're showing you the definition and the etymology for the word '404', and some Dürer rhinos (because we like them).
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This tolerance has practical application in bioremediation and in efforts to colonize polluted sites.
You've found our 404 page. This is the page we show you when we can't show you the page you wanted, either because it doesn't exist, or because of some other error. Instead, we're showing you the definition and the etymology for the word '404', and some Dürer rhinos (because we like them).
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The study predicted that, by 2022, the country would still require $7.2 billion in foreign aid a year—and that assumes an upsurge of so-far inexistent mining-industry revenue and no dramatic deterioration of security.
Afghanistan Seeks Enduring Support
One Mercedes engineer estimated that, worldwide, up to 50,000 vehicles may have to be repaired, which is a blow for a company which prides itself on reliability and quality.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Bisbee is located about 90 minutes southeast of Tucson; take I-10 east to Benson, turning south on Highway 80.
Urban guerrillas detonated a car bomb in front of the company's headquarters.
The temperature is not expected to reach the 20 degree mark in the next few days.
A business tycoon, arts patron and committed left-winger, Berge opted to sell the collection amassed over a lifetime after Saint Laurent's death last June aged 71.
Police arrested 13 people, and some students were treated for minor injuries at the scene in northeast El Paso.
Howell has also admitted indecent assault charges against three of his patients in April and July 2008 at his clinic in Ballymoney.
Northern Ireland dentist admits double murder
So, the system of existential graphs actually requires three dimensions for its representations, although the third dimension in which the torus is embedded can usually be represented in two dimensions by the use of pictorial devices that Peirce called “fornices” or “tunnel-bridges” and by the use of identificational devices that Peirce called
Nobody Knows Nothing
Not for a very long time has the discovery of new music so profoundly moved and excited me as the contents of this disc.
Two years later she was omitted from the European squad that relinquished the trophy in Minnesota.
And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
For the wholehearted follower of Francis (`I am your breviary !
Add the toasted almond slivers and mix well before turning into the pastry case.
Times, Sunday Times
They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society.
The Danish Dairy Board and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries supported this study.
As a young man he wrote words to popular folk airs and had them printed as broadsheets.
Dylan seemed exhausted, self-preoccupied, and morbidly depressed.
Touched with Fire
He has received several teaching awards, as well as the unprecedented award of being ‘the most quotable professor’ by MathSoc.
Contrary to what has been claimed, the theory is not insulated against attempts to disconfirm it.
The angry audience shouted the speaker down.
The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
The contacts for the USB connector are even gold-plated to ensure better conductivity, according to Razer.
Here, however, they are unlikely to survive the frosts although both impatiens and pelagoniums can be kept for next year in a heated greenhouse or brought indoors and used as house plants.
He had just received my check and was apoplectic with rage, declaring he never wanted to see or have anything to do with ‘that woman’ - meaning me - again.
The overseer, a great strong man, cracking his "blacksnake" from time to time, to enforce authority, excited our strong indignation.
'Three Score Years and Ten' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West
Four principal types of source pertain to the subject: literature, works of graphic or plastic art, archaeological remains, and notated pieces of music.
Antifascist groups have had their objections rejected because they live outside the area.
Times, Sunday Times
To reduce the wing trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually converted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard which developed lift.
All he wanted was a cup of tea and a sit-down.
She had a series of heated confrontation with her parents over homework.
The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
Instead, the thin sandy developments defining the sequence boundaries suggest sandy sabkhas and sand sheets supplied by this undersaturated wind system and only preserved as a consequence of renewed lake-level rise.
This sort of enamel work on a faceted metal body was copied from the enamelled European watches.
The Oni character is a deep-rooted aspect of Japanese culture.
When fishing the ocean you need a good quality reel that is corrosion proof and fitted with a good quality and workable drag system that won't seize up when you hook that big one.
The most interesting statistic on the list is the large number of accidents where the pilot attempted to land with the gear down with amphibious floats.
A statistical model for decay and formation of heavy hadronic resonances is formulated.
He tried to refuse but she insisted so much that he gave in.
Times, Sunday Times
Such aggregations not only promote transmission of micro-organisms but through repeated exposure allow large doses of these.
The auctioneer's podium faced a wall hung with six sets of mounted antlers each side of a large red deer's head.
Times, Sunday Times
We welcome submissions through e-mail because that saves us the bother of retyping the selected manuscripts.
One man's ‘most respected occult books around’ are another man's old hat ripe for a kicking.
Interior spaces may also be gendered: the author explores both the activities particular to women, such as needlework or lace-making, and the objects related to female and maternal domesticity.
The area of domination and control that affected me the longest isn't limited to just my small church.
Christianity Today
The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
And its world was a narrow swamp, a grey, nubiferous environment, where it lived its contented, active, idyllic, almost mindless existence.
The Voyage of the Space Beagle
Another trend referred to two related areas – increased user-centeredness and increased inter-disciplinarity.
Archive 2008-02-01
He is an honourable person respected and held in esteem by his colleagues.
Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
You estimate, I will offer your estimated value to the auction committee.
Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down.
Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
The side dish the day I visited was a simple mixed olive salad, a mélange of black and green olives with spicy oil.
The pouring of pure water scented with jasmine oil washes away worries.
Critics argue it was only Lottery money and government cash that prevented the Games from being a financial disaster.
This report is one in a long line showing how essential aspects of care are being neglected.
Times, Sunday Times
And on the need for contempt powers, he recounted how officials at times refused to obey the orders.
Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
In the early hours of New Year's Day, she said, Webb visited her home and smashed windows in her front door.
The argument behind x is not quantitative, and we do not have an expression for its expected value under a null isolation model.
Under this arrangement, the men of each village were organized into ‘tithings ' and expected to answer for each other's good behaviour.
All interested parties are asked to attend with a view to setting up a committee to organize and plan the same.
This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries.
Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Net interest income dropped to $256.4 million, primarily due to the low market-interest rates that resulted in lower yields on mortgage-related interest-earning assets as customers refinanced to lower mortgage rates and new loans and asset purchases were at the current low market interest rates.
Hudson City Bancorp Swings to Loss
So in terms of home furnishing it is expected to have curtain, bedspreads, cushion covers etc.
Stir in the sifted flour and cocoa powder.
Times, Sunday Times
He admitted killing her but denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility and loss of control.
Times, Sunday Times
But even these alienated loners can benefit from this book: See the section on astral love.
These constricted unmyelinated regions are called nodes of Ran-vier (rahn-vee-ay), after the French histologist Louis Antoine
The Human Brain
You must avoid applying concentrated materials to the tree at gallonages that allow the material to dribble to the lower surface of the fruit.
His food was limited to bread and water.
Some putz suddenly takes the stage to announce me and exclaim excitedly that this was my ‘largest sold-out crowd to date!’.
It was also a noteworthy echo of a speech Sarkozy himself made last December, when he called for a "positive laicity" and suggested that the state could ultimately grant subsidies to religious groups.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The centre is ideally located within easy reach of many historical sites and venues for practical and outdoor activities.
It found itself subjected to harsh rain it was ill equipped for, dissolving the sandstone facades of it's buildings slowly, even as the people chose not to lift their eyes and notice it.
The geography was utterly alien to Patrick, although his unfamiliarity with the picture could have been attributed to the gaps.
Some of the most popular pairings pitted contrasting advantages and disadvantages against one another.
Their support was greatly appreciated and all within the club are grateful for their help and co-operation.
The Canadian police doubted he was a genuine amnesiac and held him on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.
I clicked the 'Live Chat' button, and lo and behold, I was deposited in a chat room with what sounded suspiciously like a chatbot.
You've found our 404 page. This is the page we show you when we can't show you the page you wanted, either because it doesn't exist, or because of some other error. Instead, we're showing you the definition and the etymology for the word '404', and some Dürer rhinos (because we like them).
Think this is a mistake? Click here to report this error.
Patients with primary infection tend to be clinically ‘sicker’ than those who are reinfected.
Like Gideon, her mother only existed in scraps of moments, in colors and sound, all disconnected and dissonant.
Having had some narrow escapes the priest was eventually arrested as a recusant priest and was tried by revolutionary Court.
We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.
Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
The Italian was rejected because of his weak grasp of English.
Soon the seeds in the inflated seed cases of the yellow rattle will be hard and rattle at a brush.
The overall seaminess of that enterprise is so underreported that just last week, one of the Post's own reporters felt like they had to obtain a quote in order to get the dictionary definition of "lobbyist" into their story.
Peter Orszag's Move From The White House To Citigroup Should Definitely Trouble You
As they negotiated the park gates and turned into the crowded thoroughfare, Patience sat, stiffly erect; inside, her emotions churned.
Small, hardcovered, complete with a beautifully illustrated dust jacket.
Narnia Fans
I've circulated a good luck card for everyone to sign.
The visual system of most bird species, including all passerine birds tested to date, is sensitive to UV wavelengths.
But the consumer magazine also noted that people rated the no-frills carriers slightly worse than two years ago.
Speaking of pal Dorian, he's mentioned to me a couple times at work that somewhere on the John Byrne Forum, some industrious individual "rewrote" events in Identity Crisis so that You-Know-Who wasn't sexually assaulted and killed.
Archive 2004-07-18
All of these essays are clear, well documented, and illuminating.
Yesterday, the police arrested a nurse.
The Sun
Many people striving to get through the next fortnight of seemingly ceaseless spending may be tempted to spread the cost with a zero per cent credit card.
Times, Sunday Times
And as journalists and commentators have often said, the French elected a man and not a couple.
Times, Sunday Times
Nulliparous women are reportedly at a higher risk of developing complications of pregnancy and delivery than multipara.
Where are their fiercest critics when humane help is wanted?
The Sun
A reduced short chain fatty acid concentration has also been reported in pouch contents from patients with pouchitis compared with those without.
Committed by parents, teachers, priests or minders it undermines trust and dependency, disrupts relations with authority figures and can interfere with loving and learning.
He wanted to scream and shout, beat the wall and call down the forces of destruction.
Recently the firm has been connected with more abortive bids than successes.
Times, Sunday Times
He visited a specialist yesterday to find out whether he requires surgery.
Times, Sunday Times
He and Barton were now called upon for their names, and in return, we were favoured with the liquid and vowelly appellatives, by which our ingenuous and communicative acquaintances were respectively designated.
The Island Home
The series was scripted to appeal to an international audience.
The main component of the Earth's field – which defines the magnetic poles – is a dipole generated by the convection of molten nickel-iron in the outer core the inner core is solid, so its role is secondary; remember that the Earth's core is well above the Curie temperature, so the iron is not ferromagnetic.
Does Zonal Swishing Play a Part in Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals? | Universe Today
The field is still popularly associated more with tents than texts: stones, bones, and potsherds.
External warts can appear as small bumps, or they may be flat, verrucous, or pedunculated.
Karam also highlighted the authority's implementation of surface-to-surface communications applications and upgrading from Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) system to Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS).
AME Info Latest News
However, I have no idea where this phrase originated and why we use it.
Miles, the more successful, exaggerated the decorative qualities of his father's style to the point of mannerism.
Work with your staff on understanding the regressive behaviors that may be exhibited.
At first, when their cops out there started telling me things, I didn't want to know.
Manchester United are hoping to win the FA Cup this year.
I am deeply honoured to be invited to this momentous occasion.
Surgeons grafted tissue from her leg to the outside of her brain for protection.
Prior to testing, stimulus males were kept for some days in aquaria with a one-way mirror on one side to acclimatize them with their reflected image.
The former, namely, covetoufnefs, is a very mean and fordid palTion — refllefs, im - patient — and never contented With its A a prefent
Sermons on practical subjects
The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
In some cases, the vomited milk may smell curdled because it has mixed with stomach acid.
His careers adviser suggested he might make a good bus conductor.
Times, Sunday Times
Spider crabs stalked the seabed; wrasse, blennies, shannies and rockling darted over the reefs, and pollack wheeled overhead.
The Bedroom In The Sky is three-quarters windowed and the last window blocked off with a hardboard offcut insulated, floored, plasterboarded, plumbed and wired.
April 1st, 2007
She huffed, stood up, arched her back in a heavyweight stretch, turned to the fountain and started in on a long, long drink.
The nerves are the terminal branches of the right and left vagi, the former being distributed upon the back, and the latter upon the front part of the organ.
XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
_ -- The dotted lines in Fig. 60 represent isacoustic lines -- that is, lines which pass through all places where the percentage of observers who recorded their perception of the sound is the same.
A Study of Recent Earthquakes
They drifted into the control room and floated above the sensor-generated hologram of the “herd. †The “herd†consisted of approximately 3,000 mountain-sized blocks of ice that once were comet 2P/Encke.
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However, I took the risk of putting a hand close to a yowling muzzle and was greeted with a cold nose and a non-committal snuffle before the full-on baying started again.
He saluted and adjusted his large round wire rimmed glasses.
An asylum seeker with insulin dependent diabetes has recently had her claim for asylum rejected.
The social networking giant has admitted excluding views of less than three seconds from its figures.
Times, Sunday Times
She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.