How To Use Technicality In A Sentence

  • Last year, two North Yorkshire Police officers escaped speeding charges in neighbouring Cleveland because of a technicality.
  • But acquisition of a land title was often a dispensable technicality for those too poor to purchase one, or who were not inclined to do so because of the vastness of the land.
  • The fact that it is technically in breach of the car hire agreement is, surely, a civil matter and thus just a technicality?
  • While not rejecting the term entirely, I can sympathise with a weariness about the frequency with which the words ‘loophole’ and ‘technicality’ are used to dismiss important rules of law. Lean Left » Blog Archive » Aboat That Math Question
  • The case was then sent back for a retrial on a technicality.
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  • The only people it really helps are those accused of crime in the courts, to allow them sometimes to get off on a technicality.
  • The rule developed during a period of extreme formality and technicality in the preferring of indictments and laying of informations.
  • His lawyer tried yesterday to have the case dismissed on a legal technicality. The Sun
  • "The disqualification was overturned on a technicality when the infringement was obvious.
  • He uses the money to enter Lisa in a beauty pageant sponsored by a tobacco company, where, through a technicality, she wins.
  • He skilfully manages to convey the meat of the science without undue technicality, but also without any dumbing down.
  • Widdowson appealed against conviction on the technicality that obtaining hire-purchase did not amount to obtaining services.
  • And in a third major terrorism case, the Justices ruled on a technicality, sidestepping the merits of that case.
  • Traditional ballet as a whole is being laid to rest in the ethereal stage technicality of rolling smoke and the dancers playing dead.
  • the defendant was acquitted on a legal technicality
  • This conviction was later overturned on a technicality.
  • The court was forced to release him on a technicality.
  • This is the kind of niggling technicality that will send my grey hairs in sorrow to the grave. The House Next Door
  • 'inclusively', and to avoid technicality - especially for me! Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The main purpose which I have had in view in writing this book has been to present an account of Greek philosophy which, within strict limits of brevity, shall be at once authentic and interesting -- _authentic_, as being based on the original works themselves, and not on any secondary sources; _interesting_, as presenting to the ordinary English reader, in language freed as far as possible from technicality and abstruseness, the great thoughts of the greatest men of antiquity on questions of permanent significance and value. A Short History of Greek Philosophy
  • The opening song sets the perfect tone for the whole album, combining sheer heaviness and technicality with a towering chorus that utilizes the full range of her voice.
  • He had evaded a long prison sentence in 2000 on a technicality after being caught with 1.6 million of counterfeit money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows, maybe something good will come of this, or maybe, as often happens, the whole process will get stuck in some kind of regulation technicality or other.
  • He had evaded a long prison sentence in 2000 on a technicality after being caught with 1.6 million of counterfeit money. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was initially barred from enrolling for a degree in computer science at the University of Maryland due to a technicality, but managed to sign up and complete the course.
  • He was disqualified from the competition on a technicality.
  • Having decided the decision between borrowers and lenders on the legal interpretation of a single word, he then hides behind another technicality.
  • A City of London County Court judge rejected the jail application on a legal technicality.
  • It is a tribute to the tribunals that the technicality at the heart of the appellate process in these tribunals can and does coexist with the relative informality in atmosphere and with procedural flexibility.
  • Except that when that happens, I conveniently find some bogus excuse or lame technicality to avoid paying your damages or to weasel my way into only paying part of them.
  • The band's strong technicality is vividly evident throughout.
  • the resolution died on a technicality
  • It would, however, be unjust to the victims of atrocity to let the perpetrators of the crimes against them go free on such a cynically jury-rigged technicality as ‘victor's justice.’
  • The earlier verdict was overturned on a legal technicality.
  • The court was forced to release him on a technicality.
  • The Court must rule on a technicality about the institution's legal status, not that the director was a serial abuser.
  • So the Fund's objection was largely a technicality, because the assets and contingent liabilities of the whole of the public sector remained unchanged.
  • Catching him up on a financial technicality is akin to nailing Capone on tax evasion.
  • The civil case was dismissed on a technicality but was later revived.
  • So it's a formal legal rule that has saved them, rather than a technicality.
  • The main purpose which I have had in view in writing this book has been to present an account of Greek philosophy which, within strict limits of brevity, shall be at once authentic and interesting -- _authentic_, as being based on the original works themselves, and not on any secondary sources; _interesting_, as presenting to the ordinary English reader, in language freed as far as possible from technicality and abstruseness, the great thoughts of the greatest men of antiquity on questions of permanent significance and value. A Short History of Greek Philosophy
  • The earlier verdict was overturned on a legal technicality.
  • Stakes: cut tie technicality energy and undirectional membrane consistent behavioural.
  • A charge was brought against the officer who was found not guilty on a technicality.
  • Charges of making false medical aid claims against him were dropped on a technicality and he instantly claimed he was innocent.
  • The life of a prosecutor is not an easy one especially when offenders are acquitted on a technicality.
  • New guidelines to independent appeals panels call for them to take into account the impact on the whole school of bringing back excluded pupils, and not to reinstate pupils on a technicality.
  • He denied all knowledge of the bank robbery, but police were able to detain him on a technicality.
  • A City of London County Court judge rejected the jail application on a legal technicality.
  • The proposal was rejected on a technicality .
  • Like a disreputable character who wins a libel action on a technicality, he should be given a ha'p'orth of damages, if any.
  • The Tennessee Supreme Court eventually reversed that conviction on a technicality, and the law was finally repealed in 1967.
  • In yet another egregious political machination, however, Fujimori supporters in congress unconstitutionally thwarted this popular initiative on a dubious technicality.
  • We read this article in LC, maybe, about a group of dyke vigilantes in the Bay Area who were kidnapping guys who had been arrested for rape, clearly done the rape but gotten off on a technicality. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: CLASS
  • In any event, no serious artiste should want to enter any level of competition purely on the basis of a loophole or technicality.
  • Not often is a legal technicality the subject of high drama. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lawyer told him he could not understand why the Justice Department would bring up a charge on the technicality of one misdated check.
  • He had evaded a long prison sentence in 2000 on a technicality after being caught with 1.6 million of counterfeit money. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the psycho is caught, then let go on a technicality, Mom takes matters into her own hands.
  • New guidelines to independent appeals panels call for them to take into account the impact on the whole school of bringing back excluded pupils, and not to reinstate pupils on a technicality.
  • But the conviction was overturned on a technicality.
  • Mr. James Jennings has favoured us with a copy of his _Ornithologia; or the Birds_, a poem; with copious _Notes; _ &c. The latter portion is to us the most interesting, especially as it contains an immense body of valuable research into the history and economy of birds, in a pleasant, piquant, anecdotical style, without any of the quaintness or crabbedness of scientific technicality. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 360, March 14, 1829
  • He uses the money to enter Lisa in a beauty pageant sponsored by a tobacco company, where, through a technicality, she wins.
  • Denied the opportunity to vote on anything of substance, fifty-three Labour members registered their protest on a technicality.
  • The nature of average war cinema is one that trivializes the human consequences of war for a focus on pure excitement, strategy and technicality.
  • In fact, Wikipedia suggests that it is 'a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning "black"', but that's a technicality. Planned Changes to the Dictionary
  • Like a disreputable character who wins a libel action on a technicality, he should be given a ha'p'orth of damages, if any.
  • the judicial system suffered from too much technicality and formality
  • They won on a technicality and now I am supposed to pay a lot of money which I won't pay.
  • He was acquitted on a technicality last month, but has been asked by the government to provide a full explanation for his conduct.
  • A leading detective has been found guilty of gross misconduct after breaching a legal technicality during a double murder investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • His release hinged on a legal technicality: the police did not tell him he was under arrest or that he had the right to a lawyer. Times, Sunday Times
  • This technicality was then extended to mean that we had "disobeyed" the police officers. Sit-In at Pelosi's Office After Breaking Promise on Kucinich Amendment
  • This is merely a technicality, but could you show me your license?
  • But this is all a matter of procedure and technicality, not the moral heart of the matter.
  • But the issue penetrates, or ought to, rather deeper than the fine weave of legal technicality.
  • But hell so the lawyers can feel better because of some technicality, or because of "symbology" according to Emily risking a few soldiers lives transporting these bastards and guarding them over in prime grade terrorist territory-what the hell. "What Do Women Diavloggers Want?"
  • Often, forensic testimony is dismissed on a technicality, like an assumption the investigator made or the way he described something to the jury.
  • She left the court a free woman after the case against her collapsed because of a legal technicality.
  • Some level of technicality in the treatment seems unavoidable.
  • It was an important legal technicality. AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway

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