
How To Use Teat In A Sentence

  • On arriving in Britain she found herself to be a virtual slave to Dunlop, who exhibited her to curious Europeans who were eager to view Baartman's steatopygous buttocks and genitalia. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Spesso le mie visite a Newark coincidono con uno dei voli Air India, e sono sempre molto affascinata dai piccoli teatrini della gente che arriva e parte. Archive 2009-02-01
  • A calf that spends the early hours of life licking a dirty udder and hind legs of a cow trying to find a teat is more likely to succumb to disease than a calf in a clean environment that got an early feed of quality colostrum.
  • Docile and inoffensive by nature, the anteater's principal enemies are the puma and the jaguar.
  • One particular fascination to Europeans who flocked to watch her shows was her large, steatopygous buttocks. ANC Daily News Briefing
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  • * Fatty liver disease (also called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH) * Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) * Gout CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The Anteaters led the Big West in turnover margin (plus-1. 91), ranked second in assist-to-turnover ratio (1.1) and defended fairly well, ranking fourth in defense at 60.6 points per game. Big West Conference
  • Most placental mammals have teeth that are capped with enamel, but there are also lineages without teeth, such as anteaters, pangolins and baleen whales, or with enamelless teeth, such as armadillos, sloths, aardvarks and pygmy and sperm whales. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The rivers, plains, and nearby mountains offered abundant wild animals, fish, and timber, and raw materials such as steatite (talc) and copper. Birth of a Civilization
  • An adult anteater can eat as many as 30,000 ants or termites in a single day
  • Thus removal of a small cholesteatoma may allow for reconstruction of the outer attic wall or creation of a cavity that extends to or just beyond the mastoid antrum.
  • This not-so-subtle slam at the dangers of genetic engineering depicts a Grant-Wood-Iowa country-fair display of square tomatoes, a multiteated cow and other oddities in an unmodified soybean field, plus a pathetically overbred Chinese Crested dog, presented on an oval insert like a blue-ribbon prize. An Illustrative Career Depicting Dystopias
  • The numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, VU) is a marsupial 'anteater' that is the only member of its entire family. Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
  • Jake had a reputation for being able to outeat everybody in terms of quantity and in the amount of time spent eating. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • the lesser anteater
  • The spine is in Spain very curved, producing what is termed _ensellure_, or saddle-back -- a characteristic which gives great flexibility to the back and prominence to the gluteal regions, sometimes slightly simulating steatopygia. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • They met in the post office at teatime one afternoon as they were picking up their copies of the newspaper, which arrives in the village too late for morning collection.
  • These focused on her physical characteristics, including her pronounced steatopygia (an accumulation of fat on the buttocks). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Sand is commonly met with at the depth of three or four fathoms, and beneath this a stratum of napal or steatite, which is considered as a sign that the metal is near; but the least fallible mark is a red stone, called batu kawi, lying in detached pieces. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • Moreover, the percentage of injured teats and/or udders was positively associated with litter size on d 7 and 21 of lactation.
  • Their marsupium is well developed, opens to the rear, and contains only 2 teats.
  • In wild areas, they hunt the tapir (a kind of wild hog), the anteater, and the jaguar, as well as the agouti (a rabbit-like rodent).
  • This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile.
  • (_Synonyms: _ Sebaceous Cyst; Sebaceous Tumor; Wen.) #Describe steatoma. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The procedure may be necessary on some farms to prevent facial injuries to nursing pigs and injuries to sow teats and/or udders; thus, this procedure could be justified on an animal welfare basis.
  • Reducing the intake of fat might reduce nausea, steatorrhoea, and diarrhea often associated with giardiasis.
  • Alabaster bowls, more than a dozen steatite vessels, and fragments of ostrich eggshell containers were also found. Arabian Hoard
  • It has white flowers in a whorled, bracteate raceme, no spathe, roots with tubers.
  • So you have a Republican Party that is splintered and fanaticized and a Democratic Party that is really a moderate Republican Party stuck to the teat of Corporate America and unwilling to let go. The Lost Children
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver is defined as hepatic steatosis in the absence of alcohol use or another chronic liver disease.
  • In the liver, varying degrees of centrilobular necrosis and steatosis and a mild portal inflammatory infiltrate were seen in the SARS patients.
  • Research is continuing, but it poses the question, do we have here a unique glazed stone item, reminiscent of the glazed steatite of 5th millennium Mesopotamia?
  • Everything about anteaters is fascinating: their ecology, behaviour, anatomy, functional morphology and evolution. Archive 2006-05-01
  • If it's not interrupting teatime viewing of The Simpsons then it's popping up at the most unearthly of hours.
  • According to Van Putten early weaned calves will suck anything that resembles a teat.
  • It is certainly true that the purer is the acetylene burnt, both as regards freedom from phosphorus and absence of products of polymerisation, the longer do the burners last; and it has been claimed that a burner constructed at its jets of some non-porous substance, e.g., "ruby," does not choke as quickly as do steatite ones. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Percent weight reduction correlated significantly with improvement in NAS and participants who achieved the study weight loss goal (/= 7%), compared with those who lost less than 7%, had significant improvements in steatosis, lobular inflammation, ballooning injury and NAS. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Weight Loss Reduces Liver Fat
  • Everything from saber-toothed carnivores and wolves to flying squirrels and anteaters were produced independently.
  • In the echidna, anteaters, and pangolins, there are qualitative differences in tongue construction.
  • In Scandinavia many bowls and cooking vessels have been found carved from soapstone, or steatite, a mineral that is very heat tolerant.
  • This non-specific title includes steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Julie Chen, M.D.: What's the Big Deal About a Fatty Liver?
  • The mammal species that are present include goats, foxes, anteaters, rabbits and bats, while the birds are hawks, partridges, daras, pigeons, troupials and a type of cardinal.
  • The word steatopygia comes from the vocabulary of an early pseudoscience which aimed to prove the superiority of the white race.
  • This non-specific title includes steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Julie Chen, M.D.: What's the Big Deal About a Fatty Liver?
  • This is causing chaos on the road, especially in the mornings and at teatime, and creating a huge traffic build-up.
  • Lighter cakes, made with less fruit, to be eaten at teatime or for snacks, include Genoa cake.
  • Damage to the liver or an obstruction of some kind in the bile duct (called a gallstone) can lead to a serious problems such as cholestasis, steatorrhea, or jaundice. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • It's not as important as the flavor, but part of what I'm doing at teatime is taking time out from whatever else I was doing, and fiddling with my tea or hot chocolate helps with that. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • La tragedia di cui si parla non è (e non era mai) nè scritta nè adattata al teatro; ma non è però romantico il disegno, è piuttosto regolare -- regolarissimo per l 'unità del tempo, c mancando poco a quella del sito. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • It [sic] steatites for instance I have specimens of every degree of induration from the hardness of soap to the most compact polished jasper and they illustrate the fact of jaspers being indurated steatites, so clearly and fully that I cannot find in my heart to keep them asunder. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • And the actors all played up to it, like foie gras geese at teatime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interpreting the extreme similarity in anteaters and pangolins remains problematic due to lingering disagreement among phylogenetic hypotheses.
  • Heap of folkses been tryin 'to git me to say us didn't have' nough teat and dat us never had nuffin 'fittin' teat. Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 3
  • This may be on the teat or where the teat joins the udder.
  • BRACHYLOENUS D. C., a kind of groundsel; MORGANIA FLORIBUND., loaded with purple blossoms, and a variety of HELICHRYSUM BRACTEATUM, somewhat different in the leaves from the usual state of the species. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • My short list would include sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, hepatic steatosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, pseudo tumor cerebri and many more. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Rimonabant for CAD - it’s Not Just About the Heart
  • Rear seats are cramped, boot space is compromised and the bulging rear end gives them a bad case of steatopygia eh? Car review: VW Golf Cabriolet
  • What's the point of hosting the biggest teatime game show around if you can't get the odd holiday out of it? Times, Sunday Times
  • By teatime on Tuesday the phone was working again but I still can't get broadband.
  • The woman allegedly channeled information from aliens after which the Thule was crteated. they went on to build something called the Vril Machine.
  • In Scandinavia many bowls and cooking vessels have been found carved from soapstone, or steatite, a mineral that is very heat tolerant.
  • Anteaters possess a very simple sensory system for use in locating prey.
  • Even as a child, I thought it a lateish hour to be serving an essentially teatime dish.
  • A jury of women had found on her person a wart, which was pronounced to be unquestionably a "devil's teat," and her neighbors remembered that many hens had died, animals become lame, and carts upset by her dreadful "devilism. History of the United States, Volume 1 (of 6)
  • For sure, however, every schoolboy (of my generation anyway) knows when at teatime on 16 September the final score – Devon 4 New Zealand 55 – was received by the London sports news agency, the unbelieving subeditor confidently presumed a transmission error and reversed the result to Devon 55 New Zealand 4. How the original All Blacks went down in the annals of history
  • Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
  • The results indicated that selenoarginine has evident inhibition on alcohol induced morphologic changes of liver cells, steatosis and hepatic fibrosis.
  • Breastfeeding is also more convenient than bottlefeeding - there's no need to worry about cleaning bottles and teats, or storing formula.
  • It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • The bowl was of soft stone, apparently steatite, which, when fresh, is easily fashioned with a knife. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Doctors call the condition steatosis, in which liver cells accumulate lipids. Wild Foie Gras: It Exists
  • And now it's teatime the day after that and I still have no internet. The Sun
  • When Foster lost his funding, he left Matola with custody of two jaguars, a puma, an anteater, a tayra, three coatimundis, five curassows, and a cage of parrots.
  • To try it at home, you'll need three pairs of supersize flesh-coloured tights, the rubber teats of two baby bottles and the corner of an old doormat.
  • Rapito dal fascino esercitato dall’impianto teatrale, il burattino è preso in una girandola sulla quale non ha alcun controllo. No Fat Clips!!! : The Fool Looks At The Finger That Points To The Sky
  • Night and Day has also become notorious for its decision to broadcast a raunchy, late-night omnibus (the other shows go out at teatime).
  • Except - the anteater was a cad, and Hugh was likely the finest man I'll ever meet. Sad Weekend
  • The missionaries call them osso carnicero, to distinguish them from the osso palmero or tamanoir (Myrmecophaga jubata), and from the osso hormigero, or anteater (tamandua). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • She went after the powder like an anteater on the rampage. TALES OF THE CITY
  • The severity of symptoms will depend upon the amount and the specific location of small intestine involved but may include diarrhea, steatorrhea, foul-smelling flatulence, and weakness.
  • These can even be stored in an airtight container and served later as a teatime snack.
  • A nice fix at breakfast, one for elevenses, and another one at teatime, it was like breaks at the cricket, or something.
  • I'll be knackered by teatime. I'll need a drink and a nice line or two of charlie.
  • This is the first use of the word _vaccination_, or, more familiarly, cow-pox, which is an eruption arising from the insertion into the system of matter obtained from the eruption on the teats and udders of cows, and especially in Gloucestershire; it is also frequently denominated _vaccine matter_; and the whole affair, inoculation and its consequences, is called vaccination, from the Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 6 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • And then it was teatime the next day. The Sun
  • They attach themselves to her in the time-honoured order: strongest take the front teats, weakest the rear.
  • Much of your time can be spent living with and caring for the animals they are sheltering from red howler monkeys, to owl monkeys, to red brocket deer, to yellow footed tortoises, anteaters, pumas, achunis, macaws and parakeets! Wendy Diamond: Stopping the Amazon Monkey Business!
  • The females have no teats and the young feed through numerous tiny openings in the skin of the mother's belly.
  • 21 Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • In South America, anteaters evolved long sticky tongues that enable them to feed on ants and termites.
  • All anteaters have an excellent sense of smell; sight and hearing are not as well developed.
  • The spiny anteater is a mammal, although a very primitive one.
  • Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
  • Old milk left in the receptacle of the teat soon changes into a curdy state, and the caseous matter not being at once removed by the next milking, is apt to irritate the lining membrane of the teat during the operation, especially when the teat is forcibly rubbed down between the finger and thumb in stripping. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • We saw squirrel monkeys, capuchins, spider monkeys, peccaries, kinkajous, coatis, howler monkeys, tayras - a large mustelid that Martyn thought was a tree otter - pacas, night monkeys, giant anteaters and a tapir.
  • Severe abdominal pain is the most common presentation, and diabetes mellitus and steatorrhoea often result from long-standing disease1.
  • This endangered tropical savanna features an unusual trio of rare mammals the giant anteater, giant armadillo, and maned wolf.
  • In addition to the mosaic icons, this gallery held a small number of works of steatite and precious stone that were used for private devotions or for personal adornment.
  • Again the fake teat went into the calf's mouth but this time, with a delighted slurp, she began suction so powerful the heavy plastic sides of the bottle caved in and mountains of foam built up at the corners of her mouth.
  • And here, yielding to an irresistible impulse, I wrote my name upon the nose of a steatite monster from The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • An_Anteater 7 points 52 minutes ago matt2500 2 points 1 hour ago* matt2500 2 points 1 hour ago* deaathleopards 1 point 16 minutes ago you'll need to login or register to do that is it really that easy? only one way to find out ... what's new online!
  • The initial stage is fatty infiltration of the liver, which then progresses to a kind of hepatitis non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH, and eventually to cirrhosis of the liver. The Rice Diet Solution
  • To try it at home, you'll need three pairs of supersize flesh-coloured tights, the rubber teats of two baby bottles and the corner of an old doormat.
  • I just got back from a weekend in boston where slimy sarah teatard hero is scheduled to speak on the 14th. Think Progress » Idaho man fired shotgun into air to intimidate Census worker.
  • They may be subdivided into anteaters that burrow, anteaters that climb trees and anteaters that wander over the ground.
  • True steatopygia only exists among Bushman and Hottentot women, and among the peoples who are by blood connected with them. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • Light birth BW pigs tend to nurse the posterior teats, which produce less milk than the anterior teats, which are nursed by heavier pigs.
  • Item si aliquam itta infirmari contigerit quod ad locum consuetum communioni uenire non possit. si oporteat eam communicari: sacerdos ... corpus chrisi deferens. reuerenter precedentibus eum duabus sororibus cum cereis, et una cum aqua benedicta. et alia campanellam deferente: associantibus nihilominus aliqubus de maturioribus sororibus ad infirmariam uadat. et infirmam communicet. prout in ordinario continetur. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Objective : To explore the clinic characteristic petrous bone cholesteatoma.
  • -- Emily Flynn VencatCopenhagen: Madeleines MadteaterThe "madeleine" comes from the little cake Marcel Proust wistfully described in "Remembrance of Things Past. The Good Life
  • Officials are particularly relieved that Sarah Teather, one of the party's rising stars, doubled her majority to hold Brent East.
  • I hope you enjoy looking back through the teatimes of your childhood.
  • We've only visited the zoo once since we moved here, but the anteater is one of the animals I recall in particular. "I used to be somebody. Now I'm somebody else."
  • On the right-hand side are the teats and belly of a sow, just farrowed, fried with sweet wine, oil, flour, lovage, and pepper. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Many ignored his advice and went back to feeding their newborns crushed wine biscuits mashed with water in a bottle with a large-holed teat.
  • The prey of anteaters adheres to their long, sticky tongues.
  • I was called a teatrero Spanish slang for play-acting but what amazed me the most is that people simply forgot the fact that Pepe came all studs up against me, Alves says. Barcelona's Dani Alves on cheat allegations and the final against United
  • This site www. to communicate about the problem of alcohol abusage amongst youth, was done on iweb. Discussions: Message List - root
  • Nearby excavations have also yielded some noteworthy finds: a terra-cotta house model probably used as a bird cage and a two-by-two-inch steatite Harappan Phase seal carved with a unicorn motif and 13 script signs. Early Indus Script
  • Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
  • The evaluating criterion of nerve root canal osteat cubage reduces manipulate error evidence and nerve root canal osculation is correlation with intervertebral disc and nerve root.
  • As an illustration, the following chameleon and dwarf chameleon forms are restricted to this ecoregion: Calumma gallus, C. cucullata, C. furcifer balteatus, Furcifer bifidus, Brookesia superciliaris, and B. therezieni. Madagascar lowland forests
  • The best way was to try and encourage the weakly lamb to suck direct from the goat; if they couldn't manage this, then they would draw some warm milk off into a bottle, put on a rubber teat and feed the lamb that way.
  • Reducing the intake of fat might reduce nausea, steatorrhoea, and diarrhea often associated with giardiasis.
  • Workers were told to tightly wrap the teat with an elastic band in order to "amputate" it. New investigation reveals dairy's dark side
  • This is exceedingly terrible news for teatime and pudding treats. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast with the Xenarthra, the Old World Pholidota is not trophically diverse and contains only the myrmecophagous pangolins, or scaly anteaters.
  • Check that the hole in the teat of the baby's feeding bottle is not too small, resulting in his gulping air.
  • A feature that characterizes all anteaters is an extremely slow metabolic rate.
  • An alternative strategy can be seen in anteaters and pangolins: the tongue has lost most of its cranial attachments.
  • I was totally horrified by the teatime set they served – soft-boiled eggs with eggshell fragments, soy sauce bottles with caps that fall off when you try to flavour your eggs… Babycartercl Diary Entry
  • Music moves on so quickly these days, that what is new and exciting at breakfast is passé and old hat by teatime!
  • TNF and nitric oxide are known death liver damage inducers, producing esteatosis between parenquimal cells which can result in death cell.
  • One sow with hundreds of suckling piglets - the great mother teat for the world.
  • Hamish had an affair with Francesca, a very beautiful woman with an even more beautiful, if steatopygous anus, who made a habit of going out with older men. Heartbreak by Craig Raine
  • The large intact grasslands of the savanna and surrounding habitats support diverse mammal populations which include giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla (VU), giant armadillo Priodontes maximus (EN), jaguar Panthera onca, puma Puma concolor and Brazilian tapir Tapirus terrestris (VU). Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • In addition to a Bronze Age steatite seal, schist reliefs, and stucco heads, this donation included four fragments of a large Bronze Age silver bowl combining Indian and Mesopotamian stylistic characteristics in depicting a frieze of bulls. Museum Under Siege: Full Text
  • At least I had missed the worst of the teatime traffic.
  • The recipes are segmented into nine chapters - meat, egg, fish, vegetables, rice, pickles, desserts, breakfast delights and teatime favourites.
  • The steatopygia was seen as a pronounced, localized accumulation of fat or fatty-fibrous tissue on the upper part of the buttocks.
  • The tiny little teatard peabrains got their teatard fat asses to get off the couch, make poorly spelled signs and leave the trailer park, and yet here we all are bitching and moaning with each other in pixelated comfort. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » There Is Your Opening, President Obama
  • As the name suggests, anteaters eat ants and termites in vast quantities, sometimes up to 30,000 insects in a single day.
  • Maastrichti lepingu kolmest sambast keskmist ei ole sisuliselt olemas, sest Ida-Euroopa riigid ei jaga neid põhimõtteid, rääkimata esimese samba teatud aspektidest. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • Teatro San Martín is part of a five-theater cooperative (the Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires) where the films of modern filmmakers such as Bresson, Twitch
  • Dengan memahami bentuk teater ini akan membantu para sejarawan sastra karya Shakespeare lebih memahami tentang kondisi zaman itu. Ilmuwan Temukan Gedung Teater Kuno Shakespeare – Netsains.Com
  • These can even be stored in an airtight container and served later as a teatime snack.
  • We don't really know who'll be watching on a Saturday teatime and have even less idea which members of that unknown audience will be the people who bother to pick up the phone and vote.
  • Yet, in Asaf Gilboa's lab, they quickly learn and retain information about exotic fruits or animals they had never heard of before, like an Australian anteater called the numbat. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Since this is a contest whose winners will suckle daily on the teat of special interest money, the "greed" is all but implied. Midterm Madness, Part Four: The Seven Deadly Sins
  • Hepatic steatosis, most commonly associated with the nucleoside analogs, didanosine, stavudine and zalcitabine can lead to severe hepatotoxicity in HIV / HBV co-infected patients.
  • The width at the bottom will let the sow be comfortable when lying down and the piglets will be able to reach the teats.
  • My youngest memory is sitting up in my pram and cutting the top off my bottle teat with a pair of scissors, I can even describe the room and where I was parked
  • The Teat with the antennas is open field to the top if you ascend from the north, the Teat to the north is more of a challenge, circle it to the east and climb it where the slope appears less steep. Peace and beauty - roaming the hills around Morelia
  • Other English equivalents for antiphonary are antiphonar (still in reputable use) and antiphoner (considered obsolete by some English lexicographers, but still sometimes used in current liteature). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The second thing I discovered about Kailamai is that she could outeat me. Miles to Go
  • I'd ruther a had uvry coachwhip on Round Hill arter me en full chase than to a bin in that drefful siteation. Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters
  • They are a variety of the preceding, but of smaller size and with the bracteate leaves dull red.
  • By teatime on Friday he had not received a response.
  • That great picture of a steatopygous Andaman mom and how she carries her toddler around is now on-line here. The Andamanese and Human Biodiversity Conservation
  • It is best that calves suckle from all 4 teats, but make sure at least 2 teats are suckled.
  • In Somali land where the people are sub — steatopygous, a rich young man, who can afford such luxury, will have the girls drawn up in line and choose her to wife who projects furthest behind The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Large numbers of mammals live in these forests including endangered species of spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) which use the corridors of rivers through the dry forest, as well as various cats such as Felis onca, F. concolor, F. pardalis, F. wiedi and F. yaguaroundi, tapir (Tapirus bairdii), anteaters (Tamandua mexicana) and many others. Central American dry forests
  • Solid forms of talc are known as steatite or soapstone. Chapter 9
  • A variety of interesting trees occurs in the hill woodlands of the Upper Marmelos and Middle Tapajós Rivers including the dwarf rubber tree, Hevea camporum, the elegant palm, Euterpe longibracteata, the enormous Huberodendron ingens, and rare monotypic Brachynema ramiflorum. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • As many people present atypically with coeliac disease as present with the more classical triad of steatorrhoea, diarrhoea, and weight loss.
  • (fullest as concerning the Phalanger and Cape Anteater [Orycteropus] ([I was privileged to assist in the dissection of the latter animal, and well do I remember how, when by means of a blow-pipe he had inflated the bladder, intent on determining its limit of distensibility, the organ burst, with unpleasant results, which called forth the remark] "I think we'll leave it at that!")), which were never finished up. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • Associated manifestations that may cause complications include the gluten-sensitive enteropathy, which can cause steatorrhea, abnormal D-xylose absorption, and anemia.
  • If you're lucky, you arrive at teatime, when the scent of steeping Earl Grey perfumes the parlor.
  • CONCLUSIONS: Mild hepatic steatosis is cleared immediately after hepatectomy, and early regeneration power is impaired, but the long-term regenerative power is comparable.
  • The width at the bottom will let the sow be comfortable when lying down and the piglets will be able to reach the teats.
  • Before working with gold bracteates, I practiced with shiny coins, though I did not have any gold ones.
  • Because marsupial young are born at an early stage of development and then spend a long period attached to a teat (often in a pouch), data on offspring sex ratios are easy to collect.
  • NASH is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and there's no formal subject heading for that term either. » Disagreeing with a PubMed Instructor about MeSH
  • Many teashops, restaurants and cafes offer a teatime comparable to those in Europe.
  • Removing the ewes' heavy fleeces at this stage makes lambing a cleaner, more efficient process and lets the newborn lambs find the ewes' teats more easily.
  • Charla entre los recipientes de la beca NoMAA sobre su obra mas reciente en las disciplinas de baile, música, teatro, y ópera. Uptown Art Stroll Highlights «
  • On the one side we have baboons, lions, elephants, buffaloes, and giraffes; on the other spider-monkeys, pumas, tapirs, anteaters, and sloths; while among birds, the hornbills, turacos, orioles, and honeysuckers of Africa contrast strongly with the toucans, macaws, chatterers, and hummingbirds of America.
  • In Kavango culture only males are responsible for milking cows although young children, both boys and girls, customarily suck milk directly from the cow's teats.
  • In 1825-6 he experienced a disastrous year at the Teatro Carolino, Palermo, a position that paid him only 45 ducats a month.
  • Longstanding cholesteatomas expand to involve the mastoid, inner ear, and facial nerve.
  • Milk out cows for the first three to six days after calving, making sure the udder and teats are clean
  • In 1955, he worked as a rehearsal pianist and choral conductor at the Teatro Colon, the city's opera house.
  • And yet, when you look at the most successful authors (new and old), and I mean the bigtime successful ones, across the board the vast majority are ones who have never suckled from the teat of overt marketing/promotion. This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain on Drugs.
  • The high quality of the die-cutting places the bracteates in the ranks of the most important small works of Romanesque art.
  • In animal studies, silymarin improved blood sugar levels in diabetic critters and reduced inflammation in a common liver ailment called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • - Trastornos gastrointestinales: diarrea, esteatorrea, etc. - Procedencia geográfica: zonas de parasitosis endémicas (uncinariasis). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • What a cunning ruse of theirs it was, to open for business each day bang on my daughter's teatime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bullied by classmates for his long, thin nose - "Anteater snout," they call him, along with "Monster schnoz" and "Elephant honker" - he finally defends his honor by punching the schoolyard leader. Book review: 'Destiny and Desire' by Carlos Fuentes
  • It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Such women as Kenmuir saw were similarly clad and even more steatopygous. The Stars Are Also Fire
  • The Greek Echidna, the mother of monsters, identifies herself to the story's hero, Percy and he says, "Isn't that a kind of anteater? A Brief Sea Change
  • A biopsy showed that a condition called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis NASH, rather than HBV, was causing her liver damage. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • Mortier has taken immediate action to dynamize what some see as a stagnant artistic atmosphere at the Teatro Real in an attempt to allow it to finally make the hoped-for international breakthrough. China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
  • Teatea rooms cater to consumers in search of the high tea experience.
  • I cannot impress too strongly on the breeder that, as soon as symptoms of garget are observed, the cow must be firmly secured and the teats properly drawn three or four times a-day. Cattle and Cattle-breeders
  • There are only three living monotremes, the duck-billed platypus and two species of echidna, or ‘spiny anteaters’, such as the one shown at right.
  • What seems certain is that steatopygia in both sexes was fairly widespread among the early races of man.
  • Rather than relying on official scientific publications, however, Cuvier relied on travelers' accounts of the apron and the steatopygia.
  • The egg-laying platypus and its cousin, the anteater, along with marsupials, make up the most primitive group of living mammals.
  • The thought of a Japanese outeating an American in a pizza contest wasn't lost on Kobayashi, who is recovering from TMJ, a painful jaw disorder. Undefined

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