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How To Use Tearful In A Sentence

  • He peered down into her tearful face with a twisted smile, reaching up to brush some of her wildly cascading hair from her cheek. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • I lose sleep, I have a bad temper and I am tearful, tired and upset.
  • There were many tearful farewells. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
  • What if I have to spend tomorrow, yet again, in that weird state of tearful, jet-lagged exhaustion that lack of sleep creates?
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  • She was then reunited with her tearful mum at 6pm on Wednesday. The Sun
  • Next thing you know, she's on "The Today Show" calling the blackmailer's bluff by tearfully going public with the pictures. CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2007
  • Forgetfulness and Famine and tearful Sorrows, Fightings also, Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • I was most conscience-stricken by my anguished looking mother's tearful eyes; an unproud image now permanently carved into my subconscious.
  • The Radio 1 DJ bade a tearful farewell on her last day as host of the breakfast show.
  • He developed a tearful roar which he would use when thwarted, and a persistent self-pitying grizzle when he was bored or uncomfortable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Staff, pupils and parents are due to bid a tearful farewell to their Bolton primary school tomorrow.
  • I was distraught and let out a bellow of tearful rage.
  • Tearfully he bade farewell to those he had loved for the past seven years.
  • He was in the studio tearfully erasing all the tapes he'd slaved over.
  • We found out sweet Nance Lousely, and filled her pinner full of guineas after all, and left her tearful and happy. The Yeoman Adventurer
  • Sporty hatchbacks, coupes and saloons would be tearfully exchanged for the bigger, sensible and practical but dull to drive estates.
  • They make us hyper and overexcited and, once faded, leave us grumpy or exhausted or or tearful or craving more.
  • She's been very tearful at times. Times, Sunday Times
  • She then tearfully attaches some sandals with duct tape and walks on for 50 miles. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a sad, almost tearful glimmer in the older man's eyes I couldn't make out.
  • Tearful colleagues in dress uniform formed a guard of honour for the funeral at the church in Todmorden Road yesterday.
  • The wife of a Bolton man who was kicked to death as he walked home from his birthday celebration has made a tearful appeal for her husband's killer to come forward.
  • She then tearfully attaches some sandals with duct tape and walks on for 50 miles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lawyer made a tearful plea to bias the jury.
  • Parents and staff have said a tearful farewell to a children's nursery that has closed after 25 years.
  • I felt quite emotional?almost tearful.
  • While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
  • In less than a minute, he could destroy me utterly, reducing me to a tearful, trembling wreck, consumed with a wretched, self-loathing misery.
  • Its light genealogy and tearful reunions on beaches may be manipulative, but it is difficult to remain unmoved by tonight's opener. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a very tearful goodbye to a show I have loved being part of. The Sun
  • Arg had accused the tearful blonde of being jealous and possessive. The Sun
  • ‘The baby's mother was very tearful and very low when she came into the pub,’ said Mrs Rogers.
  • In those tearful, tumultuous days following the death of Princess Diana, Bernie Taupin and Elton John rejigged Candle In The Wind (1997) to reflect the nation's grief – although, truth be told, the Fiver was never sure whether the line 'You were the grace that placed itself/Where lives were torn apart' referred to her affairs or something else entirely. Another humiliating defeat
  • She had time for a visit to Middlesbrough for a tearful farewell.
  • The heartbroken mother of Easter murder victim Lucy Royle today made a tearful plea for help to find her savage killer.
  • In another country, on the other side of the continent a young woman bid a tearful farewell to her family, friends and well-wishers.
  • The images of my mother crying and holding on to me as we bid a tearful farewell to our home flashed through my mind.
  • She tempested out of Miss Cotton's house, all tearful under the veil she had pulled down, and as she shut the door of her coupe, Miss Cotton's heart jumped into her throat with an impulse to run after her, to recall her, to recant, to modify everything. April Hopes
  • Sometimes I suspected that my uncle liked the frowsty old play because he acted the part of the Father in it, with one scene of tearful rejoicing that his son had come of age at the beginning, one of tearful lamentation when he thought his son dead near the middle, and one of tearful reunion when his son appeared alive and well at the end. Wicked Will
  • I spoke with mothers fretful and tearful about their bleak prospects but struggling to maintain a facade of optimism and cheerfulness in the presence of their children.
  • But while they urged wayward men to dwell on their tearful, praying mothers, crusade leaders marginalized the women in their midst. Christianity Today
  • The concluding portion of this article provides a lengthy discography that presents recordings that focus on tearful situations and crying themes over the past six decades.
  • During these experiences his excitement would disappear and he would become tearful. Know Your Own Mind
  • Anne's eye grew tearful again, as they stepped from the carriage into the somewhat seedy docks of London.
  • But that will not ease the heartache of the couple seen tearfully embracing after the firm's collapse. The Sun
  • Hopefully it won't throw itself into a tearful, crumpled heap on the floor. The Sun
  • Fox holds a potlatch to signalize his marriage to Lit-Lit and she, "tearfully shy and frightened, is bedecked by her husband with a new calico dress, splendidly beaded mocassins, a gorgeous silk handkerchief over her raven hair, a purple scarf about her throat, brass earrings and finger-rings, and a whole pint of pinchbeck jewelry, including a Waterbury watch. “I, in the course of making my living by turning journalism into literature. . .”
  • Children often get fractious and tearful when tired.
  • There were about ten of them, varying in age and height, but all with the same dark eyes and dirty faces, rotten teeth and tearful, pleading voices.
  • Just prior to Ne'ilah (the concluding service of Yom Kippur), one of the Chassidic masters ascended the bimah and said tearfully, ‘My dear brothers and sisters!’
  • She suddenly became very tearful.
  • He developed a tearful roar which he would use when thwarted, and a persistent self-pitying grizzle when he was bored or uncomfortable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • And he ceased not faring on many days and nights, tearful-eyed and heavy-hearted; eating, when he was anhungered, of the growth of the ground and drinking, when he thirsted, of its streams, till he came in sight of the Castle of the lord Solomon and saw Shaykh Nasr sitting at the gate. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Everything ends eventually, and the farewells of the cast were prolonged and tearful.
  • The tearful father said: 'I can only imagine what was going on inside to give up his life to save his brother. The Sun
  • He was sure that that was only a short time after the incident, and Donnelly was tearful and upset and could not remember anything.
  • John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.
  • Fox holds a potlatch to signalize his marriage to Lit-Lit and she, "tearfully shy and frightened, is bedecked by her husband with a new calico dress, splendidly beaded mocassins, a gorgeous silk handkerchief over her raven hair, a purple scarf about her throat, brass earrings and finger-rings, and a whole pint of pinchbeck jewelry, including a Waterbury watch. “I, in the course of making my living by turning journalism into literature. . .”
  • The son pleads guilty, tearfully begging for leniency based on his claim that his father molested him.
  • He refused to listen to her tearful pleas.
  • He was sad and tearful most of the time, wanting to resign his job as he felt he was worthless.
  • Finally, Miss Twitterton, tearful but nattered, was conveyed to Pagford by Bunter in the car, with her bicycle perched ‘high and disposedly’ upon the back seat. Busman's Honeymoon
  • For example, the moment when the recent great Australia team first began to openly venerate and quail before the baggy green cap, tearful with galvanising hat-love. Colonial promiscuity in danger of diluting test cricket's pleasures | Barney Ronay
  • They note that she is frequently sad or tearful, that she often becomes agitated, that she has periodic emotional and angry outbursts.
  • Long and tearfully the old pastor looked at that name disfigured, as she, too, who bore it had been, by the hand of man. Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • This little bit of nothing has been my best friend during those years and it's with a sad and tear-filled heart (tearful just doesn't work in that sentence) that I must bid adieu.
  • But a tearful, hurt Elena's got vengeance on her mind now.
  • And it was when he spoke directly to his supporters, some tearful, some defiant, all deflated, that his voice choked.
  • Tearful employees said they were shocked yesterday morning when they got the memo from Aloha CEO David Banmiller, saying they would no longer operate the airline's 700 weekly interisland flights and 120 flights to the West Coast. Aloha Air halting passenger service after 62 years
  • There will, of course, be the tearful interviews, but it is also believed the star will attempt a comeback CD.
  • And if you truly love that small store of yours, prepare for a tearful farewell.
  • Still addressing me with tearful insults and telling me that I was a coward, she irrupted in the living room with a large knife in her hands.
  • It was an unhappy and sometimes tearful female who in the evening could not imagine how to face her job next morning.
  • Smith gave an account that contradicted the woman's tearful testimony last week.
  • I am properly, really, tearfully, sleeplessly frightened for my children.
  • Partner Debbie hugged the couple's son, Daniel, aged two, in a tearful farewell.
  • Included here is the original 'tearful' ending sequence that was smartly axed in favor of the revised ending.
  • Girls from the Leaving Certificate classes brought along roses in a tearful farewell to their friend.
  • The tearful platform farewell was a charade. Times, Sunday Times
  • We say a tearful good bye to legendary anchorman and the standard of journalist integrity, Dan Rather.
  • A killer instinct required to spoil a tearful bon voyage party for a beloved figure.
  • People can get angry and tearful - it's about helping them to have a dignified exit. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tearful Morphew, the father of two grown-up daughters, told the court he was appalled by what he had done and was sorry.
  • the man confessed tearfully to having beaten his wife
  • Now lets here that tearful acceptance speech chuck full of cliches and uber longness. The bloggies
  • Symptoms include feeling tearful, withdrawn and disconnected from the world. The Sun
  • The rest were disappointed, miserable creatures in unwarm beds , tearfully bemoaning their fate.
  • It is good to wait for market situation, perhaps enterprise outstanding achievement grows no longer even month by month glides, who to await you to search to go in those days complain tearfully ?
  • The scenes were repeated all along the border area, with tearful and emotional reunions between mothers and daughters, brothers and cousins.
  • Feeling tearful and angry is completely normal. The Sun
  • As they slept, a tearful Packy Noonan was sitting on the stump of their beloved tree holding a machete in his hand, the beam of his flashlight pointing to the name visible on the handle: Wayne Covel. The Christmas Thief
  • From there, the men took Agnes to the forest of Knaresborough and then later to the vill of Healaugh where, trembling and tearful, she was forced to exchange words of marriage with John Dale.
  • He peered down into her tearful face with a twisted smile, reaching up to brush some of her wildly cascading hair from her cheek. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • They also point to a recent study report from Tamil Nadu that watching soaps, especially the tear-jerking kind, late into night, could result in tearful babies for pregnant women.
  • Defeat left her tearful, pale and drained.
  • Visitors had a chance to attend mass on Sunday morning, celebrating the association, before they bid tearful farewells at the parting lunch.
  • As he scrolls through them, he becomes more tearful. Times, Sunday Times
  • SHIMLA: He had gone from being the party's Hanuman to its Ravana, a tearful Jaswant Singh said on Wednesday shortly after he got a phone call from Senior BJP leader Jaswant Singh gestures during a press conference after his expulsion from the party in Shimla on Wednesday. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • There was a tearful reunion with mum Sue and foster mum Margaret, who looked after Kerry at the age of 13 with husband Fred.
  • However, since September she has been unhappy about going to school, and has become tearful and anxious.
  • tearful entreaties
  • When I found myself weeping as I leaned over my tearful baby to change her, I knew there had to be a better way.
  • A tearful little boy cannot sleep without a lost Teddy bear - which belonged to his baby brother.
  • Robert's widow, Sharron Johnston, 44, has made a tearful plea for anyone with information to come forward.
  • A tearful woman who identified herself as Yushenkov's wife answered his mobile phone and said he had been killed.
  • He survived in hospital for five days until the family finally had to say their tearful goodbyes. The Sun
  • But they don't want you being all sad and tearful. The Sun
  • The young woman sitting opposite me looks tired, tearful and fearful, hiding away inside a baggy shirt, baggier jeans and brickie boots.
  • More than 2,000 people bade a tearful farewell to the man credited with having a huge impact in his fight for progress for the black community.
  • One nun tearfully put her crucifix round his neck and prayed that he would be protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fox holds a potlatch to signalize his marriage to Lit-Lit and she, "tearfully shy and frightened, is bedecked by her husband with a new calico dress, splendidly beaded mocassins, a gorgeous silk handkerchief over her raven hair, a purple scarf about her throat, brass earrings and finger-rings, and a whole pint of pinchbeck jewelry, including a Waterbury watch. “I, in the course of making my living by turning journalism into literature. . .”
  • Even though everybody is under 13, the room is quiet except for some tearful whimpers of fear and anticipated pain.
  • He then had a tearful reunion with his dad and brothers after 22 years. The Sun
  • Lisa is an omnipotent everywoman who handles each challenge with aplomb, spirit, and bouts of tearful anger.
  • A tearful Grigg-Booth, who appeared in court on police bail, sat in front of the public bench as the court clerk read out the allegations.
  • She has had trouble with her back and was tearful with relief after the comforting reassurance meted out by her principal and tutors.
  • Last night his tearful uncle said: 'After coming out of prison he made a lot of improvement and it looked like he was turning his life around. The Sun
  • She does seem very quick to understand my situation from the tearful babble which comes out of me when I see her.
  • But the tearful lover, turned away from her door, often smothers the threshold with flowers and garlands, and anoints the proud doorposts with marjoram, and plants kisses, poor wretch, on the door.
  • Standout scene: The daredevil defuser faces down an Iraqi suicide bomber who has tearfully changed his mind, but there isn't time to get the padlocks off all the explosives strapped to his body. Things that go boom at the box office
  • The lawyer made a tearful plea to bias the jury.
  • They were very quiet and subdued, out in the garden in the rain, staring tearfully at the sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Queen said a tearful farewell to her younger sister, who was cremated.
  • Millions of viewers saw her make a tearful exit from last night's show. The Sun
  • A tearful German woman sitting in front turned round to me and said: ‘It is not fair.’
  • A homeless mother of six made a tearful plea for a home for her family.
  • Once the tearful reunion was over Ted helped the sobbing father to his feet.
  • Go backstage after your performance, see the cars being rebuilt by their tearful creators and persuade the presenters to sign your programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the images of loved ones tearfully reuniting at Camp Hope to the sight of a grateful President embracing the rescuers, the saga in San Jose is an inspiration for all. Inder Sidhu: When Stars and Teams Align: A Lesson from the Miraculous Rescue of Chile's Miners
  • Hogan sinks the putt and the crowd goes tearfully goofy.
  • Defeat left her tearful, pale and drained.
  • Parents and staff have said a tearful farewell to a children's nursery that has closed after 25 years.
  • It could so easily have been a tearful farewell. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was an old fiddler, a kind of Orpheus of the slums, who would sometimes creep in there and take his post in a corner and begin to play, happy if the mad lads threw him halfpence, or thrust a half-drained tankard under his tearful old nose: happy, too, if they did not -- as they often did -- toss the cannikin at him out of mere lightness of heart and drunkenness of wit. Marjorie
  • In an interview in a coffee shop she gave a rare glimpse of vulnerability, growing tearful when asked how she managed to keep going. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few successful bids for his liberty, to tearful disappointments.
  • His eye, elate with happiness, was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haidee, when suddenly the door opened.
  • Wherever are you ( hic ) going to ( hic ), Ratty?'cried the tearful Mole, looking up in alarm.
  • Lynette and the rest of the ladies-in-waiting, including Gwyneth, bid Eleanor a tearful farewell.
  • He may be getting rid of ambling tearful goal-scapegoat Dimitar Berbatov, indolent Glenn Hoddle-lite Michael Carrick, juddering, creaking, back-firing defensive Rolls Royce Rio Ferdinand and apparently want-away ace grappler Nemanja Vidic. Football transfer rumours: Kasper Schmeichel to Bayern Munich?
  • Arg had accused the tearful blonde of being jealous and possessive. The Sun
  • It arrived after 20 minutes, but Mr Williams said as the woman waited she became nervous and panicky, very tearful and upset.
  • She asks him tearfully how he can expect her to remain on at Thornfield under the circumstances.
  • I knew when I got home I'd find her, my faithful wife, tearfully afraid I would not return, waiting for me.
  • When she finally surfaced, she looked haggard and tearful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace
  • John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.
  • Oh! thank you -- _thank you_!" she said, with trembling lip and tearful eyes as she held out her hand, "I feel _sure_ that you will find father. Charlie to the Rescue
  • She asks him tearfully how he can expect her to remain on at Thornfield under the circumstances.
  • There's a delay, with several tearful family farewells enacted at the same time.
  • More than 2,000 people bade a tearful farewell to the man credited with having a huge impact in his fight for progress for the black community.
  • You may feel tearful in company, in stressful situations and in situations where you feel conspicuous. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • But he reassured the tearful mother he would do all he could to ensure both parents get time with Ethan. The Sun
  • Symptoms include feeling tearful, withdrawn and disconnected from the world. The Sun
  • From her account, a taxi driver identified her family and brought about a tearful reunion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday Madeleine's tearful mum was forced to sit just feet from him on the same court bench. The Sun
  • You may feel tearful in company, in stressful situations and in situations where you feel conspicuous. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • He said in modern day terms the symptoms can include mania, such as an elevated mood and inflated self-esteem, or depression, revealing itself as tearfulness and insomnia.
  • Been tiresomely tearful lately about the vegan Lothario & jolly grumpy about Keran always being around. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • But talking about his life it turns angry and almost tearful. Times, Sunday Times
  • He peered down into her tearful face with a twisted smile, reaching up to brush some of her wildly cascading hair from her cheek. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • I've been feeling so depressed and tearful and choked up.
  • The mother became tearful when asked about her past residences.
  • Another tearful bolero of lost love was playing on the evening program of Radio Recuerdo. A KING'S RANSOM
  • As Berry arrived at his house, he was prepared for a grim and tearful leave-taking.
  • The tearful farewell anticipated by Sophie did not take place. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • When told of his cruel accusations, she looked tearfully down at the floor, horror-stricken. The Sun
  • Despite visits from both beaus, with J-WOWWs display up similar to a knight upon a white steed (or Escalade) with a fistful of roses, a prior relationships crumbled over a array of tearful duck-phone conversations. 'Jersey Shore' recap: Ruined relationships, but perfect hair |
  • But that will not ease the heartache of the couple seen tearfully embracing after the firm's collapse. The Sun
  • Staff, pupils and parents are due to bid a tearful farewell to their primary school tomorrow.
  • He got a little tearful as the journalist was leaving.
  • No one can fail to be moved by the sight of a tearful mother wailing for her dead child.
  • I feel tearful, angry, despondent, restless, annoyed, irritable and prickly all at the same time.
  • So, I have no tearful remonstrations by a victim to report.
  • I am usually happy and smiley but I feel really tearful and cry over the smallest thing. The Sun
  • When her Son saw her and his other friends weeping with a tearful voice he commended her to John.
  • These were the tearful words uttered yesterday by Radica Narine, mother of murdered nail artist Devika Narine.
  • We had a tearful parting at the airport.
  • A heartbroken grandfather has made a tearful appeal for the return of his beloved Jack Russell dog.
  • He answered in a tearful voice.
  • Was it full because he wasn't listening to and deleting her tearful pleadings for him to come back? JUST BETWEEN US
  • She was upset, tearful and apologetic that she had not been straight with the WPC.
  • In an interview in a coffee shop she gave a rare glimpse of vulnerability, growing tearful when asked how she managed to keep going. Times, Sunday Times
  • He didn't stay around to receive congratulations or join Bernice Clark and her great-grandson for some hot soup and receive their tearful thanks for saving their lives. Anonymous Hero Showed American Spirit
  • The lawyer made a tearful plea to bias the jury.
  • One nun tearfully put her crucifix round his neck and prayed that he would be protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within five days she flew home alone for a tearful reunion with her parents and he was arrested by German police.
  • Mr Hussain's 34-year-old widow Naila has made a tearful plea for help to catch her husband's killers.
  • The tearful family followed her into the house and sat in doleful silence watching the big drops that began to beat on the western window. The Second Chance
  • But the tearful lover, turned away from her door, often smothers the threshold with flowers and garlands, and anoints the proud doorposts with marjoram, and plants kisses, poor wretch, on the door.
  • Dave Bill and I get letter after tearful letter from girls without boyfriends, and you have two!
  • But that will not ease the heartache of the couple seen tearfully embracing after the firm's collapse. The Sun
  • You may remember his tearful appearances on this program and one other.
  • He did not take his third jump and bid a tearful farewell.
  • When he got home, he found household matters at a standstill, for the bow-legged boy had been tearfully employed in thinking how Jan would despise his old friends when the "jook" had acknowledged him, and he had become a nob. Jan of the Windmill
  • They had that tearful reunion and were about to get back together. Times, Sunday Times
  • If something makes me sad or tearful, you're going to see it. The Sun
  • Residents from Sagar Sangeet were evacuated and stood around in their nightwear tearfully watching burning debris falling from the top floors of the building.
  • tearful eyes

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