How To Use Tear down In A Sentence
How far and how quickly to tear down barriers to world farm trade was a key topic of the discussions, which showed countries were still widely split on the issue.
If it is insalivated it coagulates in smaller curds and is more easily digested, for the digestive juices can tear down small soft curds more easily than the large tough ones.
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A group of outdoors enthusiasts who built secret cabins on Mount Fromme and have been using them for the past 15 years are crying foul over a North Vancouver District plan to tear down their forest hideaways.
It turned violent when some protesters tried to tear down the gates of parliament.
The contractor started to tear down the house a whole week ahead of schedule.

At the foot of this was printed 'Supplico stet cedula' -- Please don't tear down the bill.
The Book-Hunter at Home
A hurricane can tear down houses, cause 3 landslides and flooding and leave millions without electricity.
Tear down the walls of self-consciousness in your mind, rip to shreds all the self-defeating messages you torture yourself with all the time.
They're going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.
Congress does not need to rush into something that will tear down the system we have now for the small per centage of people who do not have insurance now.
CNN Poll: Keep working on health care reform
The aim of Gatt is to tear down trade barriers and open up free markets.
It's not difficult to tear down a groundless argument.
They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist.
Online hordes massed, brandishing rolling pins and placards, ready to tear down the bunting and upturn the ovens.
The Sun
The average joe watching Channel 9 would think the whole thing involved a bunch of misguided dreadlocked hippies trying to tear down fences.
He ordered soldiers to tear down breastworks and use the logs to feed the fires.
In the morning, he sharply criticized Jones for maverick marketing policies and accused him of trying to tear down the league.
You might also be training too often, leading to overtraining, which is much more likely to tear down muscle tissue than to build it.
This month, the Liberal government announced they would tear down the Cordova side of the building and renovate the parkade.
Better to tear down the igloo and try to get a refund on the bricks.
Countless times both of our pagers would go off and we'd tear down the rickety apartment stairs and he'd drive us both to the station.
Some England fans behind one of the goals could be seen trying to tear down metal fences separating them from Slovakian supporters.
They demolished the Old Dutch Mustard factory to build 80 Met said it "behooved" him to tear down what was one of Wiliamsburg's most charming surviving old industrial buildings. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
While Summerland's stodgiest citizens tear down these offensive posters, let me review what the rest of the world is doing relative to their vaginas.
Giles Slade: My Vagina Monologue
They're going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.
They're going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.
If you make it like this: tear down face and lip, make others laugh. congratulation, you succeed!
We have always been a contentious people without any hesitation to tear down our leaders.
Flat Top, Mac and Taff tear down an alley.
One of the things I dislike very much is when they begin to tear down that which is sacred to others.
If we can tear down a block of historical buildings in Hong Kong and replace them with the 'skysore' like the Lippo Centre in less than a year why does it take eons to gentrify a bit of the turnpike?
Jeff DeGraff: The Innovation Do-Over List
While Luther was still hidden in the Wartburg, the first iconoclastic rioters entered his own church in Wittenberg in January 1522 to tear down and destroy the paintings, statues and above all, the crucifixes.
I'd like to think that the modern shows were short enough to allow 4/hr, but the pits have become so huge (to install and tear down) that 3.5/hr is more likely.
1974 Madison Scouts (DCI Prelims)
`This is the last one before they play `Good Night Sweetheart" and we all tear down to the drive-in for Cokes.
But as they tear down the dirt roads in the dead of night, a truck rolls out of nowhere, they lose control, and their car ends up in a ditch.
(Romesh Ratnesar subtitles his dispensable book on Reagan's 1987 "tear down this wall" speech in Berlin "A City, a President, and the Speech That Ended the Cold War.")
Jeff: Please, tear down using sodium hydrides to convert h20 + NAH — H2 + NaOH.
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They tried to tear down the reputation of the novelist.
Love your neighbor, but don't tear down your fence.
Ritter plans to tear down the building, saying restoration would be impractical.
In the morning, he sharply criticized Jones for maverick marketing policies and accused him of trying to tear down the league.
The anticapitalist movement to tear down the system will make us equally poor, not progressively better off.
Times, Sunday Times
Anyone who thinks the "greed is good" culture started in the 1980s should look up David Edgar's play Destiny (1976), in which an ex-serviceman is appalled when developers tear down his beloved antique shop.
State of Emergency: The Way We Were: Britain, 1970-1974 by Dominic Sandbrook
The only way Republicans can try to gain ground is to tear down our great President and the Democratic party.
DNC paints Pawlenty as liar
People could watch West German TV and had seen the Polish Solidarity movement triumph in a historic poll in June, and reformist Communist leaders in Budapest tear down part of the Iron Curtain, allowing East Germans to escape to the west.
Lapham's Quarterly: 1989: A Slip of the Tongue on the Night the Berlin Wall Fell
By providing your body with frequent and plentiful influxes of aminos, you are sending it the message that it does not need to tear down muscle mass.
Bastard's'll tear down entire stands of trees, and are known to munch on shrubberies.
Fantastic Settings
They would compete to tear down government buildings, rip art galleries to shreds, and hold impromptu show trials for local Party officials, teachers or intellectuals.
We tear down the filter and hand-wash the parts.
Where Rice sharply differs from Fukuyama is in her vision of a strong tension between a beneficent order of liberal states and the “transnational forces” that seek to tear down the global system.
Grand Illusions
The thought that God, as it were, had called him and he had been afraid to run and answer to his name overpowered his timid, aching soul with such a flood of emotion that he found himself struggling with a glorious temptation to tear down the mountainside again to the house and play his appointed part -- utter his note in the chord even thus late.
The Human Chord
Online hordes massed, brandishing rolling pins and placards, ready to tear down the bunting and upturn the ovens.
The Sun
In 1883 a concession for the improvement of Santo Domingo harbor even provided that the concessionnaire might tear down the ruins belonging to the state and use the material for filling purposes; happily he was able to carry out but little of this part of the contract.
Santo Domingo A Country with a Future