How To Use Teaching In A Sentence
They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects.
Following that, you will need a level 3 (‘A’ level equivalent) in numeracy & literacy. and go on to achieve a level 4 teaching qualification.
How To Get Into Teaching Literacy And Numeracy.? « Teaching Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
The job of ministers is to abolish and remove these obstacles to good teaching.
Times, Sunday Times
A man of good humour and a great sense of fun, he enjoyed popularity among his teaching colleagues and pupils, many of whom were present at the removal of remains and burial.
We wish to assure the public that the teaching, reading and writing of poetry are alive and well at Rio Rancho High School.

He has received several teaching awards, as well as the unprecedented award of being ‘the most quotable professor’ by MathSoc.
And this is the cause that disputes with such persons are generally fruitless, especially as immixed with that intemporancy of reviling other men wherein they exceed; for if that be a way either of learning or teaching of the truth, it is what the Scripture hath not instructed us in.
He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching one's grandmother how to suck eggs.
Dunstan: Dunstan: “What happens if the program administrator refuses to certify that the defendant “completed” the program on the grounds that the defendant refused to agree with certain teachings?”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Stringent Constitutional Limits on Anger Management Classes, Anti-Drug/Alcohol-Abuse Classes, or Even Traffic School as Alternatives to Prosecution?
The Ahmadiyah were explicitly "warned and ordered" that "as long as they consider themselves to hold to Islam, to discontinue the promulgation of interpretations and activities that are deviant from the principal teachings of Islam, that is to say the promulgation of beliefs that recognize a prophet with all his teachings who comes after the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The Heritage Foundation Papers
But the two teaching modes have changed from opposition to complementation instead of a simple conversion.
NIAGARA FALLS -- A Niagara Falls English teacher has agreed to resign and surrender his teaching certification as part of a plea bargain to charges that he had an improper relationship with a 16-year-old female student.
The Buffalo News: Home
Also, in many classes, the prof isn't even really teaching anymore.
The post was very interesting and involved a good blend of research, teaching and clinical work.
Shortly after my Ph.D. Alfred Kastler urged me to accept a teaching position at the University of Paris.
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - Autobiography
And it was a year in which we were able to declare ourselves to be a good research and teaching university.
This chapter will attempt to analyse some of the possibilities for the teaching of information skills in the primary school curriculum.
For these matters are taught with the ordinary teaching authority Magisterio enim ordinario haec docentur, of which it is true to say: "He who heareth you, heareth me"...
Economic Science and Catholic Social Teaching
In contrast, George finds great kinship in the pristine and untainted teachings of the Hebrew codifier, Moses.
I would also argue that the results Kumon reports achieving have little to do with their philosophy and practice about teaching and learning and much more to do with the fact that it gets parents and assistants as its teachers are called genuinely involved in children's learning.
Ellen Galinsky: Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten? How About a Good Track to Learning in Kindergarten and Beyond?
In fact, the history of the Church demonstrates that praxis is not only inseparable from, but actually flows out of didache or teaching.
Archive 2008-07-13
The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
I also answered for shooting and publishing centre nerve anatomize teaching materials of electronic edition.
The detained calculation methods and steps are introduced on technology of flangeless cylindrical part. It possesses much better applicability in production and teaching.
He probably would have still been teaching at Premiere Guild right now if he hadn't fell down a flight of stairs and broken his hip and bruised his tail bone.
Many of the distance teaching strategies were used during our class very successfully.
I realise now that I was idle in doing research in these years because of the pressure of teaching and other business to which I was not accustomed.
Another source of pride for her was being one of the first lay people to serve on the ethics committee of a London teaching hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
The teachings show that our spirit and body are infinitely connected to all the things around us.
They will then be reviewed by one of five consultants within Lancashire Teaching Hospital.
It here means the art of moving in coition, which is especially affected, even by modest women, throughout the East and they have many books teaching the genial art.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
By analyzing current teaching status of bench work specialty in middle vocational schools, this paper presents the thoughts and methods to reform the teaching pattern of bench work specialty.
We do our young people a great disservice by not teaching languages in a more rigorous, consistent and inspired fashion.
Times, Sunday Times
But the teaching also touched sentient beings as moral agents, as agents capable of affecting the welfare not only of themselves but of others as well.
Feeling restless with our two boys grown and gone from home, I obtained a teaching position at Fujian Teachers University in Fuzhou, The Peoples Republic of China.
I beg for each and all of you confirmations and assistance from the threshold of oneness, so that those gatherings may become ignited like unto candles, in the republics of America, enkindling the light of the love of God in the hearts; thus the rays of the heavenly teachings may begem and brighten the states of America like the infinitude of immensity with the stars of the Most Great Guidance.
Tablets of the Divine Plan
Intellectual springs originally, and is increased subsequently, from teaching (for the most part that is), and needs therefore experience and time; whereas the Moral comes from custom, and so the Greek term denoting it is but a slight deflection from the term denoting custom in that language.
By beatifying him, Pope Benedict is holding up to the whole Church the life and teachings of Cardinal Newman as a sure guide for us to follow, and as an inspiration for the Church today.
" Te Deum Laudamus "
There is a very successful physician in London whose teaching is that gymnastic exercise does more harm than good.
Teaching Unions whose members make a pretty penny from invigilating and correcting.
We are working to ensure women can safely cook, and don't put themselves in harm's way gathering firewood by providing safe, efficient stoves and teaching women to create fuel briquettes made out of organic waste.
Josette Sheeran: We Can End Hunger: 10 Ways to Feed the World
The experiential learning cycle, which can be entered at any stage, provides a useful framework for planning teaching sessions.
I'm teaching English to Italian students.
His teaching style was to gently cajole, to encourage when it all came right.
Times, Sunday Times
They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects.
An ethics based on this undertanding focuses not on rationally finding, mapping, and teaching the real nature of reality, nor on pluralistically respecting irreconcilable differences while recognizing a simultaneous unity, but instead on drawing connections between different methods of making meaning and on coordinating the actions of people using different conceptual frameworks.
Karl Higley - Spirit, Kosmos, Essence
To facilitate writing a question that will allow the student to seek out best evidence, use the teaching mnemonic PICO.
This includes such things as computer-assisted instruction, teaching machines, programs, television, and other audiovisual devices.
I know that some academics regard conferences as the one or two times a year that they're fully able to reimmerse themselves in their field and reconnect with their scholarly community--and that's probably true, to some degree, for all of us, whether we're at research institutions that support colloquia and reading groups in our field or whether we're at teaching institutions with insanely heavy teaching loads and rarely publish.
Archive 2007-02-01
At last, the author use the corpus and questionnaire survey to discovers the Vietnamese students' biased error give her advice for the department of teaching Chinese as a second language.
I remember my ex-girlfriend was having a stressful day teaching swimming until 10pm.
The Sun
After a time teaching drama in borstals, prisons and community centres, he suffered two more breakdowns until one day, while sitting on a bus, his persistent angst, dread and fear of failure simply evaporated.
Attention: Please do not write anything on the teaching stuff or cockle it.
It is a way of mutual support - lay people supply food, medicine, and cloth for robes, and monks give spiritual support, blessings, and teachings.
Our Theo was somewhat of a Bible scholar, and an expert on the Talmud, the teachings and deliberations of the Babylonian rabbis in exile.
Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School.
Most of the teaching aids displayed are in or on the brink of obsolescence.
Past incarnations have included journaling teaching, and an attempt at journaling straight lit and cultural crit.
Insurers have guaranteed schools that non-teaching staff employed to patrol school property or to substitute for staff on uncertified sick leave will be covered.
Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
The students spend the whole spring term on teaching practice.
He is much experienced in teaching.
He played a very important role in the emergence and furtherance of ecumenical teaching and thought.
Instead, parade ground drill became a means of teaching soldiers about the value of organized, unitary action.
They look for people with a vocation for teaching.
The Sun
Teaching materials, instruction and evaluation system on the basis of the beliefs of the new curriculum is an indiscerptible entity.
By learning you will teaching; by teaching you will learn.
We are looking for telephoners, people with teaching skills, cooks, and above all, those who like to be welcoming.
I am occasionally allowed fill-in weeks of teaching at his father's school, but I like the man none the more.
This year, nearly 150 teachers and teaching aspirants have enrolled for the one-month certificate programme.
For the reason why the definition is rendered is to make known the term stated, and we make things known by taking not any random terms, but such as are prior and more intelligible, as is done in demonstrations (for so it is with all teaching and learning); accordingly, it is clear that a man who does not define through terms of this kind has not defined at all.
It does not matter who owns the schools, he says, as long as we have phonic teaching of reading and as long as we have performance pay.
Appreciating this pedagogy enables us to practice catechesis as a craft in which content and the methods of transmission are united in a living whole: we are apprenticed into the Lord's own school of learning and teaching.
Like Sinclair, Tri-County is teaching more advanced skills to students who do arrive on campus better prepared.
They would also be offered the opportunity to spend time at a center for teaching effectiveness, working to strengthen their pedagogic skills with the guidance of master teachers.
Privately in 2006, I was told by a prominent, scholarly absolutist at that end that the Barragan-Martini view 'BMV' for short, and thus my own, is flatly incompatible with the entire logical structure of the Church's teaching about sex and marriage.
During that period, Catholic schools have steadily become assimilated to the non-denominational schools in terms of curriculum, teaching methods, assessment and examinations.
Having said all this, what should be clear is that the pedagogy of teaching creative writing is in desperate need of critical attention.
Yet while Taoist teachings were unsystematic and emphasized quietism and inspiration, Buddhism offered a systematic philosophical framework and a tradition of textual scholarship.
It is an imperative selection to transform the outdate teaching perception and mode and to explore the new ways in the integrate of the information resources and Chinese courses.
She's on the shortlist for a teaching post.
Second, the misuse and overemphasis of student evaluation of teaching instruments needs to be addressed.
The clinic records, from an inner city teaching hospital we examined indicate that some believe sildenafil may belong in this category.
The paper has stated the inquiry learning and inquiry teaching'implication, and has discussed the biology inquiry teaching' fundamental feature and fundamental segment.
My son-in-law tells me that Hillis was the custodian at Georgia Brown School when he got his first teaching job in Paso.
Summary Families with aggressive children can be helped by teaching the parents to be more consistent and effective in their control methods.
For he took a genuine interest in his pupils; and, in that first year of his teaching, carried his class to surprising lengths, nor let them betray any evidences of unthoroughness when they went trembling up to the examinations provided by the great Anton himself, in the mid-year term.
The Genius
It will be appreciated that this technique of automated teaching seemed to have enormous potential.
Our tutors specialise in teaching beginners in a very relaxed homely atmosphere.
Although before we parted this last time he said something about maybe getting back into scholastic teaching.
Many important lessons about music making and piano technique can be gleaned through the teaching of these attractive arrangements.
Hospitals including the Royal, City and Ulster need to achieve a quota of junior doctors to maintain their teaching status in conjunction with Queen's University.
At first, my goal had been to write out a precise 'demonology' of television using elements from Greek mythology as a teaching tool for my Media Violence class that could be developed into a workbook of sorts.
Vamsee Juluri: Writing Mythology in an Age of Reality Crisis
The charity aims to highlight excellence and encourage best practice in teaching by raising the profile and public perception of the teaching profession.
The monks were chiefly responsible for preserving this teaching, since it was largely directed to them.
Additional teachers are needed to take up the hours of direct teaching time lost due to the need to perform supervisory duties.
My ministry requires me to span two worlds: the world of teaching pastors and the world of artists.
Christianity Today
Early teaching methods were modelled on the monastic system or based on trade guilds, with no specific forms of architecture.
Last year on my previous blog, teaching., I wrote a very short 'microblog' post entitled Please don't vote for this blog! about the Edublog Awards.
The principles that inform modern teaching
After teaching for ten years he moved into publishing.
Jan has a vocation for teaching.
Teaching others teaches yourself.
After salesmanship, Bunbury tried his hand at a sort of teaching.
The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind ... to filch wealth and power to themselves.
DeMint says Tea Party activists leading spiritual revival
Apart from the run-of-the-mill stuff like e-mail and word processing, he is teaching himself to use the computer to draw schematic diagrams.
India will be lost if the opportunity to serve the world with his message and teachings is lost.
Lecturers engage in teaching and research.
The good news, based on research that we and our colleagues at McKinsey & Company recently completed, is that the United States could dramatically increase the number of top students who choose teaching by adopting some of these countries 'practices.
Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest?
Teaching children to understand the orderly unfolding of a plot or a logical argument is a crucial part of education.
It was financed from funds specifically identified for teaching undergraduates and nurses.
MBEs also went to stonemason Alan Horsfield, who was honoured for services to St Paul's Cathedral, Welsh caretaker Robert Owen, who was recognised for services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey, and Mary Watt, who was rewarded for services to highland dance teaching in Ross-shire, Scotland.
New Year honours: Recognition for unsung heroes in the public sector
I agree with you on preventative, but you should know that frequentative is still the standard term in teaching frequentative Latin verbs to Latin students.
No Uncertain Terms
This is an unfortunate misrepresentation of my remarks, and misleads readers about the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
What they condemned was his teaching his hypotheses as facts without proof.
Times, Sunday Times
The Ferry Laws, the legislation of 1886 affecting teachers, the Law of Associations in 1901, and ultimately the Law of 1904, excluding religious from teaching, laicized a pre-existing educational system.
The scale of the crisis facing Yorkshire schools emerged last night, with more than 250 teaching jobs to be axed following a Government-funding fiasco.
In delimiting teaching aim, we ought to help students understand rhetoric better and acquire better language competence.
Teaching methodologies vary according to the topic.
Mark trained Elizabeth for the role of messenger for the Brotherhood, and together they were able to fulfill the mission of their twin flames by bringing forth the Brotherhood's teachings for the Aquarian age.
Finally, this paper concludes that lexical chunk approach is a practical way to reverse current less effective English teaching status and lead English teaching to a new developing platform.
Before you go from 5K runner to marathoner lickety-split, you'll have to address the second tenet of neuromuscular training: teaching your mind to push through pain, because - we won't lie to you - there's a lot of it.
Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom.
Libertas Praestantissimum
His patient-centered teaching and his genteel, bibliophilic scholarship inspired later medical humanists.
She was still slender and wiry despite her demanding job teaching at Harvard University.
BRANDO: It has raised this plant called salicornia (ph) and Manuel Oranzo (ph) who is very dedicated to environmental issues in Mexico and he is teaching children to be aware of their environment and I have a feeling that I'm rushing to get this information out and it's your show.
CNN Transcript Aug 2, 2003
I can see no merit in offering short cuts as ways of teaching students.
The project brings together expertise in teaching and library provision.
He created a new system of teaching foreign languages.
Its significance for adherents was that the goal they hoped to achieve by following the teachings was a supramundane one.
He is not really suited for a teaching career.
I remember two of our marines being killed by a youngster who they were teaching to play volleyball.
Beginning from the birth of the first guru, Guru Nanak, in 1469, Daljeet recounts the lives of the ten gurus and their teachings.
Food is healthy, the vibe relaxed, and the hatha yoga teaching accessible to all.
Times, Sunday Times
They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.
The research aims to investigate the contribution to pupils' understanding and tolerance made by language teaching.
Research also indicates that negative school experiences can discourage students from teaching careers.
The dharma wheel is representing the teaching of nonstop turning.
Lillian and Anna had decided to try teaching Mom a nonphonetic, ideographic, alphabet, and in the morning they co-opted Sonny to help.
When you consider the fact that their are no established educational teaching standards and that local shool systems are primarily funded by local taxes I wonder why we have to ask ourselves if the test should be scrapped.
Educating America: Scrap the SAT?
Ramcharan, who has been a teacher at the school for the last 47 years, said the profession of teaching for her was a calling from God.
'Hindu tradition and history is replete with stories and references to' bhumi ', to mother earth, and we want to help Hindus re-learn these sacred teachings and find new relevance for them in the modern world,' said Centre director Shaunaka Rishi Das, who helped formulate the project.
India eNews
If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity.
In a statement, the university stresses the recommendation does not reflect on the quality of teaching and learning within the department.
This degree will qualify you for teaching.
You're misinformed if you think teaching earns megabucks!
Ultimately, the goal is to establish more accountability and improve teaching.
Most approaches to teaching portfolios define them as a collection of materials, assembled by a faculty member, that document or reflect teaching performance.
Music does not play a very preponderant role in the school's teaching.
Paul wrote to warn about the subtle arguments and false teachings that threatened to undermine the Colossian 's faith.
We know little of its holy days and less about its teachings, which embrace sharing this planet in peace with others.
In this regards yes, I think it is important to subject the doxology which is now assciated with his teachings, to the methods of deconstruction.
Savitri Era Glasnost
He felt that the best way to go back to basics was to start teaching.
We further acknowledge that there are sincere people who disagree with us, and with the teaching of the Bible and Christian tradition, on questions of sexual morality and the nature of marriage.
He finds out that Helmholtz too has been in trouble for writing some rhymes about being alone, a concept which goes against all principles of sleep-teaching.
He has also complained that they've kept him from teaching math to his fellow inmates.
They realise that teaching can provide them with a rewarding job that has a decent salary and comes with security.
Times, Sunday Times
She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Vassar College, a Master of Arts degree in teaching gifted students from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College.
Rebecca Walker: Love is Blind
I have to complete and defend my dissertation and survive teaching undergrads between now and then.
You will bring an innovative approach to developing inspirational teaching methods and will additionally hold a contract with the histopathology and/or cytopathology laboratories in the co-located Belfast Health and Social
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Prison officials then instituted an hour a day of "psycho-educational teaching" for the prisoners, who were placed in cage-like outdoor cells arranged in a semicircle and facing a counselor.
She gained her teaching diploma in two years and worked as a teacher upcountry until she was 19.
Following one teaching is not a way of confining you or jealously monopolizing you.
So now we discover that the B'oid Twits are now spending *OUR MONEY* on teaching the B'oidy boid brains how to use TWITTER.
A glider pilot who's just won the right to work as an instructor, teaching others the beauty of unpowered flying.
I have no problem with teaching our children the realities of life and war in the past.
Cause litigation firms on the left and the right engage in rancorous legal fights around the nation on a range of subjects, seeking to further their agendas, from teaching creationism, to overturning SEC regulations, to fighting affirmative action, to promoting (or opposing) gay marriage.
The method he adopted in teaching them was rather that of a University professor than such as usually is used in a pensionnat.
Trained as a doorman to national standards, he is teaching the actors restraining techniques and telling clubland anecdotes to familiarise them with a bouncer's world.
Salford has been carrying out teaching, research and consultancy in acoustics and audio for three decades.
Archive 2007-01-21
The borough council's Labour group leader has resigned her teaching job amid claims of pressure.
He denied direct involvement, but said he was glad his teachings might have inspired the deaths.
It is difficult to get a foot in the door of teaching.
Both nonspecialists and specialists in Tillich's theology will find here ideas suggestive for contemporary teaching and preaching.
But neither could defenders of the status quo point to conclusive proof that teaching passed muster.
Times, Sunday Times
They feel that working alongside disabled students gives a particular significance to their teaching and learning.
For a larger teaching university without big research grants such a move would spell financial disaster.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a teaching assistant for introductory agronomy and crop management courses while pursing his graduate degree.
This didactic approach towards teaching history has made people look at it as a pain rather than a joy.
Teachers from two York schools have been nominated for prestigious teaching awards which will be announced at a ceremony next week.
But by the same token, plein-air painting, arrived at with the help of Delacroix's teachings, also represented the transcendence of these teachings, their cancellation.
This is akin to teaching that babies come from storks.
The occasion was the opening-night dinner of Fortune magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit, a three-day estrogen-flavored wonkfest: Geena Davis lecturing the female execs and entrepreneurs on gender in media, Melody Barnes and Michelle Rhee holding forth on education, Trudie Styler teaching 6 a.m. yoga.
Nora Ephron tries to draw out Nancy Pelosi at Fortune's "Most Powerful Women Summit"
Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
Anyhow, every month all of our schools get newsletters that come with teaching tips and how-to-survive-in-Japan tips for noobs like me.
Or about a church teaching that the Holocaust was God's justice on Jews? rich in az
Palin defends Obama birth certificate inquiries
The responsibilities that come with a teaching or research assistantship, on the other hand, draw one into a community and help build a professional identity and sense of commitment.
The college is a stronghold of the child-centred approach to teaching.
The freedom to manifest religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching encompasses a broad range of acts.
He had come a long way down in the world, clerking in a surf shop and teaching Australian kids and Japanese tourists to surf on his lunch hour.
Our teachers do not receive enough in-service training and this leads to poor teaching.
Nor does the completion of the canon of Scripture rule out the use of credal statements as tests of orthodoxy and summaries of Scriptural teaching.
The idea of strong mindfulness and awareness runs throughout these teachings.
Every school accords high priority to the quality of teaching.
Mr. Brown is seeking a teaching position at the local collage.
Why not use humor in teaching style, especially when it makes the point so well? burro, burrow A burro is an ass.
A Progressive on the Prairie » Booking Through Thursday: Grammar » Print
There is a need to raise morale in the teaching profession.
He authored a new system for teaching a foreign language.
It was within the community of the parish that ordinary people received Christian teaching and the sacraments of the church; baptism, confirmation, marriage, and burial.
He'd love to be a guest lecturer at the school occasionally, maybe teaching creative non-fiction.