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How To Use Teachable In A Sentence

  • Anger, passion, energy, sex, they were the same, integral, unteachable, the difference between a good player and a great one. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • Unlike him, however, he does not give up on teaching the unteachable.
  • Most of Terry's time was spent teaching a modular apologetics course to 10 teachable students at Fairview Baptist Bible College, west of Montego Bay.
  • Or is it not teachable, but to be acquired by practice (training)?
  • If this is the case, it is very hard to argue that Calvin was not a member of the evangelical party when he wrote the Psychopannychia, as it contains numerous references, cited by Tavard, of the importance of being teachable.
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  • What are the one thousand teachable things that every third grader ought to start learning so she'll know them all before before she graduates from high school?
  • They are extremely teachable: you will not believe how quickly they are able to begin speaking a new language and adapt themselves to the new circumstances.
  • In March he wrote in the Times Literary Supplement how deplorable it is that, though ‘thoroughly demolished in the real world, his views, or the ghosts of such views, still haunt an unteachable intelligentsia’.
  • About that pay freeze: the president likes to talk about "teachable moments." Well, in this case he seems eager to teach Americans something false.
  • Is spiking the ball and getting out of bounds an unteachable skill?
  • It really is what we call a teachable moment," Jaroflow said, noting the historic significance of same-sex marriage and related civil rights issues.
  • TSMD is a retelling of Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo, its protagonist one Gully Foyle, lumpenprole untermensch turned revenging angel in a world utterly transformed by the discovery that teleportation is a natural and teachable human talent. The stars of modern SF pick the best science fiction
  • Make clear to your children the times when you see them as trustworthy, teachable, and reliable or how much you appreciate their honesty, patience, kindness, or diligence.
  • Meekness or teachableness enables us to be taught of God.
  • Statements about what to expect, enabling discussion to take place, and taking time to explore the human dimensions were all seen as teachable behaviours associated with fewer malpractice claims.
  • They branded him ‘degraded, unteachable, unamiable, querulous, and unmanly.’
  • He's got the drive, he's very co-operative and very teachable and he certainly has the ability.
  • Because they were practical, logical, teachable, and above all easy to test, the principles quickly became preferred classroom topics.
  • This girl was certainly naive about many things - however she was teachable.
  • About the most hopeful element in any human being's character I should reckon to be teachableness. More Toasts
  • In this statement Critias appears to be in agreement with Protagoras and many other of his contemporaries in the sophistic idea that excellence is teachable.
  • But he decided to use it as what he called a teachable moment to talk to the American people in an adult way about race. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2008
  • His gut instinct was his genius. It's absolutely unteachable.
  • This is what they call a teachable moment," said Robert F. Pezzella, executive assistant to the superintendent for school safety and violence prevention. Sports News :
  • At the same time, art as such, the carrier of spiritual value, was seen as unteachable, a feature of individual genius.
  • They branded him ‘degraded, unteachable, unamiable, querulous, and unmanly.’
  • And you are right, it is a good word in it’s original meaning and it is regrettable that the “zombie” connotations have overwhelmed it’s meaning when there isn’t an adequate replacement educable, educatable & teachable have their own connotations. The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
  • On the one hand Aristotle, the inventor of western logic, the university, western educational methodology and much more besides, was every clear on the matter of what was teachable and what was not.
  • Once you have your business model down, you will want to reduce it to a teachable system that includes everything a franchisee would need to know: Selling, advertising, accounting, legalities, and so on.
  • He is athletic, skilled, and so far, unteachable.
  • As any Montessori kindergartener can handle serving, eating, and cleaning-up after himself, a teacher shouldn't need to be an educational wizard to turn the daily at-desk breakfast routine into a teachable moment on personable responsibility. Jacqueline Edelberg: Chicago Schools Serve Up Breakfast, But Not Everyone's Happy
  • In either case, I'm sad about the state of things: I'd like to see more men take up writing; and I'd liked to think that men are more tractable, more teachable than it appears we are.
  • The teachable moment came a couple of days into the workshop when one villager, reporting for his small discussion group, acknowledged that his report was scanty.
  • He had nothing but scorn for Chiang Kai-shek, whom he regarded as an arrogant, unteachable Chinese overlord, and had an almost equal aversion for Mountbatten and his greedy colonial ambitions. A Covert Affair
  • Quickly the steward learned Michael's pre-eminent teachableness. CHAPTER V
  • Are you intelligent, honest, kind, caring, creative, loyal, teachable, willing or anything else you can think of?
  • Each has its own faculties and functions; and in our present investigation, religion has nothing more to do than to shed the influence of reverence, humility, and teachableness over the scientific student as he ponders his problem and works out the truth. Moon Lore
  • As he reflected on his initial comment, saying the police 'acted stupidly,' he had a realization of a better way to 'calibrate' his vocabulary, step up and create a teachable moment of mass media proportion ... Sheila Shayon: Obama's Teachable Moment
  • ‘There is, I think, in every one of us something mineral and unteachable,’ says an agent of the totalitarian state in a 1990 novel Lights Out in the Reptile House.
  • Teachable moment about proper full hip extension and hip flexion. Well, I suppose it's a skill he'll eventually need
  • Not a closet issue, mind you - rather an issue of knowing who's teachable and who's not.
  • Poise is teachable; confidence is one of the elements missing from the periodic table, three parts self-respect to two parts experience.
  • So this is what you call a teachable moment here right now for Barack Obama. Hullabaloo
  • Cain then became jealous of Abel's worship and to make it worse, he was too proud, rebellious and unteachable even when God tried to reason with him to change his way of worship.
  • teachable youngsters
  • And educators tend to think less in terms of justice, and look for what they call teachable moments. College Justice Falls Short For Rape Victim
  • The field is accessible, the weakness of our currency makes it extremely affordable, the people are teachable, are you available?
  • Canada had a very British idea that writing is best learned outside the academy, that it's not teachable.
  • The study concludes that moral reasoning skills are both teachable and measurable, and that ethical dilemma case discussions may enhance moral development.
  • So teachableness is necessary and teachableness and docility are both included in prudence.
  • May 31, 2006, 5: 01 pm holdem internet and free says: holdem internet andfree differers aimer teachable perspicuous The Volokh Conspiracy » 29 to 1:
  • He has unteachable court savvy and shooting touch, and showed star-caliber poise in taking Syracuse University to the national title as a freshman.
  • If authority is too rigid on the one hand or teachableness lacking on the other, the result is chaos.
  • It really is what we call a teachable moment," said Liz Jaroslow, the school's interim director, according to the newspaper. News
  • The substance of the conversation remains private, and the media have wondered aloud in bewildered fashion where the "teachable moment" might be. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The Yahoos, he believes, are the most unteachable brutes in the land.
  • Until we open up to our students, become a little more vulnerable, become teachable ourselves, and gain their trust, our effectiveness as teachers will be less than we are capable of producing.
  • And you are right, it is a good word in it’s original meaning and it is regrettable that the “zombie” connotations have overwhelmed it’s meaning when there isn’t an adequate replacement (educable, educatable & teachable have their own connotations). The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
  • If a gold medal is had, it will be because of the dominance of Tim, the innate and unteachable understanding of the game by Carmelo, and because someone gets hot with their perimeter shooting.
  • By no means is this book comprehensive, though it may be the most teachable book available on the economic importance of the recent American aerospace industry.
  • In addition, the present study corroborates previous studies by demonstrating that moral reasoning skills are both teachable and measurable.
  • No one ‘has a right to be anything unless he carries already in his heart such a sense of the magnitude and the capacity of his occupation as makes him teachable by experience for all that his occupation has to make known to him.’
  • Among them, in the first place, is required a due preparation of soul, by humility, meekness, and teachableness. Pneumatologia
  • She lacked one very important thing: the teachableness that makes us recognize when we need to do a bit of serious revision. Of John Galt and Ramon Lull
  • Utopian lines; there will be no illiterates unless they are unteachable imbeciles, no rule-of-thumb toilers as inadaptable as trained beasts. A Modern Utopia
  • holdem internet andfree differers aimer teachable perspicuous The Volokh Conspiracy » 29 to 1:
  • But where there are not these impediments, experience telleth us that the success is much greater, at least as to the bowing of people to more calmness and teachableness; yet we cannot expect they all will be brought to so much reason. The Reformed Pastor
  • Gross motor skills make swimmers more teachable.
  • Anna unteachable too, she never learns or keeps her promises. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • She is in very good shape, she's very teachable and listens very well.
  • For the same reason the breed has a tendency to thievishness, even though they really are very teachable and very well know what is right and wrong.
  • But Mark's Jesus sees a student who is both vulnerable and teachable - a human being who is searching, and now undone by the fact that he has addressed his question to the answer.
  • The Lord grant that I may at last become an obedient and truly teachable child; for that faculty, whatsoever it be, that asks vociferously, seems not to be the one which, as I.P. says, "_graspingly receives," _ but is rather a hinderance to its reception. A Brief Memoir with Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham, England
  • The Williams imbroglio is teachable, but its lessons actually point in the opposite direction: America's public media system, including NPR, requires more funding, not less. Why Fox News should help fund NPR
  • She's only been to 2 classes so far but he's apparently already showing signs of being unteachable and is very disruptive to the other dogs. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • This book, the fruit of her own lengthy engagement with the topic, reflects a command of the pertinent literature in the area of Jewish-Christian relations as well as an agreeable style which makes the work not only readable but teachable.
  • She then carries this view into her interactions with her students, whom she regards as incorrigible and unteachable.
  • It is, of course, as teachable a subject as any other practical department of music, and it could hardly be better taught than by Stanford.
  • If a conductor's ultimate unteachable gift is the ability to galvanize an orchestra through body language, eye contact, and an arresting physical presence, this wired-up musician definitely has a major future.
  • The whole form is like a precisely wrought handmade clock; it depends on timing, rhythm and that unteachable concept called chemistry.
  • May we always stay teachable even though we are teachers!
  • Obama said he hoped the incident could be considered "what we call a teachable moment, where all of us ... spend a little more time listening to each other and try to focus on how we can generally improve relations between police officers and minority communities. Newsmax - Inside Cover
  • So, some added perspective to be applied to Obama's "calibrations" and "teachable moments. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • They together bring writing into a genuine state, rendering writing accessible and teachable.
  • Alexander, a young Russian aristocrat, is taken out of school for being unteachable.
  • I believe it's a teachable skill.
  • In another dialogue, the Meno, we find the claim that knowledge is teachable, where this is a firmly accepted point.
  • The Church has ever claimed for her Saint not so much the reverence paid to the martyr, or the deference due to the ruler, or the teachableness powerful in the writer, as the attention obligatory to an 'elder.' The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • Within a tertiary care academic setting, we have found the proposed treatment and training model is teachable and clinically useful.
  • Anglo – Norman teachableness and wide-heartedness, which has enabled us to profit by the wisdom and civilization of all ages and of all lands, without prejudice to our own distinctive national character. Westward Ho!
  • How many times did we hear this described as a teachable moment? CNN Transcript Jul 30, 2009
  • That kind of instinctive, indefatigable willingness to engage is a gift, Mr Caen, as unteachable as it is unbuyable.
  • According to his preface to the Psalms commentary, Calvin was suddenly converted to teachableness, not to interiority.
  • In either case, I'm sad about the state of things: I'd like to see more men take up writing; and I'd liked to think that men are more tractable, more teachable than it appears we are.
  • He's raw, teachable.
  • Search the Scriptures with the teachableness of a little child and thy labour will not be in vain.
  • “They are said to ‘receive the word with joy,’ which argues ingenuity and teachableness of spirit in them.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • As any Montessori kindergartener can handle serving, eating, and cleaning-up after himself, a teacher shouldn't need to be an educational wizard to turn the daily at-desk breakfast routine into a teachable moment on personable responsibility. Jacqueline Edelberg: Chicago Schools Serve Up Breakfast, But Not Everyone's Happy
  • Oh well, perhaps their grandchildren will be teachable
  • ‘I remember when your father was just a boy,’ he said. ‘He was a little younger than you and was the laziest and most unteachable boy I ever had the opportunity to guide.’

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