How To Use Tea trolley In A Sentence
Most workers yearn for a tea trolley stacked with sticky buns.
Times, Sunday Times
She died a year ago: sweetly and softly, while sitting in a chair in the lounge of her residential care home just after the tea trolley has passed by.
Nor is he recognised by the woman with the tea trolley.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor is he recognised by the woman with the tea trolley.
Times, Sunday Times
A lady comes round the office with a tea trolley in the afternoon.
But she went on to give a searing description of the ennui the work brings - broken only when the tea trolley arrives.
She died a year ago: sweetly and softly, while sitting in a chair in the lounge of her residential care home just after the tea trolley has passed by.
A lady comes round the office with a tea trolley in the afternoon.
Most workers yearn for a tea trolley stacked with sticky buns.
Times, Sunday Times