How To Use Tea break In A Sentence

  • And you even get a tea break without a floating plastic fly in the cup or a plate of rubber biscuits.
  • Our bloody - minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.
  • Usually I neck it with a big glass of orange juice just before my bacon roll during our morning tea break.
  • At the tea break I asked the prosecutor whether he could not but admire the fluency with which an apparently unlettered man was conducting his own defence.
  • Had a tea break at the library cafe. Hot vanilla with new york cheese cake.
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  • Fee is e5 per class and includes a tea break and inclusion in a nightly raffle where the flower arrangement made on the night will be raffled off.
  • I think they were a bit miffed that I stayed at home - no tea breaks every half an hour or bunking off early.
  • I don't think its fair that smokers have to huddle outside in the winter to grab a quick draw, but then again smoker's breaks always seem to be an extra perk on top of their tea breaks.
  • For that matter, history books that dwell on stories of rajas and maharajas who met at a tea break might be recalled.
  • For that matter, history books that dwell on stories of rajas and maharajas who met at a tea break might be recalled.
  • Yesterday, during my morning tea break (such as it is at the moment), I dashed around the corner to the cafe and got my ever present hot frothy coffee.
  • That's all changed today said Michael with the introduction of huts and shelters to have tea breaks in.
  • I was peeved because I'd come back for my morning tea break and was waiting for a gap between showers to get out under a nice dry awning or archway.
  • the British have tea breaks
  • These methods are less obvious than lingering over a tea break or chatting on the blower.
  • Our bloody - minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.
  • We were dropped off by the Hawk in a Land Rover, and the driver gave us the keys to the plane and sped back to the hangar for a hard-earned tea break.
  • Our bloody - minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.
  • The morning tea break is half an hour because this is an important time for sociability.
  • Hillocks's wife informed the kirkyard that the doctor "gied the gudeman an awful 'clearin'," and that Hillocks "wes keepin 'the hoose," which meant that the patient had tea breakfast, and at that time was wandering about the farm buildings in an easy undress, with his head in a plaid. Stories by English Authors: Scotland (Selected by Scribners)
  • There was tea break after tea break, but never really a break long enough to snap out of the work and appreciate the uncommonness of the situation.
  • As the self-confessed ‘biggest slob in the world’ he enjoys sailing holidays filled with impromptu tea breaks and pub stops.
  • And you even get a tea break without a floating plastic fly in the cup or a plate of rubber biscuits.
  • The scorer walked up to him in a tea break and brusquely demanded to know his name.
  • Hillocks 'wife informed the kirkyaird that the doctor "gied the gudeman an awfu' clearin ', "and that Hillocks" wes keepin' the hoose, "which meant that the patient had tea breakfast, and at that time was wandering about the farm buildings in an easy undress with his head in a plaid. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • But though the days of clippies and extended tea breaks may be long gone, retired Scarborough driver Charlie Bullock is determined to turn up in his coffin aboard his old double-decker.

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