How To Use Tchaikovsky In A Sentence

  • His Tchaikovsky discography runs several pages, from the last four symphonies to items like ‘Hamlet’.
  • The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al.
  • Royal Ballet star Ivan Putrov will be suspended on wires above a string quartet playing Tchaikovsky for a whole nine minutes while the audience gasp and marvel at those taut muscles and lean limbs.
  • Many portions of Tchaikovsky's Fourth benefit from a lighter sound and more balance among sections.
  • This violinist has played the Romantic confections of Wieniawski and Tchaikovsky, but Schnittke doesn't give him much of an opportunity to show how pretty his tone can be.
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  • I'm going to dance a pas de deux to Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations - the andante - the woman the oboe, the cello the man. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • A few days ago, I was riffling through the more obscure volumes on Tchaikovsky held by Cambridge University and, when the dust settled, I found a highly instructive story about the Fifth Symphony.
  • It surged through the mellifluous, Mozart-inflected string deluges of Tchaikovsky's "Iolanta," then picked along Stravinsky's cubist angularities, where flashes of stridency were momentarily backlit by lyricism. A Shining Study in Vision
  • In the Kiev Sports Palace gymnasium I watched Larissa go through her paces to the strains of music by Tchaikovsky.
  • One-hundred years after the influential 1895 staging of Tchaikovsky's 1877 "Swan Lake" in St. Petersburg by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, Matthew Bourne jumped into the sacred waters and made a big splash. Fair Feathered Friends
  • The well-known company, which has given nearly 2000 performances in the UK, stuck to an atmospheric and traditional rendition of this Tchaikovsky classic, complete with swans in tutus and medieval style costumes.
  • The men were still exquisite, postured with their arms draped over their heads in stillness or lunging and leaping in wild fits as the Tchaikovsky score crescendoed. Susan Eley: Hooters to Swan Lake During One Week in New York
  • Were he alive today, Tchaikovsky would be a candidate for psychiatric counseling and drug therapy.
  • Massine took this theme from Tchaikovsky's own letters to his patron in which he described a composer's search for ideas.
  • Even the emotional experience that Tchaikovsky's music affords us can be traced back to his consummate artistry.
  • The Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov dances are beautifully poised.
  • They waltzed to Tchaikovsky's waltzes from The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, and the Waltz from Dvorak's Serenade for Strings.
  • FAITH LAPIDUS: Septime Webre says that seeing a beautiful ballet dancer skillfully dancing to Tchaikovsky's music is to see a joy and faith in the harmony of the world.
  • Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
  • She stood and tuned her violin for a few moments, and then opened the music to the Tchaikovsky concerto.
  • The stage itself seems like acres of space where each dancer is the focus of attention and every step has the clarity of Tchaikovsky's musical notes.
  • She has grown in stature since winning the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition.
  • Excitement, splendid orchestral playing and rousing fortissimo sections are three hallmarks of Gustavo Dudamel's performances of the three Tchaikovsky symphonic overtures based on Shakespeare. CD review: Gustavo Dudamel conducts Tchaikovsky's Shakespeare overtures
  • Tchaikovsky's strings were gut rather than metal and were played with little vibrato.
  • In the exquisite Sugar Plum Fairy solo her tiptoeing pas de bourree seemed wired to Tchaikovsky's twinkling celesta. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Were he alive today, Tchaikovsky would be a candidate for psychiatric counseling and drug therapy.
  • Visitors can listen to pianist André Previn, violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter and violoncello player Lynne Harrell perform together in a 1,600-year-old church, or sit where the sultans strolled, in the courtyard of Topkapi Palace, and hear a guitarist play Tchaikovsky, Schubert and other composers. Top Acts Rock Istanbul's Summer
  • Off the top of my head, I can think of several wonderful accounts of the Tchaikovsky, but when I get to Beethoven, I become rather picky.
  • The Piano Trio in F minor is a gloriously sunny work that is comparable to similar works by Arensky and Tchaikovsky.
  • Even more so was the Vienna Philharmonic under Pierre Boulez doing Berg's "Lulu-Suite" and Mahler's "Das Klagende Lied"; though their fortissimo passages were even surpassed in volume by the three Tchaikovsky/Shakespeare pieces performed by the youthful Simón Bolívar Orchestra of Venezuela, conducted by their guru, Gustavo Dudamel. Salzburg's Summer of Shadows and Shakespeare
  • A new, charming pas de cinq opened the Act III divertissements, set to a passage of Tchaikovsky music that Petipa never used.
  • On his first visit to Barenboim, Lang played the Tchaikovsky concerto while the conductor played the orchestra part on a second piano.
  • Here the creaky melodrama is swept away by Tchaikovsky's lyrical music.
  • Last year he was a prizewinner in the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.
  • When Tchaikovsky played his First Piano Concerto for Nikolay Rubinstein, director of the Moscow Conservatoire, Rubinstein attacked it as worthless, trite and unplayable.
  • Ballet Imperial, a plotless work set to Tchaikovsky's second piano concerto, is Balanchine's homage to the tsarist Mariinsky heritage. Mariinsky Ballet: Don Quixote; Balanchine/Robbins triple bill – review
  • He could reach 11 notes when he was nine - the age at which he mastered Tchaikovsky's first piano concerto.
  • Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony displayed the orchestra's qualities to the full, with rich soloistic playing by woodwind and brass sections, notably the horn solo in the slow movement and its imitation by oboe and strings.
  • That had been regarded as a retrograde move by some critics; Tchaikovsky did not fit with their taste.
  • She has grown in stature since winning the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition.
  • If Broadway show tunes are your thing, the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra & the Arvada Chorale give us show-stoppers from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Leonard Bernstein after a heart-stopping performance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Tracy Shaffer: Arvada Alive With Music
  • Circus tricks performed in exact time to Tchaikovsky's music are treat enough, but more mind-boggling still are the acrobatic extremes to which the ballet vocabulary is pushed, including the section now immortalised on YouTube in which Odette dances en pointe, while balanced on Siegfried's head. This week's new dance
  • We played the Schubert B flat Trio and the Tchaikovsky.
  • The orchestration of both music by Tchaikovsky and original material by Gavin Sutherland brings an engaging lightness to the ballet.
  • Mike, who was just a kid in the neighborhood with odd — evolved? sophisticated?— taste, had dozens more tapes: Brahms, Mozart, Bach, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Sibelius, Rachmaninoff, Strauss.
  • The men were still exquisite, postured with their arms draped over their heads in stillness or lunging and leaping in wild fits as the Tchaikovsky score crescendoed. Susan Eley: Hooters to Swan Lake During One Week in New York
  • The piano professor won the noted Tchaikovsky Award and continues to concertize world-wide. May « 2010 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Above all, Tchaikovsky's enduring music soars with its timeless magnificence.
  • At least they managed to sneak in actual ballet moves and some of Tchaikovsky's music, so it isn't a total loss.
  • Massine took this theme from Tchaikovsky's own letters to his patron in which he described a composer's search for ideas.
  • After listening to every Tchaikovsky work she could get her hands on, she decided to go for smaller, lesser known selections, his String Quartet # 3, the sextet Souvenir de Florence, and Autumn Song from The Seasons.
  • Rasputin dined here, Dostoevsky wrote in a corner hotel room, Tchaikovsky supped with his bride on their honeymoon.
  • Does he have such enormous influence over mister tchaikovsky?
  • Tchaikovsky's strings were gut rather than metal and were played with little vibrato.
  • But then it's not often that break-dancing, yoga and techno marry with traditional ballet and Tchaikovsky's score.
  • The program ended with a free-spirited coda by all the dancers doing this, that, and especially the other, all with happy bravura and to Tchaikovsky.
  • Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries. That Melody Sounds Familiar
  • It is staging Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty, both of which feature sumptuous scores by Tchaikovsky.
  • The forthright, hip-gyrating dance for the array of disco-dancing and drink-swigging Brits is set tightly on the polonaise Tchaikovsky called a "dance with goblets," albeit, in the original, wine-filled ones toasting that libretto's prince. Fair Feathered Friends
  • Ballet in two acts with choreography by Ivanov, libretto by Petipa, music by Tchaikovsky, and designs by M. I. Botcharov, K. Ivanov, and I. Vsevolojsky.
  • As in his recordings of the last three Tchaikovsky Symphonies, Klemperer reveals a temperamental antipathy towards excessive emotionalism in Romantic repertoire.
  • Director Tom Gellert as well as a HCB for a final concert: Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture accompanied by LIVE cannon as well as guest cannoneer, Jim McAward. Li concerts summer 2009
  • In opera music, depict characters express the drama of conflict has a strong artistic appeal. The drama shows the theme of motivation and symphonic music idea, reflects the music of Tchaikovsky charm.
  • The ambitious listener might better start from the level of Chopin's melodious piano music, or Grieg's northern elegiacs or Tchaikovsky's gorgeous colorfulness. Quincy Jones: Arts Education in America
  • Tchaikovsky's tragic sense of guilt led him to project himself vicariously into his female characters to convey the emotions he felt for men.
  • As in his recordings of the last three Tchaikovsky Symphonies, Klemperer reveals a temperamental antipathy towards excessive emotionalism in Romantic repertoire.
  • Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth 2)symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
  • Dancers aged from five to adults will perform their own version of the Tchaikovsky classic and also a mix of tap and modern dance.
  • Isn't it painful for Ashkenazy, who himself was a keyboard tyro and winner of the Tchaikovsky piano competition in 1962, to conduct another person in a work he once made his own?
  • Off ice, he listens to mostly classical music from the minimalists like Philipp Glass and Steve Reich to the romantics of Tchaikovsky.
  • Tchaikovsky was the model of gentility—his voice was gentle, his manners of the most perfect politeness.
  • Tchaikovsky composed his most famous overture to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Russia's victory over Napoleon's French army in 1812.
  • For Symphony No 4 Tchaikovsky produced his own programme to satisfy the curiosity of his invisible benefactress, Mme von Meck.
  • Following the traditional fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty and with the musical score by Tchaikovsky, the performance is certain to enchant audiences of all ages.
  • Andante maestoso was not an overblown anticlimax but the real apotheosis of Tchaikovsky's musical argument.
  • This classic tale, with its evergreen Tchaikovsky score, tells the story of a girl who receives a nutcracker as a Christmas gift from her uncle, who is known for his fascination with the enchanted.

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