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How To Use Tce In A Sentence

  • The minerals in soils adsorbed no or TCE, while the organic matters were the most contributor.
  • his report was full of etceteras
  • I also use 'etcetera', although that's not what 'etc' means.
  • Yes, if you are flying privately you can take along what you want, including make-up and gels, toothpaste and all the other etceteras that are now banned on commercial flights in North America.
  • Have been slammed/crazed/etcetera, even more so than usual lately, but the horizon approacheth. Excuses, Excuses
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  • From about the middle of the postcentral sulcus, or from the upper end of its inferior ramus, the horizontal portion of the intraparietal sulcus is carried backward and slightly upward on the parietal lobe, and is prolonged, under the name of the occipital ramus, on to the occipital lobe, where it divides into two parts, which form nearly a right angle with the main stem and constitute the transverse occipital sulcus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Specifically, the flow cytometer told Gilbert that in the mice exposed to TCE, a T-cell activation molecule, CD44, was acting differently than it would have if there had been no autogen. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • There were neither lifeboats nor mortar-apparatus in those days, but there were the same willing hearts and stout arms then as now, and in a marvellously short space of time, hundreds of the able-bodied men of the town, gentle and semple, were assembled on these wild cliffs, with torches, rope, etcetera; in short, with all the appliances for saving life that the philanthropy of the times had invented or discovered. The Lighthouse
  • He turned the saltcellar a half turn on the tabletop. No Country For Old Men
  • Apart from the already existing possibilities for collaboration and document management, integrating with, work is continuing for easier integration with much more software, will the suite be modularised, are tool for web-document integration on their way, is the function for Extensions enhanced. etcetera. Conference 2008 – everything is different
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons include compounds such as chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCE). 1,1,1-trichloroethane is one of the least toxic of the chlorinated hydrocarbons. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • And yet, while there are some common themes within the "random" mix that have been witnessed many times over the past 150+ years such as discoid objects, spheres [both metallic and illumined], and more recently large black triangles [plus "humanoid" varieties of entities], etcetera, can we suppose these more common "display patterns" to be the "signal within the noise"? Posthuman Blues
  • Plants do a great job of looking very phallic at this time of year, none more so than the skunk arums, in this case Lysichiton camtschatcense.
  • CofifuU y to Advife with or ask Advice of any one: To confult an Author, is the fame as to fee what is his 0« pintoo of the Matcen CarfulfMfian, (Lar J an ask'* iagor taking Counfel or Ad« Glossographia Anglicana Nova: Or, A Dictionary, Interpreting Such Hard Words of Whatever ...
  • Abusers of typewriter correction fluid frequently are found with the paraphernalia of abuse around them and the chalky white of the fluid on their face and hands. 9 Definitive diagnosis of TCE intoxication is made by quantitative determination of the compound in the patient's blood, tissue or expired breath. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • Where complete and fubftential jufttce has. been done* a new trial will not bo granted, though the judge who tried the caufe may have been miilaken in point of law; as where an action was brought by a perfon for a violent affault on her niece, who lived with her, per quod ferv. ami/it, and the judge held that the aunt Hood in loco parentis, whereon large damages were given; — the plaintiff undertaking to pay the damages to the niece* and the niece not to proceed in an action which Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common pleas and Exchequer, alphabetically digest under proper heads;
  • Every god gave different main abilities; Edea gave mastery of the white fire, Death gave mastery of necromancy, Pyro gave mastery of fire, etcetera.
  • I agree that there exists a way to avoid window breakage, but a huge fence, etcetera, is quite expensive. Blaster Master fire storm
  • The various protest groups are infuriated over what they call their holding pen, a fenced-in area across the street from the FleetCenter. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2004
  • There's ample power in the Treasury Department and the Energy Department, etcetera to get these things done," he insisted, "and I don't think there should be a commissar, which is really what this is. Common Folk Using Common Sense
  • The Neruda poems are of course quite wonderful, but I probably never would have encountered them if my eye had not been caught that day by the understated but elegant drawing of a saltcellar on the cover. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Continuous improvement ERP systems, prepare for new system ( TCE ).
  • I've always said "etcetera", but at a recent conference I heard "et see
  • My first thought was I had stitched the wrong images together, my second was to check the 550D sensor specs again (22. 3x14.9mm ... it should handle 12mm with overlap in either orientation, so no), but since the problem only affects the 1. 4x TCed shot, it seems logical that the shift is also being "magnified" - something I had not even considered. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • The postcentral gyrus is also known as the somatosensory cortex, or primary sensory area, because it receives sensory input from the body. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Stesart reported lethargy during sedentary periods after five days of exposure to TCE at 500 ppm. 10 In a group of workers exposed to TCE an intolerance to alcohol developed producing an erythematous skin reaction known as the "degreaser's flush. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • “They say here is a similar bungalow or ranch, but they don’t adjust for age, square footage, etcetera, which is everything that a certified appraiser must do,” he says. Using the Rout in Housing to Lower Taxes
  • Generally the better dealers avoid such goods, but in the case of the saltcellar, the dealer hadn't been able to resist. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • It is late February, when we have our next board meeting so that will be a topic of discussion as well, and when we look at all of the numbers, liquidity, etcetera, that is when that decision will be made as to what we are doing with that dividend. Home Page
  • The tiny purr was brought forth and placed in the manger beside the swaddled child and began to snuzzle and bonks the babe and the babe glowed with heavenly light and the angels came forth and began a chorus of jubilation adoration for all was well and right and good in the little shelter under the stars etcetcetc Gold, frankensence, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Don't leave the aluminium spoon in the saltcellar. It will be eaten into by salt.
  • So when a $50 million 16th-century sculpted saltcellar went missing from Vienna's art-history museum last month, officials knew right away whom to call. The Purloined Painting
  • While a small amount of TCE may dissolve in groundwater – possibly contaminating drinking water – it may also form pools of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) as a “plume,” or it may volatilize, possibly resulting in emission as a soil vapor gas. TCE contamination of groundwater
  • Pete Zaitcev has been listed as maintainer for both the USB block driver and the Yamaha PCI sound driver.
  • No, we're paving over the prime farmland as Americans flee out into exurbia, trying to flee the overcrowded housing stock in Miami, New York, Los Angeles, etcetera.
  • Fourteen products contained TCEP, a carcinogenic flame retardant on California's Proposition 65 list of cancer-causing chemicals that has been shown to reduce fertility and cause hyperactivity. Robyn Griggs Lawrence: Toxic Flame Retardants Rampant in Baby Products, New Study Finds
  • We seem to understand apad vellumtomes muniment, Arans Duhkha, among hoseshoes, cheriotiers and etceterogenious bargainbout-barrows, ofver and umnder, since, evenif or although, in double preposition as in triple conjunction, how the mudden research in the topaia that was Mankaylands has gone to prove from the picalava present in the maramara melma that while a successive generation has been in the deep deep deeps of Deepereras. Finnegans Wake
  • I then ship my sketces to my patternmaker who turns the piece around for review. Q&A, Kirstie Pike, Prois Hunting Apparel Founder
  • Don't leave the aluminium spoon in the saltcellar. It will be eaten into by salt.
  • The workout: walk at various paces with mirrors to the front and sides to check technique; posture, arm carriage, foot action, etcetera.
  • She said there would always be people who found fault and "will say that Nkosi Sikelel 'i Afrika should be in Polish, etcetera". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The secondary toxicity of TCE, and perhaps the most life-threatening, is its ability to sensitize the myocardium to catecholamines. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • It contained eight cabinets containing chiefly silver-gilt objects: 24 basins, 20 ewers, 215 tureens and bowls, 819 plates of different sizes, 231 spoons and forks, 78 saltcellars, 59 candelabra, and 145 drinking vessels.
  • ‘All right, all you have to do is put all your dishes, cups, utensils, and other etceteras inside the washer,’ he explained.
  • The problem, said Neil Carman, clean air program director for the Sierra Club in Texas, is the TCEQ's light-handed regulatory approach. The Center for Public Integrity: Enviro Groups Prepare to Sue Nation's Largest Oil Refinery
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs upwards and backwards, dividing the insular cortex into a precentral lobule with short gyri and a postcentral lobule with one or two long gyri.
  • Ships in the night, holiday romance etcetera, he would have sensibly suggested,[Sentence dictionary] and of course he would have been right.
  • The whole world watched the travesty that passed for election with deaths, maiming, etcetera from the hands of government forces when the masses took to the streets to protest. Senators call for regime change in Iran, but differ on how
  • And she had no love for the sea specially, regarding all winds as nuisances excepting such as had been raised by her own efforts, and thinking that salt from a saltcellar was more convenient than that brought to her on the breezes. The Claverings
  • Laryngeal symptoms (hoarseness, croupiness, etcetera) may be due to digital or instrumental efforts at the removal of a foreign body that never was present. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • A vestigial structure is any organ, bone, etcetera, that is shown to have no function whatsoever, is not necessary for the creature's survival, or is useless to serve the purpose that a homologous structure in another creature would serve. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • What might our media look like, what might our social fabric look like and how might it react, abreact or respond to various stimuli, etcetera? Wingnut Murder Spree or Are WE Part of the Problem?
  • Postcentral Fissural Complex -- In this hemicerebrum, the postcentral and subcentral are combined to form a continuous fissure, attaining a length of 8.5 cm. Christian Science
  • Soon afterwards, Biddy, Joe, and I, had a cold dinner together; but we dined in the best parlor, not in the old kitchen, and Joe was so exceedingly particular what he did with his knife and fork and the saltcellar and what not, that there was great restraint upon us. Great Expectations
  • July, 2000 corrector Andrew Rouner, The Electronic Text Center All Native American words have been tagged as "Quechua," though the author makes finer distinctions; not all foreign words have their language of origin indicated in the text, so in some cases, an educated guess was required to tag a word as Spanish or Quechuan. etextcenter@virginia. edu. Head Hunters of the Amazon: Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure
  • It may be mentioned that they are subdivided into a number of genera, as the sloths, etcetera; and here, again, without any very sufficient reason, since they all possess the scaly armour -- from which the name armadillo is derived -- and their habits are nearly identical. Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found A Book of Zoology for Boys
  • The diagnosis of TCE intoxication is based on a history of exposure. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • Other enhancements include an innovative cutcell meshing feature that produces nearly all hexahedral elements on complex ANSYS 13.0®: Built for Fidelity, Speed and Power - Yahoo! Finance
  • On one of those many delightful shelves is pads of paper, wedged in there with a paint-jar, paintbrushes, boxes of pencils, pens, crayons, etcetera.
  • Well, one-third of the space in the middle is to be the hall -- our drawing-room, dining-room, library, snuggery, smokery, public-room, etcetera, all in one. The Big Otter
  • During the festival, South African cuisine, such as boerewors, ostrich, crocodile steaks, snoek, etcetera, will be served, whilst guests will be entertained by the South African song and dance group ANC Daily News Briefing
  • & cortice coriaceo ut in reliquis mulcis obduftum; alterum vero latus quafi dilTeftum, & dein cuticula veluti tenuiore flavcTcente obduftum y calido & hu - mido coelo fe expandens ut gibbofius fiat; frigore autem & arida tempeftate planum magis evadit« Caroli a Linné equit. aur. de stella polari archiatri regii med. et botan. profess. Upsal. Acad ...
  • From its four hands hung the crystal saltcellar that had been a wedding gift from her mother. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • TCE is widely used in industry as a degreaser for metal parts, especially in the manufacturing of vehicles and machinery.
  • Some people say it is completely reactionary because it is in rhyme and meter and that it's got this antiquated stanzaic form etcetera.
  • And she told me, after she had looked it all over and said it wuz kinder thin and slazy, and checkered shawls had gone out of fashion, and the black looked some as if it would fade with washin ', and the white wuzn't over clear, and the colors wuzn't no ways becomin' to her complexion, and etcetery, etcetery. Samantha among the Brethren — Volume 3
  • Cellini worked in France for a period in the early 1540's, during which time he fashioned his famous saltcellar. Archive 2008-03-01
  • TCE is the least hepatotoxic of all the chlorinated hydrocarbons, but acute exposure may cause a transient increase in liver enzymes. 4 Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • Although with 16MB of RAM and a rather cute 190MHz CPU it would be able to handle the basics; solitaire, word processing etceteras, ultimately it is remarkable for its size.
  • This insecurity of resorting to “brand names” like Kennedy’s, Clinton’s, Bush’s etcetera is SAD! Presidents Past, Present and Future - The Caucus Blog -
  • You don't have to say anything etcetera, etcetera...' The accused looked at Clements. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Nonnative tamarisk or saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) has invaded many wetlands, and others have been drained and filled.
  • Especially in light of the Defense Secretary's blueprints for an escalated infowar of propoganda-making, media-hijack and story planting, etcetera, I think you are right.
  • There were water buckets, assorted bottles and flasks, a saltcellar, and a mortar and pestle. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • Then you'd realize that "bougainvillea" is ... etcetera etcetera etcetera... Archive 2007-04-01
  • The next class of chemicals was chlorinated solvents: TCE, dichloroethylene, and vinyl chloride.
  • Round two, now we're in what we call stability and support operations where we're dealing with, as you pointed out earlier, just these people running around without uniforms on, etcetera. CNN Transcript May 16, 2004
  • And they go through these arguments, and they find venture money to fund the company, and they get very famous people to endorse them, etcetera.
  • The defign of the (irfl Book, to which we rhall conlifie mil attention fc-f the prcfrr-t) u to trace the n (e aJid progrtrs of Iv bour, and iit opcradojiv, ai the foiiTce of wealth; and to rflj ihth clear principles and predfc ideai, concerning the origi and ufe of money, and the ciufei which drcermirei or whid vary, the price of cornmoditiei ind rem of landi. The Monthly Review
  • Generally the better dealers avoid such goods, but in the case of the saltcellar, the dealer hadn't been able to resist. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • The adults and young feed on saltcedar leaves, repeatedly defoliating the tree and depriving it of nutrients.
  • [33] and involves three steps, namely reduction of thiol groups using TCEP (tris (CarboxyEthyl) Phosphine), protein precipitation with trichloroacetic acid, and derivatization with SBD-F (7-fluorobenzene-2-oxy-1,3-diazolic-4-am ​ monium sulfate). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In contrast, tiny interlocking genitals concealed in mated planes of Irina Zaytceva's richly glazed and overglazed The Clog
  • The potential for CNS depression, respiratory depression, and the ability of this agent to sensitize the myocardium to the arrhythmogenic effects of catecholamines are the major toxicities of TCE poisoning. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • sloken a body on hot days"; their contempt for tomatoes, so fine to look at with their sunny colors and so disappointing in taste; the miserable cucumbers the "Yankee bodies" ate, though tasteless as rushes; the character of the Yankees, etcetera. The Story of My Boyhood and Youth
  • Skin exposed to TCE should be immediately rinsed with soap and water. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • A long list of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs [including benzene, xylene, hexane, heptane, octane, decane, trichloroethylene (TCE), and methylene chloride], have been shown to cause illnesses in people who are exposed to the compounds in indoor spaces. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • -- The wounding of the child's mouth, gums, and lips, in the often inefficacious methods with gags, hemostats, raspatories, etcetera, are entirely unnecessary. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Thisafter, swift’s mightmace deposing, he shall aidress to His Serenemost by a speechreading from his miniated vellum, alfi byrni gamman dealter etcera zezera eacla treacla youghta kaptor lomdom noo, who meaningwhile that illuminatured one, Papyroy of Pepinregn, my Sire, great, big King, Finnegans Wake
  • The inferior parietal lobule (lobulus parietalis inferior; subparietal district or lobule) lies below the horizontal portion of the intraparietal sulcus, and behind the lower part of the postcentral sulcus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon

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