How To Use Taxiway In A Sentence

  • Key factors to meet the new criteria include the length and width of runways, the width and curve radii of taxiways, and also the airport's pavement loading limits.
  • The airport will be expanded in the second phase where a second terminal will come up along with an apron, second runway and taxiway.
  • In the second phase, a second terminal building and another runway is to be constructed with a taxiway for aircraft landing and taking off.
  • The Tunis Air jet had slowed and was turning off the runway onto a taxiway. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • When he taxies around the corner on taxiway Alpha, he nearly comes nose-to-nose with a wide-body Lufthansa. Touching History
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  • Instead of landing on the runway, it landed on the taxiway, which is usually used by planes that just landed or are getting ready to takeoff, of course. CNN Transcript Oct 21, 2009
  • The cost estimate for the larger project, including the ramp expansion and taxiway, which is to run parallel to the runway and be 5,000 feet long by 35 feet wide, remains $6 million. Stories
  • Prior to any takeoff, it's also important to be aware of the contamination on the taxiways and runways.
  • The circuit uses part of one runway and some taxiways, leaving 75 per cent of the airfield still available for flying operations.
  • His personal pilot, Captain Bettinger, who flew him into Tempelhof on the publicity mission on Black Friday and was the codesigner of the “bicycle chain,” later waited fifteen minutes on a taxiway in 5549 so that he would not disrupt a “block” of slower C-47s. Daring Young Men
  • She tackled the drunken passenger, who tried to open the exit door as the Boeing 757 was speeding across a taxiway.
  • The government has acquired 3,800 acres of land wherein a 4,000 metre-long runway, taxiways, an apron area with aircraft stands and a terminal building will come up.
  • Keep the airplane moving when you're transitioning from the taxiway to the runway.
  • On Thursday evening a Continental Airlines jet from Newark, went into a snowbank after turning on to a hard-packed taxiway.
  • In addition to runways and taxiways, Sigel says most airport gate areas may not be sufficient to handle the new plane.
  • The funds go directly to airports and will also cover noise barriers near runways and taxiways and improved systems to monitor engine sound levels.
  • He and his three-man team are all qualified electricians responsible for 3300 fittings that comprise Tindal's runway, taxiways and Ordnance Loading Area lighting system.
  • Pilots taxiing onto runways or taxiways without clearance accounted for 62% of the cases.
  • The taxiway is very wide and long, better than the rough runways at that airport. Closed runways can't stop pilot-Sen. James Inhofe
  • My little part of aviation starts on downwind and ends when you turn off on a taxiway.
  • The project includes the construction of a new passenger terminal and adjacent facilities, including new piers for the aircraft, taxiways and runway lines, as well as a parking area for cars, among other items.
  • The upgrading is to include extensions to the runway, taxiway and apron, which will enable it to accommodate bigger aircraft.
  • We landed normally, turned off the active, completed the secure checklist, and exited the aircraft on the taxiway.
  • We have charts that show the names of all the runways, taxiways, terminals, etc.
  • I immediately raised the flaps and began full braking, slowing enough to take an instinctive left turn off the runway onto taxiway bravo as the prop windmilled to a halt.
  • The armored personnel carriers ahead of him had formed a corral that clearly outlined the proper taxiway. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • So the question is, how could the pilots have confused the taxiway, which is what they landed on, for the runway. CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2006
  • The aircraft finished final checks, taxied from the ramp toward the taxiway and proceeded to ruin my day.
  • A low power laser could create what would appear like a ‘wall of light’ at the intersections of taxiways and runways.
  • The taxiway are the blue lights to the right of it. CNN Transcript Oct 23, 2009
  • The runways, taxiways, and ramps had not been maintained, water supplies were brought in by trucks, and a system of portable generators and batteries provided the only available electrical power.
  • Snow covered taxiways and runways present a variety of problems while taxiing.
  • I'll land short, brake to a crawl before I turn off the active onto the taxiway. CORMORANT
  • Planes, as you may already know, have big wings because they need a lot of lift to get off the ground and start flying around and suchlike, which is mostly what planes do, although sometimes they just sit on the taxiway getting de-iced and making people impatient. Ekranoplan: world’s strangest airplane « raincoaster
  • I later surmised, from the Turkish-military aircraft parked in the revetments, that this taxiway was for military aircraft with a short wingspan.
  • Getting the runway rebuilt will improve the surface for fliers, but the taxiway is a major safety improvement. Undefined
  • Consequently, FOD can be found on the parking aprons, taxiways, and runways of almost every airport and airbase in the world.
  • Even though closely spaced parallel approaches increase the throughput capacity, an optimal taxiway layout is necessary to minimize gate-runway time and reduce incursions.
  • However, the bays and taxiways were unsealed and unsuitable for the operation of aircraft; in the wet season they would be completely inaccessible.
  • That includes hangars and parking areas for the Wedgetail and improvements to the runways and taxiways.
  • ‘They were on the dirt taxiway between the airstrip and the game lodge where my passengers were overnighting,’ he recounts.
  • The remains of the runway, dispersal areas, taxiways and bone yard are all still there along with the remnants of a war that ended nearly 60 years ago.
  • I am a long time in a fantasy island paradise built on a taxiway.
  • He watched her all the way: onto the plane, out to the taxiway, up into the air. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • $556,797 grant from the Federal Aviation Administration that would be used to reconstruct a portion of the airport's "Alpha" taxiway, which is the primary taxiway for the facility's main runway. - Local News
  • The pilots landed at Laredo, left the aircraft sitting on a taxiway and fled into the night.
  • He almost missed the turning off the taxiway to the runway and had to brake hard at the last minute.
  • Moving out onto the Paine Field taxiway, the aircraft moved to the north end for engine runs.
  • Dash 2 had aborted at 100 knots, and the pilot was able to slow the aircraft enough to pull off the runway onto a taxiway.

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