How To Use Taxing In A Sentence

  • It was taxing to repeat the performance, and took nearly twice as long to finish drawing the sigils and runes.
  • Feats that are usually demanding and taxing are accomplished with ease.
  • He ordered detailed cadastral surveys in order to determine whether a tithe of produce or a fixed impost on agricultural land would be the most efficient method of taxing agricultural revenues.
  • But our cases usually involve nothing more taxing than sitting in front of a computer screen drinking coffee and making phone calls. DEAD BEAT
  • Although the day had presented no taxing challenge, he had conducted himself with dignity and ability.
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  • There are some puzzles in the game, but nothing too brain taxing.
  • As with other protectionist schemes, it is really about taxing Americans and imposing price floors to benefit a politically influential industry.
  • This does not mean just taxing the rich and chucking the money up the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taxing capital gains on home sales - partially offset by the abolition of stamp duty - would break this cycle of irrationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will be responsible for taxing and insuring the car and complying with all legal and regulatory requirements. The Sun
  • How exactly do we justify over-taxing struggling families with children to keep gassing up the Winnebagos of over-rewarded elders?
  • ‘Doing everything on your own had been quite taxing but without the car I would have felt quite stranded’, she says.
  • Marriage made her Lady Andrew Cavendish, then Marchioness of Hartington, th en Duchess of Devonshire that ' s all the same husband, and I can ' t blame Americans who find British nomenclature taxing; since her husband died six years ago, she has been the Dowager Duchess. Portrait of a Vanishing World
  • Video editing is a taxing chore, which is why we choose to use it on motherboards to test performance.
  • They offer a comprehensive understanding of electronic mediums that most people find mentally taxing and tedious.
  • This paper tries to study systematically the principle of taxing in accordance with statute and perfectness of tax lawmaking from the theories and fulfillments.
  • Making the seasonal switch most summers from skinny salads to hearty game dishes is taxing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is currently taxing the brains of the nation's experts .
  • Look, if we're taxing people for bad lifestyle choices, why stop at banoffee pie? Times, Sunday Times
  • Barack Obama and John Edwards advocate taxing capital gains at 28%; Hillary Clinton favors taxing dividends at the surtaxed income-tax rates. The Truth About the Top 1%
  • It's a moderate-intensity workout that challenges your body without overtaxing it, so you improve your mood while increasing your confidence.
  • It was particularly taxing, because with the clear skies, warm sun, and still, balmy weather we experienced for the entire journey, it became really quite hot in the car.
  • This does not mean just taxing the rich and chucking the money up the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Julius Drake plays his part with dedication and conviction, particularly in the dissonant sections where Ives' demands are extremely taxing.
  • As many as 100,000 birds can live in each ‘henhouse’ Conditions are so psychologically taxing on the birds that they must be debeaked to prevent pecking injuries.
  • The care of the publique must oversway all private interests, for it is a true rule that perticuler estates cannot subsist in the ruinue of the publique." sic It's very difficult to hear the arguments against taxing the inordinately wealthy as reflecting anything of that evangelical sentiment and social imperative. Frank G. Kirkpatrick: Searching For The Common Good In Political Discourse
  • Or, if deciding between right or wrong was too taxing, they could simply text in semi-literate messages to the show instead.
  • There are more politically viable alternatives to a carbon tax, writes Jeffrey Sachs: A feed-in tariff subsidizes the low-carbon energy source rather than taxing the high-carbon energy source. Wonkbook: 57% worry about mortgage; midterm might cost $4 billion; to triangulate or not to triangulate?
  • Exercise without a proper warm-up is very taxing to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints.
  • Ofcourse by taxing hard working americans more so that obama can pass his healthcare agenda and raising electic and energy rates so the nuts that believe in global warming, like al gore who will make millions off of cap and trade will be happy. CNN Poll: Americans say country still in recession
  • The logic behind taxing residents of a country is clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of states are considering taxing cosmetic surgery like facelifts, tummy tucks, and Botox injections.
  • Nothing particularly taxing, and the car behaved as you would expect it to, reliably, comfortably but not excitingly.
  • His bright tenor was untiring in the taxing role, full of Italianate cavatinas.
  • Legislation regarding the taxing of bookmakers was going to be amended and they would be given six months' grace under the old payment system.
  • Generally, accountants cannot report their clients to taxing authorities due to confidentiality and privacy legal issues.
  • They're thinking of taxing textbooks I ask you, we'll have to pay to go to bed next!
  • The profits from capitalism are redistributed to millions of people, not through taxing and public spending but through collective investment trusts.
  • The reality is that this Budget proposes to continue overtaxing hard-working New Zealand families and New Zealand businesses.
  • Owen would have made a fairish corporal, given no work more taxing than lifting heavy weights and advancing into the cannon's mouth, but Junior had always been slightly wanting, Jerry told me, and the Kansas fighting had sent him off the rails altogether. THE NUMBERS
  • I married and had a child early, my job was extremely taxing, and I was certainly in collusion with all the demands that rained down. Life Begins At 40 « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The French crown was forced to pay for its Canadian expenditures by borrowing or taxing in France and shipping specie to the New World.
  • Overtaxing the people. - and overtaxing poor workers, in order to achieve that $5.6 billion surplus.
  • The barrier began to waver, cracks limned in shifting coronae of flame appearing as more and more shots dumped their freezing charges into the shield, taxing Ramirez to the limit.
  • The taxing of consumption does make current saving more attractive.
  • By taxing the hell out of your carefully-husbanded 401 (k). Defending Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I had to do a bit of work this morning but nothing too taxing, then I decided to rush off and find this cache.
  • Add to that the already taxing process of producing the film in differing formats (i.e. 2D film, 2D digital, 3D, IMAX, etc.), plus the burden of an international day-and-date release, and you have a logistical nightmare. Fox Created 18 Different Versions of Avatar for the U.S., Over 100 Versions Worldwide | /Film
  • Organizing the open forum had been emotionally taxing as well.
  • When used sparingly and with specific civil compliance goals, criminal tax prosecutions can greatly increase voluntary compliance and engender public acceptance of the power of the taxing authority.
  • However, it remains to be seen whether the Taxing Master, who adjudicates on legal costs, would approve a bill this size.
  • Although she admits that being open 24 hours a day can be taxing on the staff, they are very dedicated.
  • you are taxing my patience
  • The Confederate government could have achieved the necessary reduction in cotton production by taxing the export of cotton.
  • Taxing Microsoft software insecurity is a bad, if not silly idea. Various Articles, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He takes a similarly pragmatic view of taxing bank bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many neighborhood associations or condominium associations have taxing authority, and can compel individuals to contribute.
  • The travel and time schedules of a presidential campaign are brutally taxing even for the sprightliest of contenders. UPDATED: McCain makes a major mistake about a very basic Iraq issue -- two days in a row
  • The kids are really taxing my patience today.
  • Just the day before the child had spent nearly four taxing hours at the Criminal Investigations Department recapping the whole sordid affair.
  • Organizing the open forum had been emotionally taxing as well.
  • A special cadre of judicial officers, the taxing masters, has been established to carry out this process.
  • A gaggle of schoolgirls were skating in the park today, their giggles cluttering the air, taxing the snow's quiet. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • They offer inoffensive and untaxing humour; the trouble is, it is also so safe and undistinctive it risks being unmemorable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most immediate effect of the bankruptcy and the State's reviving capacity for taxing its citizens was to increase its unpopularity among the very propertied groups on which it claimed to base its support.
  • Wow, I am amazed at how fast, warp speed, the WH is back-pedalling on taxing the middle class for the health care reform. White House steadfast on pledge of no middle-class tax increase
  • These are taxing times in the drive to curb the growing power of the multinationals. Times, Sunday Times
  • He takes a similarly pragmatic view of taxing bank bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The taxing of consumption does make current saving more attractive.
  • As in most American taxing jurisdictions, the assessor first appraises the separate market value of land and buildings for each taxable parcel.
  • It is all very good but towards the end the power of music becomes taxing to the senses as too much cake would become to the stomach.
  • On the Home Front, women's tasks were diverse and often physically taxing.
  • Will they phase in taxing employer health benefits over time? Wonk Room » Republicans Unveil Alternative Health Care Plan
  • Now the Government has proposed to crack down on mileage allowances by taxing drivers who cover large distances.
  • Being a flunkey is a lot more taxing than people think.
  • Taxing fuel by dollar amounts is an incredibly bad idea. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » My Climate Plan
  • What isn't reflected on the balance sheet, Jim, and what doesn't apply to the case of an individual who owes a creditor is that the US gov't enjoys taxing authority. Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Now the Government has proposed to crack down on mileage allowances by taxing drivers who cover large distances.
  • This is a party ideologically addicted to spending and borrowing and taxing. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Government is overtaxing New Zealanders specifically to have a bucket of money so that it can socially engineer what it hands back.
  • Thank you to all those who blindly push for this in taxing my children and grandchildren in the name of socialism. Freshman Dem: Passing health care reform worth losing my seat
  • During the long and taxing journey up into the high mountain fastness where the Huntress’s people dwell, I came to view this less as an epigram and more as an axiom. Duet « A Fly in Amber
  • The worst of the fallout from Obama's maniacal spending and taxing is yet to come ...... stevie CNN Poll: Only one in eight say economic recovery underway
  • Today's employment report reminds us that spending, taxing, and borrowing with reckless abandon is no way to create more jobs, yet that is exactly what Democrats in charge of Washington have done all year long," House Minority Leader John Boehner said in a statement. Republicans slam Dems over latest jobs report
  • Serious question, how is cutting more out of the budget egregiously out of balance with taxing people more? Obama and the budget: giving away too much? | Michael Tomasky
  • Reason 5 -- tax incidence: as I pointed out, $1/gallon is not high enough to reduce consumption much (though it is high enough to divert a lot of money from better uses into government coffers), so we would not, in fact, succeed in taxing Arabs and Venezuelans very much. Greg Mankiw Pumps for a Higher Gas Tax, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It's unlikely that you'll be asked to do anything too taxing.
  • The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.
  • Urban sprawl is taxing the city's infrastructure; local authorities have identified some $3 billion in much-needed transportation improvements.
  • I can easily see how a model that is accurate for estimating the consquences of modest changes in taxing an spending could be inaccurate for modeling drastic changes. The Employment Situation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The questions, both silly and taxing, were demonstrated using party tricks and wheezes, then explained scientifically to lend the programme an educational edge.
  • When they realize that they are overtaxing their bodies, they discontinue this practice and from then on will lift only as much as their bodies can safely bear.
  • This problem is overtaxing my brain.
  • The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.
  • It took guts to be a sculptor: to work long physically taxing hours with few chances of sales. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Those heading to Africa this month for the cool fall season, when darting is the least taxing to the animals, can choose from a plethora of safaris.
  • If the National Party is sincere about not taxing people more, it should not promote tolls on roads.
  • In this case the company reassigned the drivers to less physically taxing jobs.
  • Thus, the general principle is that one must look to the particular taxing statute.
  • My Eyes have been leaving me in the lurch again: partly perhaps from taxing them with a little more Reading: partly from going on the Water, and straining after our River Beacons, in hot Sun and East Wind; partly also, and _main partly_ I doubt, from growing so much older and the worse for wear. Letters of Edward FitzGerald in Two Volumes Vol. II
  • His battle with nature will end up taxing all his resourcefulness and overturning his usual elegance.
  • Producing effects that manifested Iannucci's remarkable flights of comedy fantasy must, at times, have proved just as taxing for them as animating a diplodocus.
  • They can't wait to pontificate on the virtues of itsy-bitsy, low taxing, low spending government, but then whenever they get their hands on the damn thing they drive up the national debt like Yahweh himself told them it was their personal holy crusader's mission to party hearty at the public's expense (“I command you to choose a hockey mom from amongst your number, and cause her to buildeth a bridge to nowhere!”). Printing: Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children
  • Gas companies are accumulating large land parcels to sell to even bigger international companies, lured by the potential for billions in untaxed earnings -- if they succeed in persuading New York State politicians allow fracking to begin without taxing it. Alison Rose Levy: Water or Gas? Karl Rove, Cheney, and Cohorts Weighing In On Key NY Race
  • The job of the modern presidency is so complex, so taxing, so intense that one's disposition even more than one's mental bandwidth may be the key to handling the job.
  • While that is significant in their world the effect of their inclination to wastefullness is swamped by the much larger effects of 'autopilot' spending and taxing and a growing economy. Debating Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The emphasis is not on taxing pollutants or simply outlawing pollutants.
  • This does not mean just taxing the rich and chucking the money up the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Driving buses is physically and emotionally taxing, with increasing demands for customer service, working congested routes, avoiding road rage, and dealing with schoolchildren.
  • In the same 1790 report Hamilton reminded Congress that merchants, naturally, paid import duties, and that since merchants had always been the class most committed to American nationhood, taxing them further would be onerous and disaffecting; hence the need for a new tax not on imports but on a domestic product. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2007 – December – 15
  • But as the birth of the American republic so brilliantly demonstrates, the taxing power of the government is far from being unlimited.
  • For Hoffman, acting is taxing, demanding and isolating.
  • In other words, we have moved quite quickly and today government in Manitoba is taxing less, borrowing less and, in real terms, spending less than it was twelve months ago. A Time for Fiscal Responsibility
  • Hence liberal egalitarians favour taxing free exchanges in order to compensate the naturally and socially disadvantaged.
  • In addition, gaining or losing weight too quickly can negatively impact health by overtaxing your body.
  • Haggling over the prices of groceries can be a taxing job, but Delhi's home-makers may finally breathe easy.
  • Writing one novel must be taxing, but writing a novel within a novel within a novel within a novel must be nigh on impossible.
  • We will gradually replace the lost income tax through eco-taxes, starting with taxing climate change and carbon monoxide emissions, and ensuring that diesel users pay their fair share for the health costs of their emissions.
  • They (the liberals) are spending money they do not have and will need to come from excessive taxing from the American public (workers not welfare recipents). Even with Franken, breaking up (a filibuster) is hard to do
  • They are backed by a powerful government committed to the servicing of its debt and wielding enormous money-printing and taxing powers that are revocable only in a shattering political upheaval.
  • The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.
  • For intensive growth to occur, elites could no longer engage in taxing the marginal product at high rates, thus shifting from a regime of rent seekers to a regime that accrues income from the increasing marketization of society.
  • They will be responsible for taxing and insuring the car and complying with all legal and regulatory requirements. The Sun
  • Maybe we should taxing 50% of all movie profits above 250,000 dollars to pay for this dumb bill! vlj in mn Freshman Dem: Passing health care reform worth losing my seat
  • The episode features three locale shifts and two car chases - taxing under ideal circumstances, inexcusable when the crew is exhausted and the budget trimmed.
  • But can you imagine how taxing this must be on their self esteems?
  • The idea of taxing wealth is dangerously seductive, even to some on the Right.
  • For all the fevered prebudget speculation about taxing the rich, the truth is the chancellor has little room for manoeuvre. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you have learned, I am a bit reserved and quiet, so with Yappy McYapster in the stall next to me, my time in the slammer was quite taxing. Bruce Reyes-Chow: A Dog's Letter to Her New Family
  • Taxing the people in conquered territories also provided an incentive to build empires. Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • Moreover, regarding your inane “taxing success” comment — do you think “success” is some metaphysically special event that occurs outside the normal realm of external causation and interconnectedness? Wonk Room » More Than 99% Of The Kyl-Lincoln $250 Billion Estate Tax Giveaway Goes To Wealthy Families
  • He conclusively felt that his forenoon was the better half of the day for clear-headedness and hard labor; he has added nearly a score of pounds to his weight, and his case has been a wonder to all his farmer friends, who see only starvation in cutting down brain and needless stomach taxing. The No Breakfast Plan and the Fasting-Cure
  • But still, calves or no calves, the demands of balancing an education with extracurricular responsibilities are taxing indeed.
  • Physical stress is caused by misuse or overuse of the body, such as exercising too much or working for extended periods at a job that is physically taxing.
  • Nor to the Soviet Empire that we faced down patiently over half a century, nor to the great British Empire from which we broke free in a long and taxing struggle that affords a better picture of our kith and kin than any the world may have today of who we are and of what we are capable. The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page: Sept. 12, 2001
  • Raising taxes on busines, and on wealthier individuals because UMMM taxing is good ..... Obama informs top diplomatic, military officials of Afghan decision
  • ‘Smoke’ had the horsepower to keep the field in his rearview mirror at California, but the team must be more conservative in its gear selection to avoid overtaxing the engine.
  • Meanwhile, and without overt religious logic, the regime plundered the church, taxing the seculars heavily while abolishing the regular orders entirely and confiscating their wealth.
  • Which will require taxing the bejesus out of them.
  • For the military with an ample supply of draught animals the roads offered few problems but for the less able the steep ascents from a valley floor over high passes were taxing.
  • The beauty of the Hollywood Plus is that the system requirements are not very taxing at all.
  • But if the phaseout remains, business and investors would have to deal with a far more uncertain and complex regime for taxing dividends.
  • The principle applies not only to taxing statutes but all forms of statute law.
  • His left lung should be able to sustain him, but he'll never be able to perform any physically taxing job again.
  • The long course takes about two hours of physically taxing skiing.
  • The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.
  • The national park can be taxing enough in an air-conditioned hire car. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can't wait to pontificate on the virtues of itsy-bitsy, low taxing, low spending government, but then whenever they get their hands on the damn thing they drive up the national debt like Yahweh himself told them it was their personal holy crusader's mission to party hearty at the public's expense ( "I command you to choose a hockey mom from amongst your number, and cause her to buildeth a bridge to nowhere!"). Twenty Years From Now, You Will Lie To Your Children
  • I accept that is a taxing Act, but, on the other hand, they are intended to be beneficial and benevolent provisions.
  • Now, taxing estates, as income, to their beneficiaries is slightly less odious, and far less complicated. Buffet's Trade Proposal, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A stance should be taken on taxing dividends from equity mutual fund schemes.
  • The city offers free-trade zones with preferential taxing, single company free-trade zones, income tax deductions and local tax exceptions to businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The challenge of how to make money out of downloadable music is clearly too taxing for them.
  • Thus, the notion that not taxing is an incetive is inappropriate. Prescott on Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Taxing pollution makes sense, although cap-and-trade is a flawed means of reducing carbon emissions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.
  • GIFFORD: As well as working out how to say fudge and mudge in 27 European languages, the EU has been trying informal attempts to harmonize those national policies on taxing and spending. In Europe, Obstacles To A More Perfect Union
  • If uncleared land is valued less than cleared land (for rating or taxing purposes), there is some incentive to preserve vegetation.
  • Carrying a baby for nine months is very taxing, emotionally and physically.
  • The flight-training program that normally took three years was condensed to a physically and emotionally taxing six months.
  • This shift of taxing and spending is called geonomics and could help us all see each other as equals and grow more tolerant of differences. Undefined
  • It would be equally ridiculous to think of taxing only unemployed workers to finance the unemployment compensation payments which they receive.
  • The commitment to the commune, as the best means of taxing and policing the peasantry, was repeatedly reaffirmed.
  • We may be overtaxing you, but we know better than you how to spend your hard-earned wages.
  • The term split petition is used because of the Tax factor plan that is not seen because of the intent not to show a capital Taxing of close to a $100 trillion dollar package, a yearly system income, not profit..... Texas Faith: Is health care a moral imperative? | RELIGION Blog |
  • A gaggle of schoolgirls were skating in the park today, their giggles cluttering the air, taxing the snow's quiet. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Keeping a relatively tight formation in rough air was physically taxing, especially if you were flying wingman positions in a six-ship flight.
  • Even the prospect of getting down to taxing schoolwork did not daunt Amy.
  • If you're too breathless to form complete sentences, you're exercising too hard and overtaxing your heart.
  • All local governments in Kenya have taxing authority, including the right to levy a tax on property.
  • Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means.
  • After all, it's not likely to be particularly taxing on the brain and I quite like the idea of getting paid when I'm not at my most alert.
  • As between solicitor and client in both contentious and non-contentious costs the taxing officer starts with the retainer.
  • This is a party ideologically addicted to spending and borrowing and taxing. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Don't even think about overtaxing yourself, because I'm not going down there to rescue you,’ Tybbeth shot back, opening one eye.
  • These are taxing times in the drive to curb the growing power of the multinationals. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm the kind of person that needs something to grasp my attention completely for me to apply myself fully - that's the good thing about my work, it's not at all taxing, so I can get away with less than 70% effort!
  • Taxing poverty Popular myth has it that poor peasants and casual workers in the Third World do not pay tax.
  • The challenge of how to make money out of downloadable music is clearly too taxing for them.
  • And some have gone even further, fighting waste by taxing landfill space or encouraging conservation by taxing electricity and water.
  • The city offers free-trade zones with preferential taxing, single company free-trade zones, income tax deductions and local tax exceptions to businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carry on working; we'll carry on overtaxing you, but there's nothing for you in this Budget.
  • Actually, what should have been discussed -- and should be at another time -- is how the emphasis on housing as well as upscale accoutrements has not been good for the country (besides being another fixed game in taxing schemes). Home Building Trends, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It would be unduly onerous for the taxing authorities to ensure that there was a system in place to identify any such inconsistent treatment.
  • But if such was her mischievous purpose she was completely disappointed; for Roland Graeme, internally piquing himself on his self-command, neither laughed nor was discomposed; and all that the maiden gained by her frolic was a severe rebuke from her companion, taxing her with mal-address and indecorum. The Abbot
  • Being a flunkey is a lot more taxing than people think.
  • Although the para is more taxing, the kago occupies the longest period of work in the uma. FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PATCH CULTIVATION AND SWIDDEN FARMING PRACTICES
  • All right, suppose the majority decide they want to subsidise fuel prices so that it's cheaper to run a car, rather than taxing fuel.
  • The requirement of playing twice in three days is unusual and arguably unreasonable in Asia, where heat and humidity can be taxing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In such cases, the extensive use of tax credits reverses the burden of providing the information from the taxing authority to the taxpayer, who thereby has to prove compliance.
  • The repertoire will not be too taxing and will vary from musicals, light opera and more formal pieces.
  • His successors grew rich by taxing the passing trade, and claiming descent from the moon, filled their palace with furniture of beaten silver.
  • But he knew that it would mortify his mother exceedingly, to learn that he was repaying Mr. Beach's kindness by taxing his purse; and he intended to stop the draft from going to the drawee, by payment of it. Master William Mitten: or, A Youth of Brilliant Talents, Who Was Ruined by Bad Luck
  • Today's employment report reminds us that spending, taxing, and borrowing with reckless abandon is no way to create more jobs, yet that is exactly what Democrats in charge of Washington have done all year long, Republicans slam Dems over latest jobs report
  • I also wonder whether the scrapbooking enthusiasm of its composition doesn't end up taxing the reader. The Times Literary Supplement
  • That means that it should be federal or confederal, and the component units should have independent taxing and spending authority.
  • I would like to know what Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner have been smoking or drinking to make a statement like this "Today's employment report reminds us that spending, taxing, and borrowing with reckless abandon is exactly what Democrats in charge of Washington have done all year long," For eight years the Republican spending, taxing, and borrowing with reckless abandon took a surplus into massive deficit themselfs. Republicans slam Dems over latest jobs report
  • Cutting, trimming, finishing, pressing: it was taxing work, though not for the bosses who upped and relocated their operations to other sites nearby in order to escape the clutches of the VAT man.
  • This whole situation must be really taxing for you.
  • The issue of taxing domestic fuel has become a political hot potato.

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