How To Use taxer In A Sentence
- (Darius Nothus) (423-404 B.C.), the younger _Cyrus_ undertook to dethrone his brother _Artaxerxes II_., and for that purpose organized, in Asia Outline of Universal History
- At a later stage of his reign, Artaxerxes II was forced to invade the country of the Cadusians again.
- And we especially need to hammer away at Democratic cap and taxer congressmen who represent red districts. Rewarding party loyalty: Kirk, Castle, and Cao. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
- They also show Ahura Mazda fighting his nemisis Arhiman, and Darius, Xerxes, and various Artaxerxeses worshiping AM. Eric Lurio: Notes on the Iran/Persia Conflict: A Travelogue -- Part Four
- Remmember anybody making under 250k will not see a single dime increase on their taxer, in one day he hiked the cigarette tax 60 cents. Tea Party isn’t about racism
- He changed from an Abraham Lincoln supporter to a Greenbacker; in succession he was a Granger, a Union Labor man, and a Single Taxer. THE AMERICAN WEST
- Tucker, seeing in the single tax nothing but ‘robbery,’ characterized the single taxers as future ‘inquisitors.’
- Well, that means whoever is the taxer is the burdener. CNN Transcript Sep 17, 2006
- The longer he was in there, the bigger spender and the higher taxer he became," Barney Keller, a Club for Growth spokesman, said of Mr. Thompson. A Thompson Bid; Snappy Answers to Occupiers
- Conventional wisdom has socialists down as high taxers and big spenders.