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How To Use Taxation In A Sentence

  • The tax assessor determined that the property was subject to taxation based on its infrequent use for religious purposes. Christianity Today
  • Any changes to taxation laws in these jurisdictions are matters for regulators and governments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her specialty is taxation law.
  • Support from the landed classes was maintained only by an impossibly complex and grossly unfair system of taxation. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • The burden of taxation has risen considerably.
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  • Differences in excise duties and value added tax on consumption may also induce consumers to make their purchases in the countries with the lowest taxation level.
  • The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation.
  • The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kids weren't bogged down by the taxation plot device that seems to unnecessarily bother us adults, they saw it for the enjoyable romp that it was.
  • I personally believe that the correct way to help families is through the taxation system.
  • The taxation procedure is a method of assessing a reasonable rate of overall payment for the task carried out.
  • Obivously, by the mere actions of ABC and the other lib media, the censorship of anything healthcare will lead to something being signed .... what they cannot prevent or censor is the draining of your paycheck through taxation ... Pelosi: There will be public option in House health care bill
  • What she finds particularly galling is the tea partiers 'oft-repeated revolutionary cry of taxation without representation, despite the election of a president on the highest voter turnout since 1968. Three books on the Tea Party, reviewed by Steven Levingston
  • I shall again be told, of course, that the Treasury won't stand for hypothecated taxation.
  • The growth and health of the black and informal economies is one clear evidence of the disincentive effects of taxation.
  • Government debt can always be repaid, because only governments have the coercive power of taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wars of the period necessitated the heaviest direct taxation since the 1650s.
  • This involves dedicating 8 per cent of taxation revenue to a superannuation fund which is then invested to build a portfolio of financial assets.
  • Taxation of the rich would provide funds aplenty for public investment in publicly owned services.
  • Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
  • Overtaxation was and still is - a terminal condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note that progressives here are unthinkingly using the standard Republican framing of taxation issues -- a bicycle fee would "penalize" the "worthy" among us -- as well as fulminating in faux populist us vs. them terms. BlueOregon
  • the imposed taxation
  • To be responsible for the taxation publicity; to administer tax receipts and certificates.
  • A favourable system of taxation has led to the Bahamas becoming an important financial centre.
  • And if you tax consumption with indirect taxation, taxes often pyramid, with resultant price increases of a regressive nature.
  • Bccounting Functions, including general account responsibilities, customer billings, accounts receivables and payables, ledger, inventory, taxation.
  • This is an indirect taxation on lower earners, which can mean that for a £100 increase in earnings the actual net benefit can be as low as £20.
  • One means was, of course, new taxation, which was imposed on salt, stamps, hackney coaches, and, especially, on land.
  • Her stance on taxation could be a big vote-getter in this election.
  • We asked William Diamond, pre-eminent expert in international taxation, for his picks.
  • They were treated as a married couple for taxation purposes.
  • Union that the capital resource of commercial imposts, which is the most convenient branch of revenue, can be prudently improved to a much greater extent under federal than under State regulation, and of course will render it less necessary to recur to more inconvenient methods; and with this further advantage, that as far as there may be any real difficulty in the exercise of the power of internal taxation, it will impose a disposition to greater care in the choice and arrangement of the means; and must naturally tend to make it a fixed point of policy in the national administration to go as far as may be practicable in making the luxury of the rich tributary to the public treasury, in order to diminish the necessity of those impositions which might create dissatisfaction in the poorer and most numerous classes of the society. The Federalist Papers
  • Redressing economic inequality through more progressive taxation of the rich is out.
  • The overall effect will be offset by higher insurance thresholds, and a slightly higher base for income taxation as social contributions are deducted from gross income before charging income taxes.
  • I thought right from the beginning that he had an amazing knowledge of finance and municipal budgeting and taxation.
  • These changes have reduced the burden of taxation on the wealthy considerably.
  • The solution does not lie solely in taxation; new regulation would offer new options. Computing
  • Everyone agrees that the fairest form of taxation is a progressive income tax: the more one earns, the more one pays.
  • Such services might be provided free of charge but paid for out of taxation. Business Studies Basic Facts
  • There is a strong case for arts subsidies out of general taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, the knights and burgesses soon realized that they held the purse strings: the Second Statute of 14 Edward III (1341), sometimes called the Statute de Tallagio non Concedendo (“no taxation without representation”) required that all nonfeudal levies receive parliamentary approval. 1347-55
  • W: Good morning , sir. We are from Gulou Branch of Nangjing Local Taxation Bureau.
  • The legislation was formally captioned “a bill to provide revenue by the taxation of certain nonintoxicating liquors,” but you couldn’t have the revenue without the redefinition. LAST CALL
  • When America's Founders revolted against "taxation without representation," this is precisely the kind of kingly diktat they had in mind. Reckless 'Endangerment'
  • These assets were paid for by our forefathers through money raised through local taxation.
  • I have not tried to make a positive case for land value taxation, which seemed superfluous.
  • The shake-up is contained in a review of local taxation drawn up by an all-party Parliamentary group.
  • A favorable climate of legislation, regulation, and taxation will foster such development.
  • The founding agreement of the coalition included a pledge to 'review the taxation of nondomiciled individuals'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, the commission is likely to pursue consumption taxation by stealth and indirection.
  • Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation. Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable here. Profits sourced elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax.
  • Interest payments are deductable from a corporations taxable income therefore the double taxation problem is resolved. Consumption Tax?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Under a system of progressive income taxation, there are few apriori sustainable generalizations about the labour supply consequences of taxation.
  • Advocates of this stance often quote a 1960 Supreme Court opinion, which states that "our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint. Four Frivolous Tax Arguments That Won't Work
  • Real wages increased by 44 percent and there were other gains in the form of food subsidies, shorter working hours and social insurance, financed by steep progressive taxation.
  • It's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money.Sentence dictionary
  • Tired of having her name butchered by colleagues, she interrupted a House Revenue and Taxation Committee meeting Monday to offer a little phonetic direction on the northern Swiss surname she took when she married her husband, Jim. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Commercial exchange, conducted at urban markets, was subject to elaborate customs and taxation.
  • Any profits made are totally exempt from taxation.
  • The two leaders will announce a new double taxation agreement to help businesses and employees in both countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll take off my clothes in protest of this taxation and get on his back, side-saddle. My Crush on Daniel Ortega
  • Generally, however, double taxation treaties exist between countries which permit overseas residents to purchase their securities.
  • The meeting explored import duties, labor regulations, immigration, taxation, trade facilitation and investment issues in both countries.
  • That perhaps gives us some idea of what the regional taxation profile will look like.
  • the bond is subject to taxation
  • The date was postponed several times due to the unsettled issue of taxation.
  • Apparently the kings could rely not only on taxation from the civitates, but also on local armed forces.
  • Households in this country are so leveraged that they cannot afford higher per capita taxation of any type.
  • Most taxpayers who were eligible for the advance payment received a notice from the taxation office shortly before they got their check.
  • These changes have reduced the burden of taxation on the wealthy considerably.
  • This new dispensation in turn required the expansion of the political nation to create a legitimate match of taxation and representation.
  • The ruling executive wanted a decision postponed to assess a review of benefits and taxation.
  • + (1) The Physiocrats taught that land alone yielded a net produce, was thus the ultimate source of taxation, and should be made the immediate source, and all simplified by a single tax (impot unique) on land. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • City State Taxation Bureau , city Revenue Department , the municipal government office in Beijing.
  • Here there is little or no help, but a small tweak to the taxation system could make an enormous difference to stay-at-home mothers.
  • To birds kind enterprise of treatment breed aquatics, shandong will offer taxation favourable policy.
  • The two biggest threats to your lump sum are inflation and taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any changes to taxation laws in these jurisdictions are matters for regulators and governments. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was just a matter of dividing the national income cake into more equal slices by means of redistributive taxation.
  • A reduced standard of living will develop from increasing taxation and rising unemployment.
  • Re-skilling Britain may be a worthy objective, but it's more likely to be achieved by officials and politicians butting out, cutting the burden of regulation and taxation, and letting business people get on with the wealth-creation job that they know far better than any government ever will. Ed Miliband's New Labour economics
  • Chinese population has depressed the market and driven all such things out - hence the best valuation I can now set upon them is the appraisement value made by the French [gap word illegible] with a view to taxation. Letter from Young John Allen to Dr Lehon,1868?
  • Generally, however, double taxation treaties exist between countries which permit overseas residents to purchase their securities.
  • The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.
  • A meaningful minimum wage, reinforced by progressive taxation on high earners, could be a start.
  • People on $60,000 face an effective marginal taxation rate of around 90c in the dollar.
  • A further cause for unease is that adherence to a free market philosophy combined with reduced taxation has increased economic inequality.
  • While admittedly not actual taxation, many impose all sorts of conditions on foreigners, effectively excluding all but the super-rich.
  • Income tax rates will not be increased and the progressive taxation system will be preserved.
  • Plans to improve public services are a way of sugaring the pill of increased taxation.
  • Have the “LibDems” costed how many taxmen they can fire with 4 million taken out of taxation altogether? HALLELUJAH!
  • Our taxation system should not be based on race, ethnicity, religious belief, or creed.
  • The Australian government's lack of consensus on taxation and environmental issues has threatened several oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf expansion, Gorgon gasfield development, Bayu Undan, PNG Gas Pipeline, Methanex's Syngas facility in Darwin and Duke Energy's Bass Strait Pipeline. Energy profile of Australia
  • It is therefore highly necessary to reduce the effective marginal taxation to enhance the incentive to work.
  • But the Minister in the chair should tell us what will happen to that family's effective marginal taxation rate as its income goes a bit higher.
  • Since then we have had grouses about red-tape, taxation, education, high interest rates, bad weather, directors’ pay, students' fees and much more besides.
  • To circumvent the problem, what we need is to propose land value taxation in an incremental manner, first as a hypothecated tax or benefit tax linking benefits to the community with the land taxes paid and demonstrating how the community or city development activities lead to land value uplifts for land-owners so that it is a win-win situation for all. Scott Baker: Will India Lead the Way in Urban Land Tax Reform? A Mission Director from the Indian Ministry of Housing Provides Some Answers
  • A business would probably be wise to get taxation advice from their accountant or call the ATO if they have any confusion," he said. ARN News
  • We will publish a draft Budget four months before the final version, to promote open discussion of economic and taxation policy.
  • Taxpayer who adopts the regular payment method should inform the respective taxation bureau in advance.
  • The renewed oppression of the Continent by the old reigning families, the countenance apparently given by the English Government to the conspiracy against liberty called the Holy Alliance, and the enormous weight of the national debt and taxation occasioned by so long and costly a war, tendered the government and parliament very unpopular. Chapter IV. Youthful Propagandism. The Westminster Review
  • The Social Democrats are still wedded to the concepts of high taxation and regulation.
  • If it tries to turn the position by further raising taxation to what Capital regards as "confiscatory" rates, there will be opposed to its action just the same forces as would be opposed to frank and open expropriation. Belloc Speaks - The Reformers And The Reformed Are Alike/2
  • He also shifted the tax burden from direct income tax to indirect taxation through the introduction of a goods and service tax.
  • Agreements on trade, economic, industrial and technical cooperation, on avoiding double taxation, reciprocal protection and promotion of investment were signed in 1994.
  • Tax experts have been quick to point out the legitimacy of the Irish taxation system.
  • Over time, exemption from taxation came to be seen by women as a right, an integral component of Ewe women's conception of an individual self and a collective Lomé womanhood which served as a platform for the 1933 uprising.
  • Then there is the risk of future blowback, a real economic cost and thus a form of taxation by blowback.
  • Government, they insisted, had a duty to help the people effect their individual self-improvement, by enacting temperance reform and by building reformatories, asylums, and new-model prisons (all of which required public taxation).
  • He said considerations about revenue and taxation, like those garnered from the alcohol and tobacco industries, may influence decisions about which substances to regulate or outlaw. Alcohol More Lethal Than Heroin Or Cocaine, Study Finds
  • The anxieties of a society traditionally ill-disposed to taxation in general and new forms of taxation in particular made the task of the Treasury and the Committee of Ways and Means increasingly harrowing.
  • It links back to the question of how/if taxation can ever be justified, and whether taxation is theft, as some libertarians will say. Thoughts on Immigration, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Colbert was able, in his first decade, to get a grip on taxation and revenue, reduce the level of the taille by 20 per cent, cut the cost of servicing the debt and the costs of revenue farming.
  • To enact, amend or repeal laws, examine and approve budgets, approve taxation and public expenditure etc.
  • This does sound very similar to what Brown's close ally Ed Balls in August 2006 described as "short-term sectional gestures on taxation" after Blairite Stephen Byers called for the abolition of inheritance tax. A cross-dressing Darling or goodbye to social democracy
  • Taxation collected from the profitable private light industries and kulak run farms funded the state sponsored growth of heavy industry. Matthew Yglesias » A Reform Cabinet for Nigeria
  • China as well as Russia affianced to enhance information exchnage as well as cooperation concerning finance, taxation as well as promissory note to deal with a tellurian financial crisis, pronounced a corner communiqu released Wednesday by a two countries. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The Chancellor threw a bone to big multinationals yesterday, promising to end the taxation of profits earned by overseas subsidiaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently the kings could rely not only on taxation from the civitates, but also on local armed forces.
  • We would also want to end the exemption from taxation that diesel currently enjoys, to bring it into line with petrol, and we would bring in other eco-taxes on a range of areas such as Crown resource rentals, toxics, and waste.
  • The concept of national institutions like this that really promote taxation, promote municipalization, do not support recognition of inherent right.
  • It will be more of the same - indirect taxation on cigarettes and drink.
  • For many peasants, the double burden of taxation and war led either to outlawry or to the one available source of protection, a powerful local individual.
  • The association's policy is that the NHS should continue to be funded from central taxation.
  • At the other extreme, proposed Constitutional Amendment R asks voters if they want to approve "an exemption from property taxation for a possessory interest. Aaron Harber: Ballot Bedlam
  • Why should those with bank deposits earning a pittance be subject to taxation, but much wealthier equity investors be exempt? Times, Sunday Times
  • What aspect of the taxation system would you change? Times, Sunday Times
  • With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.
  • Contact Municipal State Taxation Bureau, Local Taxation Bureau, Weather Bureau, Yinchuan Municipal Rural Credit Cooperative Association.
  • The land question should have a distinct recognition as a true reform issue, and while committal to the policy signified by the term single tax, in its entirety, should be avoided, land speculation and monopoly should be condemned as a monstrous evil, and against that evil should be directed such special taxation of land values as will check and ultimately destroy it, without too rudely disturbing existing values. The Arena Volume 4, No. 24, November, 1891
  • I thought right from the beginning that he had an amazing knowledge of finance and municipal budgeting and taxation.
  • It doesn't take a genius to calculate that if the vendor reckoned on a gross margin of €15, and has not included taxation at source in setting his prices, his margin will be eaten up.
  • The changes to non-dom taxation may seem only fair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The taxation of transport and of sales of merchandise, for example, was the exclusive prerogative of the king and his agents until the middle of the ninth century.
  • He claimed finance purely from taxation would be unable to fund the investment needed over the next few years.
  • The question of fairness in taxation is not a mechanical formula. Think Progress » Obama on Tea Partiers: “You would think they would be saying, ‘Thank you’” for my tax cuts.
  • Rather, the commission is likely to pursue consumption taxation by stealth and indirection.
  • Tax relief adds to that, the idea that taxation is an affliction, and that's a republican idea.
  • They use the term progressive to try to put such unequal taxation in a positive light. Only Agreement We Have on Taxation Is That It's a Mess
  • He had only sought clarification on a taxation matter, he said.
  • Direct taxation was indeed low, at a flat rate of 1 s. in the pound on incomes of £150 or above.
  • How do we develop a response to the Labour and Conservative assaults on our Home affairs and Taxation polices?
  • They can be obtained to show that administrative orders and notices are invalid, or exempt from taxation, or for confirming matters of marital status and nationality.
  • Some adjust levels of existing taxes; some involve technical or administrative questions; a few may suggest wholly new forms of taxation.
  • Income tax rate will not be increased and the progressive taxation system will be preserved.
  • Income for them includes taxation, which provides no measure of the willingness of the community to pay.
  • That suggests the possibility of anything but a trivial role for land value taxation in many of the rich countries.
  • The measures needed are reforms of property taxation to encourage house building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other forms of taxation may be introduced as well, but for the sake of simplicity we will confine our discussion to income taxation.
  • In 1980-81 the highest 10% of earners paid approximately one-quarter of their earnings in direct taxation.
  • Note that an attempt to introduce universal marginal benefit taxation implies the acceptance of the statusquo.
  • Elsewhere in developing countries, where these is insufficient revenue from current taxation, governments seek to make use of PFI and PPP methods to deliver projects on a deferred payment basis.
  • By refusing to increase indirect taxation it could deny the imperial government the money it needed. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • This placed an onerous tax burden on townsmen (taxation had been extended beyond burgesses to resident non-burgesses).
  • In the latter part, Chapter 2 introduces Commentary on OECD Model Tax Convention and OECD Report by OECD's Committee on Fiscal Affairs named"The Taxation of Employee Stock Option".
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.
  • The officials in charge said that the exemption of income tax on dividend and bonus issues that are distributed among resident enterprises is to eliminate double taxation.
  • We intend to lighten the burden of capital taxes and reform the taxation of savings.
  • He exploit the new taxation system
  • Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm.
  • In 1974, Social Security insurance was taken over by the Social Security Administration, and in 1983 an amendment allowed partial taxation of the benefits given to upper-income recipients.
  • The shadow chancellor used his keynote speech at the conference to lay to rest calls for the party to differentiate itself from Labour by outlining a timetable for lower taxation.
  • Under a system of progressive income taxation, there are few apriori sustainable generalizations about the labour supply consequences of taxation.
  • Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been abolished.
  • There is a solution: a progressive taxation system combined with a creative system for tax allowances. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, I've recently discovered a way to prevent the jackbooted Federal thugs from invading your bank account and stealing tax money which should rightfully be yours if the government lacked any taxation system.
  • By refusing to increase indirect taxation it could deny the imperial government the money it needed. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Similarly he omits to mention that the service standards that might be expected from each level of taxation were actually published by the council in early December.
  • Progressive taxation is logical because the wealthy pay more tax.
  • The balance has to come from taxation, government borrowing, pay freezes or job cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is the impact on families as we set taxation rates for families with dependants?
  • Education, Democracy and thus high taxation are necessary parts of what I imagine to be utopia.
  • The two biggest threats to your lump sum are inflation and taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • For taxation purposes, the deal has been officially classed as a demerger rather than a management buyout.
  • Under the new deal they will be paid for from general taxation rather than additions to bills. The Sun
  • That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially.
  • Her tweak is that caps should be lifted so that all income is subject to SS taxation. Sound Politics: Burner-Social Security bleg - UPDATED
  • Don't let all the double taxation doublespeak make you doubt that for one minute.
  • Despite the Government's repeated assurances to the contrary, taxation has risen over the past decade.
  • Employment and taxation are the bread-and-butter issues of politics.
  • Taxpayer who adopts the regular payment method should inform the respective taxation bureau in advance.
  • I realised a long time ago that taxation was never going to be fair or consistent.
  • Elsewhere in developing countries, where these is insufficient revenue from current taxation, governments seek to make use of PFI and PPP methods to deliver projects on a deferred payment basis.
  • Opponents argue that refuse charges are double taxation - a reintroduction of residential rates abolished in the 1970s.
  • We need a complete rethink of personal taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another problem posed by bilateral agreements on pensions is the taxation.
  • This time around, the poll again will be used to determine the level of taxation voters would support.
  • The tax assessor determined that the property was subject to taxation based on its infrequent use for religious purposes. Christianity Today
  • Industry is heavily burdened with taxation.
  • Contrary to Party philosophy, he advocated higher taxation of the wealthy.
  • This placed an onerous tax burden on townsmen (taxation had been extended beyond burgesses to resident non-burgesses).
  • Just the taxation issues should give reasons to double-clutch here. Joe The Nerd Ferraro: Coffee Party Needs More Caffeine
  • Declared a vegetable in 1893 by the Supreme Court for taxation purposes, is botanically a fruit.
  • The ruling executive wanted a decision postponed to assess a review of benefits and taxation.
  • Fair implementation of tax treaties can not only facilitate taxpayers to enjoy preferential tax policies and avoid double taxation but also contribute to protecting national tax benefits.
  • It is a step towards avoiding the problems arising over housing, taxation, inheritance rights and family law.
  • Therefore, it is of great significance to study taxation legal relations and regulate tax relation structure.
  • The excessive concern with disincentive effects has resulted in a less equitable system of taxation.
  • Spirits, asks the House Taxation Committee on Friday to reject a bill that would double gallonage taxes on alcoholic beverages. stories: News

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