How To Use Tax system In A Sentence

  • The irony is that the new tax system will burden those it was intended to help.
  • The current tax system has been in operation for ten years.
  • The result is a hugely complex tax system full of loopholes. Times, Sunday Times
  • One idea is for a cutely named five-frog tax system, which would actually deliver rebates to those who conserved the environment, and taxed those who didn't.
  • Brad DeLong has some good advice about the tax system: eliminate loopholes for the affluent and raise top marginal rates and uncap FICA.
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  • The household tax system of collecting articles by the nine grades families was reflected in the Wu Bamboo Slips excavated in Zhoumalou, Changsha.
  • This is sometimes known as a classical or two-tier tax system. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • In chapter 2 it analyses the influence of Electronic Commerce to tax system. Those influence come from international tax jurisdiction and permanent establishment and the other six problems.
  • This was a regressive tax system, but less regressive than that of any other industrialized country.
  • The self-assessment tax system is far too complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.
  • He wanted to rebalance the tax system in favour of property taxes but the Prime Minister said no. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system.
  • The new tax system would be calculated on the value of property owned by an individual.
  • The tax system should recognise the special features of our industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is evidence that incentivisation of diesel cars through the tax system is partly to blame. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is ruled by a corrupt kleptocracy of aristocrats who use their control of state monopolies and even the tax system to enrich themselves at the public's expense.
  • Our tax systems need to encourage voluntary compliance, provide efficient service to the taxpayers, eliminate unproductive work and enhance efficiency.
  • The changes to the tax system proved impracticable as they were impossible to enforce.
  • The result is a hugely complex tax system full of loopholes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This change in the tax system will mean big gains for some companies.
  • There are so many incentives available in the Irish tax system that the taxpayer with substantial income does not need to evade tax.
  • In addition, instead of simplifying the tax system, it's being made more sophisticated.
  • Compounding the long-term stimulative effect of higher confidence, the detailed nature of our tax system induces people, particularly at higher tax brackets, to do the kind of business-related spending that is most immediately stimulative. Dr. Philip Neches: Let the Tax Cuts Expire
  • A more efficient tax system would not discriminate between cash compensation and fringe benefits.
  • The Liberal Democrats can "hardwire" fairness into British society through reform of the tax system, Nick Clegg has said at the launch of his party's manifesto. The Latest From
  • The nature of the tax system used to raise funds to finance the debt had altered considerably during the previous century.
  • Britain's tax system takes no account of children.
  • Believe you me, the government won't meddle with the tax system.
  • Who, after all, can object to a less opaque tax system and sizzling summer sunshine? Times, Sunday Times
  • At the more macro level, the under-funding of the public system and the consequent lack of attention to equity stems from a chronically low tax base, and an all-too-little-progressive tax system.
  • The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.
  • Internally, an increasing number of Greek and demotic Egyptian papyri illuminate a developing bureaucracy and control of the population through a tax system based on a census and land-survey.
  • The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.Sentence dictionary
  • Last week Charlie's opponent was Barroso himself who took the Irishman to task for voicing his opinion that the Commission wants to do away with Ireland's privileged corporation tax system.
  • The civil service post was resigned and the family removed to the Isle of Man to avoid the punitive tax system of the time.
  • The tax system exists because some rich people need prompting to help the poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reform of estate tax should take the macro - viewpoint and re - design the real - estate tax system.
  • The irony is that the new tax system will burden those it was intended to help.
  • Any changes to the council tax system, for example the introduction of new bands, should not be allowed to worsen the already ill-favoured position of rural areas.
  • Fiscal Welfare: the tax system which adjusts the level of income on which tax is payable through reliefs and allowances.
  • Since the 1960s, the property tax system has imposed lower tax rates on buildings than on the unimproved land value of each parcel.
  • That is called progressivity and, of course, it is one of the most contentious aspects of any tax system. Marcelo Giugale: Why Is It So Difficult to Agree on Tax Reform?
  • What aspect of the tax system would you change? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
  • He wants to rebalance the tax system so that the low-paid enjoy some relief at the expense of owners of expensive properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • The extravagance of the court and the high cost of war absorbed all of France's resources and efforts to rationalize the tax system failed.
  • Colin Davey, a member of the Bradford team, said it was a question of educating businesses about the tax system.
  • But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.
  • The goal of the TRAC will be to propose a new tax system which will get a quick decision from Congress, yea or nay.
  • For the probabilistic syntax system compounds are troublesome since the window may not contain all of the compound.
  • They are in fact using the tax system in the way intended. Times, Sunday Times
  • What aspect of the tax system would you change? Times, Sunday Times
  • The new proposals were intended to soften the impact of the reformed tax system.
  • The starting point of discussion is in the context of a broader discussion on the merits and demerits of the national tax system.
  • The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.
  • Experience tells us that if you have a penal tax system on people who choose to be here they will choose not to be here. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government has contemplated reforming the entire tax system.
  • Egalitarianism : The tax system should try to achieve a more equal distribution of after - tax incomes.
  • The result is that a powerful lobby has thwarted the removing of a manifest injustice from the tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the end, this tax system is referred to as “regressive” by opponents because it further widens the gap in qualify of life between the wealthy and the middle class. Think Progress » Pawlenty Falsely Claims ‘Most Credible Economists Say’ Stimulus Is ‘Not Working’
  • The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.
  • Would it be more sensible to intervene through the tax system than to regulate quantities directly?
  • Our tax system encourages morally repugnant behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
  • They are in fact using the tax system in the way intended. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is that a powerful lobby has thwarted the removing of a manifest injustice from the tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • We would say to them that we valued their input and contribution, and we would reward it through a lower tax system that showed that we thought they were important.
  • It follows the abolishment of the Working Families' Tax Credit, Disabled Person's Tax Credit and Children's Tax Credit, which is being replaced by two new tax systems.
  • Seeking to constrain the supply of new properties and fiddling with the tax system at the margins is not a housing policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also has one other potentially winning policy - the reform of the labyrinthine German tax system.
  • He wants to rebalance the tax system so that the low-paid enjoy some relief at the expense of owners of expensive properties. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has to do with accounting for debits and credits within the tax system which Parliament has mandated.
  • Associated Press Even before this case, India's tax system had a formidable reputation for capriciousness. Taming the Indian Taxman
  • My paper argues that the system wasn' t created by all Eastern Wu' s own, while learned and synthesized from the household tax system and the nine grades of rank of appraisal system of Cao Wei.
  • The civil service post was resigned and the family removed to the Isle of Man to avoid the punitive tax system of the time.
  • There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
  • He started the process of simplification and rationalisation of the tax system.
  • Seeking to constrain the supply of new properties and fiddling with the tax system at the margins is not a housing policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wanted to rebalance the tax system in favour of property taxes but the Prime Minister said no. Times, Sunday Times
  • This change in the tax system will mean big gains for some companies.
  • What aspect of the tax system would you change? Times, Sunday Times
  • Introduced in 1969 as a separate tax system aimed at wealthy tax dodgers, it recalculates the value of a taxpayer's exemptions and deductions, charging whatever is more.
  • My wife who takes not a lot of notice of these things understood that he would love to give married couples a perk in the tax system but is worried about the "dosh". Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • The tax system is extended to level out the big differences between the rich and the poor.
  • Who, after all, can object to a less opaque tax system and sizzling summer sunshine? Times, Sunday Times
  • He has also promised indefinite fiscal surpluses and reform of the corrupt tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • A self-monitoring tax system is clearly open to abuse .
  • The single-tax system assigns property rights so as to preserve economic incentives.
  • The report is concerned, inter alia, with the reform of the tax system.
  • What aspect of the tax system would you change? Times, Sunday Times
  • Following this guideline, this paper are try to research a way-out for the fiscal and tax system in our country.
  • He had argued strongly in favour of them because they ended anomalies in the tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our tax system encourages morally repugnant behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will say that rebalancing the tax system is only one of a number of much larger switches of policy that the country needs to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • With progressive tax systems, such disincentive effects can be significant to secondary earners, but much less so to primary earners, as most economists now agree.
  • As the core issue of the state's tax system and tax policy, Macro-tax burden is used to analyze national macroeconomic policies, including both fiscal and tax policy effectiveness.
  • First, supporting these means sanctioning redistribution, as they are funded by a progressive tax system.
  • The drive to abolish the estate tax is just one part of a much broader attack on the progressive tax system.
  • The tax system was described as "arbitrary" and the relationship between estate annual values and resources appeared somewhat baffling.
  • The tax system should recognise the special features of our industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accountants know how to play the tax system.
  • Efforts to streamline the tax structure by means of a single tax system and one-time payment are a welcome move.
  • These new rules have complicated the tax system even further.
  • China has realized excess budget incomes continuously for years which build the financial basis to initiate the flat tax system reform.
  • Washington, which has no state income tax, has one of the most regressive tax systems in the nation.
  • It would amount to a highly efficient and sensible use of the tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • This change in the tax system will mean big gains for some companies.
  • An independent Scotland would have to set up its own tax system with mechanisms to collect the money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many people will be greatly disadvantaged by the new tax system.
  • It is true that America's tax system is an abysmal and Byzantine mess.
  • A chance was missed to redesign the tax system - by, for instance , including a new carbon tax.
  • Norquist is apparently pining away for the day when America has the same tax system as economic powerhouses like Russia, the Ukraine, and Iraq.
  • But when we give benefits through the tax system (or when they and their kin commit crime there is no such guarantee). "Are Low-Skilled Americans the Master Race?" Flashback, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Table 16-2 picks out the most controversial aspect of the tax system, the marginal rate of income tax.
  • The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.
  • Table 16-2 picks out the most controversial aspect of the tax system, the marginal rate of income tax.
  • Fourth, the tax system needs radical reform.
  • The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.
  • The government lacked the political will to reform the tax system.
  • The tax system exists because some rich people need prompting to help the poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the tax systems are different in each European country, how can industries start on a level playing field?
  • There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
  • There is no textual evidence to suggest that Jesus was concerned to see the repressive tax system changed, or that he urged the tax-collectors to revolt against it.
  • The tax system exists because some rich people need prompting to help the poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has also promised indefinite fiscal surpluses and reform of the corrupt tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's tax system takes no account of children.
  • Corporation tax systems fall into different categories.
  • And that, I submit, is one of the basic reasons why there will never be a tax system considered fair by those across all income levels of a society. April « 2009 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Who, after all, can object to a less opaque tax system and sizzling summer sunshine? Times, Sunday Times
  • And Lula would likely have to shelve plans to reform rigid labor laws, overhaul a dysfunctional judiciary, and streamline a bewildering tax system.
  • Fiscal Welfare: the tax system which adjusts the level of income on which tax is payable through reliefs and allowances.
  • These radical changes, designed to make work more rewarding, were not confined to the tax system.
  • Fifth I want to achieve a better delivery system - more cooperation with the tax system and better management.
  • A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.
  • The result is a hugely complex tax system full of loopholes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This concentration on rationalizing the tax system, however, fatally ignored the real Achilles heel of the royal finances.
  • They are in fact using the tax system in the way intended. Times, Sunday Times
  • He says the tax system is both inequitable and inefficient.
  • It will say that rebalancing the tax system is only one of a number of much larger switches of policy that the country needs to make. Times, Sunday Times
  • In recent twenty years, the reform of real property tax systems has been paid great attention and emphasis internationally.
  • The key problem is, what a social security tax system we should design that is fair and efficient itself but can fit to China in current realistic situation as well.
  • My paper argues that the system wasn' t created by all Eastern Wu' s own, while learned and synthesized from the household tax system and the nine grades of rank of appraisal system of Cao Wei.
  • The new tax system would be calculated on the value of property owned by an individual.
  • The new tax system is advantageous to higher-rate taxpayers.
  • Any changes to the council tax system, for example the introduction of new bands, should not be allowed to worsen the already ill-favoured position of rural areas.
  • It means that the people who are most likely to invest, most likely to acquire skill, and most likely to take entrepreneurial risks, are the people whom this tax system clobbers most heavily.
  • The result is that a powerful lobby has thwarted the removing of a manifest injustice from the tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is that a powerful lobby has thwarted the removing of a manifest injustice from the tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another blatantly regressive tax system is the social security system.
  • But isn't it in the interest of both the taxers and the taxed (you and me) to conclude longer-term deals, achieving some durability in our tax system?
  • The Roman empire had maintained an unwieldy and elaborate tax system, based mainly on landed property and its agricultural exploitation.
  • Either way, vague notions of morality are no basis for a tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, we need a tax system which is not difficult to comply with or administer, which is regarded as fair, and which limits opportunities to divert income and reduce tax liabilities. National Business Review (NBR) New Zealand
  • He thinks a more progressive tax system would bolster public confidence.
  • Forbes suggests getting rid of the existing tax system.
  • Those who object to all or some of the activities of churches and other charitable organizations ought not to be obliged to support them through the tax system.
  • One of the great mysteries of Australian political life is why a man who is about to dump a dog of a tax system on an unsuspecting public should appear so smug?
  • Therefore, income splitting for couples with dependent children rectifies and corrects a fundamental anomaly in the present tax system.
  • The Treasury Department's corporate tax integration proposal would end the distinction between noncorporate and corporate tax systems for business income, with no deduction for interest and no taxation of interest, dividends and capital gains. Tax Reform Is the Swiftest Path to Growth
  • The pro-HST argument most frequently heard it that it will somehow save businesses millions by eliminating the alleged expenses they incur in administering two tax systems instead of one. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Every tax system is subject to some evasion and avoidance, and the extent of such behaviors is an appropriate concern.
  • He has also promised indefinite fiscal surpluses and reform of the corrupt tax system. Times, Sunday Times
  • For individuals, congressional aides stressed the new levy would be in addition to the existing tax system, both the regular income tax and the alternative minimum tax.
  • The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.

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