How To Use Tax break In A Sentence

  • Mr. Obama urged Congress Tuesday to immediately eliminate what he called "unwarranted" tax breaks for oil companies. Gas Price Surge Triggers Political Brawl
  • The board should encourage the government to increase the tax breaks available to donors.
  • Tax can eat into your returns so canny investors make us of the available tax breaks.
  • The indecision over the future tax break has reportedly already cost the Irish film industry millions.
  • We can no longer depend on tax breaks for multinationals or cheap labour; we must innovate and be entrepreneurial.
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  • He also asked for federal money to retrain workers and for tax breaks to help manufacturers outfit old plants with new equipment.
  • So when the world's largest private-prison company offered to employ 350 people, local officials welcomed it with tax breaks and free water and sewer hookups.
  • On the other hand, you need a lot of dividend income for this tax break to stimulate your personal economy, and companies are stingy doling dividends out.
  • I recall his predecessor blew a Trillion on tax breaks for the top three percentiles while another few Trillion went on astrategic warfare and pointless Pentagon pork. Army Rumour Service
  • These are the people who gave tax breaks to every tax dodger in the country when they brought in the amnesty in 1993.
  • Forget your zippy roadsters, your perky hybrids, your family sedans, your humble pickup trucks - to qualify for this tax break, your road machine has to be bigger than big.
  • A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer. Subsidies take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.
  • Against this background pension tax breaks could be further reduced to finance the unfreezing of public sector pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • But with the group's focus on eliminating tax breaks, such as mortgage-interest deduction, antitax crusader Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, became a frequent critic. Senate 'Gang' Hashes Out Deficit Plan
  • If the government gave a tax break to green fuels, the price would go down.
  • Corporations can trade emissions credits, negotiate subsidies for new technologies, and enjoy huge tax breaks for overshooting their environmental targets.
  • Proponents say a package of tax breaks and research grants will help attract scientists and new companies to the state, preserving its preeminence in the field.
  • The real purpose of the tax code is to supply tax breaks for politicians to auction off to campaign contributors.
  • White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
  • Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.
  • One problem with using tax breaks is that tax distribution tables only take account of taxes. Tax Breaks vs. Subsidies, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If you provide huge tax breaks for private care, even if you call it a ‘patients passport’, you are giving free money to those who have private care already, a massive and unrecoverable deadweight cost.
  • * (tying insurance to employment, incentivizing overinsurance with tax break, empowering MedPAC …) Matthew Yglesias » Health Reform and the Labor Market
  • Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.
  • The state expects to receive $1.2 billion in revenue from the delay of a corporate tax break. Jessica Levinson: California's Newly "Balanced" Budget Is a Farce
  • Real innovation and creativity become stifled when we give corporations more and more tax break money "flushes" instead of them truly growing and profiting because they are an innovative superior company that creates the best product. Top Stories
  • Cities spent decades dangling tax breaks and other financial sweeteners to attract big business.
  • The Republicans shrunk the first "stimulus" package and filled it with tax breaks, even as corporate Democrats helped them along, blocking any effort to restructure mortgages in bankruptcies, freeze foreclosures or force banks to lend money. Michael Kieschnick: 10 Steps to Take Now After a Brutal Election
  • Cities spent decades dangling tax breaks and other financial sweeteners to attract big business.
  • Add back synergies and tax breaks and the multiple is 9.3 times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they lose more in unclaimed benefits than they gain in tax breaks.
  • Partners in private - equity firms benefit from a tax break on their earnings.
  • Those numbers of course didn’t get much airtime as super committee lawmakers grandstanded by slinging around proposed cuts to social programs and tax breaks for the rich. Michelle Chen: Washington's Debt Panic and the Real Social Debt in America
  • It was particularly disappointing that Mr Brown did not choose to help unincorporated businesses by extending the tax breaks that companies enjoy.
  • That should be coupled with an end to tax breaks on suburban land that is called "farmland" but is mostly a tax dodge for people who earn only a tiny fraction of their income from farming. The Wrong Tax for Japan
  • Tax breaks for being old, disabled, having a green* car or, I don't know, training for the Olympics or something all seem fair enough but financial incentive to get hitched or stay hitched is just so wide of the mark. Love and Marriage
  • Real estate tax breaks may shelter that income and perhaps even provide a paper loss to offset other gains.
  • He appears never to have expected anything from the government in the way of subsidies, inducements, tax breaks or start-up funds.
  • John McCain received over $1 million in campaign contributions from »»oil & gas industry companies 1 has over 20 oil company lobbyists running his »»campaign 2 would give big oil companies $3.8 billion in tax breaks »» 3 supports gimmicks (like a Gas Tax Holiday and offshore »»drilling), over real solutions MoveOn. org is supporting the National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President. - Articles related to The oil industry is taxed gently
  • Clinton is trying to encourage employers to hire welfare recipients through tax breaks and subsidies.
  • However, the government has baulked at the estimated £2.4 billion cost of the tax breaks and is scrapping them this year.
  • The Chancellor will also announce a set of more generous tax breaks for companies granting share options.
  • In FACT, a large per centage of Americans got a TAX BREAK!!!! Palin rallies Tea Partiers in Boston
  • Make sure you take advantage of the repatriation tax break just like the big boys.
  • The companies that seek bailouts and tax breaks now are bound to discover that Washington wants something in return.
  • Better yet, we could have personal tax breaks for everyone who has to pay for childcare.
  • With the 2005 budget process about to begin, the betting is that the LDP will look for compromise on the rollback of the 1999 tax breaks.
  • They demanded tax breaks or transfers, and insisted on remitting less revenue to the central budget. The Return
  • The cost would be offset in part from repeal of corporate tax breaks.
  • It noted that if it did repatriate cash it could change the company's effective tax rate; companies typically bemoan the high taxes on repatriated cash, and hope the U.S. government declares a temporary tax break on repatriation as it has occasionally done in the past. Hasbro Profit Slips 15% on Weak Board-Game Sales
  • In the Eighties, tax breaks were offered against money invested in tree plantations.
  • For the left gayness is ok, even normative, as long as it is * not* closeted and does * not* include selling silence or acquiescing in homophobic rants for money or tax breaks. Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • It has pursued a deliberate policy of bankrupting the public treasury in order to finance tax breaks for the rich.
  • Take for example, republicans hate giving money to the poor who do pay taxes and they love opening up their pocketbooks to the rich in rewarding them with tax breaks. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 16, 2010
  • Giving folks a tax break would not be really different (and in practise isn’t different at all) from sending folks a check in the mail at least where the EIC is involved. The Volokh Conspiracy » New lawsuit on Obamacare
  • A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer. Subsidies take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.
  • Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.
  • Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.
  • The finance minister and senior cabinet colleagues believe that otherwise crèche fees will increase and negate the effect of more child benefit and tax breaks.
  • What's tragic about the current stand-off between the Tea Party anti-tax zealots and the Democrats is that as recently as the mid-1990s there was an actual consensus among liberals and conservatives, including the antigovernment Americans for Tax Reform and Ralph Nader's liberal Public Interest Research Group, that strove to curtail subsidies and tax breaks for business. Jane White: The Social Security Fix: End Corporate Welfare
  • Why didnt you bring it up when that treasonist POS bush was spending billions of dollars on his wars and tax breaks for the wealthy? Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • Obama's remarks will push the so-called "super-committee" charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction by November to undertake comprehensive tax reform guided by five principles: lowering tax rates; eliminating wasteful loopholes and tax breaks; reducing the deficit by $1.5 trillion; boosting job creation and growth; and being consistent with the "Buffett Rule. ABC News: Top Stories
  • That bailout bill, as you now know, has quite a few extras, what they call pork barrel projects, more than $100 billion worth, including tax breaks for wooden arrows. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2008
  • Tax breaks for luxury transportation: Exemption from taxes on transportation provided by seaplanes and certain sightseeing flights exempt from taxes on air transportation Balloon Juice » 2005 » July
  • Second, relying on tax breaks destroys any hope of stability.
  • What Ari is say is that the only way to fix the promblem is to give the rick another tax break. Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 10/06/09
  • Less than a decade ago, no Tory minister dared threaten the tax break on mortgage interest.
  • The amount equals the compensation the European Union is seeking for the impact of the tax breaks on businesses in the union.
  • Then there's the governor's suspicious flip-flop on a tax break for the insurance industry.
  • Mr. Obama also suggested that some initiatives designed to stimulate the economy in the short term should be included in a final deal, singling out a yearlong extension of the payroll tax break for employees, which expires in January. Obama Targets Tax Breaks
  • According to Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation, corporate tax breaks in the 1995 fiscal year might reach 60 billion.
  • Forget your zippy roadsters, your perky hybrids, your family sedans, your humble pickup trucks - to qualify for this tax break, your road machine has to be bigger than big.
  • Even by standard capitalist theory, if this tax break lowered borrowing costs (which I don't believe it does), it would just increase home prices by a proportionate amount, since affordability for any given purchaser is determined by monthly payment and therefore by the interaction between price and interest rates. I Can’t Resist « PubliCola
  • That tax break became an issue in the race for speaker, with some lawmakers arguing that it was ridiculous to claim you were making a clean break from the scandals of Richardson if you then turned around and replaced him with someone who finagled a lucrative tax deal for a powerful client. The scandals never stop - poli
  • Even before households decide what to do with their federal tax breaks, cash-strapped states and localities are claiming a chunk of that change.
  • Tax regulations have gotten so complicated that it's easy to overlook valuable deductions and tax breaks.
  • The finance minister and senior cabinet colleagues believe that otherwise crèche fees will increase and negate the effect of more child benefit and tax breaks.
  • Tax breaks have meant a few hundred more houses and the population of the town more than trebles in the summer months.
  • Critics bridled at a permanent increase in the mortgage fee to pay for such a short-term tax break. Senate Clears Tax-Break Extension, Spending Bill
  • Under the plan, the 400 richest multimillionaires will receive tax breaks worth an average of $1 million a year.
  • In Congress, Ron Paul has cosponsored bills that would offer tax breaks to Americans who commute by bicycle and use public transportation. Donnie Fowler: GOP Presidential Candidates on Clean Energy and Climate Change
  • But he claimed Tory plans for rapid spending cuts, inheritance tax cuts and tax breaks for married couples showed David Cameron had 'junked' change in favour of the same agenda followed by his predecessors Michael Howard and William Hague. Home | Mail Online
  • Promoting huge tax breaks for multimillionaires and large corporations, he presided over an unprecedented transfer of wealth to the already rich at the expense of everyone else.
  • Simply specify things in a way that can apply to nothing other than a single church without ever mentioning it by name, same way Congress regularly gives individual corporations tax breaks by specificying “general” facts incorporation date and state and the like without ever having to mention the corporation byname. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Sotomayor Supported Censoring Biblical Verse on Homosexuality from New York City Billboard”:
  • He said that $4 billion in what he calls subsidies, tax breaks for the oil industry. Obama's Oil Panic
  • The cushioning is not by error but the result of the stimulus without tax breaks for the rich who own the Rethugican party. jim addison Obama aide hints at second stimulus, tries to slam door on tax talk
  • The Federal Court has supported the Tax Commissioner in disallowing tax breaks for investments in the Lismore-based Australian Tea Tree Oil Research Institute.
  • Like the business groups that clamoured for austerity and are now squealing just as loudly for massive infrastructure investment and tax breaks, this is a government whose guiding philosophy hasn't stood up to the real world. Laissez-faire has failed us. Now we're getting panicky intervention
  • I thought dunning Burner for wanting to raise the cap on SS withholding and then accusing her of wanting to "raise taxes" was deceptive --- especially when you consider that Ronald Reagan DOUBLED SS withholding under the guise of saving retirement money for Baby Boomers and then spent ALL of the money on his dubious military prjects and in shoring up an economy that was failing because of tax breaks for the rich. Sound Politics: Seattle Times endorses Reichert
  • Mr Osborne is also said to be 'unenthusiastic' about Mr Cameron's promise - reaffirmed in recent weeks - to introduce tax breaks for married couples. Home | Mail Online
  • Special tax breaks are available to landlords who intend renting their property to tourists.
  • Woodland enjoys several tax breaks, including exemption from inheritance tax after two years.
  • Democrats lashed out at Schwarzenegger for proposing what they called draconian cuts while refusing to hike taxes and coddling corporations, who are due to receive more than $2 billion in tax breaks in 2011. RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • Any advantage that a tax break can achieve, a subsidy can accomplish just as easily.
  • He says that it's possible additional tax breaks will be approved late this year, but that pressure on Congress to approve more stimulus measures has "abated" because of the recent enactment of the historic economic-rescue package and because "the crisis atmosphere is lessening. Voters' New Choice: Dueling Tax Breaks
  • They persuaded the government to extend to flex-fuel cars the tax break previously applied to ethanol-only models.
  • Republicans' gift list includes homebuilders, who will get $6 billion in tax breaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • There will be a storm of prudent rhetoric, a blizzard of initiatives and tax breaks and a torrent of concessions towards pensioners and motorists in rural areas.
  • Currently, those who don't itemize get no federal tax breaks for such donations.
  • Because the tax break for mortgage interest would disappear, the finances of home ownership would change.
  • To keep campaign pledges to make education his top priority, Clinton wants two new middle-class tax breaks for college tuition.
  • That's why some investors turned to munis to generate interest income and a tax break at the same time.
  • There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.
  • Things could improve as the effects of a tax break for defense manufacturers become evident.
  • The real purpose of the tax code is to supply tax breaks for politicians to auction off to campaign contributors.
  • Expanded IRAs for this higher-income group will give costly tax breaks to people who are already saving for retirement.
  • To keep campaign pledges to make education his top priority, Clinton wants two new middle-class tax breaks for college tuition.
  • Republicans favor tax breaks for education on a much smaller scale.
  • The canny acumen of business donors leads to inevitable speculation about the tax breaks linked to such donations.
  • An $800 tax break over two years for a working family is not what I call helping out the working class, if you dont work or you may get a huge tax refund, but people trying to make it get $800 bucks over 2 years. 13 bucks about a check. Undefined
  • White House aides said Clinton will map proposed tax breaks specifically aimed at helping community college students.
  • In Bush's Texas the governor fought for property tax breaks while denying children basic healthcare.
  • The administration also proposed $600 million in tax breaks for small businesses.
  • The House and Senate voted overwhelmingly last month to repeal the tax break only after it had become public.
  • It's even reared its ugly head in the Republican primaries, with the candidates trying to paint front-runner Mitt Romney as a cold-hearted capitalist and Rick Santorum proposing targeted tax breaks for the "working class" manufacturing sector. Class Warfare and the Buffett Rule
  • Hoping to avoid unrest, Yeltsin has offered tax breaks and increased autonomy to ethnic republics, such as Bashkortostan, 700 miles east of Moscow. Yeltsin's Coup De Grace
  • Any advantage that a tax break can achieve, a subsidy can accomplish just as easily.
  • It is not, for example, going to point out that you could top up your pension to take advantage of the tax breaks, or transfer some savings into your spouse's name to soak up their personal allowance.
  • Film producers have warned that the Government risks decimating the home-grown industry if it scraps tax breaks for movie-makers.
  • Most notably, any indication of how the Government plans to pay for all the new funds, projects and tax breaks it's proposing.
  • For the first time in decades, congresspeople aren't trading pork barrel projects and tax breaks –they're negotiating steep budget cuts.
  • There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.
  • Things could improve as the effects of a tax break for defense manufacturers become evident.
  • Expanded IRAs for this higher-income group will give costly tax breaks to people who are already saving for retirement.
  • At the same time, incentives including tax breaks were offered for innovative import-substitution industries.
  • Instead, the Government has introduced tax breaks aimed at encouraging the private sector donors to pour money into the construction of a new national stadium.
  • December 3rd, 2009 11: 23 am ET what mitt is saying is give more tax breaks to the rich and trickle down will work did not give it time in 1980, i wonder how many jobs his company help set up oveseas in the last year Romney lays out plan to fix economy
  • A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer. Subsidies take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.
  • If you are not interested in the tax breaks, the best way to invest in AIM is usually through a fund, where your money is pooled with that of other investors to buy a portfolio of stocks.
  • A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer. Subsidies take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.
  • But with deficits rising and businesses anxious for new tax breaks, Congress will first have to navigate the treacherous shoals of domestic politics.
  • Suggestion; Leave the tax breaks in but do not adjust the altenative minimum tax. The Case Against Tax Breaks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The tax breaks will stimulate economic activity.
  • The unions are making noise because the Public Option is gone, as well as their tax breaks for their cadilac plan. The Extraordinary Measures Needed to Kill the Bill — Updated with Vote Numbers - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
  • Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.

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