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How To Use Tautological In A Sentence

  • Surely it is tautological to say that coercive organizations rely upon coercion as the predominant method of control?
  • P.S. The other (pedantic) point, which I forgot to make, is that you counterexample isn't really a counterexample to the theory - if only because the theory is almost tautologically true: what is a "high status group" other than a group which people have positive feelings towards and want to identify with? What, Me Rich?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A tautological statement is one for which we could never conceive of a counter-example.
  • Whereas metaphor or metonymy name substitutive patterns that underwrite an unthreateningly tautological and propositional definition of truth ( "truth is a trope" in the sense of Introduction
  • [551] A pleasant study, in poetic use of imagery and phrase, is the gradation from the bare and grand Lucretian simplicity of _silentia noctis_, through the "favour and prettiness" (slightly tautological though) of the Virgilian _tacitae per amica silentia lunae_, to the recovery and intensifying of magnificence in _dove il sol tace_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
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  • This sounds like hard-shell boobocracy even to those of us who think "survival of the fittest" has a faintly tautological whiff. Two Cheers for Hypocrisy
  • the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological
  • Although The Swan bills itself tautologically as ‘the most unique competition ever’, there's nothing special or shocking about full-body liposuction and total facial reconstruction any more.
  • When B provides a counterexample for A's assertion, A redefines "Christian" to mean "a follower of Jesus who doesn't lose his faith", tautologically satisfying his initial assertion. Blind Faith?
  • Tautologically, getting imprisoned is pretty bad in its own right, so there must be a decent reason for it. Matthew Yglesias » Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism
  • The least interesting aspect of this article is where it tautologically notes that Blair is disavowing such a connection.
  • Indeed, it seems tautologically true: to be happier, you have to turn sad thoughts and feelings into happy ones. This column will change your life: Power to the people… or not
  • The history of ancient tragedy ends with Euripides, although there were a number of still later tragedians; Agathon, for instance, whom Aristophanes describes as fragrant with ointment and crowned with flowers, and in whose mouth Plato, in his _Symposium_, puts a discourse in the taste of the sophist Gorgias, full of the most exquisite ornaments and empty tautological antitheses. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature
  • The claimant's interpretation gives the clause a more tautological aspect in as much as it would have the tendency to treat the condition and the physical infirmity or illness as the same thing.
  • The tautological trap snapped shut: the discussion had become the work, which had the goal of becoming the object of a discussion.
  • Those who view the question as ultimately tautological, and therefore futile, have a strong case to make; but that is not the same thing as saying the question is without use.
  • As I will argue, however, the text does present the possibility of a woman stealing what is already in her possession through its account of the tautological crime.
  • The assertion ‘I have direct experience of God’ includes the assertion ‘God exists’ thus, the conclusion ‘therefore, God exists’ follows tautologically.
  • The voters receive no explicit criteria before voting in that category, which the academy defines tautologically as "the best motion picture of the year. Academy Awards: And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to reward . . . just what?
  • The camp provided the Germans tautological proof of the necessity of imprisoning Untermenschen: the disgusting state of the Haftlinge of Auschwitz demonstrated their inferiority and justified their murder.
  • You can tautologically assert that it is “rational” for a person in accord to “true preferences” that are “revealed” by their action in eating cheeseburger after cheeseburger only to later be deeply ostracized by society for being fat and then later to suffer a horrible death at a young age, but this is just nonsense. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Double Standard of Libertarian Paternalism
  • It's usually assumed that beauty is, almost tautologically, an ‘aesthetic’ category, which puts it, according to many, on a collision course with the ethical.
  • So it could be called pleonastic or tautological, but not an oxymoron.
  • The tautological, circumlocutory argument of American Exceptionalism can be stated thusly: “We are on a providentially inspired mission and are guided by a ‘Higher Power’, therefore whatever our actions or policies, we cannot be in the wrong.” American Exceptionalism
  • Perhaps we shouldn't be too harsh on the halfwits who came up with these tautological complaints (don't dull, staid and uninteresting mean the same thing?)
  • Its modern version—the idea that somewhere in us is an authentic self, waiting to emerge like a sculpture from a slab of marble—is equally unable to withstand the obvious effects of mind-altering drugs, unless you define that self tautologically as whatever is released by the chemical. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The answer given by the Councilors is tautological: they are the lawful authority because the law has defined them as such.
  • There is knowing and there is faith, the knowable is provable to a certain extent, faith is not, thus perpetuating the latter's own need tautologically. TEXAS FAITH: What's the role of religion in public education? | RELIGION Blog |
  • What may seem tautological - happiness being happiness - epitomizes Traheme's use of perspectival language: to attempt to move from the subjective and to the objective.
  • In response to Wilkinson’s (I thought unexceptionable) assertion that people value things other than — and often more highly than — happiness, DeLong objected, not just that Will had said something substantively wrong, but made some kind of semantic error, asserting a tautological falsehood (what we used to call a “falsism” in debate): Better Brad DeLong Dissatisfied than a Pig Satisfied
  • Or is knowledge, tautologically, simply what the leading professors in each field declare it to be?
  • The Jaguar is dazzlingly silver-plated (speed of light) and the Harrier has tautologically painted feathers as if it was not already named, and shaped, after a bird. Camille Silvy: Photographer of Modern Life; Fiona Banner: Duveens Commission 2010
  • a recent vogue for the extensive misuse, usually tautological misuse, of the word "complexus" -- an excellent word if used rarely and for definite purposes. Through the Brazilian Wilderness
  • This competition produces what is often tautologically described as survival of the fittest - an unfortunate term, for the only test of ‘fitness’ is survival power.
  • If a large (or preferably single) group of patients can negotiate a lower price, then that fact becomes tautologically true. Matthew Yglesias » Who Hates the Public Option?

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