repetition of same sense in different words
at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition
the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological
`a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions
How To Use tautologic In A Sentence
- Surely it is tautological to say that coercive organizations rely upon coercion as the predominant method of control?
- P.S. The other (pedantic) point, which I forgot to make, is that you counterexample isn't really a counterexample to the theory - if only because the theory is almost tautologically true: what is a "high status group" other than a group which people have positive feelings towards and want to identify with? What, Me Rich?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- A tautological statement is one for which we could never conceive of a counter-example.
- Whereas metaphor or metonymy name substitutive patterns that underwrite an unthreateningly tautological and propositional definition of truth ( "truth is a trope" in the sense of Introduction
- [551] A pleasant study, in poetic use of imagery and phrase, is the gradation from the bare and grand Lucretian simplicity of _silentia noctis_, through the "favour and prettiness" (slightly tautological though) of the Virgilian _tacitae per amica silentia lunae_, to the recovery and intensifying of magnificence in _dove il sol tace_. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
- This sounds like hard-shell boobocracy even to those of us who think "survival of the fittest" has a faintly tautological whiff. Two Cheers for Hypocrisy
- the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological
- Although The Swan bills itself tautologically as ‘the most unique competition ever’, there's nothing special or shocking about full-body liposuction and total facial reconstruction any more.
- When B provides a counterexample for A's assertion, A redefines "Christian" to mean "a follower of Jesus who doesn't lose his faith", tautologically satisfying his initial assertion. Blind Faith?
- Tautologically, getting imprisoned is pretty bad in its own right, so there must be a decent reason for it. Matthew Yglesias » Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism